Meet people who are possibly on the same path of finding Jesus Christ and learn about other Christian experiences
I don't have many although I've become more interested in Christian programming such as Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Joseph Prince and Andrew Wommack.
I'm passionate about...
Communication. I am very much an outspoken person who believes in using that particular power as God granted us a voice for a reason.
My story with God
Although I do love God my faith in Him is one that is very weak. I have never had much faith in any area of my life due to past experiences and disappointment. Unfortunately that has carried over to my relationship with God and Jesus Christ as well. I would truly love to improve that. I believe that is the only way I will manifest faith in other areas as well.
Other stuff about me:
I am normally a very humorous person who loves to laugh and make people laugh. I can be very guarded but would like to knock down those walls and maybe grow as an individual.
David Velasquez
Welcome to our Community in Christ,
I have created groups that might interest you. Check them out and feel free to join.
This group will make you laugh -
This group will teach you bible doctrines -
This group will teach you how to be equipped
and this one focuses on Godly relationships.
Aug 30, 2011