
Profile Information:

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united states
I'm here to...
To make friends and learn more about God
My name is yolanda and Iam from Newyork city I like to go to church and take my son to the park I like to go shopping and watching movies and traveling.
I'm passionate about...
Life and all of the little things

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  • DiscipleOfYeshua7

    hey thank You for the request! :-D yeah Matisyahu is one of my favorie artists I had his Youth Album and a bunch of other songs but unfortunately my i-pod stopped working for no reason, so I'm limited to just bumpin his songs on my PC, He's got a new EP out called Shattered, its only got 4 songs and its a lot different than his previous stuff, but I tell u what its a lot better than most of the stuff out on the radio right now! Well here you have a friend and brother in Christ, God Bless You and take care!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Yolanda!
    Thank you for wanting to be friends! How sweet. Thank you. I like what you have shared on your page. You and I are similar in alot of ways. I have a little boy and his name is Chase. He turned four in December. Right before Xmas. My birthday is right after Xmas. Boy, we got lucky didnt we?? (NOT!) Anyway, my daughter is Danielle, Danny for short, and she turned one in August. I never thought I would have kids, nor to be honest, before Christ I didnt want kids at all! The doctors said that I couldnt have kids so that was ok with me. Well, then, I got saved. and then,...pregnant. Hmmm those doctors really know thier stuff now dont they? But anyway, I love them dearly, but still really struggle with being a mom. I never thought Id have kids, so therefore I never wanted any experience with them. My life was all about me and no one else! Well over the course of many years, I was in to sin soo bad that I almost died and was left homeless because my life was all about me. I had to learn the hard way that me, myself and I could not save myself nor make me genuinely happy. I couldnt even love anyone else in a happy healthy way. Well, ok, Ill stop gabbing. I just have one heck of a testimony that would definately prove to alot of people that there is a God that can do miracles! That is for sure! But yes, I am a real person, who has daily struggles even though Im a Christian. I dont walk around haughty or that IM holier than thou by any means. "I am only saved by grace through faith lest any man should boast!" So, friend, I thank you again for wanting to be my friend. It really blesses me. U r awesome! Tell me more about yourself and your little one, or one's?
    God Bless you sister!!
  • Paige Robertson


    "Leave your troubles with the Lord and He will defend you;He never allows an honest man to be defeated!" Psalms 55:22
    Good one, huh?
  • Paige Robertson

    SmileyCentral.comHello Beautiful!!
    How has your day been? How are the kiddos? I pray that all is going well for you and that the Lord is strengthening you each minute,each hour, and each day that He gives you to do His will. It is not a mistake that you are here. I believe that everyone who is a member here is here for a divine purpose. Whether it is for a few weeks or a few years. I have been here already a year and 4 months already. Its cool. I odnt really belong to any other Christian site just because Im satisfied just being here. I dont need to really go anywhere else. One site is all I can handle. So, I hope you hang out here with us for a while. You are a awesome lady and again I appreciate the fact that you are so willing to make friends here especially me. Im touched.
    God Bless you,
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello beautiful!
    Miss you. Sorry that it took soo long for me to write back. I was gone alot yesterday and gone in the evening too. I had the best evening. I went to a home fellowship group and we had a party. I met one of the greatest men in the world there. Oh man, he is on fire for the Lord. He is a handsome african american pastor of a church called "The church of Cod" here in Utah. he has got a testimony that would blow your socks off. Now I thought I knew alot of the people in the hood and in the club scene back then, but I didnt know him. He was locked up many times for drugs,theft,car jacking, etc and now is a pastor of a church and he goes out on the streets and evangelizes to the homeless, the gangs, the poor and the schools. Oh man! It was very encouraging and very inspiring. I feel like God put him there to chat with me for HOURS! OMG..luckily my son behaved or I probably wouldnt even be at that party for 5 minutes. lol. But he gave me the best Christian rap and hip hop I have ever heard. Wel,, I havent heard that much and wanted to have some for my music collection. To me its all about the music. God talks to me through music. How about you??
    Well, sister, Ill quit talking...I hope to hear from you soon!
    God Bless you!!
  • Tina

  • Tina

    Hi empress, I hope things are better for you, and you are finding peace in Jesus. Have a blessed Sunday.

