Erik Benjamin O Corcorain

35, Male

Santa Ana

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United States
Full time Student
I'm here to...
fellowship with other believers
1. Politics (I campaigned for John Edwards in Iowa and Nevada)

2. Sports ( I love American football, rugby, baseball... golf! etc.

3. Music (I listen to alot of music, country, worship, rock etc.

4. Communication ( I love to really talk to people, have real conversations... it's lacking in our world today
I'm passionate about...
I'm passionate about many things, first of all my love for Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I know it has to start there, I have passion for issues like universal healthcare, economic equality for those who are suffering. I fight for the underdog, I believe everyone should have a chance to succed in life. I think it is wrong for people to be ignored on the richest country on the planet. To have 47 million people with proper healthcare, 37 milion in poverty... It is disgraceful, we're better than that!
My story with God
My story with the Lord has truly been a rollercoaster, I know that term has been used alot. I truly connected with Jesus when I was 13 at a youth worship service. Recently I have waned and I dont really know why, but I do know I want him, I need him. Underneath all the busyness.. I need him more than anything....
Other stuff about me:
I was born in Ireland and lived there for several years, I visit my country twice a year. I am proud to be an Immigrant who will finally obtain citizenship this year. It's been a long journey for my family and I... finally we have reached the promised land

Comment Wall:

  • Moomins

    Hi Erik, nice to meet you and welcome. I joined TheNET last year too for fellowship and to learn love and share with each other, but I tell you, ive got so much more than that. This place ROCKS!!!
    Love your interests, communication, the world does seem to have forgotten that is. You should join TheNET chat group, there is usually someone in there, we have quite a lot of discussions and fun :)
    Yes, im from the uk, Scotland, infact, Scottish through and through. Nice to see the Irish on here, even though you are not resident there just now. The colour on your page dont have anything to do with country representation do :)
  • Frazer

    Curious... Is this the Christian equivalent of facebook?
  • Frazer

    So how's it going?
  • Heather2008 this just like...Christian facebook er' something?
    (lol I got this automatic invite from you in an email)

  • Frazer

    I know how it is.... I have 18 units on the quarter system, and finals are not this week but next. On top of that, three papers (thankfully I just (minutes ago) finished with a draft of one and 2/3 of another)... Not looking forward to the end... Worried about physics. Otherwise, next quarter should be good. I get to start taking my upper div. classes.

    I'll definitely keep you in prayer. What exactly will you be doing in D.C.?
  • Frazer

    Oh, and before I forget: we gave Kramer away.
  • Frazer

    Sounds cool! D.C. is nice! It's definitely good that you will be a Christian example over there. Politics needs it. I was going to try to go to Trinity, but I think I'm going to stick to UCI. If all goes as planned, I will graduate early. I'm a sophomore now, so it shouldn't pose a problem. Still, I'm probably going back between my Bachelor's and PhD... I have some other choices too... I could try to find a grad school in Europe or teach over there when I become a professor. Anyway, I'm set on ging sometime. I have to get to Dublin on June 16th sometime for Bloomsday (I'm reading Ulysses now)... Good luck with George Washington University! Did you find out if you're in yet?
  • Moomins

    Hi Erik, if you go to the 'groups' tab at the top of the page and select it, that will take you to a page with all of the active site groups, scroll down until you find TheNETchatgroup, click on the logo and request an invite. If you have anymore probs let me know.
  • Frazer

    Well, I'll be keeping it in prayer. It sounds like a great opportunity. I know the Lord could use you over there.
  • Frazer

    Well, if we're going off of our fields, then I have an "Emma Clery" in sight - but her name is not Emma to avoid confusion with my friend Emma - but I don't know how that will go if ever. So it goes. HAHA! God's in control of it. Well, I best be going. I have class then I have to study for Soc Sci... Communism. It's quite interesting.
  • Moomins

    Hi Erik, of course i will pray for you. I can only imagine how intense this time of waiting is for you. Just remember, The Lord has a plan for each of us. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    love moomins
    ps. dont you go listening to that Christian Speegle guy, its him that causes me the problems :) lol :)
    Actually, he's a great guy, you will be able to speak to him in the chatbox, he's a lot of fun, appeals to our kind of humour...
    Remember, im here if you need a chat, im only a message away.x

    im not too sure what to make of this site eric ,every message i recieve seems to have references to god .its ik to love god and be thankful but it doesnt needto be in every sentance and message.
  • Ray

    Okay, thanks a bunch! I have no idea what I'm doing just yet, but this place sure is interesting.
  • Ray

    Haha, wow, that was nice of you. Thanks.
  • Frazer

    Hey, would you be interested in coming to Capo Beach Calvary sometime in the next few weeks? If not, that's fine. I understand if you're busy, etc. Personally, I get a lot more out of going to Capo than when I went to Friday nights. Rachel and I go Thursdays and Saturdays. Let me know.
  • Nica

    Hi Erik! Just popped in to say 'hi'! Have an awesome day with Lord! Hope to see you soon in the Chatgroup:)..God bless you! -nica
  • Frazer

    Cool! Both services start at 6:30pm. Due to my schedule, I can't go Saturday this week or next (but I am going to request Sat. off so I can keep on going during Spring Quarter). This Thursday, I might not be going because my physics final is Friday... And I am starting to worry about it. Anyway, I'll let you know soon. It's Pastor Peter-John Courson, John's son.

