
Profile Information:

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United States
I'm here to...
Fellowship with other believers
I like to excercise, and one of my favourite things is going out of my apartment and excersing outside, where I can breath God's beautiful air and be close to nature. I always find that outside air is far better than my apartment air. I do like computers and microsoft operating systems. I have an audio Bible on my Hard Disk which I listen to, I especially like the Old Testament. I do some health issue research on the internet and have come across some interesting natural treatments for AIDS and Cancer. I would be happy to share this information with you if you are suffering because of your health.
I'm passionate about...
I will Lord Willing fill this out soon.
Other stuff about me:
The Picture on my profile was taken about 2 years ago, I think it was a few hours before I got married. My wife is called Linda and sadly she does have health issues, so life for her can be quite difficult. I do not have any health issues, this enables me to help her better. Because of these things time is an issue, so please forgive me if it seems I do not respond to some comments.

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  • Steward

    That is a wonderful site and I will not hesistate to tell the afffected and infected to find solance but more so to introduce them to Jesus Christ whose blood is able to cleanse whatever sickness; depending on the concerned's decision and belief.
  • The Rev. Michael R. Foreman

    Hello brother Ian:
    Why did I request your friendship? A short and simple reply would be: Because God put it on my heart to make the request. Do not assume this is taken lightly by me; as God, also instructs me on whom not to send a friend request. That however, is not for me to question. I am certain God has His reasons both for and against. I am over simplifying it as I would or could write a blog as to why God says yes to one and no to another. In short, I can say it is usually because He is working something in someone that we are not to interfere with. Maybe, down the road He will put it on my heart to befriend some one He earlier had to tell me to hold off. My experience also has taught me this is because He is using the Holy Spirit to convict them or try their heart. Again, it is not for me to question - only to obey.
    Yes. It was very difficult to do, (walk away from everything). In fact, for a week before I actually left Canada, I was litterly sick over worry. Really. What logical human being would give up everything for a God you cannot see? I will tell you. One who loves the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul and with all their strength. I just knew I had to obey; and obey is what I did.
    I have no regrets either. Other then, I wish I had done it sooner. But, in this, God also showed me that I was not ready earlier. I had to be moulded into the vessel He wanted. Until that time, I would not have been a proper servant.
    Well, my reply to your inquiry is getting long. Sorry!
    God Bless
    Rev. Michael
  • AAG Netguy

    Haven't seen you here for a while, so just wanted to stop by and say hi!
  • Ian

    Hello Rev Michael
    Thank You for your email in response to my question, I shall now add you to my friends list, I will Lord willing be in touch with you again soon. I do have things to share with you, however because it is late, I will Lord Willing share them on another day.
    May God be with you and help you in your daily life. Ian
  • The Rev. Michael R. Foreman

    Hello Ian
    Yes. I agree with your comment completely. I am complete accordance with what you say.
    In my blogs on MySpace, I am constantly addressing this issue. Whether it is directly or indirectly stated. It has cost me many friends on MySpace - but I do not seek the apporval of men - only of God. I know they remove themselves as my friend because they were convicted by the Words God gave me to write. Why else would they rebell?
    You can read my blogs by entering:
    or by entering
    I believe, either way will get you to my page on MySpace. You will see this has been a prime concern for me because I know it is a prime concern of God's. It is also the reason why Jesus was so tormented in the Garden prior to the cross.
    God Bless
    Rev. Michae

    (P.S. Anyone else who is reading this comment is welcome to come to MySpace and read my blogs too.)
  • Yoel charan

    Hello Ian , thank you so much . My family is also sending loving christian greetings to you and to your family. God bless you. I am praying for you and for your family. joel charan
  • Pastor Bob B

    I read your story and I pray that Gods grace will uphold you. My brother inlaw lives in Sanford Maine. He is a Christian and his wife has been very sick and in the hospital for 3months. He stays with her at the hospital overnight 5or6 nights a week. I would ask you to keep them in your prayers Dean and Nancy. I want to leave with a vidio that I pray will encourage you today.
  • Pastor Bob B

    My sisterinlaw her name is Nancy went to have a rutene colon test and 3 days later her coloon burst sending impurities into her body and has created alot of othe problems. She hasn't been able to eat real food. She had a kidney transeplant 3 year ago and is very week. At one point her heat was stopping so you see it is very serious. She is 51 and has been a fully devoted follower of Jesus for 30 years and has hope as well as all ofus that God can restore her to health.
    I don't know if I told you that I am disabled. I have a neuromuscular genetic desease. I started getting sick 2 years ago and had to give up my Jod as a truck driver for a propane co. after 20 years. I wouldbe interested in what you could come up with for cronic neuropathic pain, I am on 3 differnt meds for pain that don't help much, Well God bless for now I hope that I too can be a sorce of blessing to you.
  • Ian