  • Tina

    Hi empress, You like silent films too? LOL. I thought I was the only one. If you get Turner Classic Movies (TCM), they show silents on Sunday nights at midnight. Sometimes they are on at other times, and day's too. Also sometimes you can find them in dollar store's on DVD.
  • Tina

  • Lucas Barrows

    We have now got our new building opened to the public and thank you for your prayers.
    God bless.
    Lucas Barrows. HPA - Hoxton Park Anglican.
  • Desree

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello sweet sis,
    FYI I left you a message. I hope you get it. It will only let me write soo much then I had to go back and write another one. So, IIm sorry that you got 3 seperate messages. I hope you get what I said. There is alot of help around here if you ask someone about it. There is a christian counselor here that I can let know about you. She is a great help. I may connect with her again too.
    But anyway, Do not feel bad . You are definately not alone. People who say they are perfect, or that they dont have a problem with this or that, are liars. God can see thier hearts and He can see yours. He sees your struggles, and He understands the root cause of the hurt and sadness you are going thorugh. So, trust HIm because you are on your way to where you are to go in Him.... I hope I have helped you. I love you!! Be yourself!
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

    Hello Empress,
    How are you doing? I hope you are doing good and feeling good. I havent heard back form you and I started thinking that maybe I said something wrong. I may have come across wrong in my email. It is sometimes hard to express what Im meaning in an email. If I were to talk to you on the phone it would be alot easier. So, if I got you upset, Im sorry. I get a little too passionate in helping people who deal with this issue and I tend to say things that come across wrong. Sorry.... Anyway, how are you feeling? Im doing ok, but IM lacking a good amount of sleep. I didnt sleep last night or the night before. I had alot on my mind. Plus my son got up in the middle of the night with a fever so that wasnt fun. He doesnt like medicine so I had to pin him down to get it down him or else it was a trip to the doctor and I didnt want to even do that. Id have to take the baby and make sure my son doesnt throw a complete temper tantrum. If he did, he would bail out of that office like he saw a ghost and I couldnt catch him with a baby carrier in my hand!! Oh, man! Anyway, so that is the excitement in my life. How is your little one? He is a cutie!! So, keep in touch and let me know if I can be of any help with things. I am your friend and I will always be there for you.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my friend,
    I MISS YOU!!!! How are you???
    I know,..I know,...I have been a bad friend. I havent been around for a little while. But, to be honest, I really just had to. I had some really bad days and I wouldve done no one any good if I was online. All I'd do is complain and whine about how crappy my life is and how lonely I am and this, and that, and etc, yada, yada, yada. You know what I mean? If you are a human,you would. Our an honest,hormonal human! Oh man! We are talking MAJOR hormones!! Watch the heck out!!!!
    Anyway, Im feeling better enough now to be a little more positive, and plus I had to get back in touch with you, sister!! How are you doing, sweetie? How is the kids? I pray that you are finding your strength,courage, and hope in Him as you go day by day in His will for your life. I am soo happy that no matter what, He is there and there is nothing I can do to lose His love. Isnt that cool? and we dont even have to earn it! Gee, I came from a performance based upbringing and it is soo hard to grasp his unconditional love for me sometimes. But He is the Truth, so I have to believe Him.
    Well, I hope to hear back from you soon. We will have to catch up on things. God Bless you and I hope you have had a great day in Him!!
  • Paige Robertson


    Hello !!!
    How are you! Isee that you are online. Id love to get in touch with you, Have you contacted a Christian counselor? A therapist? I still go to a therapist once in a while. I dont see the harm of it. He knew me back in my before Christ days so he knows where Im coming from. He is amazed at how far Ive come and I credit all to the Lord. But I stll have a way to go. But anyway, I hope to hear fromyou again. God Bless you and yours!!
  • Carla

    Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all other things will be given to you.
  • Carla

    Hi Empress..

