Deborah Sue Schenfeld


Victorville, CA

United States

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I'm here to...
check it out
Singing, writing, reading, exercise, embrodery, cooking & baking, organizing stuff.
I'm passionate about...
Jesus & serving people as unto Him!
My story with God
My father died when i was very young. I felt very lonely & afraid. My mother became an alcoholic. I didn't make friends easily. I met one christian girl in 6th grade. (She ended up being my friend for life!) Her parents took me to church, where I asked Jesus to come into my heart & be my Lord & Savior!He has been with me, healed me when I got kicked in the head by a horse & was in a comma for 9 days.Gave me a wonderful Christian husband. We have been married for 34 yrs. this August. We have 3 grown children, 4 grandchildren & a great church family. I'm so very blessed to be a part of the Body of Christ!
Other stuff about me:
Not much to tell. I have a heart for the poor and expect the Lord to be making us able to do something with that desire He gave me to help, very soon!

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  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again!
    Praise God for your love! I really appreciate the time you take to put up with my petty worries as a new mom. Im sorry. I know that I get a little too worried about what I "should" do, but I really have no clue what Im doing and how much of it to do. Does that make sense? I love having friends like you who have already been ther and done that so I can soak up all the knowledge that I can. Its so hard now adays to be a Christian in the world today. Especially a Christian mother. I am always bombarded with what people say and what media says about what you "should" do and "should' not do. Its crazy. Anyway, thank you for your message. Im glad that I have you to bug! just kidding. God Bless you!!
  • Kim Dupee

    ok thank you. i am truely blessed to have found such great friends. i am having a really bad day. my dad told me that i culd not go to church becusehe wants to tal to me. then my stepmom told him to let me go. so i get to go but now i have a bad feeling about the way things are gonna go tonight. i am hoping eerything goes ok and that he will listen to my side of things but if it goes as it usually does then he will jump down my thoart and then yell at me for something i didnt do.
  • swtswan

    Hello DearDeborah!~; We just had a nice rain storm today all day as a matter of fact. = ) I am so glad your church friends are doing that for you; You are loved very much, and will be missed by many dear. So glad you are packed; take care and I will pray for a safe trip; and His angels to surround your vehicles and protect you all. You have a blessed trip and love to speed you on your way. Keep in contact dear Deborah!
  • swtswan

    May God Bless you on your journeys and please do check out Jakes page Its his Birthday, we left a few surprises for
    Just alil somethin to make ya smile. = )
    Love Ya Dear Deborah!
  • swtswan

    And He will keepyou in perfect peace.

    Of course you are in my prayers dear Deborah; I hope you get enough rest when you get there, after the babies all attack you with love . I am a lil sorry I cant be there to see it. Take care dear, and charge your phones and keep the chargers in your purse or glove box handy! =)
  • Moomins

    Hey Mom, Just wanted to say 'I Love You'
  • Ron Payne

    Hi There Lovers,

    How ya doin ya all?

    Here we are watching events in the USA as it relates to Israel.

    I see Bin Laden has been told to cool it for awhile, I guess they don't want Obama getting a bad impression of them.

    Time will tell. In the meantime how are my Buddies keeping?

    Note the family you have. "Beautiful Kiddala's"

    The Lord has blessed you with them.

    OK Lovers,
    Keep Looking up.

  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Deborah,
    Thank you for your blessing. how wonderful is the love and goodness of the lord to us . I was reminded of an old, old song called I stand amazed, it is such a beautiful worship song and expresses the love and praise that is in my heart this morning. May it touch your heart as it did mine.
    In the love of Jesus

  • Paige Robertson

    hello there!
    I was just thinkin about you and wanted to stop in and say hello. I really appreciate all your love,support, and very wise counsel!! i need all the wisdom I can get. I just get soo caught up in all the should do and the could do, that I miss the now. I am a chronic worrier and it drives me nuts. I know all the scripture regarding worry and anxiety, but to put those in practice is another. Im glad I can "cast all cares on Him", Im glad that "His yolk is not heavy and His burden is light", and I know to "not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough worries of its own". To "not worry about what to wear,what to eat,or what to drink. For the birds are provided for with food and shelter. How much more precious I am than the birds", so you know, I get it. But Its obviously hard. Thank you for your prayers. I am glad I am saved and I have Gods love,grace and mercy. Im sure it hurts Him when I have a hard time trusting, but He promised that He would never leave me nor forsake me. Well anyway, I am thankful for you and I hope you are doing well. You are a true blessing from the Lord. Thank you!!!
  • Kim Dupee

    hey how are you? i am doing really good. tink came back. i was so glad to see her. she is my baby girl. i hope this finds you well. Lots of love Kim
  • Kim Dupee

    i know what you are saying. when i left my old church it was so hard i had been there off and on for about 18 years and of course we went through our share of changes but for the most part the same people were there from when i first started coming. so when my reacher annouced that we were leaving there was tears and everyone came up and told us to keep in touch and topray for them. i really miss that church a lt but i know eventually i will get to go back and see them all and i know they know i think about them everyday.
  • Kim Dupee

    hey how are you doing?
  • Yoel charan

  • Kim Dupee

    hey i m ok. i am fixing to move to Texas with my cousin so that i can go to school. My cousin is coming to visit for thankgiving and i am leaving next saturday. i am going to let my pastor know about my move tonight. it is so hard to leave this church after making so many new friends and meeting such loving people but it is what i feel that i need to do. when are you going to be moving? Lots of Love Kim
  • Moomins

    I will mom, I prob wont speak 2u before you leave, have a safe journey, I will be praying for you.

