
42, Female



Profile Information:

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I'm here to...
Fellowship with brothers & sisters in Christ from all over the world
I'm passionate about...
all about Jesus
My story with God
" Amazing grace how sweet the sound
to save a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now Im found
I was blind, but now I see "

That song can descripe my life, Im nothing,sinner, lost, eventhough I was born in christian family but I never invited Him as my personal savior. When I met Him on my first high school retreat, my life was change, He gave me new life, changing me to be something. I lay my life down at His feet, surrender all part of my life.He has great plan for my life
Other stuff about me:
i ride my motorcycle

Comment Wall:

  • kathleen aldea

    Soul food for the Day:John 10:16
    “I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.”-John 10:16
    A sheep pen often held several flocks, with each flock having its own shepherd. When the time came to take his flock to its pasture, each shepherd separated his sheep from the others by making a unique call. Instead of driving them, he led them, and they followed him as one unit. The shepherd always went before them to guide them to the most beneficial pasture and to protect them from danger.
    Jesus' references to the sheep are personal: "His own sheep" (verse 4), "My sheep" (verse 14), and "other sheep I have" (verse 16). Everyone is owned by the Creator God. The Father is the "Author of Creation" (Isaiah 40:28; 43:15), and the One who later became known as the Son, Jesus Christ, is the Word, through whom Creation was brought into existence and the work done (Psalm 102:25; John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16-19; Hebrews 1:2, 10; Revelation 4:11). As such, His sheep are very familiar to Him and bear the mark of ownership—unconditional obedience and submission
  • Nienie

    Hi Ruth
    Warm greetings in the Lord! This is Nienie one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    Please be sure to fill out your profile as completely as you can so that we can get to know you better. I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.

    Here we have fellowship,grow with each other and share the love of Christ.

    Please feel free to join in with the groups and the forums and let us know if you have any questions we can help you with

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Many blessings
  • charyn

    Hi Ruth... Im so glad that u added me as ur friend. God bless
  • Leni Racca

    Hi Ruthie,
    How are you my sister,I hope all is well w/ you.May God bless your country,just like us here in the Philippines,we are experiencing so much disaster but we should hold on the One True God for protection.Remember Jesus Saves.He will never leave nor forsake us.Take care and God bless.Smile my dear....ATE LENI
  • charyn

    Hi Ruthie!
    How are you? I miss you sis... Thanks for the prayers... God bless
  • felixpadua

    thank you for adding me as one of your friends here. Gob bless you always!
  • Christopher Kendall

    God Bless You and may the joy of the Lord be with you with Lovingkindness!!!
  • Amanda

    Hey Ruth I just wanted to say thanks again for listening to me and I hope to hear from you soon. I also joined your group that you was telling me about. Well may God bless you talk to you later


  • Melanny manuputty

  • charyn

    Thank you so much sis... I wish all the best in life.. Ur always in my prayer... GBU
  • Melanny manuputty

    Sama - sama Mbak Tuhan Yesus memberkati pelayanan kita dimanapun kita berada ...Have a nice week - end ...*_*
  • Christopher Kendall

    God Bless you Ruth How are you going with your walk in the Lord. He will never leave us or forsake us He will be there with us in trouble and good times God bless you always Amen!
  • Gods Soldier of Words

    Ruth I would be more than willing to teach you how to write though I am not the best perhaps that is how I can start to use my gift is to teach others how to do the same. SO please feel free to ask any questions and I will do my best to guide you through..

    God Bless
    Joseph McGugan
  • mercedita sugan

  • Steven Atkins

    Hi Ruth, I would like to thank you for sending me the invite to join all about God. Once I get this site figured out I will probably join groups and post things.
    You take care and let God bless you always, in Jesus name. Amen
  • Julie

    Thank you very much for being my frind,your sister in Christ!!!!!
  • Julie

    God Bless us all!!!!
  • Gods Soldier of Words

    Hey ruth hope you had a good weekend I am sorry I have not been able to get those writings to you yet I had a very busy weekend, but wanted you to know I have not forgot and will get them to you later this afternoon..

    God Bless