
51, Male

Malindi, Kenya


Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Evangelist, motivational speaker and HR & Legal Co-ordinator
I'm here to...
Link-up and fellowship with all those who worship God in truth and in laugh with those who are laughing and to cry with those who are crying and to not only share their pain, but try to lessen it for them in Christ Jesus!
I like everything in life knowing that all that happens is God's will for me and that He will always act for my utmost good according to His divine plan. Many things puzzle me...yes...but nothing takes my happiness out of my hands for I know that Jehovah God is in control. Nothing can ever take the truth He has laid out in Romans8:28 from my heart; ALL THINGS WORK OUT FOR MY GOOD. How so wonderful!!!
I'm passionate about...
Making millions of disciples and winning souls for God! I glory in selflessness for He was selfless...He lived for others and though the owner and originator of all, He chose to live a poor man's life. In the same footsteps, I attach very little importance to material things (which are at best only momentary) and have taught my family to aspire for the secret joy derived from giving. We therefore own so little except the very basic!
My story with God
He is the starter and finisher of my faith through His glorious and wonderful Son Jesus Christ. After spending considerable time chasing the vanities of this world, I have come to accept the fact that there is no thrill like knowing and living for Christ. I was once a Catholic of Catholics...and if there is any one thing I know know for sure, it is that CATHOLISM (AND "RELIGIOSITY AS A WHOLE)" IS THE ONE MOST DANGEROUS weapons satan is using to divide the sheep and lead masses to their eternal damnation. I let anyone who would care to listen know this...those people don't worship Jehovah God the way He has decreed to be worshipped! Let all who have ears listen to what the spirit of the Lord is saying!
Other stuff about me:
I am what one may comfortably label "everyone's servant" and a man for all seasons. I go out of my way to comfort all...more so ladies, who life has treated cruelly, more often than the hands of unconverted men. I cry daily when I see the attrocities meted out on innocent children...even by those closest to them. I am mad about children...I just love kids and spend most of my time with them. I strive daily to be a pillar in prayer...and although I fail repeatedly, I know that Christ looks down on me from His high seat and count all my pitiable struggles for righteousness. I cherish prayers for therein lies my (and yours too) only victory over life's challenges! I adorn daily God's Spiritual armour before I step out as outlined in Ephesians 6:11. It is His WAR...we can only win it through HIS ARMOUR...not our pitiable efforts. He won it already for us, hallelujah!!! Worshiping the Lord in truth and spirit is fun...and truly enjoyable!!! I invite all to give Christ their all. You will never regret the effort.

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  • Pastor Bob B

  • Christy Gabriel

    OBAMA wins... Are you happy dearest brother Bernhard? : )

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dearest Brother Bernhard

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Yuri

    Dear Pastor,
    Thanks for your note and blessings. I guess that without God I'd be in a deep depresion. He is my Rock and you all brothers and sisters keep me in the right path.
    Love and blessings,
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Brother, Maurene told me that you had an exciting time last week and flew for the first time. My first time flying was nice on a DC10 which was a big plane, but I have never flown on a small plane and think it would be much more intence. My ears would plug up and I got air sick on a big plane , I hate to see how I would react on a small plane. lol
    Well I hope you had a good trip.

    It is really quiet on line today because everyone is busy travelling and getting ready for thanksgiving here in the US. I am kind of glad so I can leave some notes for all my old friends. I am so thankful for the gas and oil prices dropping because of the onset of winter here. The price is more than half from last August. It is hard to discribe money to others online but I think you can get what I am saying. If the price had stayed high it would have cost as much as some make in a month to heat their homes. I thank God for this so much.

    I hope all is going well with your church and your family. I tell many of my friends about you and your wonderful heart for the Lord. I have to say that one thing I am thankful for this year is meeting you. You have enriched my life and my faith. Maureen and myself both said we know where would go to church if we lived in Kenya.

