

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
I'm here to...
because the Holy Spirit sent me here to do something, not sure what yet, in South America
Learning All about GOD!
Arts and Crafts
flower gardens, etc
I'm passionate about...
Jesus Christ and His Word
My story with God
Jesus has been tugging at me since I had a near death experience over forty years ago! I was raised as a Catholic, went all my school years and
graduated from Catholic Schools and attended Church regularly. I always believed in God and I knew if I lived my life being a good Christian I would go to heaven. I didn't know anything about having a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ at that time. Thirty years or so later, I asked Him into my heart as I read a sign off the road, while riding as a passenger in our motorhome, I was very sincere and all of a sudden a great feeling of peace and joy, completely covered me. I felt very close to God, but, I never once thought about the Bible or that there was anything else that I needed to do.(?????) Then Jesus, I didn't know at that time, it was the Holy Spirit came to me and "told me to tell everyone about how I felt and what I remembered about my near death experience", (which was the most awesome thing that had ever happened in my life up to then), "I said I really don't know how to do that". He said "Start a web site called or to see if there was a web site already started"! Well That was in 1998 and even then I was not very computer savvey and I did
not obey!!! I didn't know why until February 26, 2007. Something told me to dig up my notes that I had kept on my computer all these years and when I read about Jesus telling me to do this and that is where my notes
ended. I have no idea why! So I had my Sister look to see if there was a web site called Allabout When she e-mailed me back, she sent
a(I will never forget it) Blue line and said click on this! When I did, He didn't have to tug on me ever ever again! I couldn't move for the longest time, I just stared at the computer, I felt His presence completely take over my body. My life with Him is sooo awesome! I spend most of the day with Him in my thoughts and prayers. There is not enough time in a day! I do know now why I didn't obey Him. It was not in His timing! He knew it would mean more to me on February 26, 2007 and that He would never have to tug on me again! He is my Lord my Love
and my Life forever! Now in a dream the other night, He told me to go to I am obeying Him now and forever! I plan to write again about my near death experience, because it is so important to Him and the world!
I believe HE wants me to tell you all about this experience now. 4-29-08
It all started when I was in surgery after the birth of my Son. There were
complications and I had to have a transfusion. While in surgery, I felt myself moving very fast as though on a flatcar of a train. I was speeding past everything, but, at the same time I knew all about these things. I had absolutely no questions about anything. I was in the most beautiful place with the most vibrant and unexplainable colors, I had total Peace and understanding. I felt warm and loved and on a journey toward a bright light way off in the distance, I could hardly wait to get there, when all of a sudden, someone was telling me to look up or wake up, I don't know which one, but I knew if I did either one, I could not get to the light and I would leave the most desirable place I had ever been so I held my
eyes shut just as tight as I could but it was the Doctors and Nurses bringing me back by slapping me it seems. Later my Doctor told me I was what they considered a bad mother in the old days when a Mother
hemoraged to death and left their baby alone. Anyway, I prayed everyday for years, that God would never let me forget this experience and that if Everyone could have an experience like this, we would all
have HIS peace. I was never able to explain what I saw and felt for several years, everytime I would try, I just didn't have the words to justify the Glorious feeling of Love. I know why HE sent me to this
site now, HE wants Everyone to experience His Love and Peace.
Please do just that!! This is HIS PLAN FOR YOU.
Other stuff about me:
I love children and animals and anyone else who can make
me laugh.

Comment Wall:

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  • Eren

    Hi orange tree,
    I also felt this way when i read your testimony. I wasborn in the U.S. but have lived a large part of my life in Brazil. I am married and have 3 boys- Jordan 10, Israel 9 and David 8 years old.
    My husband is Moysés- which means Moses in Portuguese.
    We have been evangelizing and discipling for the last 3 years. We started a home church in my mother's home.
    We've had many baptisms. Many people have left Spiritism which is really big here in Brazil.
    Anywyas due to some really difficlut circumstances we have had to only have meetings once a month instead of once a week.
    We had them once a week for 3 years. But it became impossible with the amount of things on hubby at work. He is a physics teacher and does college at night.
    Anyways- it's great to meet you.
  • Patti

