
, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Currently a full-time student...yes, at my age!
I'm here to...
Connect with others who love our savior, Jesus, and enjoy talking about him.
Church, my family, singing, reading, traveling, snow skiing (the bunny slopes); even though I haven't been in a while, horseback riding, going to movies and dinner, or sometimes just relaxing at home.
I'm passionate about...
Reaching the lost for Christ. Helping others who are in need in any way that I can. The Lord has placed a burden for the lost and hurting within me, and that is my ministry.

Comment Wall:

  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    Where do you feel you are at now spiritually? Have you come to the place in your life where you have already received Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord?
    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Lorraine Azmeh

    Hello, I am just listening to the music you have put on your profile. I'ts really lovely. I'm a member of a Evangelical Christian fellowship church here in the UK and we listen and sing to lots of this kind of music isn't it wonderful? I'm loving every bit of this track you have put on. I work in a Christian book/gift/cd shop but I've not come across Ricardo Sanchez before. I must try and find this cd to buy. Our church has a website in which you may like hearing a few songs which one of our friends who plays in the church band has put on the site sung by himself. It also has several sermons to lisen to made by our pastors. The site you can get to on google, or I do hope that you will be putting more of your music on your profile as it's so good. I wish you a very happy and prosperous 2008 and would love to be added to your friends list, God Bless you as you walk hand in hand with the Lord, Lorraine.
  • thomas

    I am Jerry Thomas from Tanzania East Africa.I would like to be a friend to you as my fellow christian.I am studying at the University of Dar es salaam
  • forHisglory

  • Moomins

    hi,i am a member of the church of scotland,presbeteryin.I am relatively new to the church but i see myself as a living testimony to Gods word.isnt he amazing!! This time last year i would never have believed i'd be in the place i am in just now,its great what he can do for you,if only you let him.
    love your music(i copied one).Threre arent many christian bands here.if you could recommend any music that would be great.
    stop by for a chat soon
  • AAG Netguy


    I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your children, but did want you to know I have prayed for them. It must be heartbreaking to see them not folowing the Lord. Father God, in the mighty name of Jesus, show them how empty and meaningless the world's system is. May they find no peace of heart and use their disatisfaction in life to bring them back to you!

    I'd appreciate it if you pray for my two daughters as well. Both are teens. Pray that they would really make Jesus their own.
  • AAG Netguy

    Thank you so much for your prayers. God can really turn a situation around quickly, but it is often a matter of waiting patiently for his timing.
  • Janet

    Love you profile! God bless you.. With God ALL things are possible!!
  • Diane

    Hi ! My name is Diane and I am a new member! I would love to make new friends here and be an encourager to others to live their lives for Jesus Christ! I would love to hear from you!
  • AAG Netguy

    A while ago you asked how you could pray for me. I would appreciate your prayers for healing. I've had a cold/flu for about 3 weeks now and its just not going away. Please pray and thanks! Hope you are doing well!
  • Vicki

    Hi, GA girl! I love in GA too!
  • AAG Netguy

    Thank you for your prayers!
  • Lorraine Azmeh

    Hello for his glory,
    Have been so busy recently concentrating on the bible and other books to help us gain all the knowledge we felt we needed to get baptised. Our baptism was arranged for the 27th Jan. Recently we have had so many different Christian friends round at our house all looking forward to what was going to be a very special day.
    We were warned of being attacked by the evil one and thought we had taken all precaution to ward all evil away from us.
    On Saturday night about 7.30pm David and me had an argument which must have bin so trivial neither of us can remember. However David stood up from his chair and said in anger that he was going out for a walk. This is totally out of his character. After a short while I prayed for his safe return. I decided to go and look for him and found him making his way back to our home. He got in the car and seemed to be somewhat confused.
    Back at the house he was becoming very incoherent and he said that he'd taken many tablets. I called an ambulance and went with him to hospital. I sat at his bedside for about 8 hours praying and reading from the bible. I had too go home for a short while to see to our dogs. I visited him twice on the Sunday but had too leave him to sleep.
    It was 4.30pm, friends were phoning all encouraging me to go ahead with my baptism and not to let the evil one win. I found myself on my knees praying for David and asking God for the green light. I feelthat from then on the Lord carried me to the church where I was baptised with over 400 people witnessing. It was awesome!
    Since then we've had much support from our church. David came away from hospital yesterday and as I speak he is downstairs talking to our pastor Tim arranging another baptism date.
    It has all been a very strange ordeal and we now need to be even more aware of any evil.
    I hope you are very well and that you are learning more and more eachday as you walk hand in hand with Jesus. God bless, Lorraine.
  • prophet francis

    Hello sister, how sweet you are in christ and is faithfulness blessing falling on you .i am prophet francis and i will be telling you more about me .keep on ith dally devotions and you will be in the hands of great angles of God .blesed in you life and you job.
    your brothr in christ .
    plz if contact , and this is my orphans