
33, Female



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high school
I'm here to...
im here to share the joy i found in jesus he changed my life ..and i wana help many other people as i can that dey will realize what life is with jesus just ...15( will be 16 soon ) kinda small ..but ,,"my brothers and sisters ,suppose if one of you wanders away from the truth and someone brings you back . " "then here is what i want everyone to remember .anyone who turns a sinner from going down the wrong path will save his soul from death .god will erase a multitude of sins by 4giving him" james 5:19 here i am
i like playin basket ball drawin singin ,,n talkin bout god .........
I'm passionate about... of jesus:) and .......n im just crazy bout jesus
Other stuff about me:
i love having new friends

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  • Jacky

    Thank you Candy, that would be very helpful. He asked me things like 'how do I know that the Bible hasn't been changed' and stuff like that. All sorts of things. How did your exam go?
  • candy:)

    hey see there are really holy peop know who always spend there time praying .....and stuff and the pages in da bible would automatically turn certain chap...thats the holy sprit ......dats so cool neighbour nite she had very bad pain she cried out to the lord ...he replied he told her to read some particular vs she actually heard his voice would god tell her to read something which is not true ..its not wat we read its the changes that takes place in us i felt it in a huge way .....i know this very sec if i die ill surely go to heaven ....u? /..
  • candy:)

    and read ians forum .....i kinda explained that earths dominated by satan now ....
  • candy:)

    my xams r ova how is yo leg you keep talking about it yo gettin me worried how did it happ
  • priyanka

    hey how are u iam from dehradhun
    its nice knowing that u are from india
  • Jacky

    Hi Candy! I'm sorry I don't reply straight away. I don't have internet access at home yet so the only place I can access my profile is at work. I'm glad your exam went okay. Yes, I'm married for 2 and a half years now. I'm 24 years old but I still feel like a 18 year old :-)
  • Jacky

    I definately believe that when I die I will go to heaven. Jesus has paid the price for my sins and I am so grateful. It's really nice to login and see you've left a comment on my wall :-)
  • Jacky

    I'm glad you think I look 18, that is a real compliment. My husband is at work and so am I. I only have an hour left at work though and then I'm on holiday for Christmas!

    And yes, you are right, just because Jesus has paid the price for our sins with His Blood does not mean that we can just keep on sinning. Because we love Him we need to try our very best not to sin.
  • Jacky

    Oh yes! I did see your drawing it's very very good and I commented on it :-)
  • Jacky

    Oh! So you're the one wearing glasses in your pictures? Very good looking glasses. I really love wearing glasses except I have a bad habit of knocking them off my face...LOL!
  • candy:)

    ha ha not an artist and all
  • AAG Netguy

    You asked about the difference between a dream and a vision. A dream occurs while you are sleeping and a vision takes place while you are awake.
  • Jacky

    I can imagine that you would knock your glasses off playing basketball :-) I'm no good at sports though and I'm also as blind as a bat without my glasses, everything gets very blurry and fussy! You and your friends in the photo look like you're very good friends and a lot of fun to be with! Makes me miss all my old school friends back in South Africa :-)
  • Jacky

    I'm not doing much at all also a little bored :-) I will pray for you, it's good that you're not scared of seeing them but ask God to show you why you might be seeing them and to help you. Good night and may God give you lots of sweet dreams and no bad ones :-)
  • chuks

    Candy , iam fine. You too? Remain blessed.
  • priyanka

    When u wil open it wil take time and u wil see a circle moving on rt side try again ok and i have decided to change things good or bad idk u take care and plz write less complicated language i couldnt understand lol and what u mean throug jesus
  • melissa

    You're drawings are beautiful! I'm busy getting ready for Christmas and enjoying my vacation from work. I look forward to seeing family and sharing God's love with them!
  • AAG Netguy

    The best thing we can do for our brother, Derick is to pray for him. I asked him to put his prayer request on TheNET pray box on the MAIN page so we can get 100's of people praying for him. God answers prayer!
  • priyanka

    merry christmas candy
  • priyanka

    i couldnt rt a comment or what
  • thane006

    Peace and grace be with you, Candy:) Thank you, I do hope that we can talk more about the Lord and great going about the soul winning for that shows us to be wise in the eyes of the Lord, for it is written "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise"{Pr 11:30}. Also, Merry Christ day to you candy:), May his Birthday bring you great Joy and Peace, and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, your brother in Christ, Quester
  • priyanka

    how did i confuse u do u have messenger
  • Jacky

    Hi Candy! Sorry I haven't been replying. I don't have internet at home and since I'm not at work I can't access my profile. I hope you have a very lovely Christmas my dear and I will comment on your page again soon! Love you too and God bless you my sister in Jesus :-)
  • thane006

    grace and peace from our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, candy. And how are you this beautiful day, I hope the Lord's birthday found you in excellent health and peace, My childern had a awesome one with the twins [9months] first one, both playing with the paper more then their toys, and everyone enjoyed reading about the birth of Jesus and having a good day. Well, may the grace of the Lord prosper you in all your endeavors in the Lords work. Your brother in Christ, Quester
  • konceptskool

    what can i say? am old and am very truely a friendly person. I love truth tell it all the time that i have the opportunity. I hate lies and deciet. I love to talk with ppl and share their lives with them.. I think the chance to shaer in ppl's lives is a uniqe opportunity to see God and i dnt try to hurt or take advantage of those ppl..
    This is just a bit ofme but then again i know that you cant know all about a person by just them telling you..
    so I will stop a bit here and wait for you to tell me some about you too..
    Have a wonderful night..
    FYI...I like india.. SMART LITTLE COUNTRY..
  • crystal

    yea we cani dont care!! i will add you ok:)
  • konceptskool

    oh please, you make me feel like an old piece of relic.. i belive age is only a number.. dnt call me sir or pay me any undue respect.. I am 15 in my heart lol...did not mean to say anything when i said i was old..please feel free to be yourself in all our are as old as I am in your mind and heart...that serves you
  • konceptskool