    I'll get back to you. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I get to celebrate by working 4 hours tonight in cafe...
  • Frazer

    Well, knowing that I am a small percentage Irish, my customer service last night must have been poor. Haha! I really don't know how Irish I am.
    I don't know if Capo has a Wed. service, but I still think you'll enjoy Thursday or Saturday.
    How did the St. Patrick/Collins thing go?
  • stephen

    Hi erik...i have a question in my mind which i know its an OT hehehe.... if a person is living in England, what is his citizenship, English or British?
  • Heather2008

    lol now you remember, eh?
    That was forever agooo
    Me?Pretty? haha Im not, but thanks :)

    Canada's pretty good right now ;) The ground is still covered in snow here, and its still kinda colddd! But it'll warm up soon.
    What about you!!! I remember you having this killer warm weather! How are things going with you? Whats new?

    Its Gaeilge!!not Gaelic

    gealic is another language altogther really its not spoken at all Gealic goes back to the celts and the scots
  • Moomins

    Hi Erik, just wondered how you were settling in, looks like youve found your feet :)
    love in Christ
  • Nica

  • Frazer

    Capo Beach Calvary this Thursday?
  • jhaz

    thanks for the comment.. Godbless!!! hehehe. Ive just read your comment.. hehe. Thank you for the appreciation.. Bleshu!

    *add me as your friend in Christ, thanks!

    im gone from it ..3 years now i told you that when you visited..i still like the photo so i use not on this everyday or anything im sorry but bebo is my thing
  • Heather2008

    Are you really in college already????? Or are you studying to get INTO college??? Anyways how is "schooling" going, what are you taking?

    3000 miles away sounds pretty far from home, where are you going if you dont mind me asking?

    *Sigh*, well...hmmm. My walk with the Lord is...well. I dont know. I havent really been close to God at all. I dont have a very good relationship with him at the moment. Its...kinda scary. I feel a lot of fear because I think Im going to go to hell because of a lack of relationship.
    But...! Its way to early to start bringing you down with this! lol.
    What about you? How have you and God been doing? Lol you mentioned forever ago, that you wanted to get a tat of a cross er' something. Did you ever end up doing that?
    Phone? hehehe Im wayyy to nervous on the phone. Plus we havent talked in ages. :P
  • Heather2008

    Your studying Political science and International relations! Lol you must be one smart guy to take on that kind of stuff. Washington DC! haha thats pretty neat!Its great that you are going into politics and trying to change things for the better. A guy with a heart like yours and great connection to God will do great things! Im sure of it :)

    No tat! Awww :( lol ;) lol since we last talked I've actually gotten....3 piercings (2 lip, and one tongue) hahaha I bet your going "ewww" right now ;) But I took out 2. So now Im left with one hoop in the corner of my lip :)
    Thanks for the encouraging words :) they really help. My family is actually moving further up north and we'll be in a place where I am closer to a church, so I might start attending church again! :) That will probably help me a lot in life. (Well..Im HOPING it does) :P

    You went to Ireland again! oohh Im jealous ;) You are lucky to be able to go visit your homeland so often, a lot of people dont get that opportunity. And as for the accent, I think you should keep it ;) Everyone loves accents :)
    Funny thing though...I was actually planning on moving to either Scotland or Ireland for a year after I graduated (I looked for apartments and everything too) but plans got changed and I have to wait until next year. Do you recommend any certain places?
    Hahah! Sorry this is so long.

    p.s- :P silly boy of course I want to talk. Msn preferably for now though,

    its great blessing Erik,im encouraged so much of your website,praying for you school and hope someday you can visit the philippines and teach us the word of God
  • kathleen aldea

    One Step At A Time

    One step at a time is the best way to go
    When going through life and traveling in the direction of your dreams
    The best way to get ahead is the simpliest way:
    Take one step at a time
    Don’t look over your shoulder
    If you do, you’ll feel the weight of all your yesterdays upon you
    And don’t worry about what lies ahead
    By the time you get to the bend in the road or the crest of the hill
    You’re going to be better and stronger than you ever were before
    Just go one step at a time
    One day at a time
    And you’ll find a rich, thankful life you never thought you could afford….

    Erik my heart full of joy upon know what God is doing in your area,thats what God wants,that his original entent to influence the earth.
    God make us to have dominion.
    hope someday you can vsiit us and minister to our church and pastors.
    heres my personal email
    hope you can type your email address

    Kingship was God’s original intent – and He hasn’t changed His mind. From the moment Adam lost his kingship and was expelled from the Garden of Eden God has been working all things after the counsel of His will – to restore this world and everything in it back to Himself.

    Luke records God’s plan in Acts 3:19-21: “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: Who the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.”

    Restoration is the act of restoring to the rightful owner something that has been taken away, lost or stolen. The word “restitution” in this Scripture comes from the Greek word apokatastasis, meaning “to return this Earth back to its perfect state before the fall.” God has been working to restore the Earth to its perfect state and to restore man’s kingship for thousands of years.
    We must enfluence the earth through heavens.