

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
South Africa
Finacial Adviser
I'm here to...
Enjoy fellowship with my brothers and sisters
The Bible, Christian Music, The youth, Archery, Cricket, Rugby
I'm passionate about...
I'm passionate about being a Christian, and having a relationship with Jesus. I have a heart for the youth of today, to teach them and see them on fire for the Lord in spreading the Gospel and living their lives according to God's will and purpose for their lives.
My story with God
I'm deeply in love with Him, because He has saved me and is the Person that understands me the best and the only one able to change circumstances and give me hope for tomorrow.
Other stuff about me:
I'm deeply in love with the girl God has sent over my path, with whom I can share my love and receive her love and through her love expierencing God's love for me as well.

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  • Ron Payne

    Morning Adriaan,
    Gene and I send you and your family our condolences on the loss of your father this morning.
    Die Here seen julle almal en ons wens u sterkte in die dae wat voorle

    Ron en Gene
  • kathleen aldea

    hello,my friend...
    my deepest condolence to u en to ur whole fam...
    "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
    praying for u en ur fam that our Lord may give u strength to overcome all these things... God bless you..
  • Judy Wirjadinata

    My condolences on the loss of your father. Please read 1 Tes 4 : 13 - 15 and understand it as it is God's word through the Apostle Paul. Those verses is from God for you.
    God be with you always...
  • Carla

    Deepest condolences for your loss. May the Lord strengthen you today and in the days to come. The Lord our God is our Rock, lean on Him so you will not grow weary.
    Love in Christ, Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

    My brother, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I wish I could just be there with you to just hug you and love on you. I have had to go down this road of grief 2 times in the last few years. I lost my mom last April and my dad a few years ago. I will see them again as you will see your dad again.

    A friend told the story about when people would leave Europe to come to America and only part of the family would be able to go at a time. There was great sorrow as many saw there family leave, but in America when the ship would come in, the town would ring a bell and all would rush to the docks to welcome their families and it was a time of great joy. Soon we will all be together and it will be a time of great joy, but now we are here and they are there and we find comfort in knowing that this life is not an end, but just a brief lay over, eternity is our goal. Know that you and your mom and family are in my prayers.
    In the love of Jesus
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Our condolences on your father's death. I'm so sorry for your loss. He is with God, that you know. I am praying for you & the family.
  • kathleen aldea

    Haideemark@ God Bless Our Friendship... animated art baby beautiful comments friendship haideemark hot kids stuff
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • candy

    hellllllllllllllllllllllllOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!1 ........IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............i seen some people playing cricket on australian network ...and thought of you ....sooooo ...HI:)
  • Nienie

    hello seuna, sjoe ek sien jou ook maar min ne!!die liefde het nou die oorhand mmm!!! ag toemaar ek verstaan ' been there done that"!!!! maar dis mooi hou die liefde mooi my kindjie!!
    lekker dudu!!
  • Deon

    Couzee!!! Wat se jy nog??
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi brother, it is so good to hear from you in the last couple of months. I have thought of you often. I was very difficult for my family to get through the holidays after loosing 3 member of the family in the last year.
    My brother -n law (my wifes brother) came from Maine and spent some time here and he was missing his wife Nancy who died last April. We went to the movies and saw a great funny movie called Bed Time Stories. It was the best movie i have seen in a long time and very funny.

    A movie you need to see is Fire Proof. It is a great movie for newly weds. Every couple should see it before they are married. It will be a tool that will bring many to Christ, plus many marriages will be saved.

    Well it is great to hear from you, may God bless your day.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Adriaan,

    Well can you believe it? It got above freezing for the first ime yesterday in a very long time. We still have a foot of snow on the ground. I live near a huge ski resort town called Killington which has 6 mountains. They can have 3 to 4 fet of snow up there. I just live 25 minutes from it. My Son Brennan is 20 and he move to Collorado last September and the mountains are much higher out there, but there winters are like our springs. My 24 year old son is a musician and has move to Noth Caralina last month. He lives on a bus and it is way to cold here to live on a bus in the winter. He was here over Christmas and he hooked up electric heaters and doubled my electric bill. I was really glad to have him here so I didn't mind the bill. I also have a daughter Bethany 17 who will graduate high school in June. It seems like yesterday that they were just little kids.

    Did you get marraid yet? I know you were dating Neinie's daughter.

    Neinie and I are greeters here on this net and we are so busy we don't get to chat much. Praise God for her new Job and all the blessings that came with it.

