

Jackson, MS

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Clerical and Student
I'm here to...
Meet other Christians and Give God Glory!!!!!
Outdoors, my kids, sports, shopping, travel, etc. etc. etc.
I'm passionate about...
Serving Christ, Raising my kids, pursuing my degree and many other things.....
My story with God
I grew up in a home where my parents didn't attend church unless there was a death or the other significant days which were Easter and Christmas. I would go with my grandfather and at the age of 10 accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I always felt I had a calling on my Life and ran from it, not that I did bad things so to speak, however I wasn't doing all I could for my Lord. I married young and my ex-husband was a Christian who was and still is in the ministry. We divorced after 13 years of marriage and that was a struggle. I had failed as a wife and the divorce really was difficult to overcome. I became invoved with someone who seemed liked the most wonderful Christian man a girl could envision and (leaving out alot of details) we weren't portraying traits that Christians should be and I conceived my third son out of wedlock. My other two children are from my ex - husband. God has been very gracious and dealt patiently with me as I have not been a very good example for him, however my son is here and just turned two years old, he doesn't see his biological father nor do I speak to him which saddens me at times that our relationship is what it is now. I'm not perfect and never will be, I'm just a sinner showered in God's mercies and grace and want to live for Him and follow His Will for my life and raise my children to the best of my ability following God's guidance!!!!!!!
Other stuff about me:
Hmmmm...Well I'm a single mother of three sons. My eldest just turned 13, my middle is 10 and my baby is two. I just enrolled to go back to college and finish my degree while I'm working full time. One day I would love to start a unwed mother ministry or doing something.....Not sure, have a ton of idea running through my head!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Please also pray for ISRAEL and all over the world. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.

    In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2

    A message was given recently in which Jesus said, the mansion I went to prepare for you is now finished. All is ready for Me to bring My people home.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B