

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
house wife
I'm here to...
get stronger in the Lord
Learning, growing, helping others, yet not forgetting that I too need help.
I'm passionate about...
life in general
My story with God
I went to church off and on for many years..more off than on. Then when I was 37 I knew I needed help that only Jesus could give me. After He came into my life I told others about the Lord, especially my family.
Other stuff about me:
I like everything about being near a river or lake, from fishing to just looking at the water and the reflections that can be seen there.
I love taking pictures of sunsets too.

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  • Charlene

    Hey darlene, my love, you have been running rampent thru my thoughts so i had to come see how you are and how you are feeling? Lord I ask that you hold your beloved and wrap us in your arms Father I ask that you pour fire out on her life Father, magnify your Glory in Her life Father, touch her in such a way Lord that she will know it is you and continue to give you all the Glory all the days of her life Lord, pour out your favor and increase in every area of her life Lord, that she may be blessed to do as Jesus commisioned us and that those who come into contact with her may see your countenace upon her face Lord, I pray for all of these things in Jesus Christ name AMEN i love you sis :*
  • Charlene

    awww darlene that makes me feel so happy, yes i love that verse, and Praise God, that you care rejoicing thru your tribulations HALLELUJA this is the way!!I must learn, but Praie the Lord for constantly dealing with me, love you mucho mucho and please tell me about the urologist appt and I am prayin for you to feel better but since you are actually learning so much i will just say this The LORDS kingdom come the Lords will be done!!
  • Charlene

    hey darlene, just saw your message :) I have always been in the church but i would say last year was about the time that God started really showing Himself to me and drawing me nearer to His side, I started reading the old testament and lots of things began to happen and I must say the Lord has left an impacting diffrence in my life, I am still struggling with obedience as we speak and even to some degree still working out my salvation, I love the Lord and I love me some Jesus, I am learning and I am hungry for more, I cant wait for the Lord to shock me with His love and jolt me across the room!!
  • Charlene

    awww thank you so much for sharing with me, this has blessed me tremedously!!!Pushing on in Christ name!!
  • Charlene

    1Pe 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

    Amen!! I am so relieved and rejoice with you in this, Praise the Lord for always being true to His word!!! And just think about that you would not have gotten that good news so quickly if you had went, God works all things together for us and its so amazing how He turns things in our favor

    Rom 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

    I hope the remainder of the week is filled with blessings and love from the Most High i love you so very much my sister :*
  • Charlene

    Darlene!!I Praise God so much for you!!That devotional was amazing and God confirmed many things through it to me...wow, thank you so much for sharing it with me, thank you for letting the Lord use you as that vessel for me today!!I love you dearly sister!!
  • Charlene

    yes darlene i would love that!!and i love writing to you, i just at times have trouble with building relationships but God is working on me and teaching me alot, He has brought me to a church full of loving ppl who are all so kind and always reaching out to me, its been such a blessing, I love devotionals because its knowledge and a chance for God to reveal something greater to you thru His word!
  • Charlene

  • Charlene

    most definitly, I ve learned to pray and then wait for God to send confirmations, I dont make a move unless He orders me to or gives me a burden to, sometimes it is hard waiting on His answers but He is faithful and calms me in the storm!I love devotionals because the holy spirit usually gives me somthing ministers to me and sometimes it may be something totally diffrent than what the body is about but there are times when the whole devotional in itself will just blow me away like wooow that was right on time, I am learning to trust in the fact that He sd He finishes every work He starts and His word does not come back void, even in these last couple of days He has been moving in a big way in my familys life and I am just seeing the beginning of greater things.
  • Charlene

    Hey darlene :), how are you feeling? I trust all is well and God is providing for your every need! Things are well on this side, God is doing some really big things in my life and in my familys life, He is softening there hearts and preparing them for greatness!! Amen, love you always :* Charlene
  • Charlene

    Hey my darling Darlene!!All is well on this end, my babies been going thru some minor sickness so I been nursing t hem back to health and dealing with cranky wee ones! I love the devotionals also ever since you been sending them to me, God has used EVERY single one to minister to me in some way! I am glad that you made it to the urologist today, let me kno how the results go, tho i am certain everything is clear! Love you sis talk to you soon!
  • Charlene

    wow darlene that was a home run as they say, God is definitly telling me to step outta my comfort zone
  • Charlene