    So brother just keep planting seeds and you will soon recieve a harvest of souls. God smiles when He thinks about you and your family. God bless you friend
    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Brother, it has made my thanksgiving to hear from you! I spent the day with my brother and his family. He is home but will be bed ridden for the next 3 months due to a wound from sitting to much in his wheel chair and they had to cut a huge hole in his thigh to remove the infection. He has recovered from pneumonia. My sister is also recovered and back home,
    I am thankful that they both received Jesus in the last year. My nephew max also received the Lord.
    Yes I have also had to face loss in my family, but the 3 of them are all with the Lord and I shall see them again. I am most thankful for god leading to the net and meeting wonderful people like yourself who have enriched my life. I consider you all as just an extension of my local church. I actually talk more to you all than my own church because I am here every day. I am a better Christian because of my interactions here. I am much more world conscience than I use to be.
    This net has also given me the opportunity to speak into the lives of those in South Africa which I have been praying for, for many years. God has given me the privilege to strengthen the brethren throughout the world also. So I am thankful and praise and worship the Lord for all these things.
    I will talk to you soon. Please know that you are truly are a great man of God in my eyes. Know that as you do your ministry that God has called you to do, that great will be your reward in Heaven. God does not forget your acts of love and kindness that you show forth in his name.
    In the love of Jesus
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz


    Do you realize that ucountable numbers of people are anxious to
    Please the Crowd instead of God?

    We all know that there are people who are "born dictators" and others are "attention seekers"...

    When in a position of authority they do not consider anyone's feelings... Some Governments strive to please the people despite the millions who are hurt in the process... Others cause pain and suffering because of obstinacy and a self-centred attitude, and then you realise that this is because they do not know God.
    Pontius Pilate wanted to please the people. So he freed Barabbas
    for them. And Pilate told the soldiers to beat Jesus with
    whips. Then Pilate gave Jesus to the soldiers to be killed on
    a cross. Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent and yet he ignored this fact because he was trying to please the people!

    -- Mark 15:15 (ERV)

    Pilate knows Jesus is innocent, yet gives in totally to the wishes of
    the mob -- he first has Jesus scourged ("flogged with a lead-tipped
    whip") and then turns Jesus over to be crucified. Why does he do it?
    Pilate has to keep Rome happy by maintaining order. To maintain order,
    Pilate has to appease the crowd. Even though he has already pronounced
    Jesus "not guilty" of any crime, Pilate has the final say. In his mind,
    his word is law. In the eyes of the crowd, Pilate's word is law. Jesus,
    however, knows that Pilate has no power to act, rule, or enforce his
    verdict apart from God's granting him that power. Pilate is a puppet
    who cannot recognize that he acts in concert with the crowd's will,
    Rome's desire, and God's plan. Jesus is allowed to be crucified -- both
    by Pilate, to appease the crowd which is being manipulated by the
    religious leaders, and also by God, who is using this horrifying event
    to save the world. If God can bring such a great redemption out of such
    an unfair injustice, imagine what he can do with our suffering for his
    Can any one of us imagine what it must take to sacrifice your child! I cannot!

    O God, you are the Almighty, the one in control even when I cannot see
    Your control. Help me to understand that you will redeem every
    injustice brought upon your people at your chosen time. Give me the
    faith and strength to endure such times and the courage to live my life
    in the hope that even if the scales of justice are not balanced in my
    lifetime, they will be at the end of time. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

    Your friend
    Ramona P.
  • JOEL

    Bro' i believe that as believers in Kenya there is need to stand in the gap to see this nation restored to what God has called it to be,
  • Pastor Bob B

    I feel like shouting too Brother! Our God is awesome! I have such peace today in my soul.

    I have a resolve like the 3 hebrew children in that I know my God can do anything, and even if He doesn't, it makes no difference because I will never bow to defeat and give up to discouragement.

    I receive the word you have sent as from the Lord.
    God started the work and He will finish it.

    Bless you man of God in all you do, may the overflowing joy of the Lord be your strength.

