
, Female


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Retired from regular work, Working for my King!
I'm here to...
Share with and encourage other Christ followers
Spending time with God, studying HIS Word, singing, praying, worshipping, spending time with family, cooking & eating, gardening, scrapbooking, reading Christian books.
I'm passionate about...
My daily walk with Jesus, and discovering more and more about the pure and holy nature of God.
My story with God
My background is Roman Catholic. I never knew growing up that I could have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I was living for myself, doing whatever I pleased, gambling, drinking, partying, telling off-colour stories, dabbling in the occult, yet still going to church on Sundays.
The first time I read the Bible was in 1979. For six months, I was travelling by train four hours a day to get to my job in another city. During this time, I read the New Testament over and over, and really enjoyed reading about Jesus. I found the stories amazing. Even though I was reading the Bible, the revelation of God's truth did not yet get through to me.
Then in 1997 I had another nudge, while exercising. I distinctly heard a voice say: 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God.' It was so bizarre, that I looked around to see who was talking. No one was in the house. I made a note in my journal, of what I heard that day.
Then in 2003, on April 12th, I was attending an Alpha Course where we could ask all the hard questions. We were discussing 'Who is Jesus?' and 'Why did He die?' I realized that I needed to make a choice. The facilitator said that I could be sure of where I would go when I died, and I wanted to be sure. I was at home all by myself, when I invited Jesus into my heart. He came in so lovingly and I experienced real forgiveness for the first time in my life. I was exhilarated and joyful, and I still am.
My husband, Tony did the Alpha Course with me, and said the sinners prayer the following week, but he did not have the experience of being saved until later. It happened on January 6, 2005, while he was listening to a taped message by Jack Frost, 'Hindrances to Receiving the Father's Love'. He then had the awareness: 'It's not about me, it's about Jesus'. What an amazing revelation. Now God had his attention, and his heart. You really know when God has a hold of you. We are both so thankful that we can serve our King together. We are growing in His love and knowledge. God is so Good!
The two most exciting things in my life were when my daughter, Carla, gave her heart to Jesus on October 1, 2006, after I prayed with her, and God delivered her from anxiety. My son Rob gave his heart to the Lord on July 1, 2007 while while we were visiting him. We drove 8,000 km on that journey, and it was a pleasure. All the stories are amazing. These precious ones are all on fire to spread the love of God to others. Thank You, Jesus! You are the One who saves us all. Now we are praying for household salvation. There are still a few more to come.
Other stuff about me:
My husband and I both have a heart for mission work. Last winter we built a home in Jequetepeque, Peru. Hopefully it can be used as a respite for missionaries in need of a rest. We plan to serve God, wherever we are, here in Canada, or at our home away from home in Perú. God is great! HE is good all the time!

I choose to serve God, and day-by-day am learning to live in His will, and to trust and obey HIM. HE is my King!. I do not lose sight of the fact that I am a sinner saved by HIS grace. I am a grateful daughter and I know what I've been saved from. I plan to live in blessings from now on, and to occupy until He comes for me, or until I go to be with Him.

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  • Carla

    Thank you for the note.. I love you and you know I need your prayers and always can feel them. I hope to talk to you soon. What day are you home?

    Love you ..Give my Love to Tony.. Blessings, Carla
  • felixpadua

    i read your article on healing, i learned something new about healing today. God bless you always.
  • kathleen aldea

    Soul food for the Day: The CENTER...

    The center chapter of the BIBLE is Psalm 118.. there are 594 chapters before and after Psalm 118
    And if we will add this we will get 1188... in which the center verse of the BIBLE is PSALM 118:8
    What is the significant of Psalm 118:8 in God's perfect will for our lives?
    It is better to trust in the LORD, than to put confidence in man.-- Psalm 118:8
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    When things get tough, always remember faith doesn't get you around trouble..
    it gets you through it!
    When you relinquish the desire to control your future you obtain happiness...

    Father God, bless my friend in whatever it is that you know he/she may be needing this day....
    May their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have closer relationship with you. Amen...

