

South Africa

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I'm here to...
encourage the youths and also establish healthy godly relationships
Preaching the Gospel of Christ and praying
I'm passionate about...
iam passionate of declaring the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations of the earth
My story with God
he love me, He died for me. At my tender age of 9 years i started preaching till now
Other stuff about me:
i am a praying man of God, given to the word, and i have a prophetic mantle upon me

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  • Pastor Bob B

    I receive the word you sent me with great joy and will make sure I share with you when it comes to pass. Words of knowledge come with a promice that God is on the move. Thanks for stepping out and using the gift of the Spirit that God has placed in your life.
    In the love of Jesus

    hi pstor stanley, thanks 4 dose calls u made to me, bt pls tell me more abt ur person,nd tribe pls, r u into full ministry, ur church location, nd were u live, u mighty as well tell me abt ur private life dats if u want me to knw abt it. cheers nd Godbls. chaol. lyn excepting more of ur calls chaooool
  • Sajan Zach.

    hi praise the lord..
    Thank you dear pastor for kind message..
    stay with touch God bless
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear Pastor Stanley N
    WELCOME TO THE NET where we can all share Jesus' love and make many good friends here, and strengthening each other. Nice to have you here and thank you for coming to my life and becoming my friend. Take Care. God bless you always. Please keep in touch with us All in this site to grow deeper and stronger in Jesus Christ. You know you are always welcome and God bless you abundantly always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Lerato

    Helo pastor stanley!
    Thanx a lot. May Heavenly father bless u.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear Brother Pastor Stanley N
    WELCOME TO THE NET where we can all share Jesus' love and make many good friends here, and strengthening each other. Nice to have you here and thank you for coming to my life and becoming my friend. Take Care. God bless you always. As usual, Please keep in touch with us All here in this site to grow deeper and stronger in Jesus Christ. You are always welcome and God bless you abundantly always in everything.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Maya Melivyanti

    thank you for visiting my page..your writings also blessed a new member here so..good to see u..
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Pastor,
    Thanks for the word, it is so in line with what God is doing in my life.
    I heard a great message that has forever changed my view of how the prophetic works. check our my blog on my page; How to handle the prophetic in our lives. Dennis Cramer Ministries is where I heard the message
    I saw him last summer at a meeting I went to in another state. I hope to see him again in October.

    God bless you and your mininistry and family.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Mbali

    Thank u so much Pastor for the words of wisdom and encouragement. May God bless u and ur family.
  • Rena Nelson

    Thank you so much Pastor for commenting on my page. I feel so blessed to have God in my life - just need to keep on the right line now and make the right choices through God's words.
  • Mbali

    Thank u Pastor may God keep on blessing u, so that u may keep on being the blessing to others.
  • Minister Travis S.F. Rogers

    Thank you for the comment, I am Praying for you and your ministry. Keep on praying for me and my ministry as you may know it is not easy being a young pastor. May the sweet spirit of the living god rest, rule and abide in your life now and forever more. GOD BLESS YOU!!!
  • Jenny

    Dear Pastor,
    Thank you for being a blessing and the warm welcome. I believe that we have been born for the season and time that we live in, and in particular to honour the Body. Our integrity as children of God is constantly being challenged and in this time we need to be covering our brothers and sisters in prayer! Do keep me in your prayers!

    Dear Pastor,
    Thank you for your constant word of encouragement it seems to always come at the right time. I have a prayer request, something i have been praying over for years and it seams as if i am missing the answer to this prayer. I am now working 11 years for this company and still in the same position as when i started. People gets promoted around me and when it comes to increases i always get the least. I am the only one that are 110% committed to this company but it's like i'm invisible i never get the recognition that i deserve. I try my best to remain happy and grateful that i have a job, What am i doing wrong what can i do to change the situation. I want a change in my life i don't feel like being here anymore. This job being my only source of income makes it impossible to leave because i have 2 young children to take care of. I am the only reborn christian in this company and it feels like i am being kept in bondage but the saddest thing is that as much as i try to break free i can't. Please Help
  • Janice R. Ibis

    Dear Pastor,
    Thank you for the encouragement.. May the Lord our God, continually, bless you in all aspect of your life including your love ones. May the Holy spirit guide u in everything you do & plans..God bless you!!!!
  • Brittney Brown

    thank u pastor standley nicholas,god bless u

    Thank you so much, my email address is if you need any other contact please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you.
    Yours in Christ
  • Debbie Valentine

    Thank you so much Pastor Stanley. I receive every word you've spoken. Be blessed and keep on encouraging God's children. Blessings and greetings in Jesus Name.
  • ann chiwar nuhu

  • Stormie Diana

    Thank you for your kindness and friendship.

