
47, Male



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to tell people about christ and make friends
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My story with God
I love to annouce the good news of christ, the orphans here are on my heart.I am sometimes over zealous for living the truth and helping others to know there is a Saviour Jesus who died on the cross for your sins and mine. I live in Togo and would love to be fill with the power of GOD always and come closer to him to further the gospel in my country. I am concerned for those who are unaware of the great destiny God has prepared. He will not cast out any who come to Him. I would like to do the same. Being a Christian is a high calling, to become more like Jesus. We can only give our best. God is still working on me.only the truth that can set us free
Other stuff about me:
IAM BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN and i love evangelism

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  • Pastor Bob B

    This was a wonderful teaching on giving because it showed God's heart which is for us His children to become giving, generous, loving, people.
    I am glad you did not as others have done, made giving into a fear based thing.
    Giving should comes out of a heart that has received something that has been given. God gave His son and we receive the gift and it is a gift as they say that keeps on giving.
    My sister-law Nancy who went to be with the Lord last April use to say; do not go beyond the love.
    In other words ; don't do something that is not coming out of a heart of love. The word says God loves cheerful givers, and does not want us to give out of compulsion for other reasons.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • maad alassaf

    Dear brother in the christ Jesus all the glory for him,what u wrote is realy beautifull and right,in this short life (st.PETER called it the tent )we should work to harvest,and we have to be hardworking people ,god does not want us to be lazy in Math 25 :14-30,he punished the lazy ,and when I work I think not of the harvest only but to show myself as a light for the others so they glorify my father who is in the kingdom of heaven,god bless u dear brother,and have a nice weekend,maad
  • eve

  • Rob

    Words of Truth - Thank You! I agree that reading the Word for the sake of reading is not beneficial to one's spirit. We must meditate on God's Word and, through prayer, incorporate it into our lives.
    I am a work in progress.
    YIC - Rob
  • Ms. Tyras Humphrey

    Well hello man of god how are you doing over their in your country well i am over here in the united states and i am doing just fine. Well i attend a inter denominational chuch here in buffalo,new york and i love church and i love jesus so much ive learned how to turn both cheeks and pray to him and meditate on his words and manifestation in my life as one i am a believer in the body of christ
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Brother, this was a very good teach on money you sent me, and if was refreshing to read. One thing I do is never to lend money to my children or others, but to give it to them if I can, this keep stress from coming in between my relationships.

    The teaching brought the whole issue of money back to a relationship with God and other and this is where we must live as Christians then we will be blessed.
    Have a God filled and blessed day.
    In the love of Jesus
  • Yoel charan

  • Ramona P. Jacobsz

    Dearest friend
    Thank you for your lovely message. May God bless you amazingly today and every day - you and your family and your loved ones.

    Fondest love in Jesus

    Your Friend
    Ramona P.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thanks brother for you message obout not worrying. i am in a situation where i am tempted to get into worry, but through you god is giving me the message not to worry. he is faithful and will help us to triumph over the things we want to worry about. So thanks for sharing. In the love of jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

  • journeyman

    Good Day my Brother;
    I am fine dear friend. I pray all is well with you. You are in my thoughts and my prayers always. May the God of all bring you joyous Love and Peace in your life.
    Your Brother in Christ
  • Yoel charan

    MySpace Graphics
  • mary jamieson

    hi will keep you in my prayers for you and all your family and fellowship hope that the lord ill brings us closer to him and eachother in the new year my lates phot it is for my bus pass now i am a pensioner i get free bus rides all over england thank god is so good to have pray for me to have a christian friend to use it with
  • Judy Wirjadinata

    Dear Bro Derrick,
    Thank you for your message. You really have reminded me about it. Praise Lord Jesus. I will put your advice into practice.
    Best regards,
    judy wirjadinata
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi brother, There is a world wide ministry called Bible Society, they have Kabiye New Testiments Contact the Bible Society in Togo ot at they will help you get Bibles . God bless you man of God. I know God will bring to you all the Bibles you need. I went on a world map and located your country which is about the same size as my state of Vermont, but you never get the below freezing wheather we get here.
    In the love of Jesus
  • Abba's Girl

    This is a wonderful teaching on the Holy Spirit and how He fills us and what He does in our life. I always pray for MORE and MORE of the Holy Spirit...He is all I need!

    Bless you!
  • Pastor Bob B

    Dear Brother it is always good to ask yourself the hard question. One thing that I am trying to grow in is how I relate to others from around the world. I have to admit that relating on line is much easier because we relate with words. It is much easier to develop a relationship because we can take our time and really discover the others heart without having race, culture, or language hinder us.