  • Pastor Bob B

    What joy to hear from you my sister. I was going to leave you a note also when i saw your face on Carla's blog, but got pulled away. I am very busy these days. I am greeting all the men who come onto AAG now. I love it so much as I get to minister to many seekers and new Christians.
    I remember you mentioning The Alpha course. this Wed. I will be leading the Alpha Course in my Churches Foundations, small group. My pastor have been seeking the lord for many months about a new believers group for our church. God made it clear that this was the one he wanted us to do. Plus when my pastor was checking out the course with a pastor friend, who has a campus ministry, who then gave us several hundred dollars worth of materials that he had. He had created his own materials to use on the campus where he was ministering and had the materials waiting for us. We are going to send him a missionary offering to bless his work.

    I am so excited about it and know that God is going to do a very special work through it. I praise God that he also has led me in some very specific ways in the last few months.

    I can't wait to hear about all your adventures with God that you have had over the months that you have been gone.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Carla

    Hi Mom.. Thanks for your notes of encouragement and Love.

    We are all so excited for you both to be home. Praying for your safe return.
    The weather is warming up here nicely. Today we had 30 degrees. I'm going to be starting on my garden soon.. I love you guys...~Carla
  • kathleen aldea

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic time to msg me huh???

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic are thinking of sending me a msg now???

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Choooo cho chweet of you......

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    Come on...send it across...i'm waiting for your "hi"..

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic long I have to wait???

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    What???? No need to wait??? WOW!!!

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    Image and video hosting by TinyPic waiting!

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    Hey I'm watching you so do send a hi soon...

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    Hey don't u miss meeee...??

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    Hmm...tired of typing...

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    I'll just say it for you then...

    Hello!!!! I Miss U So Much....

    Each moment in a day has its own value
    Morning brings Hope...
    Afternoon brings Faith..
    Evening brings Love....
    Night brings Rest...
    Wish you find them all today.

    click to comment
    Remembering is the heart’s own way
    Of holding loved ones close
    And keeping us in constant touch
    With those who mean the most.
    Remembering is the heart’s own way
    Of sending loving thoughts today!
    A friend is someone we turn to
    When our spirits need a lift,
    A friend is someone we treasure
    For true friendship is a gift.
    A friend is someone we laugh with
    Over little personal things,
    A friend is someone we’re serious with
    In facing whatever life brings.
    A friend is someone who fills our lives
    With beauty and joy and grace
    And can make the world that we live in
    A better and happier place!
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  • Carla

    Hi Mom...

    Welcome Home! Yay! Can't wait to see you both and give hugs...

    Love you.. will see you soon.
  • Carla

    Hi Mom.. so nice to see you the other day. Thanks so much for coming over for dinner and cooking the meal and cleaning up! :)

    ....,On That note! Happy Mother's Day. I love you Mom. God has certainly blessed me with a fantastic mom. Love you.~me
  • kathleen aldea

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  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Dear Sister, It is good to hear from you. I remember you mentioning that you were doing the Alpha course in your church. I am just finishing up the 10 weeks in my church, It has been awesome. We had seen 3 people saved and we have been totolly blessed by it all. I will be running it 2 times a year in the church , spring and fall. Next fall I have dicided to teach the lessons myself to make it more our own. Eating together has also caused us to get to know each other more, plus our weekly prayer group is after the group and most of the group have started coming to the prayer group also.

    So are you home yet or still on the field? Man has the net grown since you have been away. I am a greeter and love it because of all the new believers. I have over 900 Neinie and I were saying we would be in a lot of trouble if our friends all wrote at once. lol.

    God's blessings be with you always dear sister.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Mary Ann,
    Please keep an orphanage in Tijuana Mexico as they are trying to buy the building where they have over a hundred children, many are rescues from the sex slave industry.

    They poured a lot of money into the building and now these greedy landlords want to take the building. They call the building The Purple Palace. Part of there team of rescuers was murdered last year who was a policeman. The enemy has a terrible stronghold there.

