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I'm here to...
To find Jesus and to be more commited so I can convinced others to be saved

Comment Wall:

  • Nienie

    Welcome Tabi
    Glad you joined our wonderful internet family, sharing the love of Christ, learning and growing in your spiritual life.And as a bonus making wonderful friends.
    PLease tell us more about yourself and your relationship with Jesus and where exactly where is 233?

    May you experience a wonderful fellowship and growth with all the others by joining in the groups and forums and share the love of Christ.
    Blessings Nienie
  • kathleen aldea


    Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air.
    You name them - work, family, health, friends and spirit, and you're keeping all of these in the air.

    You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.
    But the other four balls: family, health, friends and spirit are made of glass.

    If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same.
    You must understand that and strive for balance in your life.

    • Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we're different that each of us is special.

    • Don't set your goals too high by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you.

    • Don't take for granted things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would life, for without them, life is meaningless.
    • Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living life only one day at a time, you live ALL the days of your life.

    • Don't give up when you have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

    • Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that binds us and hold us together.

    • Don't be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn to be brave.

    • Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

    • Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only where you've been, but also where you are going.

    • Don't forget that a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.

    • Don't be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily.

    • Don't use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved.

    • Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.
    ~"Five Balls of Life" by Brian G. Dyson~
  • ujwal

    Dear Tabi


    How are you ?

    My name is ujwal and I do ministry in india from last 20 years and family too

    I like to know you more and make friendship with you
    WHich church do you go ? Did you visited india anytime if not I like to invite you to come to india for short time and come with me to share word of God to unreach people Iam serious I love you to come

    Hope to hear from you

    In Christ Jesus
  • Christy Gabriel

    Hello Brother Tabi
    Will you be my friend though I am the least from other Brothers and Sisters here on the net? Looking forward to be your friend. Just be blessed always

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B

    greetings in jesus name my dear brother

    welcome to the family of god hope and pray that you would feel blessed and encouraged each time you come here

    god bless
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear Brother Tabi
    Thank you for coming to my life and becoming my friend. God bless you always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • kathleen aldea

  • Nienie

    It is not easy to live a sinfree life,a ctually I think it is impossible but we must strive to live a life without sin and we can only do that by having a relationship with Jesus Christ our Saviour! We all sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD but if you commit your life to Jesus and accept HIm as your Saviour and start walking in His ways and live the life He wants you to live you will see that you more likely dont want to sin! For you wants to please Him but when you fall back or sin go to God with honesty in your heart and repent and leave that sin as HE said in the Word to the adulteress Go asn sin no more. So we all get a instruction to live a clean life. We are here to help you and not because we see ourselves as sinfree people but we are striving towards it and wants others to do it as well.
    Many blessings friend!!
  • Tabi

    Thank you to all friends for the inspirational messages and your prayers and encouragement. God richly bless you all.
  • ujwal

    Dear Tabi


    It is nice to hear from you and hear about your ministry with sundayschool and in youth I am also training many youth leaders from our fellowships in villages we work in different villages doing church planting and working with childrens and youths yesterday only I came from a village called sangamner its 3 hours from my home town Pune I had great time with the believers worshiping and preaching and ministering to them I will be going back soon I will love you to come and minister to our youths and sunday school childrens Also if you have any good material for the youths and childrens I would love to have I dont have resources to the materials it would be great help I will be praying for you and for your ministry Please Pray about coming I will arrange the ministry for you and the staying in the hotel I will let you know the budget for your trip to india I have friends who bring team for there church in canada , Americal and so on please let me know your plans it would be a blessing to us and to our ministry Our organization name is King of Kings fellowship

    Hope to hear from you

    thanks for your email God bless you

    In his Grip
  • kathleen aldea

    Value Life...........

    Long time ago, there was an Emperor who told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and cover as much land area as he likes, then the Emperor would give him the area of land he has covered.
    Sure enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. He kept on riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. When he was hungry or tired, he did not stop because he wanted to cover as much area as possible.
    Came to a point when he had covered a substantial area and he was exhausted and was dying. Then he asked himself, "Why did I push myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only need a very small area to bury myself."
    The above story is similar with the journey of our Life. We push very hard everyday to make more money, to gain power and recognition. We neglect our health , time with our family and to appreciate the surrounding beauty and the hobbies we love.
    One day when we look back , we will realize that we don't really need that much , but then we cannot turn back time for what we have missed.
    Life is not about making money, acquiring power or recognition.

    ______________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____

    Life is definitely

    not about work!
    Work is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.. Life is a balance of Work and Play, Family and Personal time.
    You have to decide how you want to balance your Life. Define your priorities, realize what you are able to compromise but always let some of your decisions be based on your instincts. Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of Life, the whole aim of human existence. So, take it easy, do what you want to do and appreciate nature. Life is fragile , Life is short. Do not take Life for granted. Live a balanced lifestyle and enjoy Life!

    Watch your thoughts ; they become words.