    Hey darlene :), thank you so much for always remembering my "mail" I love you so much, and cant wait to me you in the kingdom! maybe in real life too God willing ;), today has been a busy day for me i had to serve jury duty and didnt get much sleep lastnight but the Lord brought me through as He always does :)! I love you so much and we will talk soon, hopefully tomorrow is my last day having to serve but hey at least its a pay check, so i cant complain that much lol
  • PoiemaDei

    Darlene, this was an amazing rendition of Amazing Grace you posted on Grace To Help. Thanks for your blessed contribution to the group. It will be a great blessing to the members. I have posted it in the video section. God bless you. You are in my prayers, my dear friend.
  • PoiemaDei

    You are blessed, Darlene. It's not dependent on the whims and wishes of mortal man. It's what the Lord has done for us in Christ. And whom God has blessed no one can curse.

    Ephesians 1:3: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ."
  • Charlene

    hey sis, not feeling too great the past two days think i picked up a stomach bug or gave myself a bit of food poisioning but God is still on the throne so i still have a reason to praise :) the devotionals are just so on time for the things i have been going through right now its amzing how God works, i love you and i am so glad everything came out spotless i knew it would, our Lord is not in the buisness of breaking promises! my stomach is aching now so im gonna go lay down love you so much! cant wait for tomorrows mail :)
  • Charlene

    hey big sis ;) LOL miss you so much! i am on the mend right now, still having a couple of cramps here and there but for the most part Praise God its not excruciating! So i wont complain :) How are you feeling? I trust the Lord that all is well with you, I am so excited I have a few cool christian events coming up, that i am going to this weekend, hopefully the hubby will have fun im draggin him along he just doesnt know yet LOL but Glory be to God, I am counting on the Lord to help me pull him out this house, that mail was spectacular alot of food for thought!
  • felixpadua

    hello darlene, here's a joke i got from the AAG forum-


    A well-worn one-dollar bill and a similarly distressed twenty-dollar bill arrived at a Federal Reserve Bank to be retired. As they moved along the conveyor belt to be burned, they struck up a conversation. The twenty-dollar bill reminisced about its travels all over the country.

    "I've had a pretty good life," the twenty-dollar bill proclaimed. "Why I've been to Las Vegas and Atlantic City , the finest restaurants in New York , performances on Broadway, and even a cruise to the Caribbean "

    "Wow!" said the one-dollar bill. "You've really had an exciting life!"

    "So tell me," says the twenty-dollar bill, "where have you been throughout your lifetime?"

    The one dollar bill replies, "Oh, I've been to the Methodist Church , the Baptist Church, the Lutheran Church."

    The twenty-dollar bill interrupts, "What's a church?"
  • Charlene

    hey big sis, been a hard weekend and last few days for me, keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Rest assured you have never left mine i love you :)
  • Charlene

    My dearest big sister, thank you so much for your concern i guess i am feeling all four, just feeling generally low about myself and about my situations. but the Lord is doing something big and i am just sitting back and watching it unfold and let me tell you its just amazing,
  • Charlene

    and i love you sooo much and i will clue you in a little more once i am totally sure whats going on myself i love you muahhh
  • Charlene

    hey big sis :D, yes i am feeling much better at the moment but mostly because i have kind of begun to figure out whats going on and you arent gonna believe this but im pregnant LOL, my first 2 are still only 3 and 1 but God is so good and He knows the begininng to the end so i am just putting my trust in Him that He is gonna work this out for the good of me because I love HIm! but thats why i have been feeling so sick and all over the place lately quite a relief i felt like i was going insane at one point, i hope and trust that you are feeling splendid, thats so awesoem that you gotta to do some volunteer work today, i have always wanted to look into doing some. Love ya big sis and cant wait for my mail, they bless me so tremedously muahh
  • Charlene