    Thank you.... The weather here is C-O-L-D! :) I feel like we are living in the Ice Age! :).... Right now it is -15. In some parts of Ontario it gets to -40. Well...by mid March our season starts to change. We have a pool :) which we will open in May.

    How are you doing these days? You are such a stunning lady....and daughter of our King.

    Here is a verse that I needed to hear today, and I am now passing it on to you..

    Jeremiah 32:17
    O Sovereign Lord. You made the Heavens and the Earth by Your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is to hard for You.

    Love and Blessings in Christ, Carla
  • ayegate

    Be encouraged empress that God allows us to go through storms of life to strengthen us for what the future holds.Trials will come and go but be strong because all shall pass away at God's perfect timing.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello girlfriend!!
    Ho ware you? I havent heard from you in a while. What has God been doing in your life? Has there been any healing the last couple of weeks? I know you were struggling. I think everyone is to some extent or another. I have been too. Just know that if you are being attacked, it is cuz something good is about to come around the corner! Look at it that way. I try to change my thinking, but its hard. i wish God would take it all away!! I want t miracle breakthrough man!!! Have you tried a therapist?? Deborah Bauers is a counselor here on the Net. She has helped me alot. I know that she will bless you too. How is the darling boy of yours? He is sooooo cute!!! Ohhh I just want to squeeze him!!! You did good!! I also like your new pics. very nice. You are beautiful. Well, I must go for now, but lets chat sometime. I look forward to hearing from you!!
    God Bless you!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Thank you for the message! Nice words you have given me!! Gee, Im not worthy!! hee hee..
    You are doing well, sister. You are taking care of yourself and that is a smart thing! Im proud of you. I need to do that more often! I tend to forget myself. But then again Im still trying to figure out who exactly I am and what God has for me..KNow what I mean??
    Im glad that we have a good God, a just God, a God that is always there and that is what I need! Lonliness plagues me, and worry consumes me. That is why I need help 24/7. God has brought me and you out of soo much, and restored us and our lives. I wouldnt be here to talk to you now.
    I hope you have a great weekend with your darling boy. Keep me posted on things.
  • felixpadua

    hello, your profile says you're a male. but you look so girlie. nice to meet you here. i am felix from the philippines.
  • felixpadua

    there you are empress yolanda. so what do you for a living? are you working now? god bless you and your child.
  • felixpadua

    i don't know how to do that. i'll get a tutor to help. in fact i want to build a colorful page but i'm not internet savvy.
  • felixpadua

    your second time to use lol. what does that mean? there are new words i am getting here, like brb, gtg, etc. forgive my ignorance of internet slang. hugs to your little one. you know i have this 6 year old grandson -kian, who made my golden years glowing more.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my friend!
    How are you doing??
    May God richly bless you and keep you as you go on and move on day by day. I am glad that God is with me and for me. We are soo lucky to have this hope and this meaning to live. I tend to go into a pity party easily and it sucks. I have had a few this week and it messes me up. I want to be a powerful disciple of Christ but cant if i keep thinking negative. So what have you done to "renew your mind" and be the person He wants you to be? Its hard, I know!!
    How is your boy?? Does he know alot about God? Does he understand? My boy is gettin there. I talk about God ,pray,and I listen to the worship music, so he hears that. But I think he is confused as yo how God is with him all the time and that God is in him. He just cannot grasp that. I dont blame him! i sometimes get overwhelmed about it myself. Well, honey, I hope that you are hanging in there alright.Life can be a struggle, but let us not stumble. The one in you is bigger than the one in the world!
    Love you!! Take care!!
  • Ms.Sharanda