    I do feel some times that people have a perception of Americans that is not true that we are all wealthy and just live in the lap of luxury. It is true for many who live in poverty stricken nations, but the truth is that most people I know who are Christians are, caring, loving, people devoted to the Lord.

    It wasn't that long ago that America was in a terrible depression during my grand parents lives. We have problems here just like every one else. We have financial problems, family problems, government problems, etc.

    I love and respect my brothers and sisters from around the world and pray for them as I pray for you. It is not about what our economic status is, but whether our hearts belong to Jesus or not.
    The love of money is not just a problem here, but all over the world. Our focus must remain upon the Lord who is our provider who we seek foremost in our lives and to stay free from the love of money.

    We must also cultivate an attitude of thanksgiving for all that God has blessed us with.
    We must not cast judgment on others and judge the intentions of their hearts because we are not God.

    We must learn to be Godly and content people, then the world will be able to see the difference in our lives.

    We must love one another in word and deed, the world will see that we are Christ followers if we love each other.

    And all these things must come out of a heart that has been transformed by the Holy Spirit through salvation that is in Christ Jesus.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

    Brother I did not contact the Bible society in Togo, that is something you need to do on your own. There is not another group that will be able to get the Bibles to you in your language better that I know of, but will investigate further and will let you know if I find anyone else.
    In the love of Jesus
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz

    Dearest onlyjesus
    Your comment is so intense and I know exactly what you are referring to - are we tolerant or intollerant. I think you hit the nail on the head... we should be more tolerant. Accept people for who they are - not their race, or culture. If we unite in being Christ followers in the true word we are ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST. If I do not miss the point this is exactly what your comment is about.

    I want you to know that this is something that each of us can put the hand in the bosom to see if it comes out clean... I try my best to reflect and generate LOVE. Because LOVE is CHRIST and CHRIST is LOVE.

    After reading what you have shared with us I would love to say WELL DONE BROTHER AND CARRY ON IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS.



    Your Friend
    Ramona P.
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz

    My dearest pastor
    You have indeed sent a Mighty Message... (Messenger of God and Prophet)... I am in awe. It is indeed a privilege to learn from you and know that this last comment was so powerful!

    This is a wake-up call for many! It inspires one to higher heights than I thought possible!

    Our Lord should be of primary importance and I know and see that He is your top priority.

    Be blessed in Jesus... and know that I am praying for you and your country Togo... Please include South Africa in your Mighty prayers because we do not have a Christ-filled Government and this is disheartening... But I think that the world in general is degenerating. You are the cream and the Lord most certainly is pleased with yu.

    Continue to lift us up with your Messages... (Prophet in Christ)...

    Fond love in Jesus

    Your Friend
    Ramona P.
  • MaryAnn

    Only Jesus dear brother, Thanks for the amazing words you left on my page. I was especially blessed with the wisdom in your note that it is not what others say to us that counts, rather it is what we say to ourselves after they get through talking! We always have the last word, and we need to come into agreement with God’s Word...what He says about us. So thank you dear brother for your words.

    Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up my brother onlyjesus to You, and I thank You for the amazing gift of evangelism that You have given to him. I praise You Lord, that You want to use him to bring glory to Yourself. What an amazing privilege this is. Bless my dear brother Lord, with good health, long life and an anointing to continue reaching the lost and bringing them into Your Kingdom. Thank You Lord. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Name above all names. Amen.
  • mary jamieson

    the jesus in me is the same as the jesus in you may we all come to realise this for the new year love always in and through our dear lord jesus
  • Carla

    God Bless...I Love your blog on the importance of prayer in the morning.....God's goodness never stops... Be Blessed my dear brother in Christ.
  • lynne samuel

    bless you
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz


    Do you realize that ucountable numbers of people are anxious to
    Please the Crowd instead of God?

    We all know that there are people who are "born dictators" and others are "attention seekers"...

    When in a position of authority they do not consider anyone's feelings... Some Governments strive to please the people despite the millions who are hurt in the process... Others cause pain and suffering because of obstinacy and a self-centred attitude, and then you realise that this is because they do not know God.
    Pontius Pilate wanted to please the people. So he freed Barabbas
    for them. And Pilate told the soldiers to beat Jesus with
    whips. Then Pilate gave Jesus to the soldiers to be killed on
    a cross. Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent and yet he ignored this fact because he was trying to please the people!