    Amen i love that it is so weird to sis before i even knew i kept having this feeling of being spiritually full and i kept describing it to my family as being spiritually pregnant and i kept feeling like i had something to release so its amazing how now a couple of weeks later i find out this news, I am not sure what i want since i already have a boy and girl but i just pray for a healthy baby, i might even let this one suprise us instead of finding out at the sonogram lol, i wanna go and do all the things i never did with ther first pregnancies liek get a belly cast done and take pictures stage by stage, God willing this will be an eventful pregnancy instead of a sick one, as a matter of fact i will declare it in Jesus name! and so it is so! :D! I am so happy that i have been in your thoughts because you have been in mine likewise, how have you been feeling?How is everyone in the family? and i do have a few prayer requests a Jackie , Sean(woman) love you sis we will tak soon
  • Charlene

    Hey Darlene :), miss you bunches, still not feeling so great in the early morning early afternoon hours but God is pulling me thru, trying to remember my purpose and that He works all things togther for the good of those who love Him, I need to get to a new level of annointing and start working harder at furthering the kingdom, I am just praying for some direction and praying Ill be obedient when it comes!Its all so unreal that im pregnant right now i just cant wait to find out how far along I am and to know the baby is healthy so i can take some of the thoughts out of my brain, even tho im sure that wont stop them lol, well i love you much! I havent read todays mail yet but when i signed on i was on my way to your page when i seen that you just dropped it off, so i sd nope ill read it afterwards gotta give my big sis love first muahhh talk to you soon
  • kathleen aldea

    Soul food for the Day: The CENTER...

    The center chapter of the BIBLE is Psalm 118.. there are 594 chapters before and after Psalm 118
    And if we will add this we will get 1188... in which the center verse of the BIBLE is PSALM 118:8
    What is the significant of Psalm 118:8 in God's perfect will for our lives?
    It is better to trust in the LORD, than to put confidence in man.-- Psalm 118:8
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    When things get tough, always remember faith doesn't get you around trouble..
    it gets you through it!
    When you relinquish the desire to control your future you obtain happiness...

    Father God, bless my friend in whatever it is that you know he/she may be needing this day....
    May their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have closer relationship with you. Amen...

  • Charlene

    Hey darlene sorry I have been so slow writing back this pregnancy has me all frazzled brained and all over the place, one minute i feel like crying my eyes out the next minute im furious with the hubby for something its been up and down but the one relief is that the Lord is STILL on the throne!! And thru Christ I can do ANYTHING lol! So I am hanigng in there been trying to get a new apt and get everything in order before i get to far along. How are you feeling? How is the family? The Lord just put a big check in my spirit that says you guys are beyond fine :) LOL i love when He does that, I love youu and thank you for my mail it means so much to me that you take the time out your day to leave them for me! I cherish you so much!!!!We will talk soon big sis
  • Charlene

    Hey big sis!!I am so glad you had a wonderful day!!What did you guys do? Well my Fiancee gave his life to Jesus yesterday in service. the Lord had him crying like a big baby LOL but it was amazing, we had a beautiful time. This morning i am not feeling so great but I am pushing thru the pain and not gonna let it hinder the fact that i gotta reason to praise :D love ya big sis
  • Charlene

    Hey my best big sis! The pain is like an aching pain across my pelvis, supposedly the baby books call them growing pains but I see my midwife tomorrow and I am gonna tell her everything thats been going on, my sickness has been on and off which is such a relief, with my first two i was sick the whole 9 months almost :( lol but its worth it when you look into that sweet face for the first time. Sorry it took me so long to make my way hear well after my husband getting saved dont you know the devil provoked us into suc han ugly fight that we almost thru everything away, its amazing how we KNOW he is a liar the king of liars in fact but we still somehow let him mislead us its crazy! but Praise the Lord that He is mighty to save and keeps excellent tabs on His sheep :D so i am feeling pretty good today besides just a lil emotional still from the drama of monday but I am walking in forgivness and i refuse to feed that other wolf ;) (that was from one of my mail...they always give me so much food for thought) I love you so much!!How are you and your family? I pray that all is extremely well and that the Lord pours the desires of your hearrts all over your lives!!cant wait for my mail muahhh
  • Charlene

