


United Kingdom

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Country (not County)
Northern Ireland
My story with God
When I was growing up neither of my parents were Christian although they always tried to bring us up with the correct values. I heard the Gospel from my grandparents on my mothers side although it really didn't make much sense to me as I was probably too young to understand it. As I grew up I used to often contemplate God and where everything came from and wonder if there was any purpose to it all. Although I never mentioned anything to anyone because my friends might think I was weird! So I just tried to eliminate such thoughts and grew up like most kids in the UK. Going to school and hanging about with my friends. Getting in to some trouble, drinking, smoking etc. Only after I got married did I hear the full undiluted gospel in the whitewell metropolitan tabernacle in Belfast. We had seen the pastor being interviewed on TV and I remember his exact words "If you are not the sort of person who usually goes to church we would love you to visit us. No matter who you are or where you are from, you will be welcome here." Still being curious about God I asked my wife Sheree if she would come with me on Sunday just to check it out. She agreed and after attending the Church for quite a few weeks we both yielded to the holy spirit and came to the Lord. We were Baptised in water and walked with God for a several years and during that time our son Matthew was born. A lot of things happened over the following years and I would not have the space to write them all down here, but to cut a long story short Matthew was diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder, we both slowly began to backslide (the enemy is so subtle you hardly even notice at first) I began drinking heavily and eventually we were separated. I was diagnosed with cancer but even then my heart had become so hard that I no longer wanted to know about the gospel. I reckoned that if the gospel was true then no way could these disasters come unto me. (Don't neglect the book of Job!) I did however make one sincere attempt to call on God the night before my operation when I was convinced beyond all doubt that I would soon be dead. But it appeared that the Lord had truly left me and I can not begin to describe the emptiness and dread that I felt. I was not afraid of the operation, or the pain that would come as the disease spread through me in the future. I was afraid of what would become of Matthew without me, but most of all I was absolutely terrified of going into a lost eternity. After the operation I was told that I would have to go for chemotherapy, But after tests I was told that they could not find any trace of the disease! However after my operation I carried on with my lifestyle of drinking and partying because I thought that God had abandoned me and I still only had a short time left as my consultant did warn me that because of the aggressive nature of the cancer that I had it was extremely likely that it would re-occur over the next couple of years. (That was 9 years ago and I am now officially cured) But a lot of things happened over the next year of so and Sheree and I got back together and slowly began to rebuild our life together and to care for Matthew. I was however still very far from God and had become involved in various organisations that basically revolved around sectarianism, football and alcohol. Then just over two years ago I was out for a stroll on my lunch break and I was contemplating my situation. About how I had been blessed with everything, lost absolutely everything and then got it all back again, when the question "what are you going to do about Jesus?" popped into my head. I tried to ignore it, but every lunchtime when went for a walk the same thing happened. It would not go away. I had to decide, was Jesus a Liar, a Lunatic or Lord? Finally I made up my mind to start with a blank sheet and investigate one last time with a view to dismissing not only Christianity but God in general. The strange thing is that the more I looked for proof against God the more I found proof for God. The more I looked for proof for evolution the more I found proof against it. The more I tried to dismiss Jesus as the messiah the more certain I became that there is absolutely no doubt that he is! (How can you interpret scriptures like Isaiah 53 any other way?). All the while I spent every lunchtime walking with and wrestling with God. Finally the Lord revealed to me through the Holy Spirit that I had to choose. Once and for all. No going back. Walk away from all my friends. Depending only on him. Give myself to him totally without conditions or if I wished then he would leave me alone. I got down on my knees and repented, pouring my heart out to him and the weight and the fear that had been on me lifted immediately and I now have an assurance that without doubt, no matter what happens to me in this life I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom 8:38-39).

Comment Wall:

  • kathleen aldea

    ( JOHN 1:16 *NIV )

    Always remember to count our blessings each day, and to
    thank God for them! For no matter what we have, when we
    look around us, we find others who have less! So never feel
    sorry for ourself, instead start counting our blessings, for that
    should cheer u up indeed.

    Now we know that when things disappoint us, we are sad and
    often depressed. However it is written that we should: BE

    Therefore, never feel that God doesn't hear our prayers
    because a prayer isn't answered the way we want, or something
    goes wrong in our life. For our Heavenly Father always knows
    what is best for us, and: HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU NOR

    So my friend, remember to always: GIVE THANKS TO THE
    ( 1 CHRONICLES 16:8 )

    now and always! Amen! ( 2 CORINTHIANS 13:14 )
  • onlyjesus

  • Nienie

    Welcome Johnny
    Glad you joined our wonderful internet family, sharing the love of Christ, learning and growing in your spiritual life.And as a bonus making wonderful friends.

