

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Trinidad and Tobago
I'm here to...
fulfill God's will
My interests are focused on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Church - the Body of Christ, loving God's people, the salvation of souls everywhere, and ministering to the needy and the poor.
I'm passionate about...
I am passionate in sharing the mission and anointing of Christ in His Body on earth as He declared in Luke 4:18-19: "The Spirit of the Lord is on Me; because of this He has anointed Me to proclaim the Gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim deliverance to the captives, and new sight to the blind, to set at liberty those having been crushed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."
My story with God
From a sinner dead in sin and trespasses in rebellion against God, I was born again of the Spirit of God to be an offspring or son of God, and a member of the Body of Christ. Therein, the Lord called me and ordained me according to His own will and by His grace to be a minister of the new covenant of grace and the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

The rest of the story of my life is guided by this Scripture passage in 2 Corinthians 3:4-6: "And we have such trust through Christ toward God, not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God; who also has made us able ministers of the new covenant; not of the letter, but of the spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit makes alive."
Other stuff about me:
I want to be a blessing to you through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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  • Tina

    Thank you Poemia for your kindness. May God bless you.
  • Rev. [Mrs] O. Olusoga-Bayomi

    Thanks brother, you are blessed and highly favored. I do accept, God bless
  • Tina

    Thank you Poemia, I appreciate your friendship.
  • Rev. [Mrs] O. Olusoga-Bayomi

    Thanks brother, i am obliged.
  • lynne samuel

    bless you my brother thank you so much lots of love lynne
  • Jess

    Thank you so much PoemiaDei and may God bless you in all that you u do!! It is such a wonderful thing that our Father in Heaven is working through those like you. I hope to one day be able to have the knowledge in the Lord that you do and to be able to pass it on to others that hunger for that close relationship with our Heavenly Father above.

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

  • sam

    poemiadei, I couldn't have put it any better than Jesse has. I give thanks and praise to the Lord for all those stepping in gap for those in need. Thank you for your prayers and encouragment in my times of need. may God blees you richly.
  • jacqueline

  • jacqueline

    thank you with all my heart for your prays , i can tell you how much it means to me , may God bless you with more than you can ask or think in jesus name amen ... blessings jacqueline
  • lynne samuel

    thank you my brother bless you lots of love lynne
  • Pastor Bob B

    Dear Brother,
    When I am feeling distant from the Lord, I realize that God hasn't move, but it is I have who have distanced myself from the Lord. That though speaks to me so much, and lets me know that God is a very present help for us even when we make many mistakes. Adam and Eve hid from God because of their sin.
    why did they do that?

    They knew God and had a wonderful time of fellowship each day in the garden. But here they are hiding from their friend and creator.

    Sin always puts a barrier between God and ourselves. May we all get this truth planted deep in our hearts and minds.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Gail Sims

    H i PoemiaDei, I know exactly how you feel, Like you are so alone. But, yes you are right. The good Lord never leaves us. He is always with us. Like that poem Footprint I know you've read. it. About where theirs only one set of
    footprints in the sand. Because I was carrying you. I love that poem. I can't recite it word for word. but I have it hanging on my bedroom wall. But it is a beautiful poem.If you've never read it let me know and I will email it to you. Love Gail
  • Rev. [Mrs] O. Olusoga-Bayomi

    Thanks brother, I accept you offer to join your group.
  • Theresa

    God bless you PoemiaDei and I really thank God for you, I love this song on your page, Dearest brother you are, I want to encourage us to start our day with this worship song that i sing anytime I am down( this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it) it really works, one day I was not doing so well with different areas and all the sudden I started praising God for this is the day He has made and all my troubles disappeared. I appreciate you brother and thank you for your friendship.
  • jacqueline

  • Theresa

    Brother PoemiaDei, I listened to Tameka Walker, her story should be heard by all, what an Awesome God we have. God is able to perform a miracle for her but if she dies or already died, we know she is with the best person, the one that will never hurt her and only want the best for her .

    Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz

    Thank you dearest brother
    Your comment is so welcome... God bless you and your loved ones... We all need to know that "humility" is so necessary...

    Your Friend
    Ramona P.
  • Theresa

    This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice in it. I am so glad and thank God for a friend like you. Be blessed always.
  • Ruby

    Thanks for the welcome to the group. Wow, a misionary in a foreign land. I admire your work. I don't know that I have the courage to go so far. I pray that you reach many.
  • jacqueline

  • jacqueline

    i really like your song called a friend like you it is a blessings ...
  • Ms. Tyras Humphrey

    Thank you for you getting back to me thanks for keeping me up in your prayers brother in christ i am going through something rite now i know god only can fix it no matter what i will not fall in the midst of my storm in jsus name amen.
  • Brian

    Hello brother. I see on your page that you are a missionary. How did you know that you were to do missionary work and for how long have you done missionary work? I am still trying to find my way and build my faith. That is why I joined this sight so I can learn more and to share with others. Where I work I have two other people that we share the Gospel with by listening to the Audio Bible and I pray that we can reach others that we work with. In short if you any advice for me on how to reach people with the Gospel I would really appriciate it.

    Thank You

  • Pastor Bob B

    Dear Brother I have to say I am very impressed by the way you have led the Grace group. Your devotion to lead others to understand this important truth is commendable. You are also teaching us all how to administer a group in a much effective way. I love how you leave a note before you bring forth another aspect of grace. Thanks for sharing your gifts and wisdom with us.

    In the love of Jesus

  • Brian

    Thank you for your encouragement as of now I think this is where I'm supposed to be. I pray daily to know GOD's will in my life and most importantly to DO HIS will. I know I have so much to learn and am looking forward to learning and sharing his love with others. I do hope the little group I fellowship with at work grows and with GOD's help it will. There is one man I would love to reach. He is an engineer from China who has stated that he has no need or interest in religion however we play the Bible at work and when he is with us he has no other option than to listen. He has asked a couple of questions and I am slowly sharing with him the Gospel. I pray some day the Lord will open his heart and he will accept Christ as his personal savior along with some of my other co-workers Thank you again for your encouragement and if you have any suggestions to help me please send them
  • Rose

    Thank You so very much.
  • Judy

    Thank you for your warm welcome, Poemia. Wonderful song playing in the background. I would like to find some Christian music on this site. Can you help me with that?
    I appreciate you praying for me.
  • Lyn

    Thank you very much.....I feel so blessed...I thank God for you..
  • Brian

    Hello, thank you today has been a good day, thanks for keeping me in your prayers and I will keep you in mine. I think a new opportunity to witness to a long time friend that I work with has come. Sheri and I were listening to Revelation today when my friend John came into our room to work on one of the machines and she asked John if he minded listen to this and the next thing you know we had a good conversation with him. I've known John for 15 years and he never expressed anything about God before. I'm hoping for some more opportunities to talk with him and hopefully he will be called to give his life to Christ. I will pray for him and hopefully the Lord will open John's heart to him. All I can do is share the love of Christ with him, it's the Lord that does the rest. I hope I will have some good news to share with you about my co-workers. Other than that Matt, Sheri and I will continue to fellowship and listen and learn and keep encouraging each other in our walk with the Lord.

    Thank you again for you encouragement

  • Judy

    Thank you for that info, Poemia
  • Alet

    Good day dear PoemiaDei. Just a note to say I trust you are well in the Lord. Have a good day, may He bless you abundantly today. I am strong in the Lord, not through my own doing, but by the grace of God. Keep well. Love, in Jesus. Alet.
  • Alet

    I am so grateful that God puts His love in us, for us to forward to others! I have such a sense of being IN God today. The best way I can describe it, is as if I am a physical part of His fibre, and that my ever thought and deed, has a direct influence on Him, because we are one. And yet, I am just a humble human being, with flaws and weaknesses. How great our Creator, to entrust Himself in us, while He has given us a free will to obey Him or not to. Oh, I praise His Holy Name!!! Amen. Have a good day my friend.
  • Theresa

    God bless you!!!
  • jacqueline

    blessing to you , thank ya for ya prays

  • Pastor Bob B

    Thank you for the prophetic word as i see it that you sent me. I received a message yesterday that went right along with this. I am so blessed to know men of God like you dear brother.

