Abonjo T. Titus


Abuja FCT


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I'm here to...
Share the Love of God in the mids of Storms
I Love Studying the scripture always & praying, I love people who love the Lord with all that they got and I would love to make friends with such people. I hate poverty & will and sin with passion and i love to be use by Yahweh to help such out of poverty and sin. Shalom.
I'm passionate about...
Praying without ceasing, sinners getting save and people being deliver from pains and sorrow most especial the ones who are sick oh hate sickness of all kind. Oh Lord heal your hand made from all kind of sicknesses in JESUS name. Amen.
My story with God
I choose to believe God that He is Love, even though He will never show that to me nor answer my prayer yet will I still testify that God is love and a prayer answering God. Hail YAHWEH!
Other stuff about me:
I want to make Heaven and if it be possible that all men make Heaven with me. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God who is coming very soon.

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  • AAG Netguy

    You are in my prayers, Abonjo. Don't give up the fight! God loves you and has a plan for your life!
  • David Velasquez

  • Abonjo T. Titus

    Thank you very much for remembering me its been along time you? so how are you, I hope you are doing just fine? and now may we pray together, may Yahweh bless you, and keep you, may He cause His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you, May Yahweh lift up His countenance towards you and give you peace. May Yahweh save all your family members in Jesus name we pray. Amen. God bless you!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • David Velasquez

    Would you be my friend again hahahaha. My previous account locked on me and does not allow me to log in, so I created this new one. So will you be my friend again hehe

  • Mercy Mwakalu-Mwakisha

    Hi Abonjo.I think we share the same passion,kicking porverty away and seeing people being delivered out of pain and misery,especialy orphans and needy widows at my place.Oh God! it's very hard for some of them! I am believing God for doors to do that.I would like to set up a place called "Shelter In The Storm"(hope Pst Taribo West would'nt mind)if he does,then "Children Of Mercy" as they actually NEED the Mercy of God.By the way,mind being my friend? Bye fr now,God bless.
  • Mercy Mwakalu-Mwakisha

    Thankyou very much my brother.In kiswahili we say,"TUKO PAMOJA" meaning," WE ARE TOGETHER".God bless,my love to all the lovers of the Lord.

    God bless youAbonjo and thanks for your comment i have sent you a message and a prayer... i hope it helps you in some small way. God bless again, In Christ, Della

  • Pastor Bob B


    Thank You Bro. Titus for that wonderful prayer. May our Heavenly Father continue shining His light on you my friend... God bless you... In Christ della
  • Christopher Kendall

    Shalom!! God Bless you!!
  • Christopher Kendall

    May the Lord Bless you Abundently
  • Christopher Kendall

    Let us Hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Lovingkindness christopher!!! your faithful brother in the Lord May the Grace be with you allways!!!
  • Christopher Kendall

    May the grace of God keep you and preserve you in all your coming in and going out the Blessings of the Lord be with you. Love you in Christ!!!!
  • Christopher Kendall

    Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

  • Christopher Kendall

    Thankyou for being a friend in need you have lifted m spirits!!! God Bless you Lovingkindness Chris!!
  • Christopher Kendall

  • Christopher Kendall

    Psa 25:10 All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant.
  • Christopher Kendall

    It is really good to be back sharing with you the Love of God and I am on fire thank you for all your prayers Christopher
  • Christopher Kendall

    I thank you all for your prayer Im now on fire for the Lord and to show His Love through me I pray you are blessed and pumped up with prayer christopher with all Lovingkindness
  • Christopher Kendall

    A godly friend can be of great help. as Purfume and incense bring joy the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend springsfrom his earnest counsel Lovingkindness Christopher God bless you!!!
  • Christopher Kendall

    May the Lord Bless you at all times Christopher
  • Christopher Kendall

    May the Lord Bless you as we thank God for his mercy and grace as we keep on seeking Him and call on his mame in times of trouble God Bless
  • Christopher Kendall

    May The Lord Bless you and have a great week your are a Blessing
  • Christopher Kendall

    May the Lord Bless you in all Lovingkindness in all you do may you be Bless with tendermercys you are with me in spirit Lovingkindness Christopher!!!
  • Christopher Kendall

    Phil 3:16 Nevertheless, to the degree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us be of the same mind.
  • Amenamen