    May you experience a wonderful fellowship and growth with all the others by joining in the groups and forums and share the love of Christ.
    Blessings Nienie
  • Nienie

    Hi Johnny
    Yes indeed is this a place where we can just relax in the Lord and have fellowship with other children of Jesus, grow spiritually, have friends that carry you through in prayer!
    Enjoy the site! BLessings!
  • Dotsy

    Hi Johnnny. Thank you for accepting to be my friend. I hope we can continue encouraging each other. How are you?

    I have just been witnessing God work miracles and good things in my life and those of people around me. Im just continously praising and thanking Him.

    God Bless.
  • lynne

    hello didnt know if you were already my friend or not! this page is awesome and your testimony speaks of Gods faithfulness and patience. How lucky are we to have a DAD who will never leave us or forsake us. hope your family are doing well. Love in Jesus, lynne.
  • lynne

    hi, hope you had a good church meeting, ours was awesome, all about God's forgiveness and forgiving each other, especially our brothers and sisters in christ, and to stop judging or we'll be judged. Very good and serious stuff. Love it! Hope your days going well, love and blessings, lynne.
  • lynne

    hi bro, yes of course i'll pray for your wife, my husband took offence and went away for over a year and i really didnt think he'd come back, but our Father in heaven's bigger than me! - and one day dave (my husband) just turned around and ran back to God, just like that!! today hes amazing, he has grasped God's love and is clinging to it, amazing!! You just keep trusting, believing and keeping yourself right, thats all i could do. with love and blessings in Jesus our saviour, lynne.
  • dave

    hi johnny its dave
    i have managed to finaly get on the computer at last,ha,ha. just read your testimony and brother its amazing, what you have been though and what God has done in your life and now you can look forward to what he is going to do with you and your family. remember this , His word never comes back void. Trust me i know. I spent alot of time away from God and he never left me or foresaked me when i finaly came back to him with all of my heart i was truly blessed. yes i had alot of baggage to sort through but that didn't take too long with his help. keep in touch bro God bless.
  • kathleen aldea

    If you woke up this morning
    with more health than illness,
    you are more blessed than the
    million who won't survive the week.

    If you have never experienced
    the danger of battle,
    the loneliness of imprisonment,
    the agony of torture or
    the pangs of starvation,
    you are ahead of 20 million people
    around the world.

    If you can attend a church meeting
    without fear of harassment,
    arrest, torture, or death,
    you are more blessed than almost
    three billion people in the world.

    If you have food in your refrigerator,
    clothes on your back, a roof over
    your head and a place to sleep,
    you are richer than 75% of this world.

    If you have money in the bank,
    in your wallet, and spare change
    in a dish someplace, you are among
    the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

    If your parents are still married and alive,
    you are very rare, especially in this World

    If you hold up your head with a smile
    on your face and are truly thankful,
    you are blessed because the majority can,
    but most do not.

    If you can hold someone's hand, hug them
    or even touch them on the shoulder,
    you are blessed because you can
    offer God's healing touch.

    If you can read this message,
    you are more blessed than over
    two billion people in the world
    that cannot read anything at all.

    You are so blessed in ways
    you may never even know.
  • lynne

    hello my friend hope your ok and all is going well. Ive started work as a volunteer in a charity shop and im loving it! And out of the blue my husband dave got offered to manage the same shop so were working together, the maddest thing is that daves a builder he's never worked in a shop in his life never mind managed one haha! God really does move in mysterious ways, its been an amazing week weve had the chance to witness to as well as serve the people in our town, and the best thing is most of these people knew me when i was an alcoholic, how awesome is that? let me know how your'e doing, love your sister in Jesus, lynne.
  • Johnny

  • lynne

    hello, we seem to have all kinds of fears of the unknown before we speak about Jesus dont we, i thought i'd get stoned to death and everything haha! But the reward is in knowing were helping to build Gods kingdom and tear satans down, theres nothing better!Me and dave will be praying for your son's healing aswell and we know how much God loves the children dont we? infact when i get a minute i will have a look at all the scriptures concerning children. Have a great blessed day, love you bro, lynne.
  • lynne

    hello, thats amazing about the man at church, praise God!! our meeting was great and very challenging, about being sunday worshippers and then acting how we want to all week, and wer'e not fighting flesh and blood but principalities and powers ( ephesians 6 v 10 on). Good stuff! were just going to see our pastor for prayer, mainly to get some wisdom and guidance about the charity shop. Speak soon and take care of you and yours, love in Jesus, lynne.
  • lynne

    hello bro! hope your weeks going well, ive got loads going on but nothing God cant handle, a bit like the big bang really - do you think Hes worried? no neither do i!!! i read this and thought of you - May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit .... Romans 15:13. Love and blessings, lynne.
  • Johnny

