


Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Homemaker for now; seeking new employment.
I'm here to...
serve the Lord, Jesus Christ in what ever area he wants me to.
Hiking, biking, love dancing, singing, going to musicals, baking a lot as well a love entertaining my friends making nice dinners, gardening etc. etc. etc.!
I'm passionate about...
hopefully being financially set some day soon; so that I am able to help people in need in my own Niagara region in Canada/province of Ontario: as well as all over the world someday: Orphans, the elderly, widows, widowers, as well as single mothers. God's will be done.
My story with God
is way too long to share all of it, being saved for over 30 years now. Therefore, I will try to share what I feel is most important in short.
Well, to begin with, I always believed in Jesus from a little girl as my Savior but did not realize that I was to have made Him the Lord of my life until I was 27 years old. So I did accept Him as Savior and Lord at that young age, so I thought, ... - however, as time passed by ( a couple of years) I was made to understand that if we are not getting full of the word of God that we are doing " worldly " things not in agreement with the will of the father,who said, " My people perish because of lack of knowledge!"
The Lord desires that we be pleasing in His sight in accordance to His gospel. I was never a party person mind you, but was a lukewarm Christian never the less, in other areas of my life. "Better to be hot or cold, then to be lukewarm." it is written, as Jesus will spit the lukewarm out of His mouth. Whew! I was never so thankful when I read all about the Holy Spirit more, who Jesus sent to us as our teacher as we read the bible,( Basic instruction before leaving earth) who is our comforter in times of sorrow and distress, as well as fills us with His power in order to run the good race toward the goal and the prize that is set ahead of us. I finally knew that I had to run the race in accordance to God's plan: by His power and might, not of myself with worldly opinions and actions, but to run the race in spirit and in truth, full of God's wisdom and knowledge and truth and Spirit filled. " Not by power. Not by might but by My spirit." said the Lord.
What a difference He's made in my life since way back when I was thirty one to have made Jesus the Lord of my life : King of Kings and Lord of Lords: Lord of all!
Other stuff about me:
I am a soloist, song writer, poet as well as write stories to inspire both young and old. I do not like gossips nor prideful people who think they are better then others; and therefore I stay away from those who cause heartbreak and strife in the lives of people. I have wonderful friends who have been in my life 30 years and we have never so much as had an argument because we fallow the scripture faithfully : " Come let us reason together." where we speak sincerely the word of God, asking ourselves first, " What would Jesus say or do?" as love covers all, mercy is given, words of edification one to another, honor where honor is due, helping one another when in deep valleys, lifting one up when down, as the three cord ministry should be. Love, peace and joy comes from friendships such as these, giving unconditional love to each-other; which is the best gift anyone can receive as Christ first loved us; when on the cross< pure liquid love >flowed in the blood He shed , covering a multitude of sin.

I love to laugh and joke around as laughter is good medicine for the soul which I have witnessed time and time again; therefore I am serious when it comes to the Lord Jesus Christ, but also have a very humorous side to me. My nick names, as called by hundreds of co-workers at my ex- work place by both young and old, were: Linda Love or Lucy<(she was a famous comedian from the United States of America, well known throughout the world) " Hey Lucy!" I'd hear, " You made me laugh so hard that my stomach is sore!" < Hum?> I should have laid hands on those co-workers and prayed for a healing to take away the pain in those stomachs! Too late now, as that place of employment left the country:400+ people out of work; so pray that the Lord opens a new door for me as I live on my own and sure do need to be self-supportive.
I have a #1 and only grandson>Braeden, who just turned 8 on Dec, the 16th/2008, that I adore and thank the Lord for as he and I dance, sing, play with toys, play on the computer, bake, cook, bike ride, do crafts and laugh so much together; that the love I have for him is so overwhelming that I feel like I could burst! I only ever had one child:Heather who will be 35 on May the second that I thank the Lord for too of course!
So much for all of this "other stuff " about me, until a new chapter is added to my book of life: but the best book of all is where I have a new name written down in glory, in God's book of life! Amen!

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  • Pastor Bob B

  • Donald James Parker

    Hi Linda!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well and lots of success with your poetry book. Glad you got hooked up with Aidana.
    God bless!!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    What a great testimony about your wonderful Godly parents.
    I lost my dad 9 years ago who I saw come to the Lord after living a very ungodly life when he was 61. My mom also came to faith 11 years after I was saved. She past away a year and a half ago. It was my mother's Grandmother who was born again first in my family, then me her great grandson when I was 15. Then Lord used me to bring many members of the family to faith.
    God is so patient and kind to sinners like us, providing us with this wonderful gift that I have been trying to comprehend for 34 years. All I know is that God is a good God. Praise his name for ever!