    I see where u commented on my lasted video post but I can t find the comment, new here, i guess i am looking in the wrong place. (smile)
  • Patti

  • Patti

  • Patti

  • Patti

  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear Sister Orangetree
    Thank you for coming to my life and becoming my friend. God bless you always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Patti

  • brateng

    Dear Orangetree,

    May I start by pointing out that yours is one of the most exceptional testimonies I have read in a long time? Infact, as I type this...I am still breathless: it's like you just took me (in a fast ride) to heaven and back! Wonderful...and the way He led you to AAG, stupendous!! don't worry that you chose to stiffle his voice at first...His time is always the perfect time!!

    Dear, I see that we have similar likes...for I love children more than anything else. Infact now that I am a pastor, I still miss the simple days when I was a budding Sunday School teacher for the kids in our church, then. Those were my happiest moments...for kids have not the slightest hypocricy in them. I would gladly give away an arm to see the world through the eyes of children. If only grown-ups could have the same traits, this world would be heaven-on-earth. Nomatter Christ exhorts us to be conformed and be like children if we want to inherit his kingdom. And you surprise me too about the last fact: I hope I will be enabled to make you LAUGH so frequently now that we are friends.

    I pray over your page now and petition that the Lord may lead many others here so that they can witness the wonderful doings of His hands...among all those who seak Him in truth and in spirit. I pray that everyone who skims through your story be touched by God's spirit the way I am touched....

    Thank you for the friendship request...and above all, thank you for the story in your is infact a powerful sermon in itself! A classic, if one may ask me!!

    Will you Kindly allow me to suggest something before I leave? How about changing your 'name' from "orangetree" to "colourfulglory"? It is the first word that came into my mind after I read your story. Anyway, it's just an inkling from my end and you know you don't have to go by it!

    Hope to remain in close touch with you always-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • Patti

  • Orangetree

    Hi Brateng,
    Thank you so much for your comment on my page, I pray also that many
    will be inspired by it, as it is directly from God. He has transformed me and is teaching me everyday something new, that brings me closer to Him and I
    am getting bolder and bolder and I am able to talk to strangers about Jesus!
    Not caring what they might think or say about me! Hallelujah!! He is all that matters to me. I am so blessed, I have the Holy Spirit to guide me!
    Thank You for accepting my friendship request, I would like to stay in touch with you and to know what you are doing in your daily life. I will think about your suggestion to change my name. I will pray daily for you and your family and your ministry. Your sister in Christ Jesus.
  • brateng

    Wow Orangetree!

    The devil's tricks have surely been thwarted. He thought that by accidentally making you place my post here in your page he'd thwart your resolve to uplift Christ's name...he better think twice for the message reached home, hallelujah!

    Your testimony and message is indeed from God. I pray that you will stay closer to Him daily and I am glad that you KNOW FOR A FACT that the spirit that was impacted in us when we received Him was one of BOLDNESS and not of COWARDICE! I totally agree that none who carries (and uses!) this blessed name should ever be ashamed of the gospel of is the power of God unto all...remember?

    Please don't thank me for accepting your friendship request for it is an honour bestowed unto us by Christ himself: He commanded us to be ONE as He and the Father are ONE. I will love to hear daily from you dear. And your assurance about praying for me, my family and ministry? Honestly, I am left without words for that is the best gift anyone can ever give....Please, be assured I will do the same for you always.

    And friend, just remember that you don't have to change your name simply because I suggested it...Let the spirit of the Lord offer agreement first. I love and miss you-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • indiegirl

    Dear Orangetree,
    what a wonderful choice of name, that lifting up the spirit just by imagining the colour on a bright Sunday.
    Hi...I wrote a letter to you yesterday, but unfortunatelly I mistype the keyboard, it got nowhere.
    I am very happy that you reached to me first, it's always very nice when you're new, somebody offer friendship, then I knew what a wonderful person you must be. Reading your story about your experince with God, it only makes me wonder, who are we that God cares for us,that He gives us life here on earth to be able to know Him and then still taking care of us after we leave the world? Who are we that He should care for us, knowing the reality of what a tiny little dust we are compared to the cosmic reality?