    Lots of love
  • Kim Dupee

    i hope that you have a safe journey. let me know as soon as you get there. Lots of Love Kim
  • Janice K. Min

    Hi Deborah Sue, I am sorry it has been so long since I last "talked" with you. I had my surgery on 10/7/08. It has been a tough recovery but then again, I'm no spring chicken anymore. If I had known that I would experience this amount of pain afterwards I don't think I would have had the surgery. Well, I guess that's not entirely true because I was in so much pain prior to surgery and it was only getting more debilating. I hope the worse is over so I can get on with my life. It has been so very long since I have been to church; I have really missed it. I think shortly I should be able to maybe even walk in by myself. Now wouldn't that be wonderful!

    How have you and your family been doing? Hope all is well. Hope you haven't forgotten about me.
  • Leonard T

    God Bless & Happy Thanksgiving.

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello!! How are you doing??
    Im doing alright. I am kind of struggling this time of year because my uncle took his life last July and this will be the first Thanksgiving without him. I was the closest to him so its hard. My grandparents have already lost another boy(my uncle too) to suicide. They arent saved. I tell them about the Lord all the time and they have seen my life change before thier eyes, but still they havent accepted Christ. Anyway, so there is that reason, and I have been taking care of my brother in law here at my house because he had major back surgery and the Hospital made him go home that very day!! Because they didnt have a bed!! Isnt that insane!! But anyway, he has been here for 3 days and it has been kind of hard staying here 24/7n with the kids. I think we are all driving eachother nuts around here. Im not one to stay home that much, but in this case, I am. Anyway, I really didnt mean to just write and complain about everything. I just know I can tell you anything because I can trust you. Its really a God thing. Well, I pray that all is well with you and your great family. It sounds like you will have a fun Thanksgiving. What a blessing to have such a close family that is all saved. Well, sis, I love you and Ill be thinking about you this weekend. You take care and thank you for being my friend here on The Net
  • Kim Dupee

    I hope that you had a very blessed thanksgiving. May God Bless you and your family. I cant wait to hear from you. Love Kim
  • Paige Robertson

    Girly Comments & Graphics

    Hello Deborah!
    How are you? I pray that the Lord protect you,and pour His unlimited blessings upon you this holiday season. I cannot believe all the stuff that is going on in the world today. Well, ok, I guess I do. Its biblical and I should rejoice in it, but Im still worried about my children. Will they go up with me if the Lord came now? Is there a specific age that a child is considered accountable to God and may go to hell? Give me your opinion abou that. Im going to post that question in the discussion page. I hope that I can get some good answers. Anyway, so how are your Christmas plans coming along? I tell you, I have been soo busy this month soo far. I have art projects to finish for Xmas gifts, shopping,church activities, and plannig 3 parties this month because we have 5 birthdays this month to celebrate. Mine is this month. I will be 36 years young. My son, Chase will be 4, my step dad, and my husbands nephew, and anothe nephew who is coming back from Iraq. So, as you see, it will be a full month. So anyway, pray that I dont go too crazy. i do get stressed out pretty easily, so your prayers are appreciated.
    I hope you are doing good. I love you and think about you. Take Care,
  • Kim Dupee

    We got back to texas on the saturday night after thanksgiving. I have been truly blessed since then. I am working on getting all of the informtion up for me to go to school and all of that. I love living with my cousins. It is a true blessing. I am still looking for a church to go to so hopefully i will find that soon. Lots of love Kim
  • Janice K. Min

    Hello my long distance friend. I'm glad your trip went well but I'm sure you are glad it's over. My back is slowly healing; I'm using my walker again but I still haven't been able to go shopping or anything other that doctor's appts. As if things couldn't get worse, last week I went in for a routine Drs. check up and wound up in the hospital for 5 days with pneumonia. I'm back home now but am very weak. My poor little kitty (Jessie) doesn't know what to think. She's all I've got and I love her dearly.
  • Jan

