Todd Mathews


Profile Information:

Country (not County)
The US of A
Gainfully un-employed at the moment
I'm here to...
Grow, learn and chat. I feel closed to Christ when I can share and when others can share with me. Sometimes in sharing I can clearly hear things beyond what is normally heard.
Christ and my Wife are my biggest interests at the moment. I will going to school to learn to repair motorcycles. I hope at sometime to make a Godly biusness of it.
I'm passionate about...
Christ, my Wife, my family and then motorcycles,Hockey and then everything else moves up and down the scale according to what needs to be done. The tragity of it seems to be I don't always take the time to do what I should.
My story with God
At one time long ago I used to be an over the road driver. I had a really nice truck a Christian Dispatcher and basically a mobile ministery. I would talk to drivers and try to help them in the decissions they faced. When I was parked Christ and or restlessness wouldbring one or two drivers now and then. On a couple of occasions others would be sent to me and I would get the change to help them too.
Other stuff about me:
I have only recently given again myself to Christ and I can do this with my Wife. We both enjoy riding motorcycles and going out on rides in the summer when it is better riding. We also dig floating down the river and a good fire in the back yard.

Comment Wall:

  • john sentury

    Dear brother in christ.........
    there is nothing more important than developing a friendship with is impossible for us to know God without having a deep relationship with him.the more we become God's friend. the more we will care about the things God cares about.jacob's passion for God's blessing on his life was so intense.he wrestled with God all night, saying,i will not let you go unless you bless me.wrestling involves close contact,and it takes time and effort. remember, you are as close to God as you choose to be.thank you.God bless you.
    your brother in christ
    john,(please give me your email address............
  • littlesheep88

    What an honor to have you listen to the music on my page! I'm grateful that the music youched you so much. God Bless you and welcome to AAG!
  • Susan Mathews

    You are the most profound and beautiful of God's creations I have ever had the blessing to know. I love you so much, and am so thankful for your patience and commitment to God, to me, and to our family. Thank you for standing by my side and never leaving me to face my challenges alone (although I know God is always by my side and I am never truly alone!). The light of God shines through your eyes as they touch on me, and I feel loved. Try not to be too shocked or dismayed if I continue to call myself a 'Jesus Freak' as it is not meant in a derogatory way, but rather to show how fervent I am about Him and what He has come to mean to it takes the power out of the hateful words of those who choose not to believe if I claim the words first in a loving
  • Pastor Bob B

    Greetings in the Lord! This is Bob, one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.

    In the love of Jesus.

  • kathleen aldea

    Ocean will part
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  • felixpadua

    thanks for joining i hope you have fun here and meet lots of friends. here's a joke for you, i found this at the forum of AAG-


    A well-worn one-dollar bill and a similarly distressed twenty-dollar bill arrived at a Federal Reserve Bank to be retired. As they moved along the conveyor belt to be burned, they struck up a conversation. The twenty-dollar bill reminisced about its travels all over the country.

    "I've had a pretty good life," the twenty-dollar bill proclaimed. "Why I've been to Las Vegas and Atlantic City , the finest restaurants in New York , performances on Broadway, and even a cruise to the Caribbean "

    "Wow!" said the one-dollar bill. "You've really had an exciting life!"

    "So tell me," says the twenty-dollar bill, "where have you been throughout your lifetime?"

    The one dollar bill replies, "Oh, I've been to the Methodist Church , the Baptist Church, the Lutheran Church."

    The twenty-dollar bill interrupts, "What's a church?"
  • Rev. David Stutz

    I didn't realize at the moment she was your wife....hahahah. That's wonderful that you both are so close to Christ and on this website.
    I seen on your profile that you would like to get into motorcycle repair ?
    My wife and I own and run
    We both love riding and going to poker runs.
    So nice to talk with you and God bless,.
  • Leonard T

    Welcome to AAG. We want your experience here to be positive and uplifting. There are a couple of things that can help you maximize your experience.

    Forums and Blogs: Forums are for asking questions and for sharing a response to a question someone has posted. This is a great opportunity for “iron to sharpen iron.” Blogs are for posting an opinion, view or specific message regarding a subject.

    Making New Friends: You will make many new friends here on AAG. Some will send a friend invite to you. You have the choice to accept or decline. When an invite has been sent to you the “My Friends” in the upper right box on your home page will be followed by the word “New”.” Simply click on the icon and make your choice. To invite someone to be your friend you simply need to go to their home page and click on “add as friend” under their personal photo. Once someone is your friend you will be able to email each of your friends on AAG. You can also leave a message on someone personal page, but note that everyone will be able to read what you leave there.

    Chat Box: There is a chat box accessible from the bottom of every page here on AAG. It is a great place to get to know people better.

