Deborah Padilla


Wentzville, MO

United States

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I'm here to...
Develope my relationship with God
Computer, cooking, reading, movies, reading my bible, small group, volunteering
I'm passionate about...
Helping those less fortunate than me, sharing inspirational stories to my family and friends, growing closer to God, learning all I can about God and striving each day to be more worthy of God's blessings.
My story with God
Had not been to church for 20 yrs, although I prayed almost daily. I've always beleived in God, just didn't have a personal relationship with him. Last march I was hospitalized with blood clots in both legs and pulmonary embolisms, I told my husband I was so glad that God spared my life and that I needed to make things right with God. Started reading the bible daily, started back to church in June 2010, have joined a small group through church, volunteer at the church as well as working with the elderly.
Other stuff about me:
I've always been rather quiet and kept to myself, guess kind of shy in a way. I have a hard time getting involved with other people, I've actually become quite a recluse, just leave the house to shop, see my doctors, or attend church on sunday. I am trying to be brave and fulfill God's purpose in my life, I know He will equip me with whatever I need to do his will, but I do get a little apprehensive still. I feel I am getting stronger the more my relationship with God developes, so I am confident that I will be able to use whatever talents God gives me along the way to serve others. I have a grown son and daughter, five grandchildren, married, three cats, Lol. I am disabled with spinal arthritis, rhuematoid arhtritis, but am able to get things done, just can't over do or I'll suffer for it, lol.

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  • Amenamen

    Dear sister,

    YES, Jesus LOVEs Y O U...

    The Bible Tells You SO!
  • trevor

    have a nice day God bless .
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>