Daniel Tanielu KUPA

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New Zealand
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My story with God
Hi hello I'm daniel, This is my story with God,
It all started back in 1985 in my little home town of Porirua Wellington, New Zealand.
Now just like any other god fearing christian family we'd go to church on a regular basis, and of course having mum and dad marshalling you around? you have no choice, that was when i was young, but as i got older, i started to drift away from church, and started to hang around with the wrong crowed, i smoked,i drink and got into a little bit off drugs as well and because my brain was not able to cope with all this? i ended up in hospital and was diagnosed as having mental break down, and while i was in there, i was having suicidal thoughts and my mind was playing tricks on me.
Desperate for help, i phoned my mum and told her what had happened to me, she asked me to pray, and i did. After a couple of months in hospital, i was released
back home,much to her relieve, my mum was happy to have me back home, but was not happy with the state that i was in. A bout a year back home with my family, i was still not well from the illness that i had developed.
During and throughout these times, my mum occationally reminded me to pray, which i didn't think seriously about at the time.
Then one late night i heard this voice, it was a soft low voice? now at this particular moment i wasn't quite sure what to make of it, i was thinking huh am i hearing things, is my mind playing tricks on me, and what she'll i do? she'll i pray, or is this part of my illness, huh whats going on?.
In the morning i told my mum about what i heard last night, she smiled and told me to keep praying.
the next night the same thing happened, the same voice whispered to me asking me to repent, now i was getting a little seriouse now, and it didn't happened twice it happened three times by this time i was down on my niece praying and in the morning i was a changed man, everything about me felt new i was happier, feelling better, and there was a sweet sweet feelling within me i also felt like i was walking on air, as the days passed by i had made the biggest mistake of my entire life, and that was not holding on to this gift that the lord had given me, i had just let go of a gift that was to be the ultimate gift to my salvation, i regret losing it and don't no if i'll ever have another chance of recieving it again and being young at the time was not mature enough to understand such an awsome experience, thanks be to our lord jesus christ our saviour for a wonderfull experience Amen

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    Greetings in the Lord! My name is journeymanhd, one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!
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  • Amenamen

    Red Ribbon
  • mario apalit

    You have a wonderful testimony Daniel, Join the Witnessing Servants group and you can share your story . God bless you more