    Hi Deborah,
    How are things? Good for me here in Mescalero. Finished the semester with an A and B. That works for me. I'm glad. I wanted A's but a B will work just as well. God is still moving here in our church and the church is being used in ways unexpected. It's too cool. Have a Merry Christmas and I am so glad Jesus is the reason for the season. God bless.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Deborah!
    How are you and your dear family doing this time of year? Im sorry that it has taken me a while to reconnect with you. I think about you. Really I do. The people I care soo most about are always in my heart,mind and prayers. I pray that you have a safe.warm,peaceful season in the midst of a world that is seeing soo many hurts.tragedies,wars,economic crisis, etc. You are strong in His word and the power of His might. Thank you for beaming your light here on The Net.
    I have had kind of a rough Xmas month. I ususally dont do well this time of year but now it seems as if Im getting more down than the years past. I think it may have to do with my uncle taking his life last July, and the fact that my mother is selling the home I grew up in and for some reason it is really hitting me hard. Its like Im mourning the loss of a close loved one. Does that make any sense?? My mom has built a beautiful brand new home and iM happy for her, but its hard for me. Anyway, other than that, life is good. How about you?? Let me know the latest, ok?? God Bless you!!
  • Drew

    Merry Christmas :)
  • Janice K. Min

    Yes, our little kitties do get neglected sometimes. But when they come back to you at night time that says all is forgiven. I wonder what my Jessie must have thought, me leaving and not knowing when , or if, I would come back home.

    As I 've said before, I don't have any living relatives to share the holidays with. Even my boyfriend (of 22yrs) flys to Ohio every Christmas to be with his family. I have been invited and went once, but I just didn't fit in. His mom thinks no one is good enough for her son. But that's okay, Jessie & I have plenty to do - I even read my Bible to her.

    I hope you and your loved ones enjoy a warm, safe, and wonderful Holiday Season. May God bless you all!
  • Kim Dupee

    Hey Deborah,
    How are things going? I am doing good. I am just looking forward to school starting and things getting back to normal for me. I am trying to find a job so that i can get a car and a place of my own so that i can move my baby girl down her. I miss her so much. I hope that you have a blessed Christmas!!! Lots of Love!!!!!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • JEN

  • Paige Robertson

    hello deborah!
    God Bless you!!
    How are you doing? Let me know how your Christmas was and how your new years was too. We had an alright Christmas. No the best and not the worst. There has been alot of changes in my life and it has been hard for me to bear, but God has been faithful to put up with me and help me through it. Im hoping that next Xmas will be alot better. My kids had a good time so that is all that mattered.
    How is the weather out there? We have a TON of snow and it is bone chilling cold!! In Utah, we get the 4 seasons which is nice, but we dont get much of spring or fall. It seems to be either deathly hot or chilling cold. I have been snowed in for a long time. It is crazy.
    Well, anyway, I will let you go, but I just wanted to stop y and wish you a very wonderful New year as you walk with the Lord.
    from our family to yours,
  • kathleen aldea

  • kathleen aldea

    Happy Birthday Comments

    Thank You, Lord for giving our sis,Deborah Sue Schenfeld to us as a blessing to all brethren in AAG en UT...
    May the Spirit of the Lord filled her with Love,Peace and Joy ...Amen...
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    Hey Sister, just a note to let you know I was thinking about you.
    Have a blessed day.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Ron Payne

    Hi There Angels,
    Nice to see you are active. Had not heard from you both in "Yonks".
    But then that's my fault too.
    Love you both.
  • Ron Payne

    Wee Once Again,

    I am glad that "things" are working out so well for both of you.
    So it's cold up there? What on earth are you complaining about? Now you can really snuggle together and keep warm.
    Here the humidity at the Natal Coast is something else. I have never like the heat. I can always get warm when it's cold, But in Summer, without an Aircon it is difficult. I dont always go to the Beach. I mean I don't want to put all the young Bucks to shame in front of all their girlfriends..... :-)
    OK guys look forward to some vibrant discussion with you, breaking all theological Barriers a we go along.

    The Lord Bless you Both - Your "OLD" friend Ron
  • kathleen aldea

    Soul food for the Day: The CENTER...

    The center chapter of the BIBLE is Psalm 118.. there are 594 chapters before and after Psalm 118
    And if we will add this we will get 1188... in which the center verse of the BIBLE is PSALM 118:8
    What is the significant of Psalm 118:8 in God's perfect will for our lives?
    It is better to trust in the LORD, than to put confidence in man.-- Psalm 118:8
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    When things get tough, always remember faith doesn't get you around trouble..
    it gets you through it!
    When you relinquish the desire to control your future you obtain happiness...

    Father God, bless my friend in whatever it is that you know he/she may be needing this day....
    May their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have closer relationship with you. Amen...

  • Yoel charan

  • kathleen aldea

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  • Yoel charan

    Christian Glitter by

    'And i said ,Oh that i had wings like a dove for then i would flyaway and be at rest. Psalm 55:6,7
    yours friend Yoel charan
  • Yoel charan


    Red Ribbon
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Please also pray for ISRAEL and all over the world. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.
    Thank you so very much

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B