    Hey Darlene, you know i woke up with a smile on my face thinking about you, the Lord is so good and I am so glad He crossed our paths. I thought about what you sd about not always liking your other but to always love them and you are so right and to think about it that way actually helped me let go alot of my anger and uncomfortableness towards him because i realized hey i dont have to always like him and we arent always gonna agree, i would love to meet you! do you live in NY? We are hoping to get a car God willing, I have learned to not expecting anything because the Lord can sure exceed anything you have thought of for yourself and putting expectations on Him may shorten what He does for us ya know, but I would love to meet up possibly this summer when the weather is nice and warm and delicious and all you wanna do is have picnics and lounge in the shade. Well I pray you have had a wonderful morning and i cant wait for my mail! Love ya big sis :* muahhh
  • Charlene

    Hey big sis, sorry i dont know where my mind is, i been running around liek a chicken with the head cut of lately, and me and the kids are sick so its been trying, i am so glad you are feeling better, I have been feeling bad off and on myself lately but I have been learning to rebuke these feelings and move past them, my son is 3 and mu daughter is 1 but thinks she is 5 LOL they are a handful but a real blessing. well lemme run sis the hubby is pulling me to go out the door love you
  • Charlene

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!WOW, Praise God i pray me and my husband make it that many years, I love the fact the fact that you guys play rummy together often me and my husband love to sit on the terrace and watch the clouds and talk, its good to spend time together builds lots of memories. How have you been feeling? I have been feeling a lil down and disconnected but the Lord is pulling me thru and He is SO good to me, He makes it impossible to dwell in it.
  • mike service

  • Charlene

    Hey big sis, no i havent had a chance to see her yet, i ended up having to reshcedule but God willing may 6 ill see her, but with this whole flu thing i must admit i dont knwo what to make of it and if i even want to sit around a doctors office ya know, but we mustn live in fear and I know the Lord has me covered i just need to walk in that mindset! lol i dont like cleaning much either LOL and for the same reason, i tend to get extra anal and like to have thing in there place and so foth and with two little tots it doesnt even stay there for 2 hours straight.well lemme run and finish up the days errands love ya big sis, talk to you soon oh and ps i cant wait to see a new picture :)
  • Charlene

    LOL my dearest darlene, this happens ot me so much and i must say its just as aggravating every time, but I try to look at it this way God is still on the throne! and knowing that i just cant stay mad at all! I will def let you know what my midwife says, me and my husband have a cute name for her we call her midwife ma, lol well lemme finsih feedin the tots and get the headed towards bed, and dont worry about the mail it can be late, because Gods time is always right on time!
  • Charlene

    Hey big sis, oh no i am so sorry to hear that you arent feeling well, sounds like you may have a lil head congestion, there is a new flu going around but ppl are recovering after a couple of days of not feeling to well, t ho i hope that you just have a mild cold, i wish i could make you a hot cup of ginger tea and sit and talk to you while you rest, one day soon I pray :). Things are good on this end, the kids are just growing up so fast, they are to smart for their own good lol but also too cute, i was supposed to see my midwife today and it turns out they schedule me to meet with her when she doesnt even come in on weds. what a headache but they gave me an appt for the 22nd so hopefully it will just hurry up and get here lol love you so much and i will talk to you soon!
  • Charlene

    hey big sis, im so sorry i havent been writing like usually my hormones have me all over the place and im neither here nor there, just trying to stay grounded in faith but even thats been becoming difficult lately but i kno like all things this too shall pass, i miss you so much and i hope you are feeling better, and try not to worry about upsetting your son to much im sure as a parent himself he knows that we cant make the right decisions ALL the time but the point is that your heart was coming from a honest place when you sd it and thats all that matters i love you big sis, i will be back soon
  • Charlene

    Hey darlene my darling :) i miss you terribly, hope you are feeling well and having a wonderful time with your daughter, i see my midwife tomorrow so i will let you know how everything goes, just wanted to stop by and tell you i love you and am thinkin of you
  • Charlene

    hey bis sis i cant wait to see your new pic, thank you so much for all the compliments on mine :) i have been havin a lil low self estemm lately and that sure did bring up a big smile on my face, i went to the midwife and everything was great, the baby is doing fine and i have a sonogram coming up next week so we may be able to find out the sex
  • Charlene

