
United States

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Instructional Paraprofessional
I'm here to...
For spiritual encouragement and friendship both to give & receive \0/
I enjoy playing guitar, listening to music (a little of everything), reading, people watching, meeting new folks, computers, I also enjoy writing as well.
I'm passionate about...
~Jesus Christ~

I have been struggling in my journey, yet He never let's go. Even when we're too weak to walk.

My small but wonderful family

"For God has chosen the weak things in the world, the foolish, the nothings.. That no flesh will Glory in His presence."
1 Corinthians 1:27-29
My story with God
I grew up in a non-Christian family. I did not have a lot of exposure to things of God as a child. I did however have a lot of feelings about Him and felt badly when I sinned, which seemed all the time! My brother was saved as a young teenager through a church event with a friend. After that my mother gave her heart to Jesus. My father was a drinker. He had a temper. He was in a horrible car accident. Men from church reached out to him. He got saved. He slipped away though. I started going with my mom to a baptist church. My heart melted. I heard the message of Jesus. I knew after my decision that I loved Jesus. I do not know where my brother's heart is now regarding the Lord.

I had a lot of struggles with condemnation as a younger Christian. I never felt like I was doing things right, reading and praying enough. I had a bad "father" image. Someone told me about a man named Keith Green. He was very influential in my life. I began getting his music & free newsletters (inspired sermons by him and other preachers) for years. One of them changed my view of God completely and has never left me in all my trials & sin. It was called "The Father Heart of God." (recently I began thinking about it and looked it up online! Last days Ministries!) Keith Green was killed along with two of his children in the 80's. His wife carried that ministry on to today!

David Wilkerson also was a large influence towards me and I learned much about God and the Word through his sermons (I got these free in the mail for years) when I was in my teens and twenties. There were not many I respected or trusted like these two special people.

Even though we had many moves & my life was uprooted and I drifted from Him as a teenager, those newsletters kept coming and sometimes I would read them. The new friends I made led me into the world of drugs and drinking and living rebellious to all authority. I still had that small still voice inside that told me I love you and I am here for you. Life at home was very very unhappy and stressful. I caused a lot of heartache with my rebellious ways. I tried to talk to my parents but they could not understand and there was a huge gap like an ocean. Between hitchhiking, running away and ignoring everything that was good I was becoming very hard. I was a shy girl but found partying brought me out of myself.

My mom never stopped praying for all of us. She was the only one of us that stuck to her faith. She spent many many hours praying for me, I could always feel her prayers. (Prayer works! Faith works!) Time went on and my mother became ill. I was no longer living in the same city with them at that time. My father worked. My brother went to college....and I moved back home after things got rocky with my boyfriend.

Once I got here it didn't take me long to find friends who were like me. Trouble was around every corner. I met a man then and got married. Divorced 16 years later I spent the next 7+ years working constantly, raising my daughters, and staying single. I was a devoted lover of God until 4 years ago something happened in my life that dramatically changed me.

Only He knew what was inside me and what came out of it. It was a few years later that I watched my parents suffer much. We then slowly lost my father to cancer three years ago.

Life has been a lot of storms and sunshine as well. I came to the Lord most recently after many adventures, that have shaped my outlook and now I am just sitting at His feet asking Him to do what He wants with me. His mercy is never ending. He never misses anything. He knows why and what we feel. I never have seen such love as I do now with Jesus and everyday I am humbled by His mercy. I could not even begin to describe the crazy things I have been through and been rescued from.

What I do want to say from the core of my being is if you truly know Jesus, no matter what you go through He will NOT LET YOU GO!
Other stuff about me:
I'd rather learn about all of you now!!

Matthew 5:3-10

"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Comment Wall:

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  • Carla

    Hello my dear...just checking in to say 'hey'...

    Romans 15:13...

    Love and blessings, Carla
  • Christy Gabriel


    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • sunsetstormx

  • Theresa

    thanks for being my friend, it is so exciting to be here on this network. God bless you my friend.
  • Carla

    a fathers love letter

    Add to My Profile | More Videos Hi SunsetStormx..this is the video I was referring to in chat last night. is another one to music by Michael W of my favourite songs. Blessings and Love in Christ, have a wonderful day...

  • Daughter of Grace

  • felixpadua

    hello, i am here watching your page again. listening and watching. i am learning a lot here. thanks sunsetstormx.
  • Carla

    God Comforts Us When We Are Afflicted, And From His Consolation,
    We Learn to Comfort Others.
    The Thorns In My Life Show Me The Beauty of God's Comfort And Love.

