



Profile Information:

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Leading the organization
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Make friends
Music , sports and traveling
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My story with God
I was born christian but I not a real believer than when I went to Bible college I got saved praise God
Other stuff about me:
Iam married and I have one child name Enoch and wife name is Florence

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  • thomas1970

    Thanks for the invitation. I am still learning about Chritst Jesus and have many questions. Usually, HE answers them for me when I ask HIM, but sometimes I just don't want to bother HIM with some of my trivial questions. HE is in me/us always and never complains about anything. HE keeps me/us strong and helps us to get through our days(no matter what we are going through) and never asks any more from us than we are prepared to give. I pray and gives thanks many times a day and HE always hears me. That, Iam sure of. I look forward to hearing from you again. The things I know now and the gifts that HE has bestowed unto me are very powerful. I just want to talk to others that share my knowledge and wisdom through Christ Jesu. GOD bless you and yours.
  • John Saputo

    Dear Ujwal,

    May God bless you on your journey with Jesus Christ.
    I was just reading that the Apostle Thomas was the first of the 12 to go to India and start a community of believers in the Risen Christ. I am praying for you to be guided by the Lord.
    We have a community of Indian people in my home subdivision. I think most of them are Hindus.
    I do not know how to reach them for Jesus.
    Pray for me to have an open door to share as the Lord leads. Any ideas would be helpful.
    Your Brother in America
    John Saputo
  • angel eye

    Hi Ujwal,
    To answer the questions you have, I am pentecostal which have not been all my life but only in the last 9 years. God touched my life in a wonderful way.
    I have never been to India but have spoken to people who do live there. Had a hard time understanding them because of the language. They were beautiful people but did not understand why the woman were so quiet,I am like a social bunny LOL.
    I would like to come to India but the cost and my family would be a problem. I have two girls "3 and 9", married for 7 years but been together for longer. I am a nursing student which have 1 more year to become an RN. It would be hard to pack up and go.
  • patrick lefevere

    thank you for your mail, i will gladly pray for you, but to coming is another case, because i been busy in a town to work for the lord Jesus, and i like it here, because the fight may be hard, stand in the place that the Lord want is good and a pleasure, not easy, sometime's hard en dificult, but you need trust in the lord, and not in men, that's why jesus in the night were alone to pray en beeƩn by his father, and also we need that, don't support on men but on Jesus, don't wurry he don't leave you,even it seems to be , he never does, i hope you can read it because my english is not profesional, but i did my verybest, may God blessing and he does
  • Flutterbye

  • Rose

    Hey just thought i would write back and say its nice to know you and best of luck with your walk with the Lord may he guide and protect you. I wish i could come to help even for a short time but not able due to funds and work. thank you anyway.
  • cherrie

    Very nice to meet you ujwal, I will pray for your ministry. I can't come to India there are many reasons but thank you for inviting me. May gods fill you with the truth and open hearts to receive.. God bless your sister in Christ Cherrie
  • Rija

    Dear Ujwal
    Thanks for writing.
    What is your ministry?
    I go to an evangical and pentecotist church at us, and you at what church do you go ?
    I have still not visited India but I am sure that there will be an opportunity for me to preach the Gospel.
    God bless you
  • Brooke

    What type of ministry do you have. I am starting a youth outreach. It is what the Lord can called me and my husband to do. Thank you for the invite. I will have to take you up on that one day. I go to Redemption world outreach and Restoration church. May the Lord bless your ministry and lead multitudes of people to Christ.
  • Pawulo

    Thank you ujwal for your interest in me. I want to tell you how I met Jesus. I was born in a christian family, though I was attending church every sunday my life was empty. I knew that there was something missing in me until one day when I attended a crusade which was organised by charismatic church. it was in 2001. I prayed a directed prayer which changed my life completly. All these years holy spirit was teaching me through hardships and temptations. Now that I have finished the first course am able to preach. I am chararmatic. I have never been in India, our country Malawi is landlocked where transport is expensive. Brother I will be praying for you.
  • CC

    Hi, Ujwal. How are you? Blessings in the name of Jesus. No, I have never been to India. Maybe one day I will go, but if the Lord calls me. Have you ever been to America?
  • Kezia

    Praise the Lord Ujwal!! Am glad to have come across a person like you.