    Hi Bob
    I read your message this morning, I will Lord willing look into Nancy's and your health issues this week, it will probably take a few days, sorry I had to be brief this morning, I will be back (Lord Willing) at the computer later today. As soon as I come across anything I will let you know. May God be with you, your family and your people. I send you a Holy Kiss. Brother Ian.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thanks brother I will look into this and talk to my doctor about it. It is awesome that you are doing this kind of ministry. It is the heart of our Lord that seeks to eleviate the suffering of humanity. Maybe you should think of website where you can put all your info. that you have collected. Have a wonderful God blessed day.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Brother It is late but I wanter to connect with you and pray for you and your dear wife. Father You know Ian and his wife, you know what they need this night, so I pray that you will meet them at the point of thier need. Amen
    Steve who is a wonderful brother left me a vidio to watch that I sence God wants you to see also. In His love Bob
  • Pastor Bob B

    My brother I hear you and can relate to what you said. Sometime it just does not make sence, we are trying to do the right thing and we find ourselves in these pits of dispair and we cry out why me. Isaih said in the year the king died that he saw the Lord, David was chased around for years by a mad man, The apostles were all martered except John who was thrown on a Island prison and it was there where God gave him the book of Revelation.
    I have been a follower of Jesus for 33 years. 2 years a go I started developping pain in my feet and leg and my back. I got up one day and was in so much pain I couldn't go to work. Little did I know that after 4 months of leave I had to resign my Job I loved. 3 months later my wife and I separated after 25 years of marraige. I found myself 2 states away in Sanford Maine. During that time I felt just like you. My life was gone and I had to redefine my life. God gave me Jerimiah 6:16 stand in the crossroad and look, choose the ancient path the good path and it will lead to peace. God showed me that the first step was that he wanted me to spend 3 hours a day in the word and prayer and to write my prayers out to him. I obeyed and did this for weeks and my life was changed. I was led to come back to Vermont and I didn't know where I was going to live, A friend I had led to the lord a few years earlier had a room for rent and I moved thier for nine months and began to meet each week with my pastor and we prayed and worship together every tuesday afternoon for months. God gave me a word to stand no more alone. So I have learned to open up and let others share my struggles with me, We can't stand by our selves and we need each other.
    Brother Steve had me view a vidio that is called a greater yes and I feel God want to minister to you through it. Together the family of God can become your greatest source of help
  • Pastor Bob B

    I heard this on the radio today and felt like it was a word for you
  • Ian

    Thank You Joe for the lovely comment.

    Brother Ian
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hey brother, I lift you and your wife up before the Lord and pray that you will find His grace to be enough!
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thank you brother for your heat to help those who are afflicted, Your trials are developping a great compassion in your soul.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

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  • Yoel charan

  • ujwal

    Hi Ian Greetings how are you Nice to see you Iam ujwal from india and I lead organization called King of kings fellowship we have 242 house churches in the villages and slums I have serving the lord from 20 years now what about you which church do you go I like to know you and Make friendship with you Hope to hear from you God bless ujwal Delete Comment
  • Pastor Bob B

    Brother Ian it was so good to see your message today brother. You are a blessing when you reach out to bless others when you feel you have so little to give because of your struggle and yet you reach out to bless other.
    I am still going through my own physical struggles, but like the man who sings Healer from the videos I left on your page, I declare He is my healer.
    God has been giving me strength as I continue to draw close to Him and stay in his presence. I have been envolved with church more and have been travelling to West Haven Conn. To Gateway Fellowship with members of our Church to receive from the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is going on there.
    I have gone 4 times and it is a miracle that I can stand the 8 hour round trip. It has been worth it every time.
    God has been using me in praying for others who are coming to our prayer group on Wed. night. It seems that when you are going through physical problems that God's compassion flows through you to help others in a greater mannor than if you were perfectly well.
    Ian I pray for you and your wife, I pray for strength to come into your wifes body and even pray for her healing. I know God is able to heal a body that He has made. Love demands that we hope always for others, so in the love of Jesus I pray for healing to flow into your wifes body in the name of Jesus. I also pray that God would do a restoritive work in you my brother as you wait upon the Lord. I pray that the presence of the Lord would become your strength and your joy. Father let it be so this day in Jesus name with thanksgiving.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Yoel charan

    Hello Ian . How are you? God bless you. yoel charan

    zwani.com myspace graphic comments
    Myspace Christian Comments & Graphics
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Ian it is good to see a note from you. I do not know if I agree with you note. I do not think any one I know ever says God bless, or God bless you as commanding God. I have always seen it as a prayer for God to bless the person with whatever the person needs.As Christians it is a reminder that we are blessed because of Jesus Christ. I just think that every time we say God bless you to some one that we are just expressing what God's heart is to humanity.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    thhanks for your prayer. I love your heart for the Lord it comes out in your words.
    I already know God is blessing you!
    In the love of jesus.
  • Yoel charan

    Hi Ian, Greetings to you in the name of Jesus christ. Thanks for your comment. I am fine , and i am remembring you in my prayer . Lord Jesus will solve all your problem. Give our Greetings to your family. yours brother in christ. yoel charan
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Ashok Roy

    This is Ashok Roy from India. I have read your profile. I am very much interested to make friendship with you. Please let know more about you.
    Ashok Roy
  • Ashok Roy

    Hi Ian,
    Greetings from India in His most precious Name!
    Thanks lot that you have accept my friendship. I will remember you in my prayer. As my friend I will send you few very important prayer request time to time. Hope that you will be happy. Please let me know more about you.
    With regards
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Yoel charan

    MyHotComments Hello Ian., God bless you. yoel charan
  • Ashok Roy

    Dear brother Ian,
    Greetings in His most precious Name from India!
    Ofcourse I will remember you and your wife in my personal prayer. I believe that God will give her comfort.
    With regards
    In Christ's love
  • Pastor Bob B

    We oftentimes expect miracles in a spectacular way. However, miracles do happen when we acknowledge our weaknesses and pray to God to ease our pain. Let GOD touch us in this music video. May the LORD heal us from all our pains.


