

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Trinidad and Tobago
I'm here to...
fulfill God's will
My interests are focused on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Church - the Body of Christ, loving God's people, the salvation of souls everywhere, and ministering to the needy and the poor.
I'm passionate about...
I am passionate in sharing the mission and anointing of Christ in His Body on earth as He declared in Luke 4:18-19: "The Spirit of the Lord is on Me; because of this He has anointed Me to proclaim the Gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim deliverance to the captives, and new sight to the blind, to set at liberty those having been crushed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."
My story with God
From a sinner dead in sin and trespasses in rebellion against God, I was born again of the Spirit of God to be an offspring or son of God, and a member of the Body of Christ. Therein, the Lord called me and ordained me according to His own will and by His grace to be a minister of the new covenant of grace and the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

The rest of the story of my life is guided by this Scripture passage in 2 Corinthians 3:4-6: "And we have such trust through Christ toward God, not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God; who also has made us able ministers of the new covenant; not of the letter, but of the spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit makes alive."
Other stuff about me:
I want to be a blessing to you through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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  • felixpadua

    hello, glad to meet you here. how's trinidad and tobago?
  • Jeanette B

    Thanks for your kind words, Poemia!! I will check out the group... sounds good!! Bless ya!
  • Brian

    Hello my friend, It seems the seed planted with Kelly was on a foot path but I will continue to pray to the Lord to open Kelly's heart to the truth of the Gospel. I know I will always be there if she wants to talk about the Lord but it seems at this point she is going with Mythology. I couldn't get any reason why but she feels the Bible is just a story book and why can Mythology be the truth. Sheri and I tried to tell her that the Bible is the Word of God and the truth but she's not having it right now. I will leave it up to the Lord to open her heart to the truth but as I was remined from scripture not everyone will believe not even the one's who heard and saw Jesus preach and raise Lazerus from the grave infact they not only wanted to Kill Jesus but Lazerus as well. I will continue to pray for her.
    Thank you for all your kindness
    Your Brother in Christ
  • DEE Lighted

    I have read several of your postings in the group and think that God has his hand covering you totally and completely. I don't always comment, but I wanted you to know that I am truely blessed each time I read something of yours! Be blessed as you continue to be a blessing!!
  • Pastor Antony

    Dear PoemiaDei Praise the Lord. please we are praying for work which
    You are for Most high God "Don't lose heart! Let the Holy Spirit rise up in
    you and strengthen you "that you can do all things
    through Christ! Be strong in the power and might of the
    Lord. Let the anointing of the Spirit of Might move in a
    great way....... To stand strong in the Lord and His
    Mighty Power!" The Impossible becomes possible!

    Have a blessed and fruitful year 2009!

    Pastor Antony& Sister Miriam.
  • felixpadua

    trinidad and tobago, where is this country, please help me out.
  • Ms.Sharanda

    Thank you Man of God. Bless you.
  • felixpadua

    so it's in the caribbean. i'll google it later then.
  • Theresa

    Thank you sooo much and from the bottom of my heart for the scriptures you shared with me back there in the discussion room. The Lord must led you to post them because I was looking for them but i simply did not know where to find them. Thanks for your friendship, you mean a lot to God and His people,
    I am just in awe of God's faithfulness and goodness to us, i mean here we do not even know each other in person, never met but yet our hearts are net together and we pray for one another. To God our Lord and Savior be the praise always.
    I can remember scriptures very well but i do not know where to find them sometime and quickly but I am thankful for this site to keep me digging for God's Word. God knows I love Him so much and His word mean a lot to me so He brought me to this site. God is faithful always. Keep on preaching my brother the Word for in Him we conquer the enemy and win souls.
  • Pastor Antony

    Dear beloved Brother Poemiadeis,

    Praise the Lord and God bless you this day!!

    We greet you in Jesus Name, we trust our Lord that you are doing well and good in good health. Thank you so much for your prayers over my family and the ministry. Brother your latter was on time , l was in prayer of fasting for 7 days praying for the ministry work and also God to provide for my dear family. As I came from prayers l got your words of encouragements to my family and the ministry.

    Please continue lift us in your prayers, God to superimpose him self in our our situation

    We are looking forward to hear from you soon.

    Pastor Antony, Sister Miriam, and the saints of the most high God. Please Get my email address antonyskenya@yahoo.com Please also send your email to me I see you can equip my ministry.
  • DEE Lighted

  • Eric Johnson Jr.

