
32, Female



Profile Information:

Country (not County)
I'm here to...
Encourage and grow in this kingdom of GOD.
Sports and art
I'm passionate about...
Art, creation , love the moon and rain too . .I love interacting with children they are angels, and I'm God's lil princess ;) so yeah that ! :d
My story with God
Constantly seeking Him and growing closer to His heart every time I try.
Other stuff about me:
nothing much really haha

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  • Duwayn

    ohhhh k
  • vishwas

  • Adriaan

    Hi Sis. How are you? Sorry I have been so quiet, but Legerna was with me last week and this week I don't feel to well. How's it going with the sports? I missed you very much.
    You should keep it up
    Father blesses you
  • jaws

    Hi there candy! i hope all is well with you... Be strong in the LORD always and yourself encouraged in this site coz it is God's way for us to be encourage...God bless and have a nice day. jaws is the name my friends used to call me .my email is Keep yourself busy in the LORD always!
  • Adriaan

    It is indeed a wonderful song. it is one of my theme songs for this year. Sis we have an enemy named satan and he always want to take away our joy and peace, because we are so vulnerable when we have lost our joy and peace. But go into your room and read Galatians 5:20, and ask the Spirit that He will fill you anew, as you would do this every morning, so that you would bear the fruit of the Spirit but not only bear it, but be controled by the Spirit. Take heed as well to take up the full armor of God every morning, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus as well, know that we are in a warefare as we read in Ephesians 6. Read 1 Corinthians 13 and ask the Lord as well to fill your heart with this love of God, but not anly is this the love of God but it is His devine nature, and as we want to become more and more like Jesus. I am praying for you.
    Father bless you
  • jaws

    thanks and an just fine and great in life having JESUS as my LORD in this life...I just hope you enjoy life too out there with GOD.Have a nice day sister!!!!God bless you!!!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Girl!!
    How are you doing?
    It has been soo long! Im back moderating now, so watch out!! I have mised you and have missed hearing about all that is going on in your life. I hope school is still awesome for you and that God has blessed you greatly the last few months that you and I have lost touch. Im glad to be back to fellowship. So, dont be a stranger, ok?? I love you!!
  • Jacky

    Hi Candy!

    Good to hear from you! How was your Christmas and New Year?

    I've been very busy lately so I haven't been dropping by the site a lot.

    Hope you're well and still on fire for Jesus..I am sure you are!!


  • David4u


    I hope you are doing well by the grace of god.It was really nice to hear from you. The hunger for god bought me here. And I believe you too share the same hunger.

    Have a blessed day !!

    In Christ,
  • Adriaan

    Hi sis. How are you? My girl is well. I'm not married yet. How is school going?
  • Adriaan

    Congrats!! that is such good news. When are you going to coll?

    How are things going? So you've got a bf?when did this happen?
  • Adriaan

    well that is good news, you sound very happy. Thanks for the nice message. Sorry I have been so quiet, but I don't always find the time to get online. Have a blessed day.
  • Adriaan

    Hi sis, how are you? You be blessed
  • Ratan

    Hi candy..You got a nice name. My sister is alright now, surprisingly she is also studing in class 11, in st.Ann's in Visakhapatnam.
    well, it was nice to hav a glance at ur page..I hope to have a good friendship with you in the Lord. Right now i'm down with cold and throat pain. tomorrow is sunday and I got to preach two messages, in three languages..
    So, which church do you attend?are you involved in church activities like singing in the choir, evangelism, youth group and other stuff like that, hmm it's good to be part of church activities...So, I remain, hoping to hear from you real soooooooon...Ratan
  • Ratan

    hey , by the way, I forgot to tell you that you have great art...keep in up..
    Your frn...Ratan
  • Carla

    Hi Candy.. You are a blessing here..

    keep shining your light for Jesus. :)
  • Theresa

    Hey Candy,
    Yes, keep on shinning and living for Jesus and being an awesome example for your generation. I treasure Jesus who I see in you through your words my precious sister and I bless you today in the name of Jesus and I speak forth on you a life full of His love, peace and joy forever and ever.
    this is so neat how God is using you in His Kingdom and among older Christian group, so neat, God is faithful.
    This book" A Joyful Marriage Fortress" By Terry Scerine is an excellent book for everybody. You will see after you read it, why some kids rebel against God even if they grow up in a Christian home. I believe it will give the Christian who read it an unerstanding of how we can see people through the eyes of Jesus and His words :) and without condemnation.
    The books you mentioned are excellent, I have the Joyce Meyer one already, for adults and teens too, God is so good!
    I hope you like this worship song,
    You are blessed Candy :)
  • Ratan