    Watch your words ; they become actions.

    Watch your actions ; they become habits..

    Watch your habits; they become character .

    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny

    So enjoy every day as yours.........
  • Tabi

    I hope you'll be ministered to by this short story below? If yes, kindly send it to people you care about too.Happy reading!

    Several years ago, a preacher from out-of-state accepted a call to a church in Houston , Texas . Some weeks after he arrived, he had an occasion to ride the bus from his home to the downtown area.

    When he sat down, he discovered that the driver had accidentally given him a quarter too much change. As he considered what to do, he thought to himself, "You'd better give the quarter back. It would be wrong to keep it."

    Then he thought, "Oh, forget it, it's only a quarter. Who would worry about this little amount?

    Anyway, the bus company gets too much fare; they will never miss it.

    Accept it as a 'gift from God' and keep quiet."

    When he got to his bus stop, he paused momentarily at the door, and then he handed the quarter to the driver and said, "Here, you gave me too much change."

    The driver, with a smile, replied, "Aren't you the new preacher in town? I have been thinking a lot lately about going somewhere to worship. I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change. I'll see you at church on Sunday."

    When the preacher stepped off of the bus, he literally grabbed the nearest light pole, held on, and said, oh God; I almost sold your Son for a quarter."

    Our lives are the only Bible some people will ever read.

    This is a really scary example of how much people watch us as

    Christians and will put us to the test!

    Always be on guard -- and remember -- You carry the name of Christ on your shoulders when you call yourself "Christian."

    Watch your thoughts; they become words.

    Watch your words; they become actions.

    Watch your actions; they become habits.

    Watch your habits; they become character.

    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

    I'm glad a friend forwarded this to me as a reminder.

    God bless you; I hope you are having a wonderful day!

    Kindly pass on this message to others.

    The Will of God will never take you to where the Grace of God will not PROTECT you... Stay FAITHFUL and Be GRATEFUL!
  • kathleen aldea

    ( JOHN 1:16 *NIV )

    Always remember to count our blessings each day, and to
    thank God for them! For no matter what we have, when we
    look around us, we find others who have less! So never feel
    sorry for ourself, instead start counting our blessings, for that
    should cheer u up indeed.

    Now we know that when things disappoint us, we are sad and
    often depressed. However it is written that we should: BE

    Therefore, never feel that God doesn't hear our prayers
    because a prayer isn't answered the way we want, or something
    goes wrong in our life. For our Heavenly Father always knows
    what is best for us, and: HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU NOR

    So my friend, remember to always: GIVE THANKS TO THE
    ( 1 CHRONICLES 16:8 )

    now and always! Amen! ( 2 CORINTHIANS 13:14 )
  • Christy Gabriel

    Hi brother Tabi
    I wonder if your profile photo was taken when you were just very young. Thank you for the nice comment on my page which warms my day. Yes you are loved here always and we walk hand in hand in Christ, ok? Just remember that Maranatha is at our very door now! Be more blessed to you too brother. Just stay blessed always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • kathleen aldea


    'Keep your heart with all diligence,
    for out of it spring the issues of life..'
    Proverbs 4:23

    Today's Scripture reading emphasizes the importance of caring for our heart.

    Are we keeping spiritually fit?
    WEIGHT: Do we need to lose the weight of unnecessary burdens and cares?
    PULSE: Are we maintaining a steady rhythm of gratitude and praise?
    BLOOD PRESSURE: Is our trust greater than our anxiety?
    DIET: Are we enjoying the life-giving nutrients of the Word of God?
    Have you checked your heart lately?

    To keep spiritually fit,Consult with the Great Physician...

    O Lord, You see what's in the heart...
    There's nothing hid from You;
    So help us live the kind of life..
    that's filled with love for You...Amen...
  • kathleen aldea

    The storms of our life
    Prove the strength of our anchor…..

    "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine
    and puts them into practice is like a wise man
    who built his house on the rock.- Matt.7:24

    Living for the Lord,serving Him each day,
    Best prepares the soul for the stormy way;
    Then as trials come,tempting to despair,
    We can rest secure,safe within His care.

    God bless u my dear friend....
  • kathleen aldea

    Soul food for the Day: The CENTER...

    The center chapter of the BIBLE is Psalm 118.. there are 594 chapters before and after Psalm 118
    And if we will add this we will get 1188... in which the center verse of the BIBLE is PSALM 118:8
    What is the significant of Psalm 118:8 in God's perfect will for our lives?
    It is better to trust in the LORD, than to put confidence in man.-- Psalm 118:8
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    When things get tough, always remember faith doesn't get you around trouble..
    it gets you through it!
    When you relinquish the desire to control your future you obtain happiness...

    Father God, bless my friend in whatever it is that you know he/she may be needing this day....
    May their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have closer relationship with you. Amen...

  • kathleen aldea

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  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Please also pray for ISRAEL and all over the world. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.
    Thank you so very much

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B