    I remember last summer the Holy spirit fell on your church at the same time as ours, so my expectations are that God is about to send another wave of the Spirits cleancing, delivering, santifying, renewing, and healing power upon the Church throught the world.
    In the love of jesus

    Collin Raye - What I Need

    I knew all the answers
    The way my life should go
    And when I used to say my prayers
    I would tell God so
    It seemed He wasn't listening
    I thought He didn't care
    But lookin' back
    It's plain to see
    He was always there

    'Cause I prayed for strength
    And I got pain that made me strong
    I prayed for courage
    And got fear to overcome
    When I prayed for faith
    My empty heart brought me to my knees
    I don't always get what I want
    I get what I need

    I'm not sayin' that it's easy
    Or that it doesn't hurt
    When nothing seems to go my way
    Nothing seems to work
    These days I'm getting better
    At goin' with the flow
    Accepting that sometimes the answer
    To a prayer is no

    'Cause I prayed for strength
    And I got pain that made me strong
    I prayed for courage
    And got fear to overcome
    When I prayed for faith
    My empty heart brought me to my knees
    I don't always get what I want
    I get what I need

    Every time I've had a door slammed in my face
    In time a better one was opened in its place

    I prayed for strength
    And I got pain that made me strong
    I prayed for courage
    And got fear to overcome
    When I prayed for faith
    My empty heart brought me to my knees
    I don't always get what I want
    I get what I need

    Oh I don't always get what I want
    I get what I need
  • lorna namara

    Hello Dear Brother Brateng,
    I hope you are doing great. Its such long time since I was on AAG site I even missed its Birthday. how are the kids and your wife. have missed you guys so much. I thank God that today I have been able to leave some of my friends a short message.
    Actually I wanted to let you know that you are always in my prayers and thoughts.
    Loving You always in Christ Jesus.
  • Nienie

    Hey sonny !!!
    Ah no man why are you neglecting your mom? I am going to fall into a depro mode if I dont hear form my son...!!!
    Must I say i like the new look with the profile photo!
    I ve been missing spending time with you and chat a bit for sometimes my heart is full of questions and it always helped just to talk a bit!
    Whats been happening on the homefront? and at work? i know you are goig through rough times and i pray God to lift me up financially so I can b of assitance to my children and grandchidlren... and i fully trust Him for miracle!!,we are in a time zone where we need to pray more and trust God fully for more miracles (even if it is hard to look pass the circumstances ) I always said it is easy to talk but walk the walk..... and especially when the kids are hungry it is very difficult... but God is true to His word!!
    Mom is thinking about all of you a lot.
    Hmm and someone birthday is also creeping up hey!
    Let me now how you all are doing!
    Love to all at home
    Blessings Mom
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dearest Brother Bernhard

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dearest Brother Bernhard
    If I am not mistaken today the 19 Dec. 2008 is your birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST BROTHER AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY, YOU AND ALL YOUR FAMILY.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Pastor Bob B

    Happy bithday brother, just think you only got 14 more to catch up with me. lol I hope that you have a very special day.
    In the love of Jesus
  • Nienie

    Happy B-day Sonny!! May you be blessed with Gods goodnesss! MAy HE spoil you with His Love!
    Love Mom and the siblings and the whole family!!
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dearest Brother Bernhard
    Thank God that I was not mistaken about your birthday. At 12 Dec 2008 Dyana and Wayan were wedded and Angela, Henning and Maximilian is still in Jakarta till today, but this afternoon they are leaving with Dyana and Wayan etc to Bali for 5 days, and be back in Jakarta by the 24th Dec. So I am busy meeting them. Please pass my love to Mary and the kids. God bless you abundantly always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • JOEL

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year,in this season i believe all we can do is to rejoice in his glory for he's been a good God and as we take a review of the year we need to start by taking account of the prayers and prophetic words that we've spoken over our lives.
    What did the steward of God speak at the beggining of the year 2008 that has not been fulfilled and ask ourselves where we missed the mark for in Jos 1:6 which to me is this generations mission statement when we continue in our pursuit of God and fulfilling the word "Men ought to pray" i believe we will have a powerful year 2009 only if we stand on his word plus the prophetic words that have been spoken to us.

