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my family and about getting cloder to god

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  • Paige Robertson

    Sorry that I havent been around. I have been soo occupied with the holidays that it is ridiculous! I am soo sorry. You have been on my heart and mind always. I hope you had a great Christmas. You will have to tell me all about it. Mine was ok. I kinda had a hard time because of some family "issues" but I tried with all my might to keep on keepin on daily with God and not getting too down and discouraged. There has been way too many changes in my life and it is hard to bare sometimes. You know what I mean? As a child I wondered why people sometimes had such a hard time during the Christmas season. But I was young and full of excitement because Santa was coming. But I also liked all the lights, the music and all the fun things to do. Now as an adult I now see why people have a hard time and it is so sad. I never thought Id experience a hard Christmas, but this Christmas was one. It is ok, I made it and looking forward to more healing and a new year to be walking with God. I hope you are doing good and not feeling too down. How are the kids? I hope you all have a blessed Christmas and a happy,prosperous new year. You deserve it!! Keep up the faith my friend, You are loved by me and the Lord. I will keep in better touch with you, I promise. I love you!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Chase and I. December 2008
  • Paige Robertson

    Chases birthday, December 18th, 2008 He is 4!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again TAMMY,
    I just got your message. Thank you for getting back to me. I cant wait to hear from you, but tomorrow I will be out for most of the day, so why dont you try Saturday? I hope you had a great New Years eve and a awesome new years day. We just had some family over for dinner and it was alot of fun. Talk to you later.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my friend,
    Did you call this last weekend? If you did, Im sorry that I missed your call. Please leave a message when you call me ok? My life is always a little too nuts so always leave a message. I have a cell phone number too, but I dont use it when Im home. Anyway, I hope you are doing well soo far this year. Another year to trust in and rely in the Lord. Im reading a really good book/workbook called Breaking Free, by"Beth Moore. You should get it. I have hd it 5 years now and every so often I go back to it to get a refresher course. I know that this book will bless your heart. I wish I had money to send it to you, but I dont and it sucks. What is your home address? I can at least send you letters. I love to take a break from email and mail letters.
    I read a great statement today, and it said: "Never will He hold your hand more tightly than when Hes leading you through the dark." another is this,:"Every day can bring trouble, but every day we have a blessed Trouble Shooter". Cool, huh?
    Take care today and remember that I love you and you are never alone. I need prayer for strength and feelings of rejection. It haunts me. Thank you
  • Paige Robertson

    SmileyCentral.comPRAISE GOD!!
    Hello sweets!
    R u ok? I have been thinking about you 24/7 and hoping that you are good. I pray that the Lord will uphold you in any trial or tribulation that you are going through. That He will pour His power and anointing over you so that you can accomplish things that you never thought you could ever do! I love you girl. Let me know when you want to IM or call me, OK???
    Have a blessed day in the Lord!!
  • Paige Robertson


    Hello again Tammy,
    Thank you for the message.
    Hmmm I dont really know what your daughter is in to. I cant imagine that she believes that one shouldnt worship on Sundays. Im trying to think what religion that is. Hmm, well, I know that mormons(which are prominent her ein Utah) do not get up,dance sing,or lift thier hands up to the Lord while they worship. That is considered disrespectful in "Gods house". I had one mormon cousin of mine get up and leave during my sons dedication because she said that the loud music was scaring off the holy spirit. Kind of ridiculous,right? I figure that as long as it is glorifying God, any music is fine. Well, I wish I could tell you what she is thinking. IM at a loss for words... Anyway, I am sorry that this is happening. What a thorn in your side,right? Well, keep up in your faith. Maybe she just needs to figure the truth out herself? Ponder that.
    Anyway, I love you too, and take good care of you!!! God Bless you!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my friend,
    Just checking in. I hope you are having a great day. I miss you.
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

    Ok, stranger!!! I miss you. I hope to hear from you soon. I pray that you are ok and that the Lord is blessing you in any trial that you are having to ehdure. He is faithful and will never leave you nor forsake you. Even if it feels like He isnt around, He is. Its just that we are carnal and of the flesh. We do not think like God thinks and our feelings cannot be trusted. He is there and He is patiently by your side every step of the way on your journey with Him. Stay in His word, and prayer continually. Even if you are driving the car,taking a shower, or whatever. Think about the promises of God and the way He sees you not the way you see you. I have to really work on this too. I have trouble with insecurity and doubt so having to transform my mind has been a real tough one. Anyway, I dont really know what u r going thorugh, but just so you know, I care and I want to be a close friend. Please keep in touch. God Bless you!!
  • Paige Robertson

    hello stranger,
    How are you doing? I am really dying to hear from you. How is your daughter doing? Still lovin it? How are you handling things? Well, I had a couple really rough days but Im better now. Not totally better, but better. So, anyway, please keep in touch. You know my number too. You can also IM me @ paige_art@hotmail.com. Id love to chat with you.
    God Bless,
  • Paige Robertson


    Hello dear friend!
    Good to hear from you. I was wondering how you were. I was beginning to think that something was wrong. That maybe you were upset at me or disapointed at me because I didnt really call you back or anything. I was soo overwhelmed and I apologize. Holidays are just unfortunatkley crazy.
    But, you will have to remind me what your daughter is into. I knoe you were telling me about what she was saying, but I cant remember what you found out that she is into. Im sorry. I drew a major blank.
    So, did you move or just change your number?
    My phone is 8015445778. Ok? God Bless you. Ill be out this evening to a home fellowship group so tonight isnt a good time to call. Talk to you later?? God Bless you!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Tammy
    How are you??
    I thank you for the message. Im sorry about the depression you are feeling. I am kind of feeling the same way today. I cant pinpoint why, but it is there. I wish I new exactly what it was, then I could deal with it. But only one thing at a time. I have a million things buzzing around in my brain and sometimes I feel as if I cant stop them.. It sucks. So, I know. Im here for you and will gove you any advice you need to pull through this. I may be depressed now, but Im a ton better than I was!! I was a mess. I was hospitalized at least 6 times due to suicide attempt, and weakness,dehydration due to the bulimia. Isnt that special. You have a better chance than I did. I wasnt saved. Nor did I want anything to do with God. But miracles happen! I was saved, any one can be saved. I can tell that you really are trying in the midst of all the chaos and frustration goin on around you. I bet you feel like you want to run away. Well, I know that you know that wont help, but I do understand the temptation to. If I wasnt saved, Id say to heck with you, Im leaving the man. But now, there is a way, and God is big enough to handle this situation. Is he saved? I cant rememeber. Mine isnt, but that is alright. I cant make him. All I can do is do the best I can and try to keep my faith in Him to do His will and share His love. Sometimes it is hard with all that is going on, but I know we can do it!! Praise God for His word. We have a way to get help. We have a way to the truth and the life!! You and I now have the tools and the faith we need to get us through this. Just think if we didnt have the Lord!!Oh, man!!! Id be dead. YOu are in my thoughts alot even though i am bad at getting back to people sometimes. I just get all wrapped up in my own little life that I fail to really focus on those I care about. I care about you. Please chat with me sometime. My Instant messaging email, is paige_art@hotmail.com. Love to chat with you.
  • Paige Robertson

    I love you sister!! Stay in Him!! Im there for you too!