  • lynne

    hi johnny, wow what an amazing scripture that is! i love God and His word so much, it still amazes me how people can talk to me about everyday things and i lose concentration but speak Jesus to me and im all ears haha! Hope your surviving on your takeaways and hope sheree is enjoying her climb it sounds exciting!Fellowship in the morning, cant wait! we meet at earlestown town hall at the moment but the council are closing the building on the 28th of this month to knock it down and make flats ( unless Gods got other plans!) And we havent got another meeting place planned at the mo so would you pray for us please? its exciting that God already knows whats going to happen next but still a bit daunting!! Take care of you and yours, love in Jesus, lynne. Ps, all going well at the charity shop, yes daves my boss in and out of the house now haha! The owner of the shop is a christian but seems a bit lukewarm and cries when we pray with him so even if weve only been put there to help him we'll be blessed!
  • lynne

    hello my friend and brother in Jesus! Hope all's going well for you. Im fine except for a silly cold that came on me yesterday, its one of those that saps your energy and messes with your head but other than that all is good! thankyou for your words of encouragement concerning our fellowship i'll keep you posted. If you can, listen to the words of the song by casting crowns called "who am i?". its amazing. Speak soon, keep smiling at Jesus. Love lynne.
  • lynne

    hello! Long time no hear!! How you doing? Hope all is well with you, sheree and matthew. Im fine, me and dave still in the charity shop, weve been asked to take it over long term, its amazing news but is it what God wants for us? We've got til tuesday to decide, all i know is as an ex-alcoholic and recluse, God, through the shop has got me back out there, mixing and having a laugh with people, He is my confidence!! It looks as though it could be our last fellowship meeting at the town hall in the morning, and it all boils down to cost, but as we know, its not over until God says, so i'll let you know what happens. Have a great weekend, love and blessings, lynne.
  • laura

    hey johnny hows u?
    havent wrote u a comment 4 ages!
  • lynne

    thats amazing news about your sister praise God!!! Hope she enjoyed her first meeting this morning. We will be meeting on a friday night instead of sunday morning from now on, until God says different that is, we'll be going to the baptist church instead, but at least we'll still be meeting and be able to praise Him, who said church had to be on a sunday morning anyway? haha! take care and let me no how your sister goes on. love lynne, dave and all.
  • lynne

    hello my friend!! have just been looking at your photos theyre great! i wish i lived somewhere peaceful, but i no we're all where we are for a reason. Great news again about your sister, i pray she grasps God's perfect love and learns to love Him back, her life will never be the same, we know that!! me and dave are staying at the charity shop for now, loads has happened, ive been able to tell my testimony to everyone who wants to hear it and the boss has opened up to dave, it seems he'd backslidden a bit without realising until it had happened and thats why he cried when we prayed!! Dave, my son damian (who's just give his life!), my daughter laura and a couple of friends have gone off to the abundant life church in bradford, and im catching up with my housework! my son damian has joined here as hes got lots of friends but none are christians and he finds it quite hard, so if you feel to add him and you get any wisdom for him that would be great ( damian evans) hes 17. As we know at 17 the world is very tempting! speak soon, hope you had a good meeting, love in Jesus lynne.
  • Gilly

    Hi Johnny. The Lion of Judah is very much on my heart in my walk with Jesus.Have you heard Roy Fields sing The Lion of Judah?
  • lynne

    hello, hope you're ok. have a great christmas and even better new year, love lynne.
  • lynne

    hello friend!! hope you and family had a great christmas day! as you can imagine mine was very noisy haha! some amazing news though - ive just had the first alcohol free christmas since i was 13, thanks to our god and his strength , love and grace!!! i no im totally delivered anyway but christmas is always a tempting time and ive never stood firm until now! it helped that dave has kept all alcohol out of our house and i dont go to pubs or off-licences but all glory to god! we worked at the charity shop for 3 and a half months, just as volunteer managers (no pay), until god said the season was over and its now time for dave to go back to paid work, so hes at the beginning of starting his own building business and im back to being wife and mum at home!! i'll never forget the experience though and a lot of seeds were sown, plus i no that i can cope with working and running a home. i dont come on here much, to be honest i find it boring now. i am on facebook if you are add me, i no its wordly but theres more going on, plus i even get to witness on there!!!! hows your sister? my other son (damians twin brother daniel) gave his life about 4 weeks ago!! he had moved out, smoking cannabis, drinking etc, and i really thought id lost him until one day he came home broken and at the end of his tether,came to church, and surrendered, how amazing??! we are still at the baptist church on a friday night and its going well, would love to hear how you're doing. Lots of love in Jesus, have a great new year, any plans? i'll probably be in bed on new years eve, listening to the fireworks and thanking god i wont have hangover in the morning!!! speak soon, lynne dave and all xx
  • lynne

    hello just to say ignore the bit about not on it anymore, it started not to feel right so thats that!!! hope ur ok, love lynne and all.
  • lynne

    hello! got your email address. have added you on msn, think ive done it right but not much good on computers!! speak soon, hope all ok with you, love lynne.
  • felixpadua

    saw you online, so i came to your page, read and learn about you. see you more often.