

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
house wife
I'm here to...
get stronger in the Lord
Learning, growing, helping others, yet not forgetting that I too need help.
I'm passionate about...
life in general
My story with God
I went to church off and on for many years..more off than on. Then when I was 37 I knew I needed help that only Jesus could give me. After He came into my life I told others about the Lord, especially my family.
Other stuff about me:
I like everything about being near a river or lake, from fishing to just looking at the water and the reflections that can be seen there.
I love taking pictures of sunsets too.

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  • diana

    thank you so much darlene,i really could use that to my mange piont,i will try it out.
    my feelings for my mom go way back and they still hurt,and wondering why i couldnt move forward.it all started when i was 12yrs of age,so i have alot of built up feelings to write down.once again you are a god send to me my friend.
  • diana

    i have a question for u?ive look it up,but dont understand-----------what is the ezekial warning?why does he tells us this?.
  • Charlene

  • diana

    hi there,im here hoping u will help me withthis{ezekiel33:2-7}.hope your day went well for you.
  • diana

    thank you darlene i know your right.
  • Darlene

  • diana

    im doing good,and well.yes,that from the old testament,and im not familure in that either.im trying to understand the new testament.
    glad o hear your doing good.miss talking to u.
  • Charlene

  • diana

    hello darlene,sorry to hear your not feeling well,ill keep u in my prayers.im trying with the steps there very hard right now i slip up on my birthday which was dec.9,and im not very happy with myself right now.the more i try to do my best,it just seems like im falling more amd more.please keep me in your prayers.all my love diana
  • diana

    darlene,yes ill try to keep it simlpe,and we both will help each other.god bless you for bringing you into my life.im feeling better.
  • diana

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

    hope you have wonderfull holiday
  • diana

    thank you so for the words you given me,they are so meaningfull to me,right from the heart,that where you bring inspiritation to me and i put it in my heart and my journal.you are a wonderfull friend to me.i pray that this will bring you such joy,love diana
  • Darlene

  • kathleen aldea

    "My Grace Is Sufficient For You"
    Proclaim the power of God,
    whose majesty is over Israel,
    whose power is in the skies.
    You are awesome, O God, in your sanctuary;
    the God of Israel gives power and
    strength to his people.
    Praise be to God! --Psalm 68:34,35

    In that day shall the LORD defend
    the inhabitants of Jerusalem;
    and he that is feeble among them
    at that day shall be as David;
    and the house of David shall be as God,
    as the angel of the LORD before them. --Zech12:8

    For all things are for your sakes, so that the grace which is spreading to more and more people may cause the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God. --2 Cor.4:15

    They will see the glory of the LORD, The majesty of our God. Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble. Say to those with anxious heart, "Take courage, fear not. Behold, your God will come with vengeance; The recompense of God will come, But He will save you." ---Isaiah 35:3,4

    We need a Savior because we are sinners,
    and the wages of sin is death...
    Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift:
    Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God
    is the object of our faith;
    the only faith that saves is faith in Him.

    Christian Comments

  • Darlene

    I wonder if this will work like the one I left on your page.

    MySpace Graphics
  • God'sgirl24

    Hi Darlene1 I am glad you found me on here! have a beautiful day1
  • God'sgirl24

  • Darlene

    I'm not sure what this will do but here goes...
  • Darlene

    It worked!! As you can see I like Sarah Palin!
  • Barbara

    hello Darlene to tell you the trutth i dont know how i found you lol. im saying must be the LOrds doing.... I live in Moline illinois a little ways from you but not that far.. God bless.. Love Barbara
  • Darlene

    By faith through desperation,
    many find the way.
    The peace He brings is wonderful
    Accept it it's yours,
    accept Him, He'll stay.

    If you think you can make it on your own,
    try if you must.
    He will be near to light the way
    if in Him you'll trust.

    His arms outstretched,
    His shoulder ready,
    for a weary head.
    An absolute truth to know,
    nothing more to dread.

    I wrote this shortly after Jesus came into my life. That was in January of 1974
  • Mima

    Hey Darlene.
    Sometimes my faith isn't where it should be. My husband has Alzheimers and I get stressed a lot, instead of let go let God, I get angry within , which doesn't do anyone any good. Specially my precious grandson , who I take care of while my daughter is at work, they don't need a anxious granma..
    I am forever searching for that Faith that stay forever , no matter what.
  • Mima

    Thanks Darlene. I will remember that when I " forget". I know that God has taken me through so much already and he will continue to do so.
    Thanks for the reminder !
    Love , Mima
  • Barbara

    wow Darlene are u sure we arent twins lol... we are sisters after all tho .... we have alot in common.... God bless you friend.. Love Barbara
  • Darlene

  • Darlene

  • kathleen aldea

    ( PSALM 136:1 *NIV )

    When we count all of our blessings we start to realize
    how wonderful our Heavenly Father has been to us. For He not
    only helps us in time of need, He blesses us abundantly as well.

