


South Africa

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Country (not County)
South Africa
I'm here to...
Find others who followe Jesus with all their Hearts
Serving God ,Reading. Writing. Praise and Worship, Riding, Archery and Playing the Guitar
I'm passionate about...
Serving God
Praise and Worship
Abuse of any kind
Food and Good Friends
My story with God
He saved me from my sin and set my feet on a firm foundation I was Baptized and came up out of the water singing in tongues. AWESOME . We also knelt together and prayed for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and both ended up lying flat-out on the ground. He and his wife became my mentors and taught me so much about the Lord that “main stream” churches never teach.
Later that Year I started having these “strange” dreams and also seeing snatches of video like visions while I was awake and I really thought I had finally “lost it” I also started hearing this amazing voice which bothered me no end, because only crazy people hear voices…………..
During 1997 I was working in a very Senior Executive Position for a Company who managed the Emergency Medical and Rescue Services for KZN. And God started calling me and telling me to come out and be separate. Knowing this would mean a lot of sacrifice on my part I kind of pushed it away and tried very hard to ignore this very persistent voice.
Eventually it got so bad I could not sleep through the night because the Lord would wake me up and call me. Eventually I just said NO why would I give up everything “I” have worked so hard to achieve and the Lord came back with “It is I who give you strength to get wealth and I can also take it away from you and give it to whom I Please” but I still dug in my heals and tried to put off this “madness” as I saw it and all my friends were going “whoooo you really need to be sure this is the Lord……” So eventually I gave in and asked what He required of me and He said “ you will live as a beast of the field for 7 years so that I can teach you in the way you should go”…………thinking about this was really scary and I still put it off until there came a day that I was retrenched from my Job and the bank took back all the things that belonged to it and I had nothing except a couple of cases of clothing and shoes…… very expensive shoes I might add as I have this need for SHOES…….Some Prada, and Manalo Blahnik and a couple of Jimmy Choos.
So I landed up Homeless on the street with nothing but these clothes and shoes, and no money as the Bank had taken back all the credit cards and the little that I got for the retrenchment was paid out on debts etc. So I found a shop that bought all the clothing and shoes at “much reduced” prices and I invested in some practical street clothes. And here my Discipleship started…….The two most important things I learned in the first three months was that “the Lord takes care of the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and that He has given His Angels charge over my life to keep me safe and protect me. I also learned to Believe Him, to Trust Him and to rely on Him 100%
And He taught me that my spiritual Gift is that of SEER as in the ancient times. Gifted, with Audiology, Dreams and Visions. Seers are always Prophets because they SEE in the Spiritual Realm and then interpret what the Lord Inspires, but not all prophets are SEERS, because they do not always SEE what the Lord is doing. Prophecy is not for instant gratification. (This is called fortune telling) but for the up liftment , correction and edification of the BODY of CHRIST so they may be informed and uplifted and encouraged and disciplined and kept on the right track.
Other stuff about me:
I'm straight, down to earth and not out to find romance, men or nonsence, Just people who serve and follow God

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  • Julia - Woman's Group Leader

    You're invited to join the group "For Women Only." Stop in to ask questions, give feedback, and receive support from other women. Click here to check it out. Once you see the page, click to request access to the group. I hope you enjoy this network!
  • Julia - Woman's Group Leader

    Thanks for requesting an invite to the "For Women Only" Group. You should be able to access the group now. Let me know if you have any problems accessing the features or if you have questions. Welcome!
  • Nienie

  • grace watson

    for the vision is yet for an appointed time;but at the end it will speak and it will not lie though it wait for it; because it will surely come it will not tarry.
  • grace watson

    Red Ribbon
  • grace watson

    [comfort, yes comfort my people says your god. speak comfort to jerusalem and cry out to her warfear is ended that her iniquity is pardon for she has received from all the lord,s hand double for all her sins,, the voice of one crying in the wilderness ''perpare the way of the lord,make straight in the desert a highway for our GOD
  • Nienie

    Thanks my sister praise GOd for His word that is alive and never return to Him void!!
    We awaits His amazing workings in our lives!!
  • kathleen aldea

  • Amenamen

    Red Ribbon
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>
  • David Velasquez

    Welcome to our Community in Christ,

    I have created groups that might interest you. Check them out and feel free to join.

    This group will make you laugh -

    This group will teach you bible doctrines -

    This group will teach you how to be equipped

    and this one focuses on Godly relationships.
  • David Velasquez

  • Mary O


    Thought you'd enjoy this picture. God bless you! :-)
  • Mary O

  • Mary O

    I have some nice pictures in photobucket. I forgot about some of my pictures. Photobucket gives me an avenue for self expression. I'll find a nice picture and put a bible verse or encouraging words with it. It's fun. :-)
    God bless,
  • David Velasquez

    Hey sis -

    What is your name? I just realized I do not know your name. If you don't want to say, you don't have to but i would like to know it. :)
  • David Velasquez

    A pleasure to know you beloved Elizabeth,

    >>I'm straight, down to earth and not out to find romance, men or nonsence

    hahahaha you Are too cool. I love it. So beautiful - girl my Lord bless you abundantly for being a woman of God.