    Question will go on. But you know what, I happened to read other story of near death experience. You must be belong to our Jesus that you experienced such joy. Some other near death story relating to giving birth that I read was not that joyful. They seemed to wonder to an eerie situation that by remembering it they trembled.

    So Orangetree dear, I hope we can share more of the story of how loving and tender our God is.
    Peace always be you....and lots of smile !
  • indiegirl

    Dear Orangetree...
    Sorry I only recently came back to this Net, 'cos I was out of town during weekend to see my parents.
    It's a pleasure to tell you bout my self....though I am not the kind of person that loves telling bout oneself, but as we all may grow stronger in our faith, sharing life story will be good.
    I am a working girl of a construction company, I maintain the design to the approved budget. As I always be grateful for the job that I have, and God in His Words tells us that we have to obey our employer and work as if we render a service to Him, the Lord alone ( i think it's from the letter of Paul...I'm sorry I don't remember the exact scripture), I am now in a kind of battle of my own, being sometimes unenthusiastic about work, and think that I should do something else....but I know that this kind of thougt must come from an ungrateful mind. So I am now reflecting again and again to myself that all the thing happen to me, must have come for a reason, that God Himself has planned everything for us.
    And what about you...have you ever feel bored of doing somehing?
    Do you like singing and music....I play piano a you play any instrument? As you said that you like art and craft....I also love it so much. You know I sometimes abandon friends inviting me shopping (well....girls sometimes can be so captivated by this....) just for having my own time for painting, knitting. What kind of craft do you do?
    So...I should get back to work now. There should be 16 hours different between yours and mine.
    God bless you and your family. May God reveals more of His love to you.
  • Patti

  • Patti

    Jesus is the Light
  • kathleen aldea

    ( 1 JOHN 5:14-15 *NKJV )
    We often find ourselves to busy to stop and say a prayer
    when we have a rough day. In this life everything seems like
    it has to be accomplished A.S.A.P. So we often forget to
    speak to God in prayer about it before we react.
    Therefore one must remember that; THE PRAYER OF A
    ( JAMES 5:16 *NIV ) More powerful and more effective than
    anything else on this Earth, even when we must react
    As Soon As Possible.
    Now friend, have you ever wondered about the
    abbreviation A.S.A.P.? Generally we think of it in terms
    of even more hurry and stress in our lives. Maybe if we
    think of this abbreviation in a different manner, we will
    begin to find a new way to deal with those rough days
    along the way...
    So when.......
    There's work to do, deadlines to meet;
    You've got no time to spare,
    But as you hurry and scurry-
    In the midst of family chaos,
    "Quality time" is rare.
    Do your best; let God do the rest-
    It may seem like your worries
    Are more than you can bear.
    Slow down and take a breather-
    God knows how stressful life is;
    He wants to ease our cares,
    And He'll respond to all your needs
  • JV

    Thanks for the addy :) God bless
  • indiegirl

    Dear orangetree....
    Sorry that I've been absent from this site for a while because I was having a challenge of my life myself...I was rather not well for a couple days. But praise the Lord, I'm feeling better now. It was thru' sickness that I find myself needing His Presence and Guidance more and more, so that I also have to know Him more and know what He wants from me. I have to admit that I was a reluctant Christian before, I even abandon Him by lying to my parents that I'd gone to church when I actually went to malls and had all that worldly fun. I even misused the trust of the owner of the house I constructed by mismanaging the construction cost....well...I was really living my own life until God in someway or somehow punished me thru' ailment. But ...I should say that only by this trials and tests I got to know Him better because I really had to bend on my knee and asked Him for forgiveness of all my sin. That's part of how I get to know Jesus better now.
    I am so happy to know your share of the story of how you're doing with your life. What do you do now? How old are you if you don't mind telling. I feel that you have been thru' lots of walks in life to be that wise...I mean I find your guidance really comforting.
    I myself am still single. This is also one of my quetions to God....why some people get their spouses easily or have the call for it while I am struggling with my being alone. Well...well it's not that I become a whiner to God, just wondering why...
    By the way, thanks for encouraging me about my job. It's really know how funny God can work in small thing. I was kinda bored that I sometimes use my time doing emailing or surfing thru' internet...but then funnily the net was suddenly off ....during the working time and just available during break time. That was what I thought.....Really I cannot get corrupted mine but just be real honest person in work as well. GBU Orangetree....Looking forward to hearing from you again soon.
  • indiegirl