    God bless you.
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dearest Brother Bernhard
    It is a surprise and happiness for me to find your comment on my page. Because you seem like disappearing farther away each day. I will always pray for WAYAN Salvation from the Lord. May God fill your heart with the Spirit of joy, love and peace today and always too! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year again dearest brother and hope you can find time to be with me and us like before. You are always welcome and God bless you abundantly always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel (NOT Christie... lol)
  • andrew bussenschutt

    Hello brateng ,long time no talk .Much has been happening in my life,I have been away, on and off for last 5 months driving big mining trucks and have since been laid off because of world finance collapse and drop in copper prices ,so am back shearing again .My wife has left me now ,(another man is involved)so reconcilliation is doubtful ,maybe now the trials she has she may see why I always rely on Jesus to pull me through ,I still pray for her ,that she will recieve him.God often makes our roads a little rough so he can see how we go about smoothing them out,with my faith I know I can weather this storm,and I pray that my children can weather it as well. Any ways it is good to be able to write back to you again and I trust your life is going good for you ,be good to hear back soon Gods speed,your brother in Christ, Andrew.
  • Jeanette B

    G'day Brateng!! So sorry I missed the chat... in the middle of cooking dinner... have to catch up soon!! Can't wait to meed you!
  • felixpadua

    hello, i enjoyed watching your photos.
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dearest Brother Bernhard
    How are you and your family? We are all here missing you a lot and I am missing you too brother. It has been a very long time since you left comments on my page. Nothing in texts too. Sister Carol Hill frequently asked about you too and no news on my page from sister Nienie. May God bless you and your family always and one day let you be back with your ministry in this site. We are waiting impatiently for your return.... You are most welcome and God bless you and your family and your ministry abundantly always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • andrew bussenschutt

    Hello my dearest bother ,Bernhard,I do hope this finds you well .Just a short note to say that our Spirit is still strong between us even though we dont seem to correspond that often now .I still often think of you because you are such a strong inspiration to me,if I had half your faith ,I would be so much more blessed.My heart cries out to The Lord to find a partner with whom I can share my love of Christ with,I have met a girl who is such a treasure for me ,but for so many reasons I feel she deserves someone so much better,I know that in Gods time and not mine He will do what is best for me , but I pray that if this sweet girl is not destined for me that God will watch out for her and that she finds the best man she so richly deserves.I am sorry for giving you my troubles but it is just good to let someone else as well as Jesus , know what I am feeling now.Your bro in Christ Andrew ,Gods speed.
  • Anna Liza R. Ilano

    Glad to have you as one of my friends here... As what I have read I know that you serve as great inspiration to others! god bless you and your family!
  • JOEL

    Am sorry that i have not been able to keep intouch with but God has been faithful,i have nat had access and time on the computer ,Am growing strong each day pursuing His purpose for me.......
    In His love i love you all
  • Jenlynn

    Hey Brateng. It has been a long time since I have been on this site. I have been consumed by life and all the stress of it. I pray things are going well for you. Just wanted to say "hello." God Bless
  • Christy Gabriel

    Just passing by to check on you. Pray God bless you, your family and your ministry abundantly always in everything brother. Please keep in touch with us All here in this site to grow deeper together in Jesus Christ. Praise Jesus forever !!!

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear Brother Bernhard
    How nice at last I found you on my page. All I can say is that you are in my prayers too. Pray God gives you enough time to be here in this site that we all can grow deeper and stronger together in Jesus Christ by keeping in touch to each other. Please pass my love to your family there in Kenya. I am still always fighting against the devil here in Indonesia. You are always welcome and God bless you abundantly always in everything.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear brother Bernhard
    Always a blessing for me to find you on my page. Yes, we are the overcomers alright. Praise the Lord because He is the One who gives it to us. As usual, Please keep in touch with us All here in this site to grow deeper and stronger in Jesus Christ. You know that you are always welcome and God bless you abundantly always in everything. You are needed here for us all.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear brother Bernhard
    It is my pleasure to see you online more now. Yes, we are blessed mightily by the Lord. I am still on my knees for my own big family too, even for Wayan who is still moslem till now. My own family needs salvation right away, because I believe that maranatha is coming soon now. My heart is still breaking for their contion, even for Thomas. Please pray for my family that have to live a holy way. Please keep in touch with us All here in this site to grow deeper and stronger in Jesus Christ. You are always welcome and God bless you abundantly always in everything.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear brother Bernhard
    My daughters are all ok, except WAYAN who is still a moslem. You know it breaks my heart though I say nothing to Dyana and Wayan. Tiberias Church is growing stronger and many church buildings are built up in more areas. Pray your ministry doing well and stronger. Praise the Lord for everything. Every where satan tries to destroy the children of God. We have to fight them all together brother. Have prayed for Nienie. Jesus is so dependable and He is the Best Provider. Praise the Lord.
    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B

