Writing stories, talking with friends, playing games, reading the Bible, listening to gospel and spiritual music and talking with friends on the internet.
I'm passionate about...
Telling people about Jesus. Also helping people with disabilities not to lean on their disabilities, but letting people know about their abilities.
My story with God
All my life, I have lived with Cerebral Palsy. But in the fall of 1989, it got worse and I went in to a wheelchair. But in October 2002, they did a biospy and found out I have a chronic kidney disease. But I just know God has been with me, even though I doubted him.
Other stuff about me:
I am 37 year old. I have Cerebral Palsy and about 6 years ago, I found out I have a chronic kidney disease, called IgA Nephrapathy. But with all of this I still love our Lord.
Hi Carla...
Isaiah 55:12-13
"You will go out in Joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree, and instead of the briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord's renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed."
Oh dearest Carla-
You are soo precious. Look at yourself in the mirror and realize the beautifull creation he has made. He wove you in your mothers womb. He knows every hair on your head. His thoughts outnumber the sands.
You are cast down, but not destroyed. You are pressed on every side but not crushed. With every failure, there is a lesson. Without pain there wouldnt be compassion and sympathy. If we all were perfect, how could we love? You, my friend are a unique creation. Your fingerprints are different than anyone elses on this earth. Isnt that amazing? God got you in the palm of his hand. His fingerprints are all over you!!! You are the apple of his eye. You are beautiful, loved and blessed. You are not alone. I deal exactly with what u r going through. We can go through this together. Let us not give up. The enemy and his decieptful tactics and his lies that seem so real and convincing, does not want us to follow God and be blessed. He is like a roaring lion ready to pounce on his next victim.
Know that you know that you know that u are not alone. I have gotten soo deressed sometimes that I contemplate suicide, even as a Christian! That is awful, but Im just confessing. Let us be victors!!!
I am with you always says the Lord.
oh thank you carla itll be great to get to know you its 2.38 here in scotland very cold an wet the snows gone so ill have to stop being lazy and take my poor dogs for a walk theyre sssooooooo bored the little one lara, ate my stepsons sock and terrorised the poor cat into a tree hes spitting nails at her!!
Hi friend and sister in Christ!!! You are beautiful, loved and blessed!
I thank you for your message. It was nice to hear from you.
I am listening to a very peaceful sound right now,.......a little bird singing a pretty song, now thats hard to be still and hear now a days isnt it? Gee, go figure? Oh, before kids and when i just became a Christian, I was basically homeless, and trying to mend things in my marriage. As I was healing and letting God mend me, I would walk and walk and walk miles and miles a day just focused on healing, on God, on the promises He gave me, and His acceptance of me. I walked and walked and thought and thought and let my emotions "burn off". Now since my life is full kids,and painting, husband church, I dont have that kind of time anymore. I want to go back to that. I want to refocus on the small yet miraculous creations around us like I was once aware of. A tree and its fruit, leaves and thier different colors,flowers and thier colors and designs. Animals, and the birds of the air. The mountains and thier majesty, the sun and its warmth and brilliancy, and the wind that you cant see, but you know its there. Like the Holy Spirit.
Anyway, lets get refocused on how awesome creation is and to remember how precious and short out lives are. Lets hang in there, ok?
Thank you for the # Ill call you later..
Hello Carla!
I just wanted to deeply apologize about not keeping in touch very well. I have been very absent minded and just downright depressed the last few weeks. I kept on keepin on but it hasnt been easy. You know what Im talking about. I know I dont have the chronic pain and ill ness you have, but bipolar,insecurity,anxiety, and constantly comparing myself is just as crippling in my mind. I have felt like I have been bound with chains,and cannot enjoy or trust the Lord and all He is doing and all He has done. I have felt paralized and so therefore, I have not done all the things that I need to do. I go to church, I read my bible, and I listen to tapes, but when you are thinking wrong thoughts, it doesnt matter what you do, It affects everything!Im taking a study at church now called "Breaking Free" by: Beth Moore and its incredible. I highly advise that you get it. I know itll help you immensely too!I have done this study before, but I have founsd that I need to take it over and over again to get me back on track. Im soo sorry that I havent been there for you. I got all caught up in my "self pity pot" and couldnt see beyond that. Please forgive me. I have called you a couple times, but I bet I wrote it down wrong. Maybe youll have to get it to me again if you dont mind. Just send me a message, and let me know how you are. I wish I were there to give u a big hug!!! I love you sister! You are NOT alone!
God Bless You!!
Hello dearest Carla!!
