
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Wife, Homeschool Mom, and civics volunteer
I'm here to...
experience cyber fellowship and mutual spiritual encouragement.
I care about family and community issues and enjoys being a practical help in whatever capacity I can to make a difference. I love being around people of all age groups. I enjoy gardening, cooking and baking, reading and having friends over in my house.
I'm passionate about...
~ Growing deeper in my walk with my God,
~ Helping others come to know Him and grow in their relationship with Him
~ Being an instrument of change
~ Serving in whatever capacity I can
~ Networking because it suits my gregarious nature
~ Enjoying life to the fullest with my husband and children
~ Becoming more like Jesus
My story with God
I grew up in a Christian family. I accepted the Lord a number of times due to childish fears but I know God honored one of those prayers of sincere plea for His salvation and forgiveness. I used to think little of my testimony because it wasn't dramatic and exciting but through the years, I realize the amazing mercy and protection God has shown in that He protected me from my propensity to make stupid choices and from serious regrets that could have resulted from my rebellious ways. My life is a miracle. He has given me eternal security and a meaningful life to live. I find life fulfillling knowing who and what I live for -- and that I can have a perpective that has eternal value and purpose, full of hope and love.
Other stuff about me:
It was never in my plans but I have become involved in politics. It stemmed from the fights I waged against government control -- for the right to be left alone in raising the children that God gave and entrusted to me and my husband. I'm now growing to understand the importance of everybody being active about civic issues as we promote Kingdom principles. I never realized that we can't care about our community without impacting other institutions that shape our culture and society. It gives more meaning to being salt and light.

Comment Wall:

  • AAG Netguy


    It's great you are here! Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here.

    I can't believe how big your girls are! Give my greetings to Mark. Keep active in impacting the government!

    Wendy is on here too.

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group where you can help disciple new believers in the forums.

    Feel free to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis. It is Bob French's study in the Philippines. You can click here to join the study. There is also a Chatbox there you can use.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Wendy

    FUN! So great to see you here! I am taking calls right now for FOF and saw a tiny little picture pop up on one of my screens that looked MUCH LIKE my great friends... and it WAS! Look forward to catching up with what is happening with your family - hope you can upload some more family pictures. I've been working OT this mo. and haven't had time to do that. Did you see Karen and Bill's pictures here? Karen was able to add quite a few - can't even recognize all these MKs anymore - your's included! J and K still talk about your girls and how they miss them. Jenna is on here - maybe the girls will be able to connect! Blessings to you all and hugs to the kids! Wendy
  • Bob F

    Hi Corie,

    Would you like to receive my friend request now that you can see my photo?
  • Wendy

    Hey girl! Good to hear from you. I so wish we could get out to see you all! Much overdo. I think our girls would have a blast. Maybe you need to come late-season skiing in the beautiful Colorado??? :D Seriously, or a summer visit?! We'd LOVE that. In the meantime - send pictures if you have any! Miss you guys, Wendy
  • Corie

  • Corie

  • AAG Netguy

    Hi Corie,

    To send a message to a group of friends see this link:

    It gives you instructions for how to do this. Keep in mind you need to add exisiting members as friends before you can send them a message. You can also invite other friends to become members of TheNET from your email address books too.

    By the way, I saw your article in the Focus on the Family magazine a couple months ago. How cool! I know someone famous. Greetings to Mark and the girls!
  • Wendy

    Greg and I were able to volunteer at the Truth Project training when FOF had the last training here in the Springs, so we got to go for free! Nice! We've been so busy doing Firm Foundations with our home group that we've not taught it yet. May be starting it soon, however. It IS a great program! Hope yours goes well!! Will send you an email.
  • Samuel Francis

    Hello Corie & family,
    I thank this site for letting us know about others. I was blessed to read about what is God doing through your ministry. Keep on building on the right way, He will be by your side. Sam Francis.
  • ujwal

    Hi Corie Greetings how are you Nice to see you Iam ujwal from india and I lead organization called King of kings fellowship we have 242 house churches in the villages and slums I have serving the lord from 20 years now what about you which church do you go I like to know you and Make friendship with you Hope to hear from you God bless ujwal Delete Comment