    Therefore we should; GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD, CALL

    Further, why not start each day by counting your many
    blessings, and sharing with others what God has done for you.
    For King David did, for he wrote; I WILL GIVE YOU THANKS IN
    WILL PRAISE YOU. ( PSALM 35:18 )

    Be thankful for all that God has done for you, and
    thank Him in your prayers! For then He will smile down on you,
    like a proud Father would on an obedient child!

    Now please know that: I THANK MY GOD EVERY TIME I
    ( PHILIPPIANS 1:3-4 )

  • Dr. Cheryl Durham

    Hi Darlene,

    I have two people interested in a group right now...makes three of us. What are good times and days for you and what time zone do you live in?
  • Dr. Cheryl Durham

    hey darlene,

    give me another email address where I can contact you...for the teleconference
  • Louisa

    Hello Darlene,
    Thanx 4 leaving me a message...it's so nice when people write back, it gives a feeling of belonging. I must admitt i'm very imature as a christian. I don't read much at all...so i find it really hard to pick up the bible, but i also know that this is where knowledge will come from, so it's all a bit slow, but i wouldn't really like it any other way...u can't rush the Lords book.
    Yes i love music...my daughter has recorded a few songs... i could mail a couple 2 u if i had ur personal e-mail.....tell me what u think of them. Any way, thank you once again ,take care have a good week...God bless you
    Love Louisa
  • Dr. Cheryl Durham

    my email is chaplydia@livingtruth.us if you email me, no one will get your email
  • kathleen aldea

  • Yoel charan

    Hello sister Darlene, Thankyou so much for your comment. God bless you. yoel charan
    zwani.com myspace graphic comments
    Graphics for Christian Comments
  • Louisa

    Hello Darleane...how r u?
    I can't seem to send any music to u it doesn't want to work not sure if i have ur correct e-mail but iv'e tried several times.
    Anyway i hope u are well. Take care...God bless you.
  • Darlene

  • Charlene

  • Charlene

    aw man i am so sorry you arent feeling well and i am moved to pray for you right now:)

    Father God please touch sister darlene, Father, touch her in her most innermost places and remove from her whatever is ailing her Father, touch her with your perfect healing and shower her in your reviving rain, let her not see another week in sickness Father, magnify your Glory among us Father that she may know YOU healed her and that we may rejoice in your mighty power and strength, in Jesus name Amen!!!

    I love you mrs. darlene and i am gonna keep praying until you tell me you feel better :) God bless you!!
  • Charlene

    You GOT them, I kno everything is gonna work out!!We wont let physical appearances hinder the fact that we know by Jesus's stripes you will be healed!!Just hang in there and remember there is much power in words, make sure you words always match up with our faith!!I love you and make sure to keep me updated
  • Charlene

    Hey darlene my love, just wanted to tell you i love you and Amen to what you wrote about seeing your dad again, He and Jesus will be a big part of your welcoming commitee, I cant wait to see my dad again also, He never got a chance to see his grandbabies and I cant wait to ask him, about his time in heaven with them before they came!! He passed away 5 days before my first born, so i kno that they got a chance to spend a portion of eternity togther!!!
  • Debby Hadley Estrada

    Here is a beautiful song. Enjoy and God bless...

  • Debby Hadley Estrada

    BTW, I love your photos. And I love being outside under the stars. I'm from Indiana originally and miss it sometimes, especially in the Fall.
  • journeyman

    Hey Darlene how are you? Would you mind if I got in the line right next to you to hug John!. I pray that you are well Dear sister. I am doing very well. My life is so blessed by God. There is just something about sunsets isn't there? I Love them too. Oh, yeah lakes,rivers ponds too. Thanks you for sharing your hug space with me.
    Your friend and Brother in Christ,
  • Darlene

  • felixpadua

    that's a nice picture at the entrance of a cave. how are you and how's america now? i am felix from far away philippines.
  • Darlene

    I like this. I hope it works!
  • Charlene

    Excellent!!How have you been feeling in the mean time, hopefully much better and not run down from all this running around! Keeping putting all your hope and trust in the Lord and He sill continue to make the impossible possible, Our God is mighty to save and He loves us so much, I love you sister and I am going to continue lifting you up to the Lord!!
  • felixpadua

    nice youtube song, i am a born again american.
  • felixpadua

    hello, i just found now that you love pictures of sunsets. sunsets are beautiful here in the philippines. hope you can come here and watch our sunsets.
  • diana

    hello darlene,
    sorry it took me so long to write,ive also been in bed sick with flu,and my chrohns are actung up very badly.i thank you for the verse its help me alot,since i dont fully understand the verse,but i kinda have an idea.my grandbabies both been sick with flu also,i think thaqt where i got from.
    im seeing someone for the domestic volience that i was in,it help a little but god helps me alot,im also taking a bible course,me and aniontedone are doing st .john together,where learning from each other.
    god has blessed me with so many friends here that care about me,i just want to say thank you form being my friend and i love you all very much.god bless you.
  • felixpadua

    everytime i see members online, i go visit their pages and read, listen to their music and enjoy their pictures. then i memorize one little bit about each of them and when i saw them online again, i remember these little bits.