How are you? I cant stop thinking of you my friend. How are you feeling? Im sorry that you had to go yesterday on chat because you were in pain. I really feel for you my sister. I left you a message yesterday. I hope you got it. I really miss you and I hope you are not disapointed in me that I have kept in touch that well the last week or so. I guess I get all tied up in myself and lose touch of others. Forgive me sister. You do mean alot to me. Remember you can call me anytime. I am there for you. I will lift you up to the Lord daily. he loves you my sister! No matter what you are going through, no matter what you are feeling, and no matter what your circumstances are, He will always help you and bless you as long as you have faith in HIm. Nothing is impossible with God. HE IS LIMITLESS!!!God Bless you!!!
Hello Carla!!
How are you doing today? One day at a time right? I know. I know that sometimes you think,"Why God?'. I do it alot. But then there is those days where everything is soo clear to me. I look around at the wonderous and miraculous creation God has made. Its man that has messed it all up. I look at the miracle of a tree,of the air, a cloud,the wind,the changing leaves,the flowers, and the waters. All these things work in perfect harmony. They all help in divine order. Look at a newborn child. Now,come on, if anyone believes that htere is noGod, and believes that we just evolved, or we came out of a big bang or a lizard, has got to be crazy. Even before I was saved I knew there was a God, I just didnt think I was oding anything wrong, and I didnt care to know him any more that I already knew. (which was nothing).
I hope your pain is not so bad today. I hope you can get good rest. You are always on my mind. I love you too.
Oh, and I love your new picture!! Its soo cute!!
Hello beautiful friend!
Ok, what is wrong, I havent heard from you sweetie!! You have been on my heart! I miss you. Is everything ok? How are you feeling? Please dont give up. Dont give in. God is there. I believe that these are the last days, so let us live them like it is the last day of our lives. Its hard to keep that perspective sometimes, because life just basically SUCKS, but its ok. God knows how we feel, but loves us anyway. Isnt that cool? Well, my dear, please take good care. I wish I could be there with you. I do. God Bless you
I miss you!! I am going to call you!
How have you been? How is the pain? Getting any better? I think of you ALL the time. Im serious. Im just bad at writing lately. I have been overwhelmed with a few things in my life and it has taken all my brain cells. I have been soo flakey lately that it is almost embarrasing. Please accept my apology. Let me know how you are and what the Lord is doing in your life lately? I love you sweet sister! You are a remarkable woman and daughter of Christ. God has a mighty plan for you. I believe that.
God Bless you always
I asked God to take away my pain
God said, No
-it is not for me to take away,
But for you to give up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole
God said, No
-Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience
God said, No
-patience is a by-product of tribulations,
It isn’t granted, it is earned.
I asked God to give me happiness
God said, No
-I give you blessings, happiness is up to you.
I asked God to make my spirit grow
God said, No
-you must grow on your own
but I will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life
God said, No
-I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things
I asked God to helped me LOVE others,
as much as He loves me
God said…..
Ahhh, finally you have the idea.
Hello Carla!!!
God bless you today!!! I hope all is well with you!! I have thought about you continually and have missed you dearly. I called you a while back. Did you call me back? I missed your call if you did. I am looking forward to catching up with you and what God has done in your life. He has been good to me. I had a few big bumps in the road along the way, but Im doing very well sonsidering the fact that me closest uncle commited suicide on July 1st. This makes 2 uncles who have taken thier lives fron the same side of the family. It was absolutely devastating. He didnt know the Lord and I feel awful. I shared with him and prayed for him, but he never accepted Christ. I hope what I shared was with him in his last moments and he gave his heart to God. Oh well, we will never know everything until we go home to Him,right?? But anyway, Im doing good and Im really liking my new church and I have met some really cool friends that have little kids which helps alot!!! My kids are doing ok. My daughter just turned 1 last August!!! Wow how time flies. My son is getting a little better with the tantrums which is a wonderful thing. We still have our battles but they are few and far between which is a real nice thing. So how have you been? How are you feeling. Still going through alot of pain?? I am soo sorry that you have to endure soo much pain. I wish I could give you a big hug. I will lift you up to the Lord continuously. He sees the yearning of your heart and hold each tear in his hand a you cry out to him. He is faithful whether you feel like it or not. I have to learn this as well. My feelings tend to overide my faith sometimes. But anyway, please write back!! I miss you!!! Im glad to be back!!
God Bless
Hello sweetie!
