Jesse James

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
I'm here to...
Grow in my faith
Guitar, fishing, hockey, church, Bible Study
I'm passionate about...
my faith

Comment Wall:

  • PoiemaDei

    Hello Jesse. I hope you are having an inspiring experience here in this Christian community online. It's a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with members of the Body of Christ worldwide. I am praying for you. God bless you.
  • Nienie

    Glad you joined our wonderful internet family, sharing the love of Christ, learning and growing in your spiritual life.And as a bonus making wonderful friends.

    May you experience a wonderful fellowship and growth with all the others by joining in the groups and forums and share the love of Christ.
    Blessings Nienie
  • PoiemaDei

    All of us here, like you, feel the need for true Christian fellowship. It's because when God saved us He made us members of one Body, the Body of Christ. And so, we thank God for the opportunity given to us on this site to fellowship with fellow members of the Body of Christ worldwide. So just enter in, participate, make friends, contribute comments, ask questions, and pray for others. God bless you.
  • PoiemaDei

    I'm in Trinidad and Tobago, and I know what a contrast it is in weather at this time. But in everything, let us give thanks to God.

    By the way, feel free to join in the Grace To Help group. We are exploring the role of grace in our Christian life from salvation onward. God bless you.
  • Leonard T

    Welcome to AAG. We want your experience here to be positive and uplifting. There are a couple of things that can help you maximize your experience.

    Forums and Blogs: Forums are for asking questions and for sharing a response to a question someone has posted. This is a great opportunity for “iron to sharpen iron.” Blogs are for posting an opinion, view or specific message regarding a subject.

    Making New Friends: You will make many new friends here on AAG. Some will send a friend invite to you. You have the choice to accept or decline. When an invite has been sent to you the “My Friends” the upper right box on your home page will be followed by the word “New”.” Simply click on the icon and make your choice. To invite someone to be your friend you simply need to go to their home page and click on “add as friend” under their personal photo. Once someone is your friend you will be able to email each of your friends on AAG. You can also leave a message on someone personal page, but note that everyone will be able to read what you leave there.

    IMs: You can IM anyone who is on line by clicking on their picture located at the upper right part of the page.

    Chat Room: There is a chat room located near the top of the AAG main page. It is a great place to get to know people better.

    Videos: You can also upload Christian videos on the AAG main page or watch them. They are located down the left side of the main page.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask. We are here to serve you to the best of our abilities.

    We are glad you are here,
    Volunteer Forums Moderator
  • felixpadua

    hello jesse
  • Ps Rajendra Nhisutu

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    My dear brother Jesse James, Greetings You in the name of the Lord from Mt.Everest! I am attaching you some of youtube clips and photographs of our Prayer Tower members who are handicapped and fully blinds. I seriously pray and believe that God will definietly lead you to live long because there are so many still awating your inspiration which make them to live. You have to live not for yourself but for.............
    Your very lovely brother in the Christ
    Pastor Rajendra Nhisutu
  • Ps Rajendra Nhisutu

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    You are so precious to God to me and to our Mt.Everest Prayer Tower!
  • Ps Rajendra Nhisutu

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  • theresa

    im happy for u jesse james inspite of your disability u still have christ in your life unlike to my brother is disable to due to car acident he blame God of what happen to him but anyway God dont matters our disabilty it matters most of our avalabilty God bless
  • Ps Rajendra Nhisutu

    ' />

  • felixpadua

    hi jesse, this one is from jeff, not an original one but a story full of spiritual lesson. i am passing it to you.


    Come with me to a third grade classroom..... There is a nine-year-old kid sitting at his desk and all of a sudden, there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened. It's never happened before, and he knows that when the boys find out he will never hear the end of it. When the girls find out, they'll never speak to him again as long as he lives.

    The boy believes his heart is going to stop; he puts his head down and prays this prayer, 'Dear God, this is an emergency! I need help now! Five minutes from now I'm dead meat.'

    He looks up from his prayer and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that says he has been discovered.

    As the teacher is walking toward him, a classmate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water. Susie trips in front of the teacher and inexplicably dumps the bowl of water in the boy's lap.

    The boy pretends to be angry, but all the while is saying to himself, 'Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!'

    Now all of a sudden, instead of being the object of ridicule, the boy is the object of sympathy. The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on while his pants dry out. All the other children are on their hands and knees cleaning up around his desk. The sympathy is wonderful. But as life would have it, the ridicule that should have been his has been transferred to someone else - Susie.

    She tries to help, but they tell her to get out. You've done enough, you klutz!'

    Finally at the end of the day, as they are waiting for the bus, the boy walks over to Susie and whispers, 'You did that on purpose, didn't you?' Susie whispers back, 'I wet my pants once too.'

    May God help us see the opportunities that are always around us to do good.

    Remember -Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

    Each and everyone one of us is going through tough times right now, but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can. Keep the faith.

    My instructions were to pick four (4) people that I wanted God to bless, and I picked you. Please pass this to at least four (4) people you want to be blessed and a copy back to me.

    This prayer is powerful, and prayer is one of the best gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards. Let's continue to pray for one another.

    The Prayer:

    Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. Amen.

    If the Lord lays upon your heart to send this to more than four '4' people, you are truly blessed)
  • felixpadua

    here's a new joke for you today-


    A well-worn one-dollar bill and a similarly distressed twenty-dollar bill arrived at a Federal Reserve Bank to be retired. As they moved along the conveyor belt to be burned, they struck up a conversation. The twenty-dollar bill reminisced about its travels all over the country.

    "I've had a pretty good life," the twenty-dollar bill proclaimed. "Why I've been to Las Vegas and Atlantic City , the finest restaurants in New York , performances on Broadway, and even a cruise to the Caribbean "

    "Wow!" said the one-dollar bill. "You've really had an exciting life!"

    "So tell me," says the twenty-dollar bill, "where have you been throughout your lifetime?"

    The one dollar bill replies, "Oh, I've been to the Methodist Church , the Baptist Church, the Lutheran Church."

    The twenty-dollar bill interrupts, "What's a church?"
  • felixpadua

    you know, i want to go to alberta one of these days. i am praying i'll be able to go there this year.