    A lady from my church and her teenage son are organizing a group of christian bands to have a fund raiser to help them buy the building. Pray with us that God will abundantly bless this fundraiser for these children who need a safe place to grow up.

    Please pray also for myself, my friend Roberto, and a Pastor Roland We are starting a ministry for a group of 22 young men from Guatemala who are working in a slate factory. They live in a warehouse and do not speak English.

    Roberto is a wonderful Christian brother who is from Guatemala where he had to flee from 20 years ago when the corrupt government was seeking to kill all educated collage graduates and Christians. He has been a member of my church for years and one of my dearest friends.

    He is an Evangelist and has the gift of faith. I had a vision a year or so ago of me preaching to a group of Latinos with him interpreting. I thought I was going to be going to Mexico or central, South America, but I think this is what God was showing me.

    That is awesome that you are going to Peru full time. They are so blessed to have you and your husband. Carla will miss you guys, but you must be about your Fathers work.

    It was your testimony that made me take a look at the Alpha Course. I might not have even taken a look at it except I had had seen the excellent foundation of faith God had put in your life. So you get to share in some of the fruit when we get to Heaven.

    My Dog woke me up at 3 am because she had to go out and I am glad I stayed up to share with you and spend some time in prayer. I feel such a stirring in my heart and want to live a Spirit controlled and filled life for the honor and the glory of our God. Be blessed always!

    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

    We had our finish meeting last night with the Alpha Course where I shared with them your testimony of finding Christ through Alpha, and your plans to move to Peru to serve the Lord. I also told them it was your testimony on line that was part of God's plan to bless our church.

    There is already a singles ministry brewing for older folks 40+ and I am so amazed at how God has ministered and matured those who have participated in the group, and how God has knit our hearts together. Some of them want to do it again in the fall. I can't wait to start again September 2nd. My Pastor came and ate with us also and I was blessed when a man who was saved on the 4th week of coming to the group, John presented me a gift from the group.

    God bless you with every good thing my sister. Please remember me Sunday as I am preaching at church on the Holy Spirit my favorite subject.

    Coming to know the Holy Spirit is amazing, I love Him so much and can't imagine a day without his blessed touch in my life. Have a blessed day.
    In the great love of Jesus
  • joseph dillon


  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Sister, I made it through my teaching at church today. It was a bit nerve racking to minister to your own church family, but I had a number of people come up to me after and tell me that it touched their heart.
    I gave them a lot to think about and most likely rocked some boats.
    Have a wonderful afternoon and God bless.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Ron Payne

    To my faithful friends, Ann and Tony,
    Good day to both of you. YES! YES! God is truly magnificent and beyond all words of possible description. How fortunate we are to have been chosen to have a relationship with Him and each other. I believe when we see Him face to face we will be amazed at how incompetent we were in trying to bring Him into focus.
    It's good to be back with fellow Christians. Waiting at the Airport to return home, I struck up a conversation with a man. Sadly I listened as he spoke to me a total stranger, loudly using four letter words without any concern for me.
    Each time he swore I quietly asked the Lord to forgive him. I realised that there was no way I could penetrate his conscience and made an early exit. He has been on my mind and in my heart, wondering how bad was I when I was outside the will of my Father. My prayer is: "Lord just as you had mercy on me, please help him to respond to the grace you continually offer him every day."
    While in Johannesburg we went to a lovely church and I was continually reminded what the Rapture may be like. This group were so happy, loving and friendly towards each other and us it was quite astonishing. I found myself wishing that I could carry their attitudes and behaviour over to our Church.
    It is 2 am at the moment. I was busy concluding an article for the church next Sunday and time simply flew by. Decided to look in the mail box before catching some "shuteye" only to see your mail. I felt it needed replying to, as we have not corresponded for ages. With that, the Lord Bless you both and trust that all is well with both of you in good health.
    Your friend and Brother in Christ - Ron
  • Carla

    Indeed. all Honour to His Majesty..