    I dont advise you to stop your studies, but you can still serve God while you are studying or working, Just by LIVING FOR HIM, AS A LIGHT AND SALT...i'M COMPLETE;Y WELL NOW. tNX A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt for you precious prayers towards me. And remember, I appreciate your readiness to serve God, SInce GOD LOOKS FOR AVAILABILITY AND NOT OUR ABILITY..c u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon...Reply
  • Adriaan

    Hi sis. How are you? Sorry that I haven't replied. I don't get much time to get online, because I'm busy with studies and working in between. How's college? Hope to hear from you soon.

    May the Lord bless you
    Love your bro
  • Ratan

    Hi Candy....I hope you had a gudday so you like to chat wit me for sometime...? hmmmmmmmmm u seems to b busy right now. if possible lets chat...
  • vishwas

    hi candy
    sory i could not reply your posts; anyway, should we join on facebook.

    have a nice life

    god love you

  • kaysha sandlin

    hey candy its kaysha i dont think i ever thanked you for leading me to christ im sorry if i already have though
  • Adriaan

    Hi Sis

    How are you? What happened to you? It has been so long ago since I last heard anything from you. Although I have to be honest as well I don't get much time to get on AAG. How are your family? How are things going with school? I miss you very much. Oh yes, you had so much to tell me, I am still waiting to hear everything.

    May the Lord bless you
    Love your bro
  • Adriaan

    Hi sis. Am I glad to hear from you again. I can't wait for you to share with me all the news. Have a blessed day
  • Alfred David

    Hi Candy
  • David Velasquez

    I know you are not knew here but I still feel like giving you a warm welcome my sis - so great to have you back :)

    I have created groups that might interest you. Check them out and feel free to join.

    This group will make you laugh -

    This group will teach you bible doctrines -

    This group will teach you how to be equipped

    and this one focuses on Godly relationships.

    Be blessed and a blessing
  • David Velasquez

    Awesome play list! I Jack you for a couple of songs, so feel free to take wtv you want from mine - k

    Blessings yonster
  • David Velasquez

  • God's Rocker

    Red Ribbon
  • Deserey Lynn Velasquez

    Thank you for the invite and Welcome! (even though you are not new to AAG) =) God bless you.
  • David Velasquez

    So you talking (gossoping) talking to my girl now hahaha Ok girl you better not be talking about me hehe

    Much Luv yonster.
  • David Velasquez

  • David Velasquez

  • Christopher Kendall

    2Cor 12:9 '"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness God Bless you Christopher
  • Amenamen

    Red Ribbon
  • jolivic montanez

  • jolivic montanez

  • David Velasquez

    For you of course is a BIG - NOPE! HAAHAHAH j/k

    Yes! beautiful tell me if you want to schedule a chat date or if you just want to do it thru messages. ok - k

    Hey i was wondering what was going with you cause i have missed you on the forums girly. You are a bright mind.

    BlessingsDelete Comment

    And you think you have it bad. hahaha
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>
  • candy


  • David Velasquez

    You missed my wedding girly. Love to you sis. I have missed you, what's going on with you and that guy you talked to me about?
  • God's Rocker

    Red Ribbon
  • Sandi

    Hi Candy. Trust all's well with you. I think the time difference between us make's fellowship difficult. Do you want to exchange email addresses? It's alright if you disagree.

    Talk to you soon?


  • Rodney Simon Stuart

    Thank you!! :))))

  • Sandi

    Hey Candy,

       I can't believe the difficulty I'm having trying to track down my messages. It would be frustrating if it wasn't so darn funny. 

       In response....great.....super! Now I just have to figure out how to get you my address. Rest assured I will keep trying. 

  • Write for Christ

    God Bless You
  • geminisandiego

    thank you so much candy!

  • Liz

    Red Ribbon
  • Sandi

    Candy, I hope nothing further get's in the way of this message. I have been trying to respond to you for days but it's feeling like 'all the forces of hell' have been sent to block this fellowship. 1st, I developed an arthritis flare-up in my hand. Then the drugs I had to take for that contributed to many mistakes being made while attempting to communicate. Next, The hangover I experienced from those drugs created further issues and last but not least, my server was down all day yesterday. I'm hoping there will be no further issues to contend with. 

  • Anthony

    Thanks Candy for your prayers.  Sister God Bless u