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I'm here to...
know more about god
cooking different kids of culinary, baking, listening to music, gardening
I'm passionate about...
clothes, perfume bags and shoes

Comment Wall:

  • louiselane

  • louiselane

    find and share recovery images at anonymousspace.com
  • louiselane

    find and share recovery images at anonymousspace.com
  • louiselane

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Louiselane!
    Welcome! I love what you have done to your page already! I love all the scripture and beautiful graphics you have added. You are very creative. Im an artist for Christ and you would think that my page would be really awesome, but check it out. Its not all that great. But anyway, Im excited to have you! Cant wait to get to know you!!

    This is Paige, another moderator here on TheNet, and Im very blessed to have you join our community of believers, as we grow in the love and wisdom of our Lord . Its soo neat to meet new friends here from all around the world . You will find TheNet a safe place to get to know other believers and share your love and life in Christ. I really like it here because its a great online source of Christian information,and fellowship. When I find it hard to get out of the house or hard to get to church, I get online and get "filled" with His word and all the other believers and thier prayers. Its soo good to know that when Im hurting there are others that are too and in need of the same love and support I do from the Lord. Praise God for His work on the Cross!!! We are all one body now and can work together to heal and help other members.
    Also, Id like to invite you to come over and visit us in the Womens Group where women from all ages and all walks of life come to encourage and be encouraged to help, and be helped, to share thier wisdom with other women , and get prayer that we all need as women to continue in our faith and the path God has set before us all.
    I hope to "see" you often and I would love to get to know you more as we walk this faith. Im your friend, and if I can help or answer any questions for you, Im here.
    God Bless you, Louislane!I cant wait to get to know you more.
    Network Moderator

  • Paige Robertson

    hello again!
    I see that you are in to clothes,perfume,bags and shoes! That is great! I have soo many bags, and purses, and soo many shoes that it drives my husband nuts!!! I am a bargain shopper, so whenever I go to a thrift store, or a 2nd hand store, I always run into alot of name brand clothing for next to nothing!! It is awesome!! I wont pay top dollar for clothes at all. But anyway,as far as gardening, you are going to have to teach me a few things about that. I cant grow anything!!! Im awful! Well, anyway, I have to run, but Im blessed to meet you and if I can help in any way, let me know!!
  • kathleen aldea

    enjoy this video my friend..this is the reason why we are here doing ministry ...for WE ARE THE REASON.....

    God bless u....
  • AAG Netguy


    Hello, this is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Thank you so much for joining our network. I hope you enjoy your time here.

    I want you to know I left you a message. You can find your messages in your Inbox. Just go to the top right corner of this page and under your name you will see an envelope icon. Click that icon and you will see all your messages.

    Once again, welcome to TheNET and have a great day in the Lord Jesus.
  • Nienie

    Welcome Louiselane
    Hmm see you are passionate about what we all love hey!!!
    Glad you joined our wonderful internet family, sharing the love of Christ, learning and growing in your spiritual life.And as a bonus making wonderful friends.

    May you experience a wonderful fellowship and growth with all the others by joining in the groups and forums and share the love of Christ.
    Blessings Nienie
  • Paige Robertson

    find and share recovery images at anonymousspace.com
    Hello sweetie!!! THANK YOU for all the sweet messages! You are very thoughtful! What a blessing! I am glad I heard back from you. I was wondering how you liked it here so far? It is an amazing place. I know that there are other Christian sites, but I dont even waste my time to check them out. Im perfectly fine where I am and this is my family. I have been here a long time and I dont see the point in getting involved in a bunch of other groups. I hope you find it to be a blessing to you. You will meet alot of great loving, and encouraging people here. I guarantee it!!, So, buy any shoes,or bags lately?? I havent because my husband wouyld have a COW!!! Our closet is FULL of all my stuff and he has a little space in the corner of the closet that is hard to get to through all my crap! It is funny. He gets soo frustrated with me and complains that I have way too many shoes, bags, and etc. Oh well, what is a woman to do?? You need a bag for every occasion you know!!! same with the shoes. You just cant have a couple pairs of shoes to go with everything. and you need the shoes, and the bag to match!!! Gee, dont guys get it?? Hee Hee, anyway, thanks again for the lovely message. I am your friend if you need anything Im here!!! Ok, sis!!!
  • AAG Netguy

    Thank you for the beautiful pictures. Hope all is well for you today! :-)
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Myspace Comments
    Christian Myspace Comments

    Upload Pictures Free
    Hello sister!! How are you doing? I hope you are doing good and finding a good pair of shoes for yourself. Well, while you are at it, pick me up some too. I need some really cute boots for the winter. Make SURE they are NAMEBRAND because I dont wear the cheap stuff... No way! (just kidding) But really you are always welcome to send a purse or two inthe mail to me if oyu REALLY want. That is ok. X mas is coming up, so why not??? Arent I your buddy???
    Love you!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello friend!
    How are you feeling? How is your walk with God been? Mine has been a little rocky just because there has been soo many wierd things happen to me in various areas of my life. One thing after another. I do believe the enemy is working overtime to destroy the body of Christ everywhere. Agree? Even the friends here are really going thru a rough time too! I see some light at the end of the tunnel now, but it is sometimes hard to be patient in the midst of the storm. So, just let me know how you are and if I can pray for you about anything.
    U r loved and blessed,
  • Paige Robertson

    zwani.com myspace graphic comments
    Myspace Christian Comments & Graphics
    Hey girl!!
    How are you doing? I havent seen you online that much. What is going on in your life,sweetie?? I think of you alot and wonder what is up. There isnt much going on here. I have been sick off and on, and so have the kids. I have a art boutique that I need to prepare for. Lots of drawing matting, and framing to do before 2 weeks. I also have some other painting projects to do as well as other things at church and all the other really fun stuff like laundry and dishes. You know, the usual. But anyway, now that I have bored you to death with my life, how is yours? Any new clothes,perfume or handbags?? Take good care of you and bask in the love that God has for you too.
  • kathleen aldea

    ( PSALM 136:1 *NIV )

    When we count all of our blessings we start to realize
    how wonderful our Heavenly Father has been to us. For He not
    only helps us in time of need, He blesses us abundantly as well.

    Therefore we should; GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD, CALL

    Further, why not start each day by counting your many
    blessings, and sharing with others what God has done for you.
    For King David did, for he wrote; I WILL GIVE YOU THANKS IN
    WILL PRAISE YOU. ( PSALM 35:18 )

    Be thankful for all that God has done for you, and
    thank Him in your prayers! For then He will smile down on you,
    like a proud Father would on an obedient child!

    Now please know that: I THANK MY GOD EVERY TIME I
    ( PHILIPPIANS 1:3-4 )

  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

    Hello my friend!
    It has been a while. How are you?
    How was your Christmas? My Christmas wasnt the best, but it wasnt the worst. I didnt get to see my mom and the rest of the family which was very different. I have spent all my life,35 years, in that home. I lived there for 27 years, but I went back every year for Christmas. Now the house is up for sale because my mom bought a new one. Im having a hard time with the change, but there is nothing I can do about it but to move on. My kids had a great Christmas so that is all that matters. How are things with you? Staying healthy? I have got sick soo much that it is driving me nuts. and when Im sick, the kids get sick or visa versa. The weather is nice now. We had some terrible snowstorms for a while. Alot of people didnt dare go out on the roads. I felt like a prisoner in my own home because I couldnt get out of the driveway. What is it like out there? I sure hope that you had a good holiday season and that you and your family are blessed throughout the year! God Bless!! Keep in touch, ok?