    God Bless you Sis. Have a Wonderful Day!!!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello sis!
    How are you doing?
    Lord, I lift my sweet sister to you Lord in your holy name my Lord. Please grant her peace of heart as she goes about each and every day and a stronger faith in knowing that you are soverein and that you will give her the faith to endure whatever comes her way. Bless her son Lord with a bright ,prosperous future and hope. May he know you and love you all of his life. and if he falls Lord, please forgive him and lift him up to you again, Lord. I thank you of rEmpress, Lord. She is a beautiful sister in Christ. Thank you, in Jesus name, Amen.
    Love you,
  • Charlene

    Hey empress, all is good on my end just wanted to drop you a note and say I hope you are extremely blessed as well :) what church do you go to in brooklyn?
  • felixpadua

    yes, with the help of bev and my my daughter bea who guided me to put the picture in my page. GBU.
  • Paige Robertson

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry Saw you online! How are you doing?? I hope you are well. How is the baby boy? He is such a cutie! What have you been up to this weekend?? I hope you are having a good one. God Bless you and I hope that you are finding comfort in His arms at this time. Im here if you want some help. You can talk to me about anything. Love you,
  • Paige Robertson

    Love you, and Im there for you...
    "What shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31
    God Bless,
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello sister,
    Im just checking in again. Just have been thinking about you. I hope today is a blessing to you.
  • felixpadua

    wow, watched your pictures, if you sing well, you'll be a hit at american idol.
  • Dee

    It was so wonderful talking to you,i'm glad to fine this website to become a part of and meet all the good people of God!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Empress!
    How has your day been? I pray that it was a good one. God is faithful and just to be there for you and carry you through each day. How are you feeling emotionally? I pray that that is getting a little better for you and that you start to feel the love of God fill your heart,body and soul. I have had a hard few days and it has really wiped me out. So I havent been online that much. Sorry that I have been kind of a stranger. Dont mean to. I love you and miss you hoping you are feeling ok. Things are ok here. Its just way too cold outside!!! Brrrrrr. We have lots of snow and ice! It makes it scary to drive!!
    Well, I hope you are having a great week and I hope you had a great Valentines day!
  • Ms.Sharanda

    Hi Sis.. Praying you have a Blessed Weekend filled with the Love of God. He loves you soooo much. God Bless you.
  • Desree

    Hello sister , its good hearin from u as well yes long time no hear hope all ok with u and family as for me one day at a time still looking for a job. pray i get one asap . thanks love des.
  • Charlene

    LOL nooooooo lol my lil one is a girl hahahaha smh i kno i need to do her hair more but dang girl LOL
  • Charlene

    roflllll its okay sis ty ty lol your lil one is so cute with his cheese smile i could just eat him up lol, have you lived in ny all your life?I loved here pretty much all my life except a year during my rebellious teens.
  • Charlene

    wow! thank you so much for sharing with me yolanda, I made things extremely hard for my family too, I thank God everyday for restoring the broken relationship between me and my father, we were able to become closer than ever before his passing 5 days before i had my son, I am just so grateful to have another chance to get it right and am learning to be grateful through all circumstances and try to take something from everything!!
  • Charlene

    Hey yolonda, hope you found the info i sent you useful:)! I trust all is good with you and that God is providing for your every need! Love ya sis im here if you need anything
  • Paige Robertson