    InggĂ´ 1587
    A Preaching Band of Filipino Dominicans

    There are times when all my dreams just walk away and drift away
    And often there to stay
    And in this time I feel my world's just crawling down to the ground
    I need someone to hold me through it all

    I never knew that only you, my Lord, can help ease the pain
    If only I would pray
    And I never knew I only need the strength and ways to believe
    I never knew you can teach me how to live

    Touch me now my Lord
    And ease the pain inside of me
    Give me faith and hope that I may see
    Touch me now my Lord
    And put my love together once again cause only you can set me free.

    Now I know that only you my Lord can help ease the pain
    If only I would pray and
    Now I know I only need the strength and ways to believe
    I know that you can teach me how to live
    (Repeat Refrain)

    I never thought that you will give your life for me
    Now I know I'm sure that there you are
    I love I love I love you so much
    (Repeat Refrain)

    Touch me now
    Touch me now
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Ian I have to say your comments really make me do some researching. I would like to respond to your message about using the names of the week with an article. www.wcg.org/lit/church/holidays/paganism.htm
    I would love to hear your responce to the article.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Ian, thanks for your comment on my blog. I would love to hear your take on the valley of Jezreal. I am so glad that our God is so faithful, Knowing that He is always with us brings so much courage into our lives. I grew up on the side of a mountain and there were no street lights, when I would walk down the dirt roud at night alone it would be so scair, but if some one was with me I was no longer afraid. God is so awesome to care for us as he does.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Ian, I hope this info clears up your questions, I really did not want to get into a real doctrinal discussion on the end times, but was trying to make a point that when it appears that the enemy is getting the upper hand in a situation, that he is still with us even in the valley of the great battle.

    The name Armageddon is a corruption of the Hebrew phrase Har Megiddo, and it means "Mount of Megiddo." More than thirty bloody conflicts have been fought at the ancient site of Megiddo and adjacent areas of the Jezreel Valley during the past four thousand years. Egyptians, Israelites, Greeks, Muslims, Crusaders, Mongols, British, Germans, Arabs, and Israelis have all fought and died here.

    The part of the valley on which the Battle of Megiddo was fought is believed to be destined to be the site of a final battle, between good and evil, known as Armageddon (a word derived from Megiddo).

    Revelation 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.

    Revelation 16:16
    And they gathered them together to the place which in Hebrew is called Har-Magedon.

    Revelation 19:19 And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army.
    In the love of Christ.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi brother, I am so in awe of God for the second time today, with people reaching out to me. I spent the night in the Hospital last night to be observed using a michine that forces my airways open. I went in about a month ago and they discovered that I was stopping breathing like 10 times an hour while I sleep. This causes my oxygen to get very low, pluss keeps me from sleeping well. I have to go in the hospital in the morning to have my legs checked for blood clots. The sleep apnea can improve with weight loss also so pray God will help me with this issue which has not been easy to deal with in the last few months due to my pain issues and not being able to get to the gym. Hopefully the problem with fluid retention will get better from the air michine.

    So you see you were hearing God when you ask about my neuropathic pain problem.

    Thank you for having a caring heart. It is so true that when we go through these kinds of things like you have with your wife it produces a compassion for others who suffer.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thanks brother I will check out, Have a wonderful day in the Lord.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

    thankyou for the info brother i will check it out. I do know that the medical comunity does not have all the answers. There has been alot of research that proves that things like prayer and Bible study help in creating a more healthy body. I have also seen some of the ancient medical practices that were off the wall, but the medical comunity all supported it. Things like bleeding someone or back when I was a kid take out everyones tonsils. Diet, and many of these remities that have worked for thousands of years can help develop our health. I have a good friend in church who has been studying about this stuff for years and we have talked about some of this stuff. Thankyou for your kindness.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Yoel charan

  • Yoel charan

  • Yoel charan

  • Remegio CBlanco

    Dear Sir Ian, My name is Remegio C.Blanco-the senior pastor and founder of HARVESTERS CHRISTIAN MISSION INTERNATIONAL,INC.-PHILIPPINES. My prayer is that I would like to be as one of your friends. Looking forward to hearing from you. Love you all.

    In Christ,

    Pastor Remegio C.Blanco

    Tel.Nos:+6375-573-2794/ Cell:+63908-373-4404

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Yoel charan

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

    'And i said ,Oh that i had wings like a dove for then i would flyaway and be at rest. Psalm 55:6,7
    yours friend Yoel charan
  • Yoel charan