    I hope you are not politely telling me i speak english that you dnt understand.. comon.. you are a smart person and you wear glasses to prove do what you have to if you want to understand what you read, i think thats good training for your english(which by the way is fantastic..) Ask me anything you dnt understand in my writings..sorry if i use big words tho..
  • konceptskool

    Hey you are good.. that painting is lovely..its got concept art in it, Him looking up in two diffrent postures...and means you can create stuff that is uniqe only to yourself..
    well keep it up..
  • konceptskool

    i did look at your forum on Temptation and made a coment on it..
    I hope it helps someone..
    but i have a qxn.. Is there any special reason that you wanted me to go look at it? just a curious person too...
    take care.. and you can call me my name
  • konceptskool

    Ok Candy, am going to try and respond to all your msgs here.. first of all, i must say that respect is not in calling an elder person "Sir". you may not belive it or you may even be shocked, but i respected your mind and maturity when i read some of your posts here..Yes i used the word respect.. and i mean it.. it is rare to see young pple with your zeal and passion.. Secondly, i am Igbo and my name means "God Knows".. It is a real lovely name..I guess my parens wanted a girl badly. I am the third of 5 boys born to my mum..She wanted a daughter and belived i was going to be one so when i was born a boy she gave the name only God knows why..Kinda like your forum never ask why huh?.Thirdly, i am glad you understand me when i write, i have to worry cos most ppl dont understand when the word of God is spoken but i dnt get it what you are saying about one woman? i have not been to the forum yet but will as soon as am done commenting to you.. Fourtly, please call me chima, i know that God is teaching me that age is something else that we as christians should learn to overcome. Aging is a result of Adams transgression and one can become like God, ancient of Days yet endless and ageless. The power of life is in your faith.. What you are is what you belive.. you know " as a man thinketh in his heart so is he".. i will put up my photo.. but i must warn you, am a very ugly person and have a lot of beastly marks on my face being from africa and all..ha wont like me when you see me..ha ha.. its not wierd that our topics connect if thats what you meant to say, we share the same source, you know The throne of God.. and lastly before I unleash my own coments, even if you copied it, it is still awesome.. you are good and have a trillion potential..Ha ha... I hope i have not bored you with this many words..I think it will be the longest anybody ever wrote..
    Have a wonderful passing into a great New Year and may it be filled with God's gracious mercies and love..
    Take care till next year..
    your friend, chima..
  • konceptskool

    I missed one of yo xmas was ok, te of rice and chicken, stayed home with my friends and talked about life and showed love to all who came across me..ha ha how was yours?
  • priyanka

    hi candy happy new yr may god bring lots of happiness in ur life
  • Yoel charan

    hi candy may God bless you. Happy new year to you. Jesus loves you so much and He is always with you.Prepare yourself to meet Jesus christ .Because He is coming very soon.
  • WaltP

    hey candy,sorry i havent wrote back,i dont get on often but i always remeber,thank you for being such a good friend,im nsure God will Bless your heart,he knows youve blessred me and im looking forward to talk to you more,oh and im 19,u say i look sad in my picture,hahaha yea huh.well i'll tell you the story behind that someday.
  • Jacky

    Hello! How was your Christmas and New Year? Hope you had a great time.
  • Jacky

    Glad to hear you missed me. I didn't have internet at home so I had to wait til I was back at work to comment on your page. You love me you really love me!!...:-) I'm going on holiday to South Africa in 8 days time so I'm very excited about that.
  • konceptskool

    Hey, how you bin? missed talking to you.. just wondered where you have been.. i have two qxn for you tho..
    How is India? i hear it is a dark country spiritually. pls tell me about it..and
    U made no comment on my pix, did you see them already?
    Just wanted to shout out at ya..
    Keep it real..
  • Jacky

    Good Morning! How are you today?
  • konceptskool

    Great to hear from you..Good luck in your exams..
    Will be praying for you.
    Is it easy to be a christian in India? but you dnt have to answer that till you are good and ready..
    Take care..
  • priyanka

    did u forget me
  • Jacky

    Hello Candy,

    Where have you gone? I haven't had comment from you in ages.....don't you love me anymore :-) Just teasing of course! How have you been?
  • thomas

    Ts alrite as long as u are willing to be a friend to me...Hope you are doing fine.Stay blessed.
  • Jacky

    That's good to hear. Are you back to school soon?
  • konceptskool

    hey have a great exam... am in prayer for you.. be well...
  • Bob F

    Thanks Candy for your comment.
  • Rori

    Hi there much wisdom and heart for a young one. God bless you dear. WHen I went to school I had to wear a uniform too. I attended Girl's Catholic High School. Today I am a born-again Christian and loving it. That is a beautiful poem on your page...thank you for sharing it with the world!!! More later.

  • AAG Netguy

    Thanks for sharing your poem. Keep growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord!
  • Yoel charan

    Christian Glitter by

    'And i said ,Oh that i had wings like a dove for then i would flyaway and be at rest. Psalm 55:6,7
    yours friend Yoel charan
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>