    Thank you for your prayers.. they mean so much... I wonder if Jesus will show us the results of our praying one day....

    Anyhow.. Lots of love.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Sister, I just went through your pictures and was so blessed. God has truly helped you and Tony find your place in ministry. I am just blessed so much when i see others touching the world with the love of God.
    I have a great task this summer as I have felt that when I do the Alpha course in fall that I am teaching them instead of using the videos. One of the videos we got didn't work so I had to teach 3 of them myself anyhow and felt the leading of the Lord to do them all.

    My friend Roberto and myself met with the group of 22 men from Guatemala Saturday for the third time. We are planning a dinner for them and a night of ministry at a Church that is only a few miles from where they live. The pastor of the church called; New life Ministries is really hoping that it will be the beginnings of a Spanish speaking church. i am believing for all 22 of them to get saved.

    The church has Internet access and Roberto is involved with a powerful ministry in Columbia where last weekend they had these live services on line with 44000 in attendance. It was partly translated into English, but I am trying to learn some Spanish if i am going to be involved in this kind of ministry.

    Last summer God gave me a vision when I was travelling with Roberto that I was preaching to a group of Spanish speaking people and Roberto was interpreting for me. I thought i was going on the mission field and had no idea they were in my back yard 30 miles away.

    Be blessed in all your plans dear sister. God be blessed for the great work he is doing through His Church.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Carla

    Love you Mom!
  • felixpadua

    hey, what's the alpha course? is this something for me, a budding student of Christ? please tell me! thanks a lot. God bless you!
  • felixpadua

    thank you maryAnn. who's the guy with you in your picture? i'll guess -he's your husband?
  • kathleen aldea

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  • Pastor Bob B

    I saw your pic on a blog and my heart leaped with joy. God is crazy in love and pleased with you and Tony!!!!!
    I want to share a testimony with you, I was prayed for about my weight problem that was completely out of control. I tried everything to loose weight with no avail.

    I was prayed for by a Brother back in march who had lost 100lbs and freed from a long term weight problem. I some how knew that I had received grace when this man prayed for me.

    From the end of April until now I have lost 61lbs. God led me to a doctor who is treating me for food allergies, and he placed me on a special diet that is really not that restrictive. I just have to submit to the diet and the weight is melting off me. I also have joined a men's group that deals with addictions that also helps me to stay on track.
    So praise the lord with me for the victory that I attribute to Him for his wonderful grace. so as i get smaller and smaller, I hope he gets bigger and bigger in my life.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi sister, I just had to stop by and say hi. God is so very good and i am amazed by his grace every day in my life. I received prayer last march for my weight problem that was only getting worse, since April I have lost 74lbs under a doctors care who treating me for food allergies. He said there was something I was eating that was killing me. All I know is I am loosing weight like crazy. i even get dizzy when i stand to fast because my body is trying to get use to the big change. Anyway I give all the praise to God.
    I am starting up the alpha course September 2nd. I am so exited about teaching the lessons. I was all refreshed just preparing them.

    How is it going in your preparation for heading south? I knew you were selling your home last time I talked with you.

    God bless you and tony!!

    In the love of Jesus
  • Nienie

    Amen amen!!
    Thanks my sister for your prayer!! I believ that God can heal thanks for standing with me !!
    Love you!!
  • Nienie

    my sis want to let you brohter in law found the Lord again and went home with Him today!!
    Thanks for all your prayers and love!!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Ratan

    Hello dear friends... I had a great time in the seminar.. 35 evangelists were blessed by my teaching..I wana thank you for your prayers... I am also praying for you... Ratan
  • Pastor Bob B

    Oh that you would burst from the heavens
    And how the mountains would quake
    But you would make the nations tremble
    All your enemies would learn of your fame

    How then shall we be saved
    How can we be saved

    Since the world began
    No ear has heard, no eye has seen
    A God like you, Oh, a God like You
    Since the world began
    No ear has heard, no eye has seen
    A God like you, Oh, a God like You

