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Church planting, Orphan home, O
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he love me
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God Bless U

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  • LucyP

    Psalm 117:1 & 2 O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD.

  • a servant (Chris)

    Thank you brother, I am honored to be friends
  • a servant (Chris)


    I enjoied talking yesterday. You and your family, ministry and all you do are in my prayers.  I know you face things that i do not here.  I lift you up high, in Jesus Name.  Thank you for doing all that you do for the Body of Christ.

  • Penny Toman

    God bless you
  • Reji Kadukoikal

  • a servant (Chris)

    Brother thank you for reacking out the way that you have. I was chatting to someothers, trust you understood that yesterday. Thank you for your friendship
  • a servant (Chris)

    Thank you again Pastor for the scriptures that you send.

    You are my friend and I thank you very much, brother 

  • Blessed

    Pas. Radhakrishna's

    We will  claim  God’s promise of Healing. Jesus Heals and He answers prayers. We believe this.

    Proverbs 4:20-22
    My child, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.

    Exodus 15:26
    He said, "If you will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God, and do what is right in his sight, and give heed to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will not bring upon you any of the diseases that I brought upon the Egyptians; for I am the Lord who heals you."

    Psalm 107:19-21
    Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress; he sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from destruction. Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works to humankind.

    Exodus 23:25
    You shall worship the Lord your God, and I will bless your bread and your water; and I will take sickness away from among you.

    Deuteronomy 7:14-15
    You shall be the most blessed of peoples, with neither sterility nor barrenness among you or your livestock. The Lord will turn away from you every illness.

    Psalm 30:2
    O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.

    Isaiah 53:4-5
    Surely he has borne our infirmities and carried our diseases; yet we accounted him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises we are whole.

    Proverbs 17:22
    A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.

    Psalm 103:2-5
    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits--who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

    Psalm 91:3-4
    For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence; he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.

    Psalm 103.3

    He who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,

    Jeremiah 33:6

    "'Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.



  • Mary

    Thank you for being my friend.  Children's church is a great thing. they are so cute. Learning about God at such a young age is a great thing you do. Children need more then ever in this world to know about the Lord.

    Keep up the great work


  • bro bestman



    Sometimes you feel trapped and weary.
    Sometimes it seems like nothing has
    turned out the way that you'd hoped.
    But remember that you're never alone.
    God is with you always.
    You need only open your heart to him,
    and he will ease your pain.
    His light will cut through the darkness,
    and fill you with the sparkle of renewed hope.
    He knows when you're worried.
    He knows when you're feeling blue,
    but he's always there to
    lend you his strength
    and to help you fly.
    You need only have faith,
    and he'll send you a miracle.
    You need only open your arms,
    and he'll wrap you in his loving embrace.
    Let him fill your heart with sunshine.
    Let him touch your life
    with the light of his love--
    it will shine through in everything you do,
    and a sense of unending peace
    and happiness will rule your days.
    In order to fly with the beauty
    and grace of a butterfly,
    you need only believe.

  • bro bestman

    What to Do?...

    What do you do
    when life seems hopeless,
    when you're disappointed,
    in despair,
    when you've lost
    something that held
    meaning to you,
    when tomorrow
    is uncertain?
    You keep trying,
    hoping, and dreaming
    taking one day,
    one problem
    at a time,
    knowing that
    bad luck doesn't
    last forever,
    that tomorrow
    your life could
    turn around.
    All is never lost.
    All is never hopeless.
    Despair doesn't
    last forever.
    And later we
    often find
    that even our
    turned out to be blessings.

    Don't lose hope!

  • Evangeline


    Would you mine sharing your testimony, how you came to Christ?

    And, are a lot of Indians coming to Christ?

    Thanks for the invite.

  • Dearheart

    Hello Pas.Radhakrisna thank you for adding me.


    Greethings, Dearheart^^

  • Richard L. Broch, Sr.

    Brother Radhakrishna,

    Thank you for posting a Bible verse to me each day.

    But..................... my page is filling up with posts.

    I read and study the Bible every day, so I would appreciate you sending my verse to someone who is not familiar with God's word. It would be more effective.


    Thank you, Bro.


    Grace and Peace.

  • Joviena "Pam" Reynaldo

    Blessed day pastor thanks you for adding me as your frends. hope and pray you will send me also a verse every day and  i will share it also to may family and frends. God bless
  • DonnaLynn

    Greetings in Christ Jesus Pastor! Thanking you for the friend request. Have a blessed evening!
  • marty mccrorey

    "By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work."-Genesis 2:2

    hope you have a terrific Sunday!

  • Joviena "Pam" Reynaldo

    Red Ribbon
  • LucyP

  • Dearheart

    butterfly Glitter Graphics -

    Blessings, Linda Dearheart^^

  • Christopher Kendall

    The word of God will not come back to you void yet will full fill it's purpose here Praise God

    Greetings Pastor I am incourage with your messages you are a blessing to me as you sow  the deed of God as this is what I am doing myself God Bless you.

  • Christopher Kendall

    Rev 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And he that heareth, let him say, Come. And he that is athirst, let him come: he that will, let him take the water of life freely.
  • Ella

    Thank you very much Pas.Radhakrishna, I'm honored to be your friend and sister in Christ! God bless you always and the ministry you are in. May God continue to shower you with His love and grace. Love, Ella
  • Lina

    Hi Radhakrishna, thanks for your friendship. I wish you and your family abundance blessings from our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ 

  • Benedict Anthony Andrew 2nd

    So, my brother in Christ, since we have not talked to each other yet, I am curious as to why you have invited me to be  your friend. Yes, we are brothers in Christ. But friends is a much closer work. I am thankful that you have considered me to be your friend. I can not yet see how you consider me worthy  of such. And maybe I am not.