    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Linda, You have a great influence as a grandmother in your grandsons life. Inspite of all my parents put us through, (read my story in my blog) it was my grandmother and great grandmother who influenced me the most.

    Who knows God might use your grandson to bring freedom to your daughter. God heard that dedication prayer that day and the prayer of of agreement is strong.

    I have some friends whose children would not follow the Lord, but they let the their parents bring their grandchildren to church just to get a break, plus they did all they could do to be in their lives as much as possible. This is what my grandmother did and I am forever grateful because my sister and brothers might have died from our extreme neglect.

    So i pray with you for your daughter and grandson. I pray that this mother will be completely delivered from the addiction to drugs, alcohol, and this destructive lifestyle. I also pray for your beloved grandson that he will see the light of life in you and give his life to you at a young age. For this purpose you were manifested to destroy the work of the enemy in this family. Father there are countless testimonies of drug attics being set free, so we pray for this family to be touched with freedom in Jesus name amen.

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    I hope your sister and family has a safe journey with their travels. Yesterday, my husband and I went to the doctor. He has been suffering with lower back pain and my neck has really been bothering me. However, we did visit Barnes and Noble and I was able to talk to the author. Since I'm part Native American I bought his book, Walking the Trail of Tears. Its an excellent book. Some of my ancestors were Cherokee and the others were Black Foot and Creek. Some people even say we have Semonlie(cant spell)lol
    Anyway, I'm going to listen to his lecture today. When I was in college I did my research paper on The Trail of Tears. Anyway, I hope u have a super and blessed day.
    Your Friends in Christ,
    Tonya and Ron
  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    Thank-you for the sweet compliment. I will do my best to send you the sheep pic. Anyway, have a wonderful and blessed night!!!!!!!!
  • Tonya Hill

  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    How are you? I hope good. I'm just sitting in my living room with my husband. We cooked spagetti for dinner. We are traveling tomorrow-guess I need to go to bed early tonight-lol We are going to the beach. I love the beach esp when I can read a really good book.
    I enjoy reading your mail. Sounds like u have really cute kids. I have been thinking about adoption but I will see what God wants me to do. Anyway, have a beautiful night.
    Your friends in Christ,
    Tonya and Ron
  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    Just got back from the beach-I had a blast and no sharks-lol:)
  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    What a beautiful and encouraging card-that really made my day. I have been in the hospital with my mom. She has been very sick since Saturday. Please keep my mom in your prayers. I hope you and your family has a beautiful week!
    Your Friends in Christ,
    Tonya and Ron
  • Tonya Hill

    Christian Glitter by

    How cute!!! Hope u have a super day!!!
  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    Thank-you for your prayers about my mom. She was in the hospital for seven days. She was very sick. However, our Lord Jesus heard your prayers. She is home now. Anyway, I hope you and your family are doing great. Have a wonderful day.
    Your Friends in Christ,
    Tonya and Ron:)
  • Tonya Hill

  • Tonya Hill

  • Tonya Hill

  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    Thank-you so much for the sweet and wonderful compliment about me. I will be honest-its been very tough on me for the past six months. Its like the devil wants to win all the time. I'm hanging in there. I have been having some trouble in my marriage. The ex-wife will not let go of her husband that she divorced over three years ago. Its been a little rough lately. But, thank-you for your constant encouragement-that means a lot to me.Your friend, Tonya:)
  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    The devil is taking as many miles as he can get. Keep praying for me. I will always resist the devil and the devil hates that. I will not spend my eternity in hell. I was saved in the third-grade by Jesus our Lord who protects us from all evil. Thank-u for your prayers. God bless u sis
  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    Looks like I really can trust you and that is so rare to find in people. I do not have any sisters or brothers that I can turn to. I'm the only child. This is me second marriage. I just turned 37. My husband is 43. And, his ex will not leave us alone. When I try to talk to my husband about the problem he just says," Everything will be o.k.". It really bothers me that he gives his attention to his ex-wife. I rarely discuss this problem with anybody but sometimes you have to get things off your chest. Tomorrow night, his ex-wife still demands that he do things. She is not married to him anmore yet he listens to her and does exactly what she demands. Not to mention, he just bought $500.00 worth of concert tickets for her, their one daughter, and two friends to attend the concert. I have tried to deal with this communicatin problem but he simply ignores what I say. It is very frustrating to live with him and his ex-wife is a constant reminder to me how perfect, in my opinion, his first marriage use to be.
    My parents have offered their very best opinions about this new marriage. I'm beginning to think if I married him too soon. And, we have only been married for 5 months. Thanks for listening to me.
    Your friends in Christ,
    Tonya and Ron
  • Tonya Hill