    Hey darlene praise the Lord that all the test came back fine, i have been praying for you guys and i kno that by Jesus stripes don is healed and will be relieved of these symptoms, it may just be the strain fron the trip catching up with him, but i am praying for you guys everyday. The past few days have been so hectic, this is a real big birthdya month for my family and my moms was last week and my was today and my sons will be in a couple of weeks so the days are filled with anxiopus prepartion and then im still sick with the standard pregnancy symptoms dizzy lightheaded i just have been tryin to take it easy amd mot get stressed out. I love you so much and i cant imagine how hard this whole thing must be on you but stay strong and keep of good faith you know our Lord is mighty to save especially His children. Let me kno how the other test turn out in the mean while i hope you guys are able to take it easy without going thru anymore stress muahhh love charlene
  • Charlene

    helllo my darling darlene ;) well i went for the sonogram today and everything with the baby is doing lovely she didnt tell me the sex but she measured him and it turns out that he is measuring a lil big so they moved by due date up just 5 days but the baby weighs 7oz right now and is a pretty long little guy, also very active and had a good heartbeat Praise the Lord!!I kno that it is only possible thru Him that i even made it this fat and i am so grateful. I am starting to feel little kicks and pokes every now and then, its just such a blessing to be able to experience this all one more time around. How is don feeling? I hope and pray all the symptoms have gone away, i hate that you guys have to go thru something so scary but the Lord must be gonna prosper you in a big way because you are both enduring wonderfully thru this trial!! Please pray for me, i have been a bit of an emotional wreck and i really need a lil extra help stabilizing and not letting myself get stressed, i love you so much sis and i will talk to you soon
  • Charlene

    Hey big sis :D! i am so sorry that its nothing they can do about the symptoms don is going thru but I pray and continue pray the Lord will bring him relief! So we never got to talk about how your trip was at your daughters? i kno you guys musta had a ball and enjoyed eachothers company so much, i love hanging out with family, no feeling like it! well im just breezing thru big sis, i pray that you guys are having a wonderful day and we will talk soon! Im still waiting for that new picture ;) lol
  • Charlene

    LOL i love your free spirit, you are just like me, lol one day i talked all my friends to roll down this hill wiht me and we all had so much fun lol, being goofy is fun, the Lord sd we must have the mind of a child and be free and innocent and that includes have fun i belive, there is joy and happiness in laughter, i wish i coulda slid down that hill with you lol, well maybe after i have the baby hehehe, well today is a llil stressful for us, my husband just found out his grandma is sick and he is stressing so i, gonna go run and try to comfort him, i love ya big sis we talk soon <3
  • Charlene

    Hey big sis, its okay about the mail thing dont worry about it, i just love hearing from you :) the word broken down through those devotionals was an excellent plus! taking a nap in the sun sounds so good, i cant remember the last time i did that, but this summer i would really love to take my kids out and really grab the summer by the horns and have the best one ever, LOL this is what i love to believe but I kno I am on the Lords time so whatever He has for us i am fine with, love ya sis talk to you soon, hope you guys are feeling well and enjoying the warm weather talk soon
  • Charlene

    Hey darlene, its okay we all feel sick at times and i dont care how you say it :) i am so upset you are running a temp i hope its just a slight 24 hour thing, just try to take it easy and nice and slow, i am learning this myself lately, i am praying for you guys as we speak and i hope you feel better, i wish i was there to take care of you :( but I know the Lord is delploying legions of angels to come and tend to you, even tho you may not see them, I know prayer is never in vain I love you so much and i hope you feel better sending you big hugs and kisses
  • Charlene

    hey big sis, i am so glad you are feeling better, there is something about warm weather that just makes you deliciously sleepy and relaxful i love it, i am still trying to get over this morning sickness but i must say its getting better so i cant complain! I am sitting here listening to brook fraser she is an amazing artist, you should check out some of her songs, well im gonna dash i got one of the little ones up looking at me expectantly lol. i love you sis and will talk to you soon
  • Charlene

    hey big sis i love you too <3, how are you feeling? yesterday there was a huge storm out this way but the weather was still so nice and warm but all that lighting was scary lol, but i look forward t ohow plush the grass is gonna look in a few weeks do to all the watering God is giving them, i joke that it might look like a tropical island around here lol, im feeling pretty good today and claiiming a good day in Jesus name for myself and for you, :) well love ya lots ttys
  • Charlene

  • Charlene

  • Charlene

  • AAG Netguy

    Hi Darlene,

    You can send me a copy of the message your received by sending it to my email address: aagnetguy@hotmail.com