    Praise the Lord. God bless you brother PoemiaDei and family. Precious brother, Lord bless you for prayers and encouragement you give me. In Jesus' name, Holy Heavenly Father, bless my brother desire of his heart for your glory. Amen. Philippians 3:13-14.
  • Rivers Of Living Waters

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Alice Bridgeforth

    Thank you for allowing God to use you to bless others. My heart is touched by your simple message of Salvation and love through Christ.
    Thank you for the beautiful music that filled my heart with a sense of peace and healing.
    God bless you! And thank God for a friend like you.
  • Ms. Tyras Humphrey

    Well hello man of god this is your sister name Tyras Humphrey here in buffalo,new york well i got your email I Thank God For You.Well brother in christ i am going to get baptize on feb22,2009.I can say i am going to be a new creature in christ that day.God knows i have a deire to serve him and a passion to help other people or shall i say my sisers and brothers in christ.I know that the lord our father is gone use me mightyly because i am sitting in the transformation zone with patience because i do not want my father to rush what he is doing with me.I want to be equipped and ready to go.My favorite 2 verses are Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the lord with all thy hert and lean not own your understanding and he will direct your path.My second scripture is Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through christ jesus that strenghthens me.I love god and i am ready to be used. I thank god for my storms because if i had not have gone thru none of my storms i would not know jesus the more strms i go thru the closer i get to god the more he reveals his self to me besides his words and miracles.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thank you for your kind words my brother, you have such a gracious spirit about you that I love. I have continued to be blessed by the grace group.

    God has opened an opportunity for me to speak at a men's retreat March 14th. I was going to do one session on coming to know the Holy Spirit, but one of the speakers isn't going to be able to make it so i will also be speaking on the spirit filled life. this retreat will have 3 churches including my own . I love to speak about Holy Spirit and ask for your prayer support. I also plan to start teaching a new believers class in April called The Alpha Course for new believers in my church. I have to meet with my pastor about the details of it, but it is my greatest burden to help believers to get established in their faith. I have a group here called, Building a Sure Foundation For Christian Growth that I was going to use, but the alpha course has everything I have in the group and more. Tomorrow it will be 34 years since Jesus changed my life. I was 15 and I have never been without Him since that day. Praise the name of the Lord for the kindness He bestows to each of us every day.
    In the name of Jesus
  • felixpadua

    i am here again reading your profile and learning about you. i am also listening to your nice music.
  • DEE Lighted

  • Theresa

    Thanks PoemiaDei for you comment on my blog, I bless God and thank Him for you my friend. Let us all praise the King Jesus who brought us all into His Kingdom that has no end, sooo thankful to know He is my Father and my King. God bless you dear PoemiaDei!!!
  • Sunshine

    Hello My Brother In The Lord,
    I have been out of town attending my daughters church and seeing the Grandchildren. So I dropped in to say. May your day have been good like mine was.

  • felixpadua

    hello i am here again, reading your page and enjoying your music. nice music.
  • Theresa

    It is so good to know I have a christian brother in you that is praying for me and others, all i can say God is so faithful and I am thankful to Him for you my friend. You are a blessing from God's above to His people and a warrior for Christ to bring the unsaved to repentance. Amen.
  • Ms.Sharanda

    My God Bless your Day.
  • Ms.Sharanda

    Amen and Amen.
  • Godfred

    Hello Sir,I believe God is still blessing you and your family?I am checking on you to know how you are doing.May the peace of God continue to abide with you today and forever.Have a wonderful day.
  • felixpadua

    everytime i see you online, i go to your page. i am here again reading your profile and learning about you. i am also listening to your nice music.
  • Theresa

    God bless you PoemiaDei and your family and keep you in His service always.
    Please be encouraged always in the Lord.
  • Alice Bridgeforth

    "Thank you! God Bless you dearly.
  • Christie a Dobson

    i thank god for you cause you are a blessing and i pray that god keeps moving through you and i think god for a friend like you. have a blessed week.
  • Darlene

    Thank you very much for your kind comment. I am glad you liked the song.
    Do people call you PoemiaDei?
    I like that you say, "stay blessed". That's an excellent reminder for all of us! Darlene
  • Rivers Of Living Waters


  • felixpadua

    thank you brother poemiadei for praying for my full recovery. thank you so much.

  • Juan

    Hey hows it going, I finally joined!

    God Bless you
  • Godfred

    Hello Mr PoemiaDei,many thanks to you for your constant messages of encouragement to me.I believe and pray that our gracious and ever merciful God continuous to show us His grace and love that we will constantly learn to abide in His teachings and in obedience to His word as well.Thank you and God bless for blessing me with your message of blessings.Have a very good weekend,sir.
  • Alliah Seri

    hi ! it is ALLIAH
    how are you?
    i am GLAD to join you here!
    i loved all yours sites!
    i hope to read you!