You know, I have kept the message I got from you when you called me back a month ago. I love to hear your voice and you didnt even say that much. Kinda wierd, huh? Well, its just a God thing because I feel as if I have known you a very long time. I think I tried to call you back, but couldnt get you but that is alright. My life has had some bad days lately, but like always God seems to always keep me going one way or another. I wanted to keep calling you but all I would do is boob and have a pity party and you dont need someone having a pity party on you at this time. You just got out of surgery and Im soo glad you made it through!! Surgery is soo scary. So what did you have done? Praise God that you are feeling better!! Yay!! Finally,right?? I have to hear more from you! I cant wait. Please keep in touch. I love you!!
Good to hear from you!
"Fear not for I am with you"
Be not dismayed for I am your God.
I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with my righteous rith hand!"-ISA.41:10
That is a good one isnt it. I should sticky note that to my face! That is such an imporatnt scripture to memorize. At least for me. I have fear about everything to be honest, but Im alot better than I was. Thank God! I just dont know what I would do without him. Do you? Arent you glad that you are saved? It is soo good that this body and this world are not ours. I cant wait to go home. Anyway, I will call you if you are alright. I hate to take you away from your rest because I could wear one out by all my talking.
I love you, I really do!!!
Hello sweetie! I thought Id check in with you again. I dont mean to bother you. You are on my heart. How are you feeling? I have a sinu infection and a ear infection. Its not fun!!
But keep me in prayer because iM having alot of vertigo(dizziness) and I cant seem to concentrate at all. Im all out of sorts. Ill wait it out for a while before I go to the doctor. I dont want to jump to conclusions yet if its nothing. Anyway, I love oyu and KNOW that you are thought of daily. You are a precious child of the most high King!!! You are dressed with precious jewel of every kind,covered in satin, and glowing with beauty. Dont forget you are loved!!! U r not alone!
The center chapter of the BIBLE is Psalm 118.. there are 594 chapters before and after Psalm 118
And if we will add this we will get 1188... in which the center verse of the BIBLE is PSALM 118:8
What is the significant of Psalm 118:8 in God's perfect will for our lives?
It is better to trust in the LORD, than to put confidence in man.-- Psalm 118:8
When things get tough, always remember faith doesn't get you around trouble..
it gets you through it!
When you relinquish the desire to control your future you obtain happiness...
Father God, bless my friend in whatever it is that you know he/she may be needing this day....
May their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have closer relationship with you. Amen...
I just wanted to stop by to say hello. How are you today?
Your sister in Christ~Carla
Mar 25, 2008
Isaiah 55:12-13
"You will go out in Joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree, and instead of the briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord's renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed."
God Bless you today Dear friend, Carla
Mar 25, 2008
Paige Robertson
You are soo precious. Look at yourself in the mirror and realize the beautifull creation he has made. He wove you in your mothers womb. He knows every hair on your head. His thoughts outnumber the sands.
You are cast down, but not destroyed. You are pressed on every side but not crushed. With every failure, there is a lesson. Without pain there wouldnt be compassion and sympathy. If we all were perfect, how could we love? You, my friend are a unique creation. Your fingerprints are different than anyone elses on this earth. Isnt that amazing? God got you in the palm of his hand. His fingerprints are all over you!!! You are the apple of his eye. You are beautiful, loved and blessed. You are not alone. I deal exactly with what u r going through. We can go through this together. Let us not give up. The enemy and his decieptful tactics and his lies that seem so real and convincing, does not want us to follow God and be blessed. He is like a roaring lion ready to pounce on his next victim.
Know that you know that you know that u are not alone. I have gotten soo deressed sometimes that I contemplate suicide, even as a Christian! That is awful, but Im just confessing. Let us be victors!!!
I am with you always says the Lord.
Mar 25, 2008
Mar 27, 2008
Mar 27, 2008
Praise God! In HIm~Carla
Mar 30, 2008
Paige Robertson
I thank you for your message. It was nice to hear from you.
I am listening to a very peaceful sound right now,.......a little bird singing a pretty song, now thats hard to be still and hear now a days isnt it? Gee, go figure? Oh, before kids and when i just became a Christian, I was basically homeless, and trying to mend things in my marriage. As I was healing and letting God mend me, I would walk and walk and walk miles and miles a day just focused on healing, on God, on the promises He gave me, and His acceptance of me. I walked and walked and thought and thought and let my emotions "burn off". Now since my life is full kids,and painting, husband church, I dont have that kind of time anymore. I want to go back to that. I want to refocus on the small yet miraculous creations around us like I was once aware of. A tree and its fruit, leaves and thier different colors,flowers and thier colors and designs. Animals, and the birds of the air. The mountains and thier majesty, the sun and its warmth and brilliancy, and the wind that you cant see, but you know its there. Like the Holy Spirit.
Anyway, lets get refocused on how awesome creation is and to remember how precious and short out lives are. Lets hang in there, ok?
Thank you for the # Ill call you later..