    What a great friend to have:)
  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    I truly appreciate you taking out your time and writing from the heart what I should do. Well, he travels a lot and we have not found a Christian church yet. I'm already a member of my Christian church in my small hometown. I love that church! And, I believe that I will talk to my pastor about some of the marriage issues when the time is right. I'm going to Barnes and Nobles today-they have a huge selection of books pertaining to marriage topics. I'm certanly buying one of the books-hahaha:)
    I would love having the music that u suggested. For some reason, I can read a good book but I sure do love listening to music especially classical music.
    I hope you have a super weekend ahead. It looks like we may have good weather.
    Your friends in Christ,
    Tonya and Ron:):):):)
  • Tonya Hill

  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    You are so welcome about the gifts that u receive. U had a few depressing weeks and I'm glad that I was able to help out in some way. U are right about our God-he puts people in each others lives for a reason. I hope that u have a better weekend ahead. Today, my husband and I are getting along. I just came back from shopping. I'm cooking baked chicken tonight along with some vegetables. The weather is turning real cool here. After dinner tonight, my husband and I are going to get out of the house and go visit some friends. I'm about to make another blanket of course this is a "Halloween" blanket and I may bake some cookies if I'm not too tired. My fav show comes on this afternoon which is Little House on the Prairie. I'm so glad we are friends. And, I love the encouraging cards that u send me too. You and I will hang on the boat together-hahaha:):):):)
    Talk to ya later sis!
  • Tonya Hill

    Christian Glitter by

    Hope u have a beautiful day!!!

  • Pastor. C S SIMON

  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    What a beautiful pic that u sent me-thanks:):):):)
  • Tonya Hill

  • Tonya Hill

    Have a beautiful day!!!!!
  • Tonya Hill

  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    How are u doing?
    Your Friends,
    Tonya and Ron:):):):)
  • journeyman

    Dear Linda, How are you? It has been soooooooo lonnnng! :-) I pray that you are well my dear Sister. How is your family? I needed to stop by and say,Hey! God sent me here tonight to let you know an Old friend is thinking of you.
  • Tonya Hill

    Dear Linda,
    Thank-u for the beautiful Thanksgiving card-that made my day!:)
    Your Friends,
    Tonya and Ron:)
  • kathleen aldea

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  • kathleen aldea

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    I've been praying that someday somebody blesses me with a female Bengal cat and a male so I can breed them! I love cats and have two that are not bengals but one is a maine-coon with a big fluffy tail

    Hi Linda,

    That is such an awesome picture! More than that, I know! Anyway, the was the most magnificant rainbow here last week, like non other I have seen, also a few months ago there were three (3) rainbows at once, but I did not have a camera with me! We did however caputure photos of the most recent rainbow! You should start a link/conversation/dialogue where people submit their awesome photos! I have some of Mt. Rainer that are out of this world!!!! I bet many, many people have photos of amazing things of God that they would love to share given the opportunity! I personally am just getting my tech memory back after surgery, etc. thanks to God!!! So if you are interested, perhaps you could do that? Let me know, because I would certainly enjoy seeing photos of God's work here on this site.
    Hope all is well with you!
    May God bless you, your family and your valued friends!

    That is a great idea. I have never set up a link but I'm sure somebody I know could help me. I have aweome pictures and get new ones all the time from friends of mine. So, pray I get this set up soon. Thank you so much for telling me about the rainbows as the double rinbow if a fleece I threw up before the Lord to do with my daughter to redecicate to Jesus as far back as 18 years ago or more for this matter; However wih having seen many double full arc rainbows ( even without rain!) right after I prayed and since then; here we are all these years later and she still hasn't done anything but get sicker and sicker<.SO VERY LOST> and oh what heart-break it has caused in my family; especially toward my only precious grandchild Braeden who only turned 9 of age on December the 16th. LONG STORY: So get the prayer lines going for Heather and Braeden as welll as for the rest of the family and friends that have all been drastically affected by poor choices heather has made:who will be 36 years old on Maythe 2nd. She has been a stray since only 15. You can get into my videos to see what Braeden looks like as well as Heather. Precious children to the Lord always. His love covers a multitude of sin I know; but it has been so hard on the wee one the most of course.
    God bless you sweetie sis!

  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Please also pray for ISRAEL and all over the world. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.
    Thank you so very much

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Please also pray for ISRAEL and all over the world. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.

    In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2

    A message was given recently in which Jesus said, the mansion I went to prepare for you is now finished. All is ready for Me to bring My people home.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B