    Red Ribbon
  • Christopher Kendall

    I thank you for all your surport and prayer Christopher as I need prayer and depend on Jesus to see me though God Bless you
  • Christopher Kendall

    Ps 37:3-5;7 Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjow safe pasture Ps 37:4 Delight your self in the lord for he will give you the desires of your heart!!! Christopher
  • Christopher Kendall

    I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.Phi3:14.(kjv)
  • Mercy Mwakalu-Mwakisha

    Red Ribbon
  • Mercy Mwakalu-Mwakisha

    Praise the Lord,brother.How is the country of"ogaas"? I want to believe that you still hate poverty,sicknesses and illnesses,and that you will not put the tools down,till the children of God are freed from that bondage,in Jesus' name! May the G od Almighty strengthen you the more and grant you the grace to see the hidden secrets,in Jesus' name.I pray that God will bless youooo.Bye for now.
  • David Velasquez


    I so much feel you. His word upholds me, without it I am dead. My favorite verses for the past 16 years have been these ones:

    John 8:31-32 (New International Version)

    31To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

    1. If you hold to word/teaching - condition

    What does it make you?
    2. you are really my disciples.

    What will happened then?
    you will know the truth What truth? The truth about everything pertaining to God and Godliness.

    And then what happens?
    3. the truth will set you free.

    Free from what? From everything that wants to keep you down and enslaved.

    Break Free with the Word.
  • David Velasquez

  • Christopher Kendall

    (Jer 29:11 NKJV) For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

  • Christopher Kendall

    May the Lord Bless you richly For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Christopher your brother
  • Christopher Kendall

    May the Lord Bless you at all times in all you do with all Lovingkindness Christopher!!!
  • David Velasquez

    Hope all is well with you my bro. God continue to give you the strengh to keep standing.

  • Christopher Kendall

    "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.
    May the Lord Bless you with Lovingkindness and grace and peace Amen!!!!
  • Mercy Mwakalu-Mwakisha

    My dear Bro,my heart is shaking because of what i have just read! Please DO NOT even think of it.Before you do any thing,can you go back to your own profile and then read the answer you sent me on 9.7.2010.You said you would be THERE till Jesus comes.Now what is that making you drift away from the love of God? Though you are far from me and i don't know you,please i wouldn't want to loose you to the devil.You are too big for him.No matter what it is,hold on!,nothing is too hard for God.Moreover you are more than a winner in Jesus Christ.Is there anything you can compare with Jesus? I am praying for and always will.Please promise me you will fight on,you are a soldier in the Army of God and winners NEVER QUIT! May God help and bless you dear.Do get back to me pliz.
  • Christopher Kendall

    For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
  • Christopher Kendall

    (John 15:12 NKJV) "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

  • Mercy Mwakalu-Mwakisha

    Greetings my brother.I give God all the Honour and Glory.My brother, the will of God is to be with you to the END OF TIMES! You see how God loves you? During that period He made me ask you that question not knowing what was going on.The devil was not happy with your reply and wanted you to go against your promise to God.BUT again He made you send me that email,and the Spirit of Gor led me to remind you the promises you made.I thank God sooo much for your stand.May He continue to strengthen you each and every second.Now stand up like an injured Rhino and charge against the devil and his kingdom in the power in the name of Jesus!.I wish i could tell you what the devil did to my daughter which makes me hate him with all my heart,and will never let him snatch away any of my brothers and sisters in Christ.Oh!my dear brother NEVER NEVER NEVER think of that again,PROMISE? God HEARS AND ANSWERS our prayers let nobody cheat you that He doesnt. You are free to talk with me anytime,thats what friends are for, isnt it? Please read Nahum 1:7-9.Bye for now & God bless.
  • Christopher Kendall

    I will never leave you of forsake you for yare the apple of my eye for He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
  • Mercy Mwakalu-Mwakisha

    Greetings Brother Titus.Please use my g mail.I would like to know what is going on! TItusoo,remember thisoo"Devil is a noisemaker and YOU are TOO BIG for him"God bless.
  • annabell salinas

    Red Ribbon
  • Christopher Kendall

    (1 Tim 6:6 NIV) But godliness with contentment is great gain. (1 Tim 6:7 NIV) For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.

  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href="http://bit.ly/dg4vGg">http://bit.ly/dg4vGg</a>