    Dear orangetree...'s nice to get your reply soon. So you are now doing ok rite? I think one of the thing that can also heal your wound is by having an uplifted spirit by friends giving encouragement. You know you're as old as my mother....I so truly love my mother that words can't explain. She was the real model of faith, I keep asking myself how she could have all the energy to really take care of me and all the children (there are 4 of us, my parents' children)..even until now when I get sick, she's always there for me though I surely know that she has some problems with her health as well, but she kept saying that love makes her strong and faith makes her not worrying a lot. I bet you're also the rock of your family.
    I will keep your advice of having personal relationship with God always, yessss....I am keeping it. I hope that I will someday have that you and my mom has in my heart.
    As for your suggestion to see the main page, which one do you mean. I see one posted by an Indonesian girl live in Italy about walking with God, there's another saying about life after death. I post a comment about life after death, maybe you have to tell your story about the near death experince there too so more people would be able to get some more perspective on that.
    So....I think that's all for now. Have a wonderful time. Regards for your family...Hope to hear soon from you again. God Bless You
  • kathleen aldea

    ( JEREMIAH 32:27 *NKJV )

    When you are facing something that seems impossible
    to you, have faith, for nothing is impossible with God on
    your side!" After all is it not written: HE WHO IS IN YOU IS
    ( 1 JOHN 4:4 )

    So don't give up when facing what may seem impossible
    to you. For you do believe in miracles don't you? Well isn't
    a miracle something that has happened that seemed
    impossible at the time?"

    Also remember that Jesus said: "HAVE FAITH IN GOD.
    THEM, AND YOU WILL HAVE THEM." ( MARK 11:21-24 )

    Therefore the next time you find yourself thinking that
    something can not be done; remember the first verse of this
    WITH LOVE. ( 1 CORINTHIANS 16:13-14 ) For then if it is
    God's Will for you, it can be done indeed!
  • Patti

    Good morning!
    As far as sending a link, cut and past the link, OR, when u have the website up u want to share, cut and paste the address in the search area, then just paste it to the comment area or email. That is how I do it. I have a great friend I met here that is VERY knowledgeable, puts me to shame when it comes to computer knowledge, and he is no longer on this site. I will ask him to help you.
    Take care and have a blessed day!
  • kathleen aldea

  • Christy Gabriel

    Hi Dear Sister Orangetree
    I just wonder why you choose Orangetree instead of your own name. Maybe you will share it with me now. But above all I thank you for your concern of my healing proses from my Lord God. He is really so awesome indeed! And I give my utmost thanksgiving through you too. We together give Him all the honor and glory forever for He is so worthy of our praise!
    But for you Sister Be Blessed always, Stay Blessed forever from Him.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Pastor Bob B

    God bless you friend, love your name. It is good to meet you. I am glad you have been blessed by the lord already here. It is a great place to grow in the Lord. Your story is awsome. God does bring people together, and I believe God has brought you here to strengthen you in your faith. I want to leave you with a video that is based on a vission that the singer Terry Mcalmon had.
    In the love of Jesus.
    object width="425" height="344">
  • Orangetree