    Private Chats: You can invite anyone who is on line to a private chat by clicking on their picture located at the upper right part of the page followed by clicking on “Private Chat.”.

    Videos: You can also upload Christian videos on the AAG main page or watch them. They are located down the left side of the main page.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask. We are here to serve you to the best of our abilities.

    We are glad you are here,
    Volunteer Forums Moderator
  • Nienie

    Glad you joined our wonderful internet family, sharing the love of Christ, learning and growing in your spiritual life.And as a bonus making wonderful friends.

    May you experience a wonderful fellowship and growth with all the others by joining in the groups and forums and share the love of Christ.
    Blessings Nienie
  • littlesheep88

    What I did was went to add music on the left side of the screen. I already had these songs in my windows media player so I just went to the folder with my downloads and started to add them to the list. Thats it...
  • littlesheep88

    My favorite gospel/jazz/contemporary group is Take 6. I also recommend to get some song titles that might be of interest to you...hope this helps. God Bless!
  • becky brightwell

    I have 3 children also have a Jessica which we call her Jessie or Jess.She is on my friend list.I have also to 16 year old daughter and then my son is 11.
    All my kids are very sweet and I have been very bless so far never have they given me to hard of a time.I just wish I could keep them little.
  • Norman Link Jr.

    It was nice talking with you. Todd if you ever need to talk I am always here.
  • felixpadua

    thanks todd. nice to have met you here.
  • Susan Mathews

    Sorry I can't be there with you, too, Honey. It sux here without you. I know it was a bummer for you to hear me say I didn't want to go with you on this weekend trip. Your drive to take care of the family, lead, and support us pushes you to work, work, work...which is a good thing...and I'm not knocking it...I just want to be with you when you aren't forced to compartmentalize what you do with me to those spare moments when you don't feel obligated to be 'on the job.' We both deserve that. If it will help, I will take a couple more weeks off from school so that I have the time when you do...if that works....?

    Let me know, Love. The colors in everyday life are dull and faded when you are away....Me.
  • felixpadua

    hello, todd. good am. if someone here asks you for anything, donation, whatever, money, old clothes, drums, pianos, boats, trucks, airplanes, etc. pls don't give. it's prohibited here, it's in the terms and agreement of your membership here. God bless you.
  • Falon Starr

    hi wanted to ask you how you got your mp3 to work I think I tried everything that I knew and can't get anymusic from my computer to play maybe you could tel me how you did it.I ripped a cd of flute music and wanted to play a song from it. Plus I saw delirious live at Willow creek and love their music how? How? how? please....
  • AAG Netguy


    Very interesting to hear your story as I warned him previously not to be asking for money or goods and then when he persisted I banned him from the network. At that point he wrote back and started heaping all kinds of curses on me. So, your message only confirms what I suspected.

    Todd there is nothing you need to do other than stay vigilant. We do our best to try to keep the scammers out of this network, but we can't stop them all. Please let me know immediately if someone shows up asking for money or stuff.

  • Falon Starr

    hmmm thanks anyway I tried that already it just says it's not in "mp3" format not sure what that's ok not that important..God bless (maybe you could pray the Lord lead me to my's gotta be around here somewhere and I'm just not seeing it'
  • Falon Starr

    no your site is awesome, I connected with you, and I love big and rich!(what..) yes my son is riding his Dirt Bike he just got the matching helmet and he's getting the right attire this year he's awesome.God uses him..He plays piano, guitar, he's a blue belt in karate,top reader in his class aces spelling, and is a social butterfly,he loves his grandma and his doggie and two ferrets. He attended Joyce Meyer in Hershey and praised God with some of the best at 8, we dedicated him to the church on his 4 birthday, he pushed the mike up to the pulpit climbed up in the chair and spoke Josh 1;9 he reads his Bible everyday..!HALLELUJAH!....(pray for him) :) I want him to grow up and be just like you~I beg God the LORD Jesus keep his hand on his head and keep angels around him that he doesn't even stub his toe.
  • Falon Starr

    P.S. MMMWhaaaaaa XO May the blessings of the almighty father descend upon you and remain forever until the coming of our Lord JESUS Christ...I LoVE JESUS and you.....
  • Sabine

    Dear Todd, today the Lord led me to find out about real shocking news after very much damage and hurt that also connects to your story with this young man and this keyboard. I wanted to ask you about that as I also had some serious things to deal with in my desire to help. If you want to contact me thanks a lot. Normally I am very cautious also but maybe the Lord allowed all for a reason. We should really be careful thats what I also learned. Thanks for this, I would have never found out but go on with this strange "feeling" inside. Kind regards, Gods blessings and please contact me if you want to share with me as we both learned from this, thank you!
  • kathleen aldea

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