  • David Velasquez

    Please don't think for a minute that i am hard hearted, or unfeeling,Blessing Liz.

  • David Velasquez

    >>Please don't think for a minute that I am hard hearted, or unfeeling,

    My message to you got cut up and I did not noticed it since they do not show until you approved them but this is what I previously had said to you about your statement above. I have never thought of you as a hard hearted or unfeeling person, on the contrary, anyone with the wonderful sense of humor you have can't be that. The fact that you had to balanced your Spiritual gift/Ministry gift with your personal moral structure speaks highly of your maturity in Christ, so I have nothing but love and respect for you beloved.

    I have a feeling me and you would have a riot of a good time if we fellowship in the same church. You have a healthy sense of humor and me; well I just love to laugh.

    So tell me what kind of research do you do?

    Lords blessing to you and your home Liz.
  • David Velasquez

     You said: their grand parents were in this church and their parents and now they and their children are here,

    This is a beautiful thing when the ministers are healthy in doctrine and practice, but if not it creates a horrible wall that only God can break. I am familiar with both cases and I have learn to do (As I am sure you have) to do God’s will and not care (not in a negative way) how is received as long I am doing what God calls me to do and trust that God will do the rest for I can only do what He called me to do and changing situations and the human heart is His business though incredibly enough He has chosen to work through us. What a Privilege. Like you I enjoy those situations and God helped me to establish balance to continue to love those hard to love in the family and yet be stern when He calls me to be so. It is difficult because you are in their territory they think and reminding them that is not theirs but the Lords is something they don’t seemed to understand. Press on sis you are among the few but among the ones who God is with, so if God is for us, who can be against us at the end of the day. Haha

    You work in Nursing and Critical Care Research for a number of Professors hu, Wow impressive and sounds like something I would totally enjoy doing myself, very cool. I thought that kid with the hair standing was your kid sis. Do you have any? I am still waiting to enjoy that blessing if the Lord wills, if not as you know we are eternal , so I will enjoy it in my eternal state.

    Praise God and press on sis.

  • David Velasquez


  • David Velasquez

    Misty Edwards as you - are a true blessing to the body. I don't know your walk personally, but your posts and the Spirit baers witness with your spirit. Like the prophets of old you seemed to have no problem proclaiming the word of the Lord regardless of persecution etc... That is precious and as a minister of the His word I love you very much for doing so.


    God continue to use you and blessed you with the boldness prophets are call to have, a burning passion for His holiness so none can speak rightly speak evil when God's servants speak.


    Laters my sister and co-worker in the faith we are called to keep.

  • David Velasquez

    I hope we fix the issue we are having with posting youtube vids soon, but here is the link of the vide I send you today. 


  • David Velasquez

    Hey sis I pray I did not offend in any way since that is not ever my intention. When you asked me if the message was really for you I am not sure if you mean it in a good way or in a bad way lol so please tell me if somehow my last message convey maybe something I did not mean to get across. A part form a couple of typos all else is simply me saying you are a beautiful woman of God :)


    I was trying to chat with you missy but you never acknowledge me :( I feel so neglected and rejected hahaahahah NOT but quite ignoring girl. Hehe J/K but not kidding about chat.

  • David Velasquez

  • Liz

    My pleasure.........actually a priveledge. Be blessed sis

    Yes, it is a great thing to be use by our heavenly father to help our brothers and sisters in their walk in Christ Jesus.All glory goes to GOD
  • Darrell Burnett

    Red Ribbon
  • David Velasquez

    love to you - woman of God - How are things overthere? Still rioting?

  • David Velasquez

  • David Velasquez

    Liz -


    When I run across this kind of pics I you come to my mind and I thank God for Godly woman like you. I love you with Godly love - no malice or flesh, but I am blessed to know you are my family. I know you got issues haahaha we all do, but you know as I know that is all about God, is All about Jesus.

    We shine because of God in Us. Amen beloved? Amen...

  • joseph

    God bless u
  • David Velasquez

  • David Velasquez

    Hey - i might start charging you for all this great music ahahaha Naw - all i want is that you remember me in your prayers beloved.

  • David Velasquez

  • David Velasquez

    It's time for me to Pastor. :)

  • David Velasquez

  • helvi ndatega

  • David Velasquez


    Much love to you my friend and sister. Co-worker in the faith. My God richly bless you with your heart's desires.

  • Melinda Stanaland

    Red Ribbon
  • Melinda Stanaland

    Things are going well. His Best Man is in the Army and he will be here June 14th.  I can't believe next week is the week before the wedding!


  • Liz

    Red Ribbon

    Red Ribbon
  • Liz

    Red Ribbon
  • David Velasquez

    I have not fogotten about you girl/sista. Love and blessings to you.

  • Jayaseelan Samuel

    Thank you for all your prayers !!!
  • Liz

    Luv u too sweetie, mwahhhh
  • David Velasquez


    I am sure you will enjoy this concert. I hope all is well with you beloved.

  • Liz

    Red Ribbon