stephanie M. Alexander


Providence, RI

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United States
social case manager
I'm here to...
meet new people and seek out help for problems that Christians keep secret
food, networking, social issues, social change, creating change.
I'm passionate about...
eating lol (Im not out of shape) singing, reading, going to live performance!
My story with God
Ive been in and out of God for a very long time, I find that when Im close to him I am close... I feel him every where and all around me, I feel like my sin drives me away from him... one sin in particular because I struggled so hard and so long with it....
Other stuff about me:
I am 26 year old single female who is expecting her first child in July. His name is Malachi and he is scheduled to be born in July. I am looking forward to becoming a mom and eventally getting into a health and God filled relationship begin to learn to be with a purpose! to live with purpose! and date with purpose....

Comment Wall:

  • Larry

    Red Ribbon
  • David Velasquez

    Welcome to our Community in Christ,

    I have created groups that might interest you. Check them out and feel free to join.

    This group will make you laugh -

    This group will teach you bible doctrines -

    This group will teach you how to be equipped

    and this one focuses on Godly relationships.

    Be blessed and a blessing
  • Larry

    There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm.He was given a slingshot to play with out in the woods.

    He practiced in the woods; but he could never hit the target.

    Getting a little discouraged, he headed back.

    Walking back he saw Grandma's pet duck. Out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly, hit the duck in the head and killed it. He was shocked and grieved!

    In a panic, he hid the duck only to see his Sister watching! Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing.After lunch the next day Grandma said, 'Sally, let's wash the dishes'

    Sally said, 'Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.'

    Then she whispered to him, "Remember the duck?'

    So Johnny did the dishes.

    Later, Grandpa asked if they wanted to go fishing and Grandma said, 'I'm sorry but I need Sally to help make supper.'

    Sally smiled and said, that's all right because Johnny told me he wanted to help?

    She whispered again, 'Remember the duck?' Sally went fishing and Johnny stayed to help. After several days of Johnny doing both his chores and Sally's; he couldn't stand it any longer.

    He came to Grandma and confessed he had killed the duck.

    Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug and said, 'Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and saw the whole thing, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave of you.'

    Whatever is in your past, whatever you have done... And the devil keeps throwing it up in your face (lying, cheating, debt, fear, bad habits, hatred, anger, bitterness, etc.)...whatever it is...You need to know that:
    God was standing at the window and He saw the whole thing.He has seen your whole life... He wants you to know that He loves you and that you are forgiven. He's just wondering how long you will let the devil make a slave of you.

    The great thing about God is that when you ask for forgiveness; He not only forgives you, but He forgets.

    It is by God's grace and mercy that we are saved.
  • Nienie

    Hello Stephanie
    Warm greetings in the Lord! This is Nienie one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome to this wonderful internet family of followers of Jesus Christ! We're glad you are here!

    I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.

    Here we have fellowship,grow with each other and share the love of Christ.

    Please feel free to join in with the groups and the forums and let us know if you have any questions we can help you with.

    Unlike some other social networks, we prohibit advertising, doing business, asking for money, goods, or personal information or sending spam.Violating these rules can lead to disciplinary actions.
    For more information, please read our Membership Agreement.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Many blessings
  • Write for Christ

    Welcome to AllAboutGOD! (",)
    God Bless You
  • Pastor. C S SIMON

    Are You A Christian?
    Faithful is the word, and worthy of all acceptation,
    That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinner
    Are you a real Christian? Oh, you say, that is very plain question, Then let it have an honest answer now. But what do you mean by a Christian? You ask. I mean by a Christian a person that really knows Christ-not a person that knows something about Him but a person that really knows Christ as his own Savior. A Christian is one who knows the rejected and once slain, but now raised and glorified, Savior at God’s right hand and is connected with an united to that risen Savior where He now is . A Christian is one who is born again of God, Whose sins are all forgiven all blotted out -and who has received the Holy Spirit. These are all things you can know. If you can only say, "I hope this is all mine," you are not a true Christian in the proper sense of the word; and, frankly, you have got hold of the real essence of Christianity yet.
    A Christian is one that is indissolubly connected with the victorious risen Savior. He is linked to the One who went down first of all into death for him, bore his sins, blotted them all out, and met all the claims of God in righteousness in respect of those sins. That Savior is risen without a single sin, and has gone into God’s presence to prepare a place and take him to it.
    The blessing of the believer is this -he knows his sins are forgiven, he knows he is saved, and he knows God is his Father; he has the Holy Spirit dwelling in him, and he is a person standing on the other side of death and judgment, waiting, at the return of the Bridegroom, for glory.
    Are you a Christian? Have you that title to glory without a flaw? What is that title? The precious blood of Christ-nothing more, and nothing less.
    Life To Life Ministries.
  • Joshua Anyaoha

  • Julia - Woman's Group Leader

    Thank you for joining the "For Women Only" Group. You should be able to access the group now. Let me know if you have any problems accessing the features or if you have questions. Welcome!
  • Grace Ade

    Thanks for sensing me a request. Stay blessed and be fruitful in the Lord.