  • john claiborne

    In ancient days, slaves were bought and sold in the marketplace. A slave had no rights. He or she was auctioned, purchased, and owned by the highest bidder. We, in our unregenerate state, were slaves to sin, captive to the cravings of our flesh, rebels, and deserving of death. God in His kindness, saw our pitiful condition, had mercy on us, bought us with His own precious blood, and adopted us into His own family. "... knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct... but with the precious blood of Christ..." (1 Peter 1:18-19) When I think of the cross, the love demonstrated to me, a sinner, I am overwhelmed at the kindness of God and am renewed in my desire to live wholly for Him
  • felixpadua

    hello poemiadei, this is the joke for today. i got this from the AAG forum-


    A well-worn one-dollar bill and a similarly distressed twenty-dollar bill arrived at a Federal Reserve Bank to be retired. As they moved along the conveyor belt to be burned, they struck up a conversation. The twenty-dollar bill reminisced about its travels all over the country.

    "I've had a pretty good life," the twenty-dollar bill proclaimed. "Why I've been to Las Vegas and Atlantic City , the finest restaurants in New York , performances on Broadway, and even a cruise to the Caribbean "

    "Wow!" said the one-dollar bill. "You've really had an exciting life!"

    "So tell me," says the twenty-dollar bill, "where have you been throughout your lifetime?"

    The one dollar bill replies, "Oh, I've been to the Methodist Church , the Baptist Church, the Lutheran Church."

    The twenty-dollar bill interrupts, "What's a church?"
  • Alliah Seri

    your message is always welcome, because the relationship that binds us to Jesus is so precious!
    i appreciate too your humility!
    i love you much!!
  • Godfred

    How heartwarming it feels to know that people have you in their prayers which I need most especially in my life now.Thank you very much for always been there and I believe our relationship in Christ will grow from one strenght to the other.May the good Lord himself bless us all now and forevermore.My regards to your family.
  • david winkleman

    Thank You ! We must support each other in prayer for strength through these rough times...
    David Winkleman
  • Esther

    Hi dear saints, I just want to encourage you all to be faithful and true as servants of our Lord Jesus. I agree with the comments about the importance of our support for one another in prayer and the need for us to encourage one another as we grow and mature in the deeper things of the Kingdom. I am excited about the fact that the Lord has restored in this day the importance for us as Christians to walk according to His standards and not those that are watered down by the world. Be encouraged my friends and I am praying for you.
  • Theresa

    Hello Poemia,
    Have been thinking of you, sending you now my thoughts of love and prayer and blessings your way.
    May the Joy of the Lord be your strength today and everyday, I bless you my friend in the name of Jesus.
  • Godfred

    How beautiful are the feet of them that bring goodnews,announcing peace and procliaming the Lord Jesus to all people and nations.That you very for been a vessel to be used as a means of transmitting His word to all including me.Thank you and may you be blessed today and always.
  • DEE Lighted

    Hi PoemiaDei! Just stopping by to let you know that you are always in my heart. I am so blessed to have you nearby supporting me in prayer. I am doing well. So much better. God has been so gracious to me. He knowing me better than I know myself has given me the opportunity to hand Him yet something else to heal. Funny, it was so easy to do... KNOWing that He can indeed do all things! Thank you for being 'there'. Love you my Brother!

  • Sandie

    What a beautiful song PoemiaDei you are so wonderful and I am doing fine and met someone who believes in God and need your prayers for me....My work is doing fine I just get tired a lot....I have been really busy and lost my brother a couple of weeks ago not sure if I had told you due to cancer through out the body he believed in Jesus and I am so thankful he does not have to suffer....I just got off work just a few minutes ago and I check my messages and come to this site its a blessing and keeps with good sleep to....I am happy to know I have friends online here to communicate with and associate myself to..... Sandie

    brother poem pls i need ur intence prayer, am about loosing my job, though i desire 4 a more better one than d one i am doing, i need to pay my school bills.thanks lilian
  • Alliah Seri

    my best friend!
    I just thought of you!
    I did not have too much free time at this time because of the training I'm doing!
    I am missing of you too!
    i thank you to think of me!!
    i pray the lord for you! i love you too!!
  • Sandie

    I was trying to get you on the chat apparently its not work on my side anyway not sure why did you see any my message?