    Dear Bob,
    You cannot imagine what you have done here! I have been praying to Jesus for music from Terry MacAlmon, I have not been able to find any
    on my own, and I seem to relate to his music, I can praise and worship
    my Lord and totally get lost in his presence. I thank you so much for this
    video! I don't know much about him, just that I had heard his music at one
    time and could never find it again. I didn't know that he had a vision, what
    a beautiful vision. Last night, I was laying awake and thinking about starting a near death experience discussion and I asked God if this is what he wanted, well it must be, because I have never had the appropriate discriptive words to explain what I saw and felt and last night he gave me
    a few. I was so excited and I believe when I start this, he will give me all
    of his choice of words. I will continue to pray about it. Thank You brother.
    We have the most awesome God. He is always here for us!!
  • Christy Gabriel

    Hi Sister Orangetree
    Or better if I call you Grandmom Orange? I am a grandmom too with 8 months grandson who lives in Germany with his mom (my daughter) and dad. I just came home from Germany. Thank you for sharing the meaning of Orangetree with me. If you want to get closer with me you can sent me email at So happy to have a new friend like you. Please just keep in tough with me. JUST BE BLESSED ALWAYS IN HIS WAY SISTER.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Pastor Bob B

    I will leave you with a few powerful videos.
    Double click on video to take you to Youtube to get more information.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Patti

  • Carla

    You're welcome! Glad I could help.

    Rest in His Perfect Love, Carla
  • indiegirl

    Dear Orangetree...
    of course my dear I am just fine...nothing to worry about, thanks to the guard of our Lord Jesus Christ, who loves us so much and may we love Him back in action. I should actually share you a story, well few days ago I wasn't still on my shape, most nights I could only fall asleep for 2 hours, and days become so draggingly tiresome and awful. I checked what's wrong with me, so many phisychian said that it was because I was stressful. I disagreed with them quietly, I think what I most stressed about was the recurring illness. But I checked myself honestly then, I found out that I was worried a lot, worried bout the future, worried of being alone, worried about life at large. So I decided that I had to go to a person that God trusted some special ability. So I went to her weeping, and before I told her my problem, she could figured out whatever I had in minds. We took the bible and read whatever God asked her to open. And it was revealed that I had to take this problems because He wants us to be purified for my old sins that I am so ashamed to tell you, though at the moment I wasn't thinking it was big deals. Because I now know the purpose ( I was angry with God before, and would challenge Him the purpose or any reason for this exhausted). So the person said that this pain and trial will be taken out of me. I was so revealed, amazingly she was really able to tell whatever crossed my mind during the session. If I could only describe how humble she was. She lived in a kind of hut, I should say. Not a decent house at all, many times she was faced with people trying to kill her because she lifted up the faith among the know Indonesia. But many times she escaped because God told her in her own ear to get escape. I then feel so much lighter. I know that if I keep my humility in front of God and keep the faith, I will survived and will be blessed even more.
    So that's what happen to me recently. I also hope that your days were filled with joy and reassurance of His Love. How lucky we are that we were aknowledged by Him personally and that we can build relationship with Him. God bless you always, Orangetree. Keep in touch with me...
  • brateng


    I am delighted to know that you have been busy serving both God and man...for that is the greatest service one can give whilst still alive. It's refreshing to learn too that you have been learning how to operate a new computer. Can you please tell me more about your arteries dear? i would like to pray with you along the same. I continually praise the Lord for His wonderful doings amongst His people. Glad that you are staying longer...for the Lord surely needs you my sister.

    Be blessed-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • Eren

  • indiegirl

    Dear Orangetree...
    Hope you're doing fine ...Miss you at the net, while I also just recently check out the net and missed few days. Dear I am building my relationship with God by reading more of the Bible....I must admit that sometimes it really strung me by surprise if I read the Old testament, it seems like it was an endless back and forth the struggle of the Israeli to know God. And how God keep punishing them to such terrible situation. I was a somehow worry that God will also punish me for my past fault. How actually can we know the meaning of the Old Testament? Your reply will be much appreciated. God bless you sis.
  • Patti

  • kathleen aldea

    The storms of our life
    Prove the strength of our anchor…..

    "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine
    and puts them into practice is like a wise man
    who built his house on the rock.- Matt.7:24

    Living for the Lord,serving Him each day,
    Best prepares the soul for the stormy way;
    Then as trials come,tempting to despair,
    We can rest secure,safe within His care.

