AAG Netguy

, Male

Colorado Springs, CO

United States

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I'm here to...
Administrate TheNET
Writing articles and FAQ's for TheNET
I'm passionate about...
Administrating TheNET

Comment Wall:

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  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear Brother Greg
    Thank you for the nice comment on my page. God bless you abundantly always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Ron

    Hello Greg,
    Have a Merry Christmas
    zwani.com myspace graphic comments
    Myspace Religious Chistmas Comments & Graphics
  • daughteroftheking


    Christmas Countdown Generator | Women's Boots on Sale

  • JEN

  • Leonard T

    Welcome back.

    Lord bless ya brother,
  • Gospel India Mission

    Dear Greg,
    Thank you for your comment. I am privilaged to be a member of this great group for God's glory. I am okay with the rules and regulations of this forum.

    You are in my prayer and thoughts. Wish you a prosperous New Year 2009.


  • Alet

    Thank you Greg, and a wonderful New Year for you and your family too. I am so happy to be on this site and looking forward to making many good friends, and of having the privilege of being a blessing, and being blessed.
  • Lucas Barrows

    Dear All,

    I Lucas Barrows fellow AAG.NETworker would love to say, God bless you all for 2009 and I pray that all of your Ministries and Missions go off well in the eyes of our Great King Jesus.

    I love you all my family in Christ
    God bless.
    Lucas Barrows HPA – Hoxton Park Anglican.

    Christian Myspace Layouts

    Christian Myspace Layouts
  • kathleen aldea

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello bossman!
    Where have you been? I dont see you much anymore. Or are you trying to get away from me? Figures..... You dont need me anymore do you? Gee, Im crushed!!! You got to keep in touch Greg! Your the boss! What kind of slavedriver are you???(IM KIDDING DONT THINK I GOT ALL BIPOLAR ON YOU).
    So did you get the card I sent you? I have a gift for you but I couldnt send it yet because of cost. So when I make my millions Ill have the 1968 Chevy Camaro shipped to you all restored with a 450 block engine in it. Or is it a 360? Well, whatever it is it is cool and fast! Ok? Or would you like the 1969 Corvette stingray with a two tone paint and a t top? Hmmm, well you better make up your mind!!!
    Anyway, I miss all of you and I hope you are really doing good. Im still a friend so if I can help you with anything, let me know. I have 6 logos done but I want to work on some more. Ok???????
    Love you!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Or would you rather have the 2008 Camaro.?
  • Paige Robertson

    Ill take the corvette I think.......
  • Paige Robertson

    Chase is getting better about throwing fits. However, sometimes he does and when he does, it isnt very pretty. But I do see the light starting to shine beyond the chaos so that is good. He had 4 birthday parties, and only had 1 tantrum. and that was because he was sick of opening presents!!! Gee, poor kid!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Danielle is already one years old!!!!! Can you believe it? You have already known me a year because when I started up here she was just a baby!! Isnt that insane?? Oh Lord, please help me when they become teens!!!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Yoel charan

    Hello brother Greg , Thank you so much for your comment and guidence. God bless you. yoel charan
    zwani.com myspace graphic comments
    Graphics for Christian Comments
  • Ron Payne

    Hi Greg,
    Thank you for your kind words.
    I am not looking for "Brownie points" when I say that for me to be here makes me very proud and provides me with a lot of personal satisfaction.
    I am not alone on AAG, there are others here who are extremely helpful and kind to others as well. This my brother, is what Christianity is all about. All of us want and need to be helpful to at least one person in a day. Here then is the miracle of AAG, where we are given the opportunity to spread the good news with love and help to our fellow Christians, not once but three perhaps seven times a day. What a priviledge - and for this I thank you for giving all of us the opportunity of behaving as Christ would want us to behave, namely one huge family in the body of Christ, working in unison towards that great and wonderful day when we shall all stand before the throne and worship Him with Joy and wonder. Thank you Greg and may the Lord bless you, your wife and both your families including all on AAG.
    Your Brother and Friend in Christ ~ Ron
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Greg, good to hear from you, all is well with me. I hope you had a good break. I can't believe we are over 3000 members. The Lord is doing a wonderful thing in the hearts of his people. Have a wonderful afternoon.

    In the love of J

    esus Bob
  • Wendy

    Hey NetGuy - I like the song. Made me cry, but where's the news there? :)
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

    hello boss,
    How are you?? I miss you. R u doing well?
    Leave me a message and tell me whats up with you. I miss talking to you. I guess IM not your favorite moderator anymore....... thats ok..you know that I take rejection real well, dont I??? Im not sensitive am I?? Sure!
    Love you!
  • The pilgrim

    Hello dear Greg, Thank you so much for the chat Good Job!!!!!!!!!!! i really love it and have private chat with my dear friend.
    Thanks again.
    May the Lord bless you as u serve HIM.
    Remain blessed.
    with His love.
  • felixpadua

    hello. i am new here and i want to meet you and know more about you. i am felix from the philippines
  • The pilgrim