    -- Mark 15:15 (ERV)

    Pilate knows Jesus is innocent, yet gives in totally to the wishes of
    the mob -- he first has Jesus scourged ("flogged with a lead-tipped
    whip") and then turns Jesus over to be crucified. Why does he do it?
    Pilate has to keep Rome happy by maintaining order. To maintain order,
    Pilate has to appease the crowd. Even though he has already pronounced
    Jesus "not guilty" of any crime, Pilate has the final say. In his mind,
    his word is law. In the eyes of the crowd, Pilate's word is law. Jesus,
    however, knows that Pilate has no power to act, rule, or enforce his
    verdict apart from God's granting him that power. Pilate is a puppet
    who cannot recognize that he acts in concert with the crowd's will,
    Rome's desire, and God's plan. Jesus is allowed to be crucified -- both
    by Pilate, to appease the crowd which is being manipulated by the
    religious leaders, and also by God, who is using this horrifying event
    to save the world. If God can bring such a great redemption out of such
    an unfair injustice, imagine what he can do with our suffering for his
    Can any one of us imagine what it must take to sacrifice your child! I cannot!

    O God, you are the Almighty, the one in control even when I cannot see
    Your control. Help me to understand that you will redeem every
    injustice brought upon your people at your chosen time. Give me the
    faith and strength to endure such times and the courage to live my life
    in the hope that even if the scales of justice are not balanced in my
    lifetime, they will be at the end of time. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

    Your friend
    Ramona P.
  • Pastor Bob B

    My Brother your comment that you sent me this morning was awesome. We all need to be reminded that our joy and peace is from God and not controlled by the things of this world. Yes we need to take time and consider the blessings that god has brought to us. WE sing an old song here that was written a long time ago. the words are;
    Count your blessings
    name them one by one
    count your blessings
    and it will surprise you what God has done.

    So brother thanks for the encouraging word, it is truly a word from the Lord.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz

    dear brother
    you have given everyone "food for thought"... I do think about everything but at the end of the day I am still able to say : "Thank you Jesus"...because I have enough.. blessings and friends who care... a roof over my head and food to eat. I wish I was as millionaire ... I would give so much to charity. Anyhow, we are all blessed because we are Children of the Almighty!

    Fondest love in Jesus

    Your Friend
    Ramona P.
  • Kim Dupee

    Hi how are you doing?
  • Rev. [Mrs] O. Olusoga-Bayomi

    Hi brother, it is great to read from you. it is also interesting to note
    that we share the same interest, evangelism. I am sure we will have a lot to discuss about.
  • Patti

  • REW

    Hello dear brother,
    And how are things in your end of the world? I have been very busy with tyring to settle in our new home location. Right now it is very cold, and I can't seem to warm up. What has been happening with your ministry?

    I noticed that you have new pics on your wea...pretty cool. So tell me...Do you celebrate christmas in your country, and if so how?

    I have missed our banter...hope to hear from you soon.

  • Pastor Bob B

    Good to hear from you Brother, I see from your pictures that you have completed your church to His praise and glory. I pray that it might be used to bring multitudes to faith in Jesus. I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a God blessed new year.
    In the love of Jesus
  • Leonard T

    Merry Christmas.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Lucas Barrows

    Only Jesus,
    Thank you for the Bible verse, I have a saying that you can use "May the power of Christ protect you."
    God bless you in 2009 and talk to you next year.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Good to hear from you brother, May the Lord give to you joy in your soul today and may it overflow into your whole life.
    In the love of Jesus
  • felixpadua

    hello onlyjesus
  • felixpadua

    what church of christ in particular? hello.
  • Acha C. Emmanuel

    thanks for the six keys to successs sent to me.

    God will increase your ministry in Jesus name amen.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Brother,
    I completely agree with you that forcing the tithe on people is not scriptural.
    all that we have belongs to God. God wants us to be givers, and He wants us to be cheerful givers. when some one gives grudgingly it is not a pleasing offering to God. God has called us to be cheerful givers and that is what we should be teaching. God's heart is that of a giving father. As a father it would be a terrible thing for me to have my child give me a gift because he felt compelled and not out of love for me. So thanks for sharing.

    In the love of Jesus
  • felixpadua

    i am fine, but i have not visited your site yet. what is your site all about? God bless you always.
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear brother Onlyjesus
    Thank you for sharing to remind me about the tithe. In my opinion, we have to support church - God's work with anything we can. God bless you abundantly always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Yoel charan

    Christian Glitter by

    'And i said ,Oh that i had wings like a dove for then i would flyaway and be at rest. Psalm 55:6,7
    yours friend Yoel charan

  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Please also pray for ISRAEL and all over the world. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.
    Thank you so very much

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B