    Hi, lets pray so hard for this our country Kenya as it is begoming harder and harder. let thedeare Lord through Jesus cover us by the Blood...
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear brother Bernhard
    Nice to see you on my page. I am still fighting daily to keep my steps in Jesus Christ. And still praying a lot for my own family, especially for Thomas and Wayan. Still see no good news about both them and my other family, while I see the world is getting worse and decayed. But with Jesus in our side, nothing can harm us. Praise the Lord!!! Halelujah. Pray that you, your family and your ministry is ok. God bless you abundantly always in everything brother.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • emee s. martin

    thankyou Pictures, Images and Photos

    Hi Brother!! Am blessed to get you today!i have been looking for you onthis net for several months.Onother servant of God,onthe net told me about you.LETS BE FIRM INTHE LORD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL INTHAT NATION FOR THE GLORY OF GOD!!!!
  • huzooma

    Please peray for me
    I have lot of problem
    I think my home there is evil also
    one night one girl who is staying with me she got mad
    now she is ok........

    but my children always sic
    still tryn to find a house ....couldnt find what i like the place
    I got failed 1 subject also
    I'm trying to do make up exam
    but children r sic very difficult study ...
    muhsin is my husband.he also have problem
    he sell his shop,he didnt tell me before he sell that
    problem is he couldnt get money .....that person is given to him
    empty check
    now he is trying to get money.....but that person tald him he doesnt have money
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear brother Bernhard
    It is a blessing to see you on my page for you are the one who is so quiet on us here. Got lots of problems and stresses. But I keep on holding on my faith to Jesus. Nothing is changed in my family and my tears on my prayers for them all still continuing. But I believe one day I can see all in His salvation and He releases my burdens. Pray you, your family and your ministry are happy and progressing. And please keep in touch with us All here in this site as best as you can to grow together in Jesus Christ. God bless you abundantly in everything.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • kathleen aldea

    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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    The lord bless you much as you serve Him in His vineyard.Lets remain in prayers for one onother.God bless your ministry and the family.I really appreciate for having known her.Amen.

  • maggie hancox

    I would gladly be your freind :) thank you.

    Amen! God bless you too i have liked your scripts down here they are lifted me n know what i din know. God bless.
  • tshepi

    Thanks for adding me as a friend, God bless

    Asante sana ndugu glad to too my fellows too.
  • Nienie

    I like the profile picture! How are you and the family?Love and blessings at home!!

    i love your profile song GOD BLESS U
  • Christy Gabriel

    God bless you abundantly always in everything. Praise the Lord always. Haleluja!!! Christy Gabriel B
  • maggie hancox

    Brother, truely that was a beautiful response to my blog. Thank you.
    This scripture seems to be comming to me from various angles this very month, how interesting.
    I usually do not back out of my commitments and decisions, but I am flexible enough to heed my Fathers desires. so I will continue to seek him in this matter and set about doing things in the order Fatehr designed under such struggles.
    Dependant on the results is wether i wipe the dust off my feet or remain.

    Be blessed brother and you may contact me through facebook if you so desire. maggie hancox
    Much love x
  • David Velasquez

    Great impute on Maggies blog bro.
    It would be a privilage to call you friend brother
    After reading your profile, which i enjoyed, i would love to have your impute on these groups bro:

    This group will make you laugh -

    This group will teach you bible doctrines -

    This group will teach you how to be equipped
    and this one

    Be blessed and a blessing
  • Pastor Bob B