    May Our Lord shower his blessings on you and use you mightily for his glorification and to touch many hearts and lead them in the way everlasting.

    Currently am in Sharjah. Next time I visit India God willingly will meet you and join you in prayers for the ministry.
  • Renee weeks

    Praise The Lord, For God is always doing great things.
    I thank the Lord for you and your Ministry. I wanted you to know that you are The "Apple Of God's Eye". Sometimes in this world people measure success by material possessions, money , and large building.Sometimes we may do the same thing. Yet although we may need those things at times, they are really not success. Success is a Personal, Dynamic , Intimate, Relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is discovering our calling and pupose in this world, and living it out every day. It is also effecting the change in the lives of others, and alleviating the suffferering of those who are in bondage and in pain,it is being a voice and an advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves. Success is "Soul Propserity" on every level, The Love of God, the Indwelling of His Holy Spirit, His mercy, His forgivness, The Hope of Glory in Us, Walking in truth and God's Power, A Deeper Capacity for Love and Forgivness, Being used for God's service, our Precious Prayers for ourselves and others, The Mighty Work of the Lord,God's Glory in our lives, His Exhaustless Love, His Priceless Faithfulness, and a whole list of so many wonderful other areas and attributes.
    The Lord is already using you mightily my brother, because whenever you are helping others, you are blessing the Lord. When the Lord first started me out in Ministry, I was'nt even preaching, but my lifestyle
    was. I was on the field doing outreach at the hospitals, elderly homes, and visiting the sick,working with at risk children, homeless shelters for for women and children,and recovery houses. When I actually did preach, it was really a workshop that the Lord had given me. It was not behind the puplit,it was actually to children, in a summer camp program.I was just happy to be used by the Lord in any capacity! Remember everyday to not lose focus, and everything that you do for the Lord is important, even the smallest thing. Do you know that sometimes you can just hug a person, and save their life? You may not have a lot of help, you may have to go alone at time, you may not get any recognition or thanks, but just know that the Lord is watching you, He is with you, and "His Pleasure" is upon your life. I did not start off where I am now, but the Lord brought me every step of the way. Focus more on the process of your spiritual growth, and less on the destination. The process and journey is far more important than the destination. Why?, because so much growth is going to take place in your life, and Ministry. Your relationship is going to become more intimate with the Lord, because His so vast,and He has so many different levels.So each situation that He leads you into, when He finally brings you out, you will have experienced Him in a much deeper way. Just know that you are making a difference in this world! God Bless You,Prophetess Renee
  • Brooke

    Thank you again for the prayers! It might not be soon.. But I would love to help out! :)

    greetings in jesus name my dear brother

    about 2 or 3 weeks ago i was feeling really depressed and down about my marriage situation, i cried my heart out to the lord while i was praying, then i decided to go on to the internet and do some research about marriage recociliation through the biblical way,while i was on the net i prayed that god will direct me to a site were i will find the answers that i am looking for and he directed me tis wonderful site.

    god bless
  • etta

    hi glad too hear from you im 65 years old Love the Lord I know God is faithful , My daugther is a minster.. and we are starting a new work here im assoiate paster. God is moving in a very special way.. praying for souls too be saved God bless you have a very pretty wife and child pray God blesses your work for the Lord.
  • patrick lefevere

    my best friend, i now for shore that the lord shall do what you pray for, because don't forget, it is the lord that's lay down all these ideas in your heart, just ask the lord for a conformation, but i believe you are on the right way, don't worry, i pray that i can see the same things here in belgium, God blesses you
  • Carol Weaver

    Hi Ujwal, What a nice family you have!

    I have been married almost 40 years,Thanks to God, have a nice husband and a caring husband, it will be this September. Two grown sons, married, and five grandchildren. Am Pastor to the Pastors on Trinity Evangelical Christian Ministries Fellowship Hall Worship Center, and have chosen an Associate Rev Kev to help me, to share this load, but it is a light load indeed!

    Have been Christian all my life, but did do much searching during a time and with my husband.