    Hello dear Greg, i'm glad to be the part of AAG i'm really blessed by there r reall Cristian i' m learnig so much i give God all the Glory and keep on the good work, and i really apreciate all of u who is working here i know the Lord will reward your efforts.
    May the Joy of the Lord be ur strength as u serve HIM.
    Remain blessed.
    With His love.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Greg, tell me how you got the youtube video to play on your page.
    My son Brennan loves the weather out there in Colorado, he says it it is like our spring here. My other son Ben moved to Asheville North Carolina recently.
    It seemed like yesterday when they were driving nuts taring my house apart. lol I do like the fact that everything isn't broken any more. lol

    Keep me in prayer for I have had writing a opportunity open up for me to become part of an editorial staff for a Christian Net. God is so good and I can't get over the fact that God uses everything, including a disability to steer us in the right direction for his will to be accomplished.

    I love all that God is doing here and feel so blessed every day to have the opportunity to minister to so many people, and I get a whole lot more back than i give. It is truly a blessing when you can spend your life doing something that you love.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Antony

    Hello Servants of brother Greg, i'm enjoying to be the part of AAG i'm really blessed by there r real Cristian i' m learning so much i give God all the Glory Thank my dear for your advice not to Requesting Support in this Network. Please I,m So sorry to do that Forgive me My dear brother I will not do that again.Please l need more your Advice. Have a blessed and peaceful day.

    Pastor Antony.
  • Moomins

    Hello, LONG time no hear, just thought i'd touch base, check in to see how you are and to let you know my 'accent' is now freely available to be heard on 'paige robertsons' page, I recorded a small voice message so you guys could hear me, although you dont get the full effect coz I was being polite :)
    Hope you and the family are well
    Love In Christ
  • Theresa

    Hello Greg,
    I share with you the same feelings for this country of ours, it is the best country here on earth especially for me coming from Lebanon, i can tell you I appreciate America so very much and I appreciate AAG very much, God is so faithful and He brought me to this group of people at the right time like He always does. God bless you my friend and your precious family. Amen.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Greg,
    Thanks for the message. Its good to hear from you.
    Well, I was just letting you know about eveything...thats all. Im glad to hear everything is going well. I am very happy to hear about that. Well, I will continue to keep my eyes open.
    Anyway, Ill let you go. Call me sometime. Id love to hear what God is doing in your life!
    Blessings, and thank you for everything.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • jason peter

    SHALLOM sir.. nice to know you... you are the moderator for this site?.. any way I very happy to joined this site. and hopefully can get something from here especially for my faith.... and hopefully can know the other people around the world even we too far and we gather here as a one family...

    Love in Christ
  • Moomins

    Yeah, you right, you guys do talk funny, but I still love y'all :) Mini and I are doing great, Mini was five a few weeks ago, I dont know where the time has gone. We are both busy with school, I have more exams coming up in a few weeks, so its all study and not a lot of play, but its worth it........your so right about the winter, it is so cold, the UK was hit with bad snow last week, except us who only got a 'frosting', but we havent escaped the freezing temperatures, I reckon we have a while to go yet too before we can put our wellies away.

    In Him
  • jason peter

    Thanks for the comment...Its good to hear from you. thanks once again for created this network... where people meet in Christ... May God Bless you and your beloved family and take care... last but not least let us pray for Jesus Christ our Lord..

    Christian Comments
  • Lee

    Hi how have you been just saying hello do hope that you are ok.
  • Sampath

    Thanks a lot Greg.

    Praise the Lord.....
  • Tawnee Belinda

    Thank you for excepting my request and giving me good advice.
    God Bless

  • felixpadua

    hello greg, janet walker sent me this one and i am sharing it to you. sana magustuhan mo, brother.

    God Saw you hungry & created Subway,
    Chocolate, and Crab Legs.

    He saw you thirsty & created Coke,
    Juice, & Coffee

    GOD saw you in the dark & created Light.

    GOD saw you without a Good looking , adorable, Friend ........ so

    He created ME .

    Have a Great
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Greg, now both of my sons are out in Bolder Colorado. My son Brennan who has been there since September told me the other day that it has been like spring there all winter. He misses all the snow we get here. It is snowing here again today. I am so sick of winter. But I love Vermont any how.

    Keep me in prayer for i am speaking 2 times at a men's retreat this coming Saturday on the topic of coming to know the Holy Spirit. This is my favorite topic to speak on. I really have had to press in to get the message because the host church is very conservitive, and there will be guys there from 5 different churches. This is a very intimate setting that a wealthy Christian brother build in the mountains only about 30 minutes from where I live. It can sleep like maybe 80. We will have 30+ coming. I have been to huge retreats like promice Keepers over the year, but have enjoyed the smaller groups setting more.