    God bless u my dear friend....
  • indiegirl

    Ha...ha...I already knew it actually. I browsed to your page and found that reply intended for me was there. I said to myself, you must have been very busy that you forget things. Well it's ok. I am the one to say sorry because I had known that but didn't write to you directly. I was also on long vacation due to Moslem celebration that took almost 2 weeks, I was away with my parents in my hometown.
    How are things with you. I hope you're just fine, and so your husband. God will take care of all of us, though some days people are stressed out due to some things that out of their control, 'cos yeah lately it happens to me. But let's just stick with the faith, 'cos it's the source of our strengths.
    The Bible told us so, and so we will live by it.
    With love in Jesus,
  • indiegirl

    Dear Orangetree....
    How are you, it's been a while since we last wrote each other. Hope you're still hanging there and doing great. You must be busy with all the election in your country and all. Glad to hear that the election was doing great, though I myself would have chosen Mc'Cain if I were American....ha...ha..But, may the chosen one be the next agent of improvement, not just change.
    Indonesia is also hit by the economic crisis, just to let you know. My project had been slowing down due to some payment difficulties. Well...but we as company still manage to survive...only don't know until when....but my hope is still high.
    Really want to hear again from you. God bless you and your family.
  • Carla

    Hi There...I have added your loved ones names to the prayer....God is always working. Love in Christ, Carla
  • indiegirl

    Hi Orangetree
    It's very nice to hear from you again. I also can't visit this site very often. I have some problems with my health returning sometimes and also busy with jobs. I am glad that you've found a great church. How is it great and different? I myself am still a conservative Catholic, though sometimes I consider myself a little bit into charismatic as well, but as Christian we believe with our personal relationship with Him no matter what our denomination is, right?

    As for the business, so many jobs related to exporting are really damaged here in Indonesia. But relatively the construction jobs are actually not so much affected here, we're still constructing many buildings. I don't know for sure how long it will eventually hit my business core. But well, I always believe that we need time to balance things out, it's just a matter of time.

    I really hope that you're keeping your shape. There are times that reminds us all that what we can do is to cling on to God. God bless you too, you're in my prayer.

    In Christ,
  • indiegirl

    Dear Orangetree, thanks so much for your concern about me. It's very nice that we are praying for each other.
    I could understand that sometimes Catholic could be strict at obeying rules, but of course the implementation should be base on the love for God and love for humanity, as God has told us. And we as human sometimes can swing to both side of the pendulum, too strict or too loose, and as we know that we won't be perfect no matter what, God has given us the redeemer in Himself, but still He always encourages us to be perfect like Father. So, for me rules in Catholic church are rules made by our trying to understand the perfection God wants us to be.I myself sometimes would also be in a situation that could make me bend the rules, its all humanity in ourselves, but I find here in my own parish, my situation that all my friends and I have been through very bad sins, some of them divorced, some even did the abortion, but still they could get access to sacraments, I think sometimes it's the person in charge who put the string too tight....well it's just my opinion.

    As for me, I am already moving to my hometown, I was thinking of living in my own place, but my mother and father has been thru' lots of difficulties, as when I got very sick, my father got a traffic accident that put him almost a moth in hospital. But I really admire my mother of having faith so deep, I can't really fathom myself since I sometimes could ask God why and why me?

    So..I am now staying with my parents and try to help them as much as I could. What about your family? Do your children live near you or far ? Hopefully they really are devoted children too, not saying that I'm devoted enough ha...ha...

    God bless you sister, I will always pray for you. Hope that your love to God really brings you closer always to Him.

    In Christ
  • ramona Odubena

  • ramona Odubena

    Holy Sunday to you
  • Julia Stephens

    lovely story glad you told it x
  • kathleen aldea

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.
    Thank you so very much

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.
    In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2

    A message was given recently in which Jesus said, the mansion I went to prepare for you is now finished. All is ready for Me to bring My people home.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Please also pray for ISRAEL and all over the world. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.
    Thank you so very much

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B