    Live a life, mostly for God with Prayer for otehrs, and counseling, and reading Christian articles of various kinds. Now much to tell really, when young I was much more active and could tell much that happened then, and I know Jesus would laugh at some things that happened to me for sure!So I guess that is the main things to mention in this little spot.. LOL. Am so glad to get to know you!

    greetings in jesus name my dear brother

    please pray for me as im feeling down today of what i had heard from my wifes cousin,he went to visit her on monday and he asked her aout reconciling ,she turns around and tell him that she wants a divorce and she is not coming back to me,when i heard that i felt like a truck that just hit me and felt all alone no one to defend me at that moment,well it is the work of the enemy he has got her captive,i tried to tell her and show her that i have changed but i geuss she is just to blind to see it at this very moment please pray for my wife,my daughter and my self for complete restoration and healing in our life and in my marriage,thank you

    god bless
  • Emad

    Dear brother
    Greetings in the Lord ! Nice to have you in the net .
    I'm in Rasht a north city of Iran . I consigned my heart to Jesus Christ about 6 years ago and I go to a home church too .
    May God bless you .
  • Gerald F. Witherspoon Sr

    If it is the Lord's will and he provides a way, I would love to come!!!
  • diana

    i will pray for your family
  • diana

    i would very much like to do the woman ministry with you.no i never been to india.
  • CASY

    Hello Ujwal,
    My family and I are doing well, Enjoying Colorful Colorado. I have never been out of the USA. Not sure if I will ever get the chance to, but it would be a lovely oppertunity if i did. Right now we travel with my husband's job, across the SouthWest of the USA, He is an substation electrician. When he finishes College in 2 years we will be settling down in Arizona near all my family. I seen pictures of your little boy, he's just adorable. I have 3 children, Jaecee is 7, Justen is 5 and my baby Mae Mae is 1 years old. They keep me very busy. I am raising them to know the Lord, and my older children understand, that Jesus loves them very much. Have you ever been to the USA? I will be praying for you and your family, and it is a true blessing that you have the chance to witness about God to all you know or meet. God bless you and your family.: o )
  • Lyle

    Peace to you in Christ!
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    What a handsome little boy & beutiful wife you have! Keep up the good work in the service of the King! Be blessed brother,
  • Sarah

    Hello Ujwal,

    I am doing fine. How are you doing? I am hoping that all Is well your way. It Is nice to meet you and I hope that we can become good friends. I have never visited India before but always wanted to.

    God bless,
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    I have never been to India. I would like to go someday. I know a lot of people from my church that have been there & go every year to India! Our church has an orphanage there.
  • matthew

    yeah i have been to india in 2006 and i visited the north east of india . Theres a strong Christian community there .Have you ever been to Shillong

    greetings in jesus mighty name my dear brother

    thank you for your words of encouragements,i went to visit my wife today and she has got this attitude towards me almost every weekend and when it suits her to talk to me nicely she does and when ever she needs some things to be done for her the first person she phones is me eg like going to the library,she talks to me nicely,i feel like i am wanted but not needed and whenever she is around her mother she gets this arrogant way of talking to me,she just starts shouting at me for no apparent reason. well i pray and hope that you have had a very blessed day filled with the love of god.please pray for me as my court case is on wednesday

    god bless
  • Shuraima

    Hello My dear frend

    I'am happy also to by youre frend this is my daily adres you can ad

    Lots off love and god bless you
  • reag

    Hi Bro I love you to be my Brother.
    May Jesus the savior Bless you with his Love
    Next time I will tell you Alot about my self but for now I just wanted you that I am in touch with you Dear. One day you and I shall see to each other in the heavens. I saw your family You all look faithfull. Are you? I love you
    Deut: 6:4 read
  • fuegoHugh

    Greetings brother
    I trust the Lord will use you in your willingness to serve the Kingdom. It is such an honour to serve our Lord, and I am forever in awe of his people in many lands.

    You study before you walk the road of witness? or do you today follow in the foot steps of many evangalists and apposals?

    I love to work of the Kingdom, here I and a servant in a nation who are starved of faith (while your nation drowns in idolitry) But here our church is under a wise man of God locally and so we who live in the lord grow stronger.