    Have a day filled with the blessings of almighty God, may your smile touch someone's heart today..yours in Christ Jesus.......Stormie
  • kathleen aldea

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Brandon

    thanks a lot, stay blessed
  • Prophetess Arleen

  • Hannah Christine Gutu

    man of God i see from your messages that God has placed something that is so deep in you. Do not give up on what God has placed in you, the world is waiting for it. We are all waiting for it. Creation is waiting for it to manifest. Keep praying for us all.

    thank you.
  • SIM
  • Janice R. Ibis

    Amen, Pastor Stanley.. I pray that God will continually use you mightly for His Glory & always blessed you that you may be always a blessing to others....Keep the good fight of faith.... God Speed!!!
  • Hannah Christine Gutu

    Pastor Stan i am back n the net with a bang of a loud HALLELUYA!!! Praise be to our God who has given us victory over the enermy. Who is like our God. Man of God receive the fire to go to the next level with your Father. Awesome Awesome is our God. Was pleased to hear that you had crusaides. The devil is going to have a headache this season. Yes lets push forward. we will not be weak cause a Greater Power is backing us up. We are winners already. Halleluya halleluya i just feel like giving Him praise. Our God is good. Details: or
  • Polycarp Essien

    Hi Pastor, happy to come in contact with you today. I have choosen you as a friend and for you to be my spiritual father. I will need your help in the areas of teachings, prayers and mentoring. I want to know my God and to love Him with all my heart.Please continue to do the work of God. As He has called you, He will not let you down. Remain blessed.

    Nice to meet you too.
  • Chantal Grobler

    Thank you Pastor for the warm welcome. I have sacrificed myself and wish that God will use me wherever He needs me. God bless you and your loved ones.

    Hi pastor Stanley. Nice to hear such an encouraging message. Glory to God for the work you're doing. The Lord has done so much for me and I know he is going to do even more for his love has no limits.
    Stay blessed Pastor
  • Polycarp Essien

    Dear Pastor,
    Thank you so much for your message. I need your prayers.
    I am believing God for my Immigration matter, my business and my entire life.
    I thank God for answering my prayers - Amen
    My email is:

    Thank you so much. May God bless you.

    Pastor Stanley,
    thanks for the message...God Bless
  • Dr.Glyniel Garner

    It is wonderful being connected to great people. I am so glad that you are one of them.

    Glyniel Garner
  • Evangelist Michael Hensley

    May you enjoy this day in the Lord in the peace He has given us.

    Dear pst.Stanley
    thank u very much fr the very special and beautiful msg u sent me. im grateful and realy appriceates..thank u very much..Let the Love of Christ unite us with all the believers around the world to stand together with faith by praying one anothers fr our famly, community, our ministry and fr all the beloved bro and sis all over the world, let the devine spirit of God cont minister us and guiding us in everything we do...all fr the glory of GOD..amen
    with Love-Helena
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Chantal Grobler

  • Christopher Kendall

    May the Lord bless you in all you do
  • Rhonda Conn

    Dear Pastor Nicholas,

    Please pray for me...I am in need of strength....I have been laid off of my job since June 25, 09 from AAR Aircraft Services, Indpls, IN...Haven't been successful in finding another job....I have kids, house, car etc.....I know that God has never let us go without all that we need....I'm not giving up hope that God has other plans for me and my kids....My unemployment is running out and I'm needing prayer for new employment.......I am up against younger people who are getting paid less and I have alot of experience and have an associate's degree, but that doesn't seem to matter in this day and age....Please pray that I have the strenght to get through this hard time.......Thank you in advance...

    Rhonda Conn
  • Apostle prophet Per Einar Jensen

  • YURIKO HELENA";"/>Christian Myspace Layouts' />

  • Pastor Bob B


    Psalm1 v 3

  • Christopher Kendall

    May the Lord Bless you in all you do for he is good can you lift me in prayer thanks God bless you.
  • Christopher Kendall

    God bless you "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. For as a man thinks in his heart so is he be carefull how you think for your thoughts How are you keeping Pastor Stanley it's good to hear from you your a blessing to me. God bless you!!
  • Christopher Kendall

    thankyou for praying for me Your prayer has pulled me through Amen for your life is shaped by your thought Amen God bless you at all time.
  • Carina M

    Thanks for your comments in my page!
    Your words came at the right moment, bc I'm seeking the Lord about my destiny. I've come to understand that achieving personal dreams is not so much about effort, but about surrender. I won't get where God wants me to be if I continue to struggle to do things my way. Trust and obey is the way, the only way to do something that really brings glory to the Lord.