    Like autumn leaves we all wither, we all fall down
    Swept away by the wind, swept away
    Oh have mercy on us father, father
    Please don't remember our sin

    How then shall we be saved
    How can we be saved

    Since the world began
    No ear has heard, no eye has seen
    A God like you, Oh, a God like You
    Since the world began
    No ear has heard, no eye has seen
    A God like you, Oh, a God like You

    Oh lord you are our father
    We're the clay but you're the potter
    We are all formed by your hand
    According to your plan

    Since the world began
    No ear has heard, no eye has seen
    A God like you, Oh, a God like You
    Since the world began
    No ear has heard, no eye has seen
    A God like you, Oh, a God like You
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Remegio CBlanco

    Dear Madam MaryAnn, My name is Remegio C.Blanco-the senior pastor and founder of HARVESTERS CHRISTIAN MISSION INTERNATIONAL,INC.-PHILIPPINES. My prayer is that I would like to be as one of your friends. Looking forward to hearing from you. Love you all.

    In Christ,

    Pastor Remegio C.Blanco
  • Christy Gabriel

    My dearest sister MaryAnn
    It is a real happy surprise and blessed to see you on my page after so long no contact with you. I miss you so much and pray that all is well with you all there in Jesus blessings always. I myself have a very tight daily schedule nowadays that I can not be long in this site and in the internet. Got many problems on my hand to pray hard for. Having unsaved family and other are christians but still living in sin, while the Maranatha is coming soon. God bless you abundantly always in everything dearest sister.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi dear Sister, Last night I taught the lesson on healing in the alpha group and it was a powerful time as we considered that when God heals some one it is a glimpse of the coming kingdom when sickness will be eradicated. The lesson was so important for us because we need to become a healing community that fosters total healing for those who come into our midst.

    Father I join with a mothers prayer for Carla to receive healing and health in her body. Father our lives are in your hands so we rest and trust you, eve through the hard times. In Jesus name amen.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

  • kathleen aldea

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  • Yoel charan

    Christian Glitter by

    'And i said ,Oh that i had wings like a dove for then i would flyaway and be at rest. Psalm 55:6,7
    yours friend Yoel charan
  • Yoel charan

  • Carla

    Hi Mom and Dad..... I'm not sure if you are checking in here while you are in Peru... but just wanted to leave a note here also to say 'hi' to you both. Love you ...miss you!

    We leave for Florida tomorrow...Carla
  • Carla

    Hello....anyone home???

    Love you both...
  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.
    Thank you so very much

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Carla

    Hey Mom...
    Thanks for the beautiful rose... I love it. I started with the juicing today.. I had carrot, apple and celery for lunch.. Yummy! Tonight we are having Monica and her son (Luis) over for dinner..and her new boyfriend whom we haven't met. We haven't seen them in ages.. I'm bbq'g steak, halibut ..and burgers (for the kids)...potato salad and grilling some veggies. :) I'm gonna put a chutney on the halibut.. (is your mouth watering yet) :) I also have some nice lettuce in my garden..I'll use some of that. My tomato plants look like trees... unruly (but beautiful)
    I made a blueberry pie yesterday. It turned out nice but a bit runny. I think next time more corn starch. :) Love you guys...
  • Christy Gabriel

    Never stop to pray for the unsaved and sinning ones all over the world. And also for the ones in myseries. Praise the Lord. Haleluja!!!

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Pastor Bob B

    I am so blessed to know wonderful saints like you and Carla. I always feel this since of joy whenever i hear from you both. god bless you and your family!

  • Carla

    Hey Mama...

    Miss you too.. We are still here in NS.. ...will be back late Sunday night..the day before holiday Monday. I'm looking forward to being home. I miss you both... I'm so excited for Rob to come down...also Michele is coming soon.. Love you....see you soon. Love, me
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Please also pray for ISRAEL and all over the world. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.
    Thank you so very much

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>
  • Christy Gabriel