    God bless you brother, be encouraged in the Lord. This is going to be a great year for growth in our personal relationships with God. I know that your dad, and my mom are in that great croud of wittnesses cheering us on to finish the race of faith that has been given to us.

    in the love of Jesus

    I knew all the answers
    The way my life should go
    And when I used to say my prayers
    I would tell God so
    It seemed He wasn't listening
    I thought He didn't care
    But lookin' back
    It's plain to see
    He was always there

    'Cause I prayed for strength
    And I got pain that made me strong
    I prayed for courage
    And got fear to overcome
    When I prayed for faith
    My empty heart brought me to my knees
    I don't always get what I want
    I get what I need

    I'm not sayin' that it's easy
    Or that it doesn't hurt
    When nothing seems to go my way
    Nothing seems to work
    These days I'm getting better
    At goin' with the flow
    Accepting that sometimes the answer
    To a prayer is no

    'Cause I prayed for strength
    And I got pain that made me strong
    I prayed for courage
    And got fear to overcome
    When I prayed for faith
    My empty heart brought me to my knees
    I don't always get what I want
    I get what I need

    Every time I've had a door slammed in my face
    In time a better one was opened in its place

    I prayed for strength
    And I got pain that made me strong
    I prayed for courage
    And got fear to overcome
    When I prayed for faith
    My empty heart brought me to my knees
    I don't always get what I want
    I get what I need

    Oh I don't always get what I want
    I get what I need
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Brother, it is always good to hear from you. I am glad you have fire proofed your marriage before it has even begun. I hope you will pick up the Love Dare book also. I got a copy last week. My wife is a way from the Lord and we have been separated for almost three years. I was a lot like Caleb in the movie with a high stressed job and a bit self centered.
    I wish that I would have had a resource like this when I was starting out almost 28 years ago. My biggest mistake was I tried to deal with the issues that came up in our marriage by myself and made a mess of things.

    If I can give you one word of advise it would be this; Don't ever try to conform your wife to your image of what a wife should be. Holy spirit will take care of that. Just love her as she is unconditionaly. This kind of love will bring a since of security into her heart.

    Let me know when you are wed so i can congradulate you.

    In the great love of Jesus
  • candy

    hello ....long time sweet bro/ cricket coach:) ...hwz ya gal .. married? ...
  • kathleen aldea

    Soul food for the Day: The CENTER...

    The center chapter of the BIBLE is Psalm 118.. there are 594 chapters before and after Psalm 118
    And if we will add this we will get 1188... in which the center verse of the BIBLE is PSALM 118:8
    What is the significant of Psalm 118:8 in God's perfect will for our lives?
    It is better to trust in the LORD, than to put confidence in man.-- Psalm 118:8
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    When things get tough, always remember faith doesn't get you around trouble..
    it gets you through it!
    When you relinquish the desire to control your future you obtain happiness...

    Father God, bless my friend in whatever it is that you know he/she may be needing this day....
    May their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have closer relationship with you. Amen...

  • candy

  • kathleen aldea

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic time to msg me huh???

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic are thinking of sending me a msg now???

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    Choooo cho chweet of you......

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Come on...send it across...i'm waiting for your "hi"..

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic long I have to wait???

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    What???? No need to wait??? WOW!!!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic


    Image and video hosting by TinyPic waiting!

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    Hey I'm watching you so do send a hi soon...

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    Hey don't u miss meeee...??

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    Hmm...tired of typing...

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    I'll just say it for you then...

    Hello!!!! I Miss U So Much....

    Each moment in a day has its own value
    Morning brings Hope...
    Afternoon brings Faith..
    Evening brings Love....
    Night brings Rest...
    Wish you find them all today.

    click to comment
    Remembering is the heart’s own way
    Of holding loved ones close
    And keeping us in constant touch
    With those who mean the most.
    Remembering is the heart’s own way
    Of sending loving thoughts today!
    A friend is someone we turn to
    When our spirits need a lift,
    A friend is someone we treasure
    For true friendship is a gift.
    A friend is someone we laugh with
    Over little personal things,
    A friend is someone we’re serious with
    In facing whatever life brings.
    A friend is someone who fills our lives
    With beauty and joy and grace
    And can make the world that we live in
    A better and happier place!
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  • candy

    hey i finished school ...i tink in coll..ill be doing adv zoology and bio tech ...hey ill put up my bfz pic ok:)
  • candy

    hey hw you like ma lay out, and im friendly with him ...for nearly 2 years ..bro hez to sweet ha ha newaz ...ill be gettin my 12th std results on the 14th bro :)
  • candy

    Whatever your cross, whatever your pain, There will always be sunshine, after the rain .... Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall, But God's always ready, To answer your call ... He knows every heartache, sees every tear, A word from His lips, can calm every fear ... Your sorrows may linger, throughout the night, But suddenly vanish, dawn's early light ... The Savior is waiting, somewhere above, To give you His grace, and send you His love .. Whatever your cross, whatever your pain, "God always sends rainbows .... after the rain ... " Don’t take the “shortcut,” carry your cross! THEREFORE YOU MUST ENDURE HARDSHIP AS A GOOD SOLDIER OF JESUS CHRIST ..2 TIMOTHY 2:3..:)
  • candy

    hey i got my 12th results .todAY..i got ..a bit low but ..i got like 921 on 1200 ITS are my subJECTS, maths, phy, chem, lang and eng:)...AM READY FOR COLL NOW HE HE
  • candy