    The spirit of the Lord minister to you
    Your brother in Jesus
    Copia Life
  • Hilary H.J. Jackson

    Dear Ujwal,
    i am so happy to get a mail from you and to know that you are out there spreading the gospel in your country. I will start praying for you and your family and i hope you will do the same for me too. About the visit to India when do you think it would be possible for me to come and what would the traveling arrangements be like ? Are going to send the ticket and the invitation? I have never been to India and i dont the procedures. I am go to check with your Embassy in the Gambia and start to make enquiries about traveling to your country. I am going on to have vacation in the next two weeks, so i dont know if you want me to come now or in December 2008? please mail me about your plans immediately. Stay blessed

  • mitch eddy

    Dear Ujwal,

    Thanks for the comment, how are you? I have never been to India but have friends from there. Looking forward to learnin about you and god.
  • John Saputo

    Thank you for the advice. It is hard to talk to my Indian Friend because he does not speak good English but some day I will try to share with him as the Lord leads me to do so. by the way have you ever been to these websites full of Christian resoures and music to build you up.
    These are in addition to allaboutGod.com which is one of the best: www.truthnet.org , and www.Godtube.com and www.christiananswers.net .
    I hope these help you! Love in Jesus Name
  • donna-maree wildind

    Hi all,

    Thought you might like an update on my life!!!!

    I'm moving to Germany God willing In a month.

    I've meet the life partner that God has had there for me all of this time...But I was too afraid to see...(Thanks David R for your wisdom & yes you are right I needed to take that leap & trust that God loved me enough to show the way & that He'd not let me make a mistake)

    His name Is Markus Christ & he has a 16 month old daughter called Alexandra.
    A few months ago Markus asked me to come & be with them & I prayed & felt It was right but that I needed to spend a week with them to make sure what I was sensing was God & not my flesh.

    I've just come back from one of the most life chaining weeks of my life!!!
    The peace that felt & just how right & at home we felt blow both of our minds.....God truly is a good & kind Father!!!

    Markus & Alex have melted my heart & have changed my life DM never to be the same.

    I finely felt my life had a purpose & that all else in some way felt so superficial that I felt that I belonged that here are two people who love me & need me.

    So at the end of this week I said yes & now I am back in NYC working hard to clear some of my debt so I can move there with in a month.

    Please pray as Markus Is going for full custody of Alex as her Mother Is not a good mother & abounded Alex when she was only one month old then 2 months ago she kidnapped Alex & demanded more money from Markus If he wanted his daughter back.

    They go to Cort on Friday & she's now playing very dirty.

    They were not married & when she fell pregnant Markus wanted to marry her & build a family but she was only interested in his money.

    Markus Is one of the most dedicated Fathers I've ever come across, his daughter Is his life, he Is unselfish, kind & one of the most loving generous men I've ever come across!!!
    His way of Fathering & how he lives his life has be healing & restoring me In ways I never knew were possible.

    I still hope to do the T.V gig but It seems my life in NYC has come to an end & the doors to a new life In Europe are wide open!!!

    so please stand with us for Gods intervention that justice will prevail!!!

    all my love god bless love DM
  • Tara

    Thank you so much for the invite, I will keep you in my prayers, and if I am ever in your area I would love to go with you, that would be so awesome. Blessing my new found friend.
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear Brother Ujwal
    Thank you for coming to my life and becoming my friend. God bless you always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Lourdito

  • Brenda Charles

    Hi blessing to you, thanks for ur friendship, looking to share god's love and peace with you sister, have a nice week.Sing praises to God , sing praises,sing praises to our King, sing praises.
  • Harriet HOWELL

    HI UJWAL; I am so sorry that i am just reading your email,but praises to GOD,i WISH THAT I COULD ACCOMODATE YOU TO iNDIA,RIGHT NOW ,I am having sickness within my family. I have a daughter who has Leukemia since 1993,thank you God for keeping her alive and well. my 22 yr old was very sick ,but he is doing much better, because we have put God first in our lives and have learned to depend oh him for our every need. God is an awesome God. We will pray that one day soon, i will be able to travel to India,and spread the word and love of Jesus Christ. may God bless and keep you,until we speak again. Harriet
  • Videoguy


    Thank you for your warm welcome! I have been to India New Delhi Jan 2007. Go here


    to read our report and see photos. They call me Maharaja Ron because I rode a camel!

    God bless you for your ministry! Sad news from India just now. Christians killed after a Hindu was killed. May God have mercy. Soften hearts, dear Lord. Amen.
  • Mary

    im ok. i mean my best friend is in the hospital very sick and they dont think she's doing to make it much longer. she has non hogkins lymphoma

    Red Ribbon
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Please also pray for ISRAEL and all over the world. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.
    Thank you so very much

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B