Mar 31, 2008
I am glad you are feeling better! I pray that you will have God's peace. The peace which surpasses all understanding.
God Bless! Carla
Apr 2, 2008
Donna Hardigree
luv u
your sister in Christ
Apr 9, 2008
Paige Robertson
Hello Carla!
I just wanted to deeply apologize about not keeping in touch very well. I have been very absent minded and just downright depressed the last few weeks. I kept on keepin on but it hasnt been easy. You know what Im talking about. I know I dont have the chronic pain and ill ness you have, but bipolar,insecurity,anxiety, and constantly comparing myself is just as crippling in my mind. I have felt like I have been bound with chains,and cannot enjoy or trust the Lord and all He is doing and all He has done. I have felt paralized and so therefore, I have not done all the things that I need to do. I go to church, I read my bible, and I listen to tapes, but when you are thinking wrong thoughts, it doesnt matter what you do, It affects everything!Im taking a study at church now called "Breaking Free" by: Beth Moore and its incredible. I highly advise that you get it. I know itll help you immensely too!I have done this study before, but I have founsd that I need to take it over and over again to get me back on track. Im soo sorry that I havent been there for you. I got all caught up in my "self pity pot" and couldnt see beyond that. Please forgive me. I have called you a couple times, but I bet I wrote it down wrong. Maybe youll have to get it to me again if you dont mind. Just send me a message, and let me know how you are. I wish I were there to give u a big hug!!! I love you sister! You are NOT alone!
God Bless You!!
Apr 28, 2008
Paige Robertson
How are you? I cant stop thinking of you my friend. How are you feeling? Im sorry that you had to go yesterday on chat because you were in pain. I really feel for you my sister. I left you a message yesterday. I hope you got it. I really miss you and I hope you are not disapointed in me that I have kept in touch that well the last week or so. I guess I get all tied up in myself and lose touch of others. Forgive me sister. You do mean alot to me. Remember you can call me anytime. I am there for you. I will lift you up to the Lord daily. he loves you my sister! No matter what you are going through, no matter what you are feeling, and no matter what your circumstances are, He will always help you and bless you as long as you have faith in HIm. Nothing is impossible with God. HE IS LIMITLESS!!!God Bless you!!!
Apr 29, 2008
Paige Robertson
Hello Carla!!
How are you doing today? One day at a time right? I know. I know that sometimes you think,"Why God?'. I do it alot. But then there is those days where everything is soo clear to me. I look around at the wonderous and miraculous creation God has made. Its man that has messed it all up. I look at the miracle of a tree,of the air, a cloud,the wind,the changing leaves,the flowers, and the waters. All these things work in perfect harmony. They all help in divine order. Look at a newborn child. Now,come on, if anyone believes that htere is noGod, and believes that we just evolved, or we came out of a big bang or a lizard, has got to be crazy. Even before I was saved I knew there was a God, I just didnt think I was oding anything wrong, and I didnt care to know him any more that I already knew. (which was nothing).
I hope your pain is not so bad today. I hope you can get good rest. You are always on my mind. I love you too.
Oh, and I love your new picture!! Its soo cute!!
Apr 30, 2008
Paige Robertson
Hello beautiful friend!
Ok, what is wrong, I havent heard from you sweetie!! You have been on my heart! I miss you. Is everything ok? How are you feeling? Please dont give up. Dont give in. God is there. I believe that these are the last days, so let us live them like it is the last day of our lives. Its hard to keep that perspective sometimes, because life just basically SUCKS, but its ok. God knows how we feel, but loves us anyway. Isnt that cool? Well, my dear, please take good care. I wish I could be there with you. I do. God Bless you
May 14, 2008
Paige Robertson
I miss you!! I am going to call you!
How have you been? How is the pain? Getting any better? I think of you ALL the time. Im serious. Im just bad at writing lately. I have been overwhelmed with a few things in my life and it has taken all my brain cells. I have been soo flakey lately that it is almost embarrasing. Please accept my apology. Let me know how you are and what the Lord is doing in your life lately? I love you sweet sister! You are a remarkable woman and daughter of Christ. God has a mighty plan for you. I believe that.
God Bless you always
May 19, 2008
I have a message from Paige for you. Her computer is down, she is working on getting it fixed. She misses you terribly.
Blessings, Carla
Jun 16, 2008
kathleen aldea
I asked God to take away my pain
God said, No
-it is not for me to take away,
But for you to give up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole
God said, No
-Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience
God said, No
-patience is a by-product of tribulations,
It isn’t granted, it is earned.
I asked God to give me happiness
God said, No
-I give you blessings, happiness is up to you.