  • candy


  • candy

    ha ha na nan na na:)

  • candy

    Jesus ...rules HAVE AND AWESOME DAY..
  • candy


  • candy


  • Pastor Bob B

    We are having a very cool summer with a lot of rain, and before we know it winter will be back after it visits your side of the Earth.
    I am very busy here on line greeting all the new comers, i have over 1000 friends. If they all write at once I am in trouble. lol

    This is my favorite new song right now, it says it all about the wonderful power of the cross. We are so blessed to be his children and to partake of all the blessings that comes to us as children of God.

    Be blessed my friend always in the Lord.

    In the Love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Adriaan, Brennan is coming back next month. Brennan is going to be home for a while and I pray that it will be the time when he turns his life over to Jesus. He missed everybody being in Colorado for a year.

    My hope is that both my sons will settle in driving distance so I can see them more often.

    Are you married yet to that beautiful lady yet. I couldn't remember the date.

    Please remember my daughter Bethany in your prayers. She had her tonsils out a week or so ago and has had to go into the hospital for the second time because she has had some problems.

    She was unable to eat or drink, so has to be put in to get I.V. to keep her hydrated. I hate it when my kids get sick. She is 18 and just graduated high School but she is still my little girl.

    God bless you brother, it is always a joy to my heart to hear from you. I am still standing on God's promise to me of a mighty revival in South Africa. I am so thankful just to be able to share with you, and to encourage you, to be able to build anticipation in your heart for a mighty harvest of souls, that you yourself might be able to be part of God's plan in bringing in the harvest.

    In the great love of Jesus
  • kathleen aldea

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  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Brother, thanks for filling me in on your plans. I am thrilled about the news that revival is breaking out in New London. In The USA we are in a tough situation where so many can not find jobs. My brother-in law hasn't found work in over a year up in Maine. My wife hasn't found work in 10 months, plus I have other friends who need jobs.
    There was a time when you would go to the news paper and there would be a hundred jobs, but now it is just a few.
    The ones who are having the hardest is those who are older in there late 50s who may have had a job for 20 years and they were laid off because of cut backs, they are capable people yet no one wants to hire them. May have had to go work for minimum wage jobs.

    All this must happen if people are going to turn to the Lord and renounce their god of money and understand that security is only in the Lord.

    I am glad God is blessing you financially and that you will be able to start your family with your beautiful bride.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Brother, Last summer Angus had a huge meeting in South Africa that they had on God TV online in which I got introduced to the man of God.
    Wow! He is the Billy Graham of South Africa for sure. I have watched some videos on you tube also. I want him to come here. He is my kind of preacher and I hope to get to see the film Faith Like potatoes also.

    We must look unto Jesus and make him our focus so the cares of this world won't get us down. God bless you dear brother.

    In the love of Jesus
  • candy

    hugs missed you ..:( ...:) tc tata
  • candy

    oye betta reply k,,
  • candy

  • candy

  • candy

  • candy

  • Pastor Bob B

  • kathleen aldea

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  • candy

    love you bro big hug ...ill get back ... got lots and lots ta tell yu ...come of ta india
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.
    Thank you so very much

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • candy

    hello :) ..mwah ...:) am back :) i hope ya doing good ..married??? yet my coach :) ..he he ..ill keep you in prayers ...bro tc
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Please also pray for ISRAEL and all over the world. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.
    Thank you so very much

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Pastor Bob B

    It is amazing how many changes God can bring into your life in such a short time. June 11th I was re-married to a wonderful lady named Lynda. She has 3 adult children 17,20, 22. Nick is 17 and is a senior in high School, Louise is in her 3rd year of collage, and Ben is a dispatcher for the state police. I have a Ben of my own also who is 25, so with my other son Brennan 22, and my daughter Bethany 19 I have 6 children now. lol

    I have moved north about an hours drive from where I lived before, but still attend the same church even though it is an hour drive. I am in the process of becoming a licenced pastor and am working with my pastor serving the Lord.

    I hope to be able to do more ministry on line when things settle down a bit. Our winter will be here soon and it does slow us down a bit.

    It has been very hot here the last week, but things will be getting cooler by the weekend.

    Dear brother I pray that you are still striving to please the Lord and that you are fitting into his plan for your life. I know that you have a wonderful love for the Lord and I also know that it will be men like yourself that God will be using to minister to the body of Christ in the days to come.

    God bless you!

    In the love of Jesus