    Tell me about yourself then.

    Let the will of the Lord be done.

    Yours in Christ.

  • Liz

    Red Ribbon
  • Zoie A. de la Cerna, Jr.

    Thank you for adding me as your friend.  God bless you.

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Na Na

    Happy to have you as a friend in Christ

  • Monica@Eqqa

    God bless u guys.... i miss u all!!!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Anna Fox

    Thank you for adding me as your friend Pas.Radhakrishna.

  • Pastor Bob B

  • sandra v villamero

    Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:04 AM

    Tiger and the Fox
    From Tale of the Reed Pipe By Massud Farzan

    A fox who lived in the deep forest of long ago had lost its front legs. No one knew how: perhaps escaping from a trap. A man who lived on the edge of the forest , seeing the fox from time to time, wondered how in the world it managed to get its food. One day when the fox was not far from him he had to hide himself quickly because a tiger was approaching. The tiger had fresh game in its claws. Lying down on the ground, it ate its fill, leaving the rest for the fox.

    Again the next day the great Provider of this world sent provisions to the fox by this same tiger. The man began to think: "If this fox is taken care of in this mysterious way, its food sent by some unseen Higher Power, why don't I just rest in a corner and have my daily meal provided for me?"

    Because he had a lot of faith, he let the days pass, waiting for food. Nothing happened. He just went on losing weight and strength until he was nearly a skeleton. Close to losing consciousness, he heard a Voice which said: "O you, who have mistaken the way, see now the Truth! You should have followed the example of that tiger instead of imitating the disabled fox."

    Reflection Questions
    • In what ways do you feel like the disabled fox?
    • In what ways do you feel like the tiger?
    • Who is the "Voice" in this story?
    • Is it okay for the disabled fox to continue living, or would it be better off either dead or never alive in the first place?
    • Are there any people in your life who are like the disabled fox, but you wish they were more like the tiger?
  • Pastor Bob B

    This Love I Know (by RMC Worship)

    From heaven's orchestra, this song alights
    On ears unable to hear and discern
    A perfect harmony so full of life
    Bids me to leave my discord and return

    Of every symphony that I have heard
    None can compare to pure angelic song
    All others that I hear are so I've learned
    A clanging cymbal or resounding gong

    This love I know, this love I know

    And oh, the sense of worth, I now belong
    To choruses far greater than my own
    I join in with the angel's perfect song
    This love I've only heard has now been shown

    He paid a price I could not pay
    He sacrificed His life away
    Forgiven, I will stand and say
    Oh God, my God, I'll bring you praise!

    This love that brings me through this life of pain
    Allows the deaf to hear and sing again
    This love that brings me through this life of pain
    Allows the deaf to hear and sing again

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Robert Browning

    I completed my series on Seven Awesome Statements from the Cross in my Blog. I the series touch your heart please share them with everyone, so we could make sure our family in heaven will be huge.

    God Bless You,

    Your Brother in Christ

    Robert Browning

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    This Love I Know (by RMC Worship)

    From heaven's orchestra, this song alights
    On ears unable to hear and discern
    A perfect harmony so full of life
    Bids me to leave my discord and return

    Of every symphony that I have heard
    None can compare to pure angelic song
    All others that I hear are so I've learned
    A clanging cymbal or resounding gong

    This love I know, this love I know

    And oh, the sense of worth, I now belong
    To choruses far greater than my own
    I join in with the angel's perfect song
    This love I've only heard has now been shown

    He paid a price I could not pay
    He sacrificed His life away
    Forgiven, I will stand and say
    Oh God, my God, I'll bring you praise!

    This love that brings me through this life of pain
    Allows the deaf to hear and sing again
    This love that brings me through this life of pain
    Allows the deaf to hear and sing again

  • Blessed

    "When Jesus was born, the angels sang "Joy to the World", but the world was not ready to receive him (especially Herod). Herod could not join the angels singing because if he did he would have signed his death sentence as a politician. Only those who had nothing to lose surrendered to the King and gained something the world could never give."  (ilr)

    The Merriest Christmas to you, your family and your Ministry!!!

  • Miss Kitty

    Praise God for you!! I'm so blessed to be your friend. Praise God for all you do, especially those little ones. You have a mansion waiting for you in heaven!! We are working for the other side. We are here for only a short time, we must do everything we can for the glory of the Lord!!!! My heart is so touched by your page. I will be praying for you and your ministry. My Granddaughter I'm raising was prophesied over at 4 yrs old by 11 yr old girl. A friend told me she had spoke over her and what a gift she has. She told me my little girl was sweet as chocolate and that she was going to be a missionary in India and minister in all the hot spots. Then she gave me 3 tootsie rolls, It later hit me that they stood for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! As I thought, She is very dark, black hair and how she would fit in in India, WOW, He designs us for his purpose in every way. He is so amazing and at 9 1/2 yrs old she wants to be a missionary!!!She is such a little prayer warrior!! keeps a prayer journal and the things she says, she is all about God! Praying for Blessings and Love kay