    How are you doing??
    I dont hear from you anymore!!! I miss you like crazy.
    I havent been online that much because of all that is going on in my life lately. I have been really busy too. I am painting a house and it has been a real project. Its a blessing to do, but it still can take a toll on the back! Whoa, I tell you if I dont take a break and stretch out my back, it hurts!!! I have 2 disk herniations and I need surgery, but I just cant take the risk of an operation going bad. So, I got to live with the pain. Anyway, WHAT IS UP GIRL???? I miss the fellowship we used to share. I feel kind of left out, but oh well. I used to be here to moderate alot, but my schedule and my priorities just wont allow me to do so. You will always be a good freind of mine. So will Charlene. I love her too. We will have to chat sometime. I have tried to chat with you on alot of occasions but havent been able to get you. So Ill keep trying. Im here now, so if you get this message in the next few minutes, IM me!!!
    Love you
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello sista!
    How are you?? Thank you for leaving me a message! I really appreciate it. Good to hear from you soo soon. What a blessing.
    So, you have called me? hmmmmm, I havent seen you on my caller ID? That is too wierd! Well, try me again,ok? Chances are that I havent been here because I have been at church doing things or painting, or doing something else. Im not at home very much lately. Please leave a message for me,alright? I know alot of people dont like to leave messages, but please do this time,ok? Id love to hear your lovely voice.
    So, pleae tell me all that God is doing,sister! I bet he is taking you from glory to glory right? With children, you always need Gods love,comfort and strenght on a daily basis. Im soo afraid for my kids. I cant seem to get out of the whole fear mode about them. Fear is useless I know, and I know all the scripture about it, but I have been so addicted to it for soo long that it seems like its weird to not have it, know what I mean? I still dont know if I should home school or not. Still torn, but I better hurry it up and decide!!! I need someone to light the fire under my butt sometimes!!! Actually, God is pretty good about that at times!!
    So how is your little one? He is soo cute! You are blessed to have him, and a loving and supportive mother. Oh, and by the way, Im not with my mother while Im painting. She has moved out and Im doing a "makeover" on it to sell it. So, its actually GOOD that she isnt there or else she would drive me crazy!!! lol. No, I love her, but I cant work around her. She makes me nervous.......gasp,.
    So thank you for your encouragement and love as I venture out paint the world. You are soo nice to take your time out to care.
    Thank you, and I will chat with you soon? Hopefully, Ill catch you on the chat!!!!
    In Him
  • felixpadua

    hi yolanda, have you been watching american idol? i love that show, but it's not shown to us live.
  • felixpadua

    you have a new look there -curly curls, that's the greatest look you have, empress yolanda.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello girl!
    I really enjoyed our conversation the other day. I am soo blessed that we got to chat a bit. I think about you alot and I always think how cool it would be to meet up someday. I wish I had lots of $, Id fly out thre in a sec!!! We would have soo much to talk about!!!! Please give me a ring sometime! 1-801-544-5778. Leave a message because chances are Ill be painting and I wont be home. So leave me a message and Ill give you a jingle back! But, anyway, I want you to know that you are never alone. The Lord can see your tears and your pain. Even if you act like nothing is wrong, God can see right through you. You are acceptable in Him no matter what. You are beautiful. You are beautiful to me and I have never met you. God Bless you always!! May He continue to guide you and guard you all the days of your life!!!! Love you, and please keep in touch. Im sorry that I havent been around that much. I have been painting almost every day which is cool, but soo tiring!!! Weww, its a killer! But, its all good!
    Take Care,
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my friend,
    Its been a while and I havent heard much from you. I havent been here that much, but I thought for sure that I wouldhear from you somehow. I sure enjoyed our talk a few weeks ago. I will never forget it. I want to help you as much as I can. You really helped me too. You are always on my heart and I wish we could meet up one day. It would be soo great to see you face to face,and our kids could play together. That would be cool. Someday maybe? Lord willing? So, what else is going on with you? I want to hear an update as to what is goin on. Let me know. Im doing ok. I am tired alot, but that is from painting. Im getting sleep, but dont sleep till late. Anyway, I love you and I look forward to seeing around here again. We will have to chat again. Let me know a day and time youd like a date on chat.
  • SIM

    Dear Yolanda!
    Thank you so much for nice words. You will be a blessing to me surely. I am privileged connecting to you. God Bless!
  • SIM

    I would like to present you my Ministry Vision and Activities here in India.

    Would you kindly glance few links to pray and support us.
    Vision&Mission Statement of SIM-

    My Story-

    Fate of few prostitute girls here-

    Glory to Jesus Christ,
    (as SIM in All About God)
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href="http://bit.ly/dg4vGg">http://bit.ly/dg4vGg</a>