    Love you... Will be back tomorrow with that devotional...
  • Carla

    Hi Sunset... Here is the devotional I promised you.

    Nahum 1:12
    "....O my people I have punished you once, and I will not do it again."

    There is a limit to affliction. God sends it, and removes it. Do you sigh and say, "When will the end be?" Let us quietly wait and patiently endure the will of the Lord till he cometh. Our Father takes away the rod when His design in using it is fully served.

    If the affliction is sent for testing us, that our graces may Glorify God, it will end when the Lord has made us bear witness to His Praise. We would not wish the affliction to depart until God has gotten out of us all the honor which we can possibly yield Him. There may be today 'a great calm.' Who knows how soon those raging billows will give place to a sea of glass, and the sea birds sit on the gentle waves?

    After long tribulation, the flail is hung up, and the wheat rests in the garner. We may, before many hours are past, be just as happy as now we are sorrowful.

    It is not hard for the Lord to turn night into day. He that sends the clouds can easily clear the skies. Let us be of good cheer. It is better farther on. Let us sing Hallelujah by anticipation. ~CH. Spurgeon.

    The great Husbandman is not always threshing. Trial is only for a season. The showers soon pass. Weeping may tarry only for the few hours of the short summer night; it must be gone at daybreak. Our light affliction is but for a moment. Trial is but for a purpose, "If needs be."
    The very fact of trial proves that there is something in us very precious to our Lord; else He would not spend so much pains and time on us. Christ would not test us if He did not see the precious ore of faith mingled in the rocky matrix of our nature; and it is to bring this out into purity and beauty the He forces us through the fiery ordeal. Be patient, O sufferer! The result will more than compensate for all our trials, when we see how they wrought out the far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. To have one word of God's commendation; to be honored before the Holy Angels, to be glorified in Christ, so as to be better able to flash His Glory on Himself--ah! that will more than repay for all.
    ~from Tried by fire.



    The thank you is for, being my friend hehe
  • felixpadua

    hi sunset, you were a storm in the chatroom. God bless you.


  • AAG Netguy

    Hi and thanks for adding me as a friend. Really enjoyed your nature photos! Hope your are enjoying it here and growing in your love and walk with Jesus Christ.

  • journeyman

    Hello Sunset Stopping in to say hello. I hope you are well and that school is going fine. I saw a great line at Church yesterday. It was in a flyer about ministries. It said "Music is God's gift. We sing Christian lyrics here thats all." I love to chat agaain with you some time. May God Bless you dear Sister.




  • Christy Gabriel

    Just drop by to say hi and God bless you abundantly.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    You are always welcome and God bless you abundantly always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel
  • Sherlyn Marquez

    Would you like to receive Jesus Christ as your savior? If you would, you can pray a prayer like this:

    “Jesus, I need you. I repent for the life I’ve lived apart from you. Thank you for dying on the cross to take the penalty for my sins. I believe you are God’s Son and I now receive you as my Savior and Lord. I commit my life to follow you.”

    Did you pray this prayer?
  • Sherlyn Marquez

    Saved Prayer:
    Heavenly Father, in The Lord Jesus Christ's name,
    I believe in my heart that you raised
    The Lord Jesus Christ from the dead and
    I confess you, Lord Jesus Christ, as my Lord.
    Heavenly Father, thank you for my salvation,
    in the Lord Jesus Christ's name. I ask you Lord Jesus Christ
    to come into my heart and live your life through me,
    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for coming into my heart
    and being my Lord.
    Also, I ask you Lord Jesus Christ to please fill me
    with the Holy Sprit. Thanks for filling me Lord Jesus Christ,
    with the Holy Spirit,
  • Sherlyn Marquez




  • kathleen aldea

    the world 2

  • Ada

    good morning .. I just wanted to say hi and wish you a wonderfully blessed day :)






  • Pastor Bob B

  • Theresa

    He is alive again, oh the stone has been rolled away
    he is alive again, He is no longer where He lay
    he is alive again, I can hear the angels say
    let all the earth rejoie He is alive
    God bless you my friend always and may we all lift up the name of Jesus on high. have a blessed and happy day in the Lord always.



  • Ginnybee

    Stopping by to say hello. I like your page, is nice :) Have a blessed day, my friend.

    In my thoughts,

  • Christy Gabriel

    God bless, keep and protect you always. Praise the Lord. Haleluja!!! Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • rosary flasius

    can you add me as your friend, thank you
  • Christy Gabriel