    Well I know your a busy man, but I wanted to just drop you a note with out any issues for a change. god bless your brother for all that you do here that make this a great Net.
    In the love of Jesus
  • Brenda Mckone

    Perhaps I'm wrong but didn't Jesus say to the woman taken in adultery, that He didn't codemn her but to go and sin nor more so maybe you did sound a bit as if you were making accusations of condemnation. Should we not be more gentle?
  • Lucas Barrows

    Thank you for Coocrdinating this blessed website. I have advertized/told the AllAboutGOD.Net site to my friends on Facebook and other sites who are Christian and want to be supported by and support Christians from around the world.
    Thank you Greg I pray this Ministry will continue in years to come.
    God Bless.
    Lucas Barrows HPA - Hoxton Park Anglican.
  • Safoa

    thanks, God Bless you
  • kathleen aldea

    Friends18.com Orkut MySpace Hi5 Scrap Images
  • Leonard T

    Hey Brother,

    Just stopping ny to say hello. We have not crossed paths lately. I trust all is well with you and yours.

    Lord Bless,
  • marie

    no i havent fix the problem i cant download a pic of me.only of my
  • Linda Monalisa

    Hi Greg,

    It was very pleasant receiving your comment. cool way to welcome. Hope i get to do sumthng beautiful for the LORD through this website. Need your support always. Thanks...!

  • Leonard T

    Hey Greg,

    Spiritually and relatinally the church is doing really well. We are growing slowly numerically. We are involved in a number of outreaches and have 3 significant (for a church our size) outreaches coming up. We continue to seek to make positive connections and meet real needs in our community.

    Lord Bless,
  • Isaac & Emily Mukweyi

    Dear Greg

    , I`m much blessed with the Comment.Yes, We are in the day of the manifestation of Father (Plural God), appearing in the earth, both physical and Spiritual earth, us. This manifesting is a time of some "not knowing what is happening in our lives", and seeking and searching. At times, it is very unsettleing, and confusing. But, when the Light rises from within us, it all becomes very clear and all we can do is , let it be seen.

    Many things have been happening and changing in my physical life , all of which I did not understand even my family could not understand me. Finally, I just began seeking and seaching and listening from Him. Some got upset with me, when I had to just leave everything and everyone, including my writting, but we all must do what and how we are led in order to receive from our Most Inner Self. Now, I am pretty clear on what was/is happening and I am at rest with it.

    I want to encourage all, that when things began happening that you may not understand, put EVERYTHING away and go within in. The answers will come and peace accompanies it. I`m looking foward to seeing you next month and have conversation together.

    In his Love

    Isaac and Emily.
  • Isaac & Emily Mukweyi

    Dear beloved Greg,

    You are a blessing as you share your lives with us.
    I have been challenged as I have been praying about The Word. He is, of course, a person. He was in the beginning and both with God and God Himself. He spoke the world into being. Before the creation there was just word it seems but He spoke and everything came into being.

    It is the word that we carry. We have word by the holy spirit. He heals by word. He cuts by word. He reveals by word. We often want a word but really we need the word. Many things get in the way of The Word. Things like doctrine, prophesy and the bible are only shadows of The Word. If we have Him, we have everything.

    Our ministry and fruitfulness depends on how much of The Word we carry. He is the anointing. He is the origin of the word within us. The Word is made known to us through the Holy Spirit. If we really want to be a blessing to others, it is only as we carry The Word that this happens. It is not money but The Word. Jesus fed 5000 people by The Word.

    It is this that I have been asking Father about us to arise. I desire to carry The Word and to arise and shine for Africa needs to arise and this must begin with us the key people I have been in intercession asking Father for the end of poverty in Kenya, But I have realised that this must begin with us.

    For that case, now I and my wife we have a vision of seeting up a shop in our town whereby we will be getting garments from the company and we sell it in our for whole sale price and from this we can earn an income for many years in our life and it will also create job opportunities for five to six people, we request you to pray with us for the provision of funds to begin this bussiness. We see it good to do this so that we can be a good example to the whom we are working together in Kingdom relationship.

    It is not long before we see you I pray that Father will bring us together if possible may be this year. It will be a good time together. We are looking forward to speaking with you again. Father has things for us together.

    With our love

    Isaac and Emily.
  • denial

    prays the lord haleluya

    when i opend my net

    every time i want to do mail my god net frends.

    i do not send my heart filing to my frend because

    i donot know in english

    i am realy wary sorry
  • kathleen aldea

    Soul food for the Day: The CENTER...

    The center chapter of the BIBLE is Psalm 118.. there are 594 chapters before and after Psalm 118
    And if we will add this we will get 1188... in which the center verse of the BIBLE is PSALM 118:8
    What is the significant of Psalm 118:8 in God's perfect will for our lives?
    It is better to trust in the LORD, than to put confidence in man.-- Psalm 118:8
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    When things get tough, always remember faith doesn't get you around trouble..
    it gets you through it!
    When you relinquish the desire to control your future you obtain happiness...

    Father God, bless my friend in whatever it is that you know he/she may be needing this day....
    May their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have closer relationship with you. Amen...