    May the blessing of God over take you, and may you and your family, plus your ministry enjoy the blessing of the Lord each and every day as you serve Him.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Alet

    Thank you dear brother in Christ. I know what you said is true, I am convinced of that by the Spirit. I also thank the Lord for bringing me in touch with you, and all the other dear people on this community network. I do not spend much time on here yet, hope to do so in the near future. It means a lot for to me that you are praying for me. And yes, I do pray for you, the Spirit prompts me when to pray and who to pray for. You are doing a great work for God, and He blesses you abundantly. Thank you for your friendship. In the love of Jesus, Alet.
  • faye

    hello, thank you for your welcome and prayers,faye
  • Laban Boaz Nzaganya

    Thank you my brother for your prayer and wise words real your word uprifting me.Stay praying for me coz am still finding college for my further studies.Keep in your prayers in order God to open the door of finance and the door of getting the qualified college for my studies.Shortly I trust God is going to make a way for me.
    More thanks brother I realise now is God make this to be friends between me and you.
    With more blessings from the Almighty God.
    Love you brother !
  • Sunshine

    Thank you for your friendship and invite. The application form corrected it's self and I am in here. praise the Lord!

    The Father is so good.
  • Sunshine

    Good Morning,
    Glad to be here. I see some fimilar faces here that have joined perhaps before me. I am for now just reading what people have written in posts. Plus
    have listen to some music. So slowly I am getting myself around.

    Love in Christ
  • AAG Netguy

    Thanks for adding me as a friend, brother. Have a wonderful day in Jesus' name!

  • jacqueline

    bless you for caring about me and praying for me and my children

  • Theresa

    God bless you PoemiaDei, God put you on my heart now, I praise Him and thank Him for you, I just want to tell you: Jesus loves YOU so so much, He is closer to you more than He has ever been. Be blessed always!
  • Ms.Sharanda

    Hallelujah, thank you Jesus. Amen.
  • Brian

    Hello my friend, today was a great day for our little group. Today a co-worker of ours Kelly was in our room while we (Matt, Sheri and I) were talking about how the Lord has been working in our lives when Sheri asked Kelly if she had any questions for me. Which she did have a few and we shared the Gospel with her. I cannot say she gave her life to Christ but she did listen intently on what we were say and I can only pray that Lord touches her heart. Now for some Kelly background, first if you meet her you instantly like her a very personal person. She is a twice divored mother of two who is a Swinger and is quite happy doing what she is doing, however as we know the Lord moves in mysterious ways and for some reason the three of us have a feeling in time the seed can grow in her. I will pray for her and keep you posted. Now for you teachings on Grace I think you are doing a fantastic job!!!! I am learning alot and will share what you are teaching to Matt and Sheri.
    Thank you again my brother and may the Lord continue to Bless you!!!

    January 29

    Exodus 4

    Aaron is appointed to help Moses.


    God does not need any one of us. He wants us and He would like to use us, but God does not need us. Take away one person, and the work of God is not diminished -- it goes on.

    When God calls us to a ministry, it is for our benefit. If we are unwilling or impure, He can get the work done through someone else. We must realize that everything God asks of us is ultimately for our benefit -- even serving Him. Moses is a good example of that fact.
  • DEE Lighted

  • felixpadua

    hello. i am new here and i want to meet you and know more about you. i am felix from the philippines
  • Ginnybee

    Hello PoemiaDei,

    I saw that you said a prayer for me on TheNET prayer room. I want to say thank you! I am sending you a friend request ;)

    Bless you!