I asked God to make my spirit grow
God said, No
-you must grow on your own
but I will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life
God said, No
-I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things
I asked God to helped me LOVE others,
as much as He loves me
God said…..
Ahhh, finally you have the idea.
God loves You!
Jul 15, 2008
kathleen aldea
imikimi - Customize Your World
Jul 25, 2008
Christy Gabriel
Thank you for coming to my life and becoming my friend. God bless you always.
With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
Aug 21, 2008
Paige Robertson
God bless you today!!! I hope all is well with you!! I have thought about you continually and have missed you dearly. I called you a while back. Did you call me back? I missed your call if you did. I am looking forward to catching up with you and what God has done in your life. He has been good to me. I had a few big bumps in the road along the way, but Im doing very well sonsidering the fact that me closest uncle commited suicide on July 1st. This makes 2 uncles who have taken thier lives fron the same side of the family. It was absolutely devastating. He didnt know the Lord and I feel awful. I shared with him and prayed for him, but he never accepted Christ. I hope what I shared was with him in his last moments and he gave his heart to God. Oh well, we will never know everything until we go home to Him,right?? But anyway, Im doing good and Im really liking my new church and I have met some really cool friends that have little kids which helps alot!!! My kids are doing ok. My daughter just turned 1 last August!!! Wow how time flies. My son is getting a little better with the tantrums which is a wonderful thing. We still have our battles but they are few and far between which is a real nice thing. So how have you been? How are you feeling. Still going through alot of pain?? I am soo sorry that you have to endure soo much pain. I wish I could give you a big hug. I will lift you up to the Lord continuously. He sees the yearning of your heart and hold each tear in his hand a you cry out to him. He is faithful whether you feel like it or not. I have to learn this as well. My feelings tend to overide my faith sometimes. But anyway, please write back!! I miss you!!! Im glad to be back!!
God Bless
Sep 20, 2008
Paige Robertson
You know, I have kept the message I got from you when you called me back a month ago. I love to hear your voice and you didnt even say that much. Kinda wierd, huh? Well, its just a God thing because I feel as if I have known you a very long time. I think I tried to call you back, but couldnt get you but that is alright. My life has had some bad days lately, but like always God seems to always keep me going one way or another. I wanted to keep calling you but all I would do is boob and have a pity party and you dont need someone having a pity party on you at this time. You just got out of surgery and Im soo glad you made it through!! Surgery is soo scary. So what did you have done? Praise God that you are feeling better!! Yay!! Finally,right?? I have to hear more from you! I cant wait. Please keep in touch. I love you!!
Sep 30, 2008
Donna Hardigree
Oct 3, 2008
Paige Robertson
Good to hear from you!
"Fear not for I am with you"
Be not dismayed for I am your God.
I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with my righteous rith hand!"-ISA.41:10
That is a good one isnt it. I should sticky note that to my face! That is such an imporatnt scripture to memorize. At least for me. I have fear about everything to be honest, but Im alot better than I was. Thank God! I just dont know what I would do without him. Do you? Arent you glad that you are saved? It is soo good that this body and this world are not ours. I cant wait to go home. Anyway, I will call you if you are alright. I hate to take you away from your rest because I could wear one out by all my talking.
I love you, I really do!!!
Oct 4, 2008
Paige Robertson
Christian Myspace Comments
Hello sweetie! I thought Id check in with you again. I dont mean to bother you. You are on my heart. How are you feeling? I have a sinu infection and a ear infection. Its not fun!!
But keep me in prayer because iM having alot of vertigo(dizziness) and I cant seem to concentrate at all. Im all out of sorts. Ill wait it out for a while before I go to the doctor. I dont want to jump to conclusions yet if its nothing. Anyway, I love oyu and KNOW that you are thought of daily. You are a precious child of the most high King!!! You are dressed with precious jewel of every kind,covered in satin, and glowing with beauty. Dont forget you are loved!!! U r not alone!
Oct 6, 2008
kathleen aldea
Soul food for the Day: The CENTER...
The center chapter of the BIBLE is Psalm 118.. there are 594 chapters before and after Psalm 118
And if we will add this we will get 1188... in which the center verse of the BIBLE is PSALM 118:8
What is the significant of Psalm 118:8 in God's perfect will for our lives?
It is better to trust in the LORD, than to put confidence in man.-- Psalm 118:8
When things get tough, always remember faith doesn't get you around trouble..
it gets you through it!
When you relinquish the desire to control your future you obtain happiness...
Father God, bless my friend in whatever it is that you know he/she may be needing this day....
May their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have closer relationship with you. Amen...
Apr 3, 2009
Christy Gabriel
May 26, 2010