Ashley Smith

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Automobile Industry-Finance & Marketing
I'm here to...
Encourage, be encouraged and fellowship with people who love the Lord!
Bible Study, My 3 year old son-Dominic, learning constantly, finding a job-at the moment...
I'm passionate about...
The Lord's transforming grace and communicating that to others!

Comment Wall:

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Ashley!! Its soo good to meet you! Your name and your face totally caught my eye!!! Why? Well, I have a step daughter that is your age, has a three year old son. and you look JUST LIKE HER!!!! Plus her name is Ashley..... Ok. is this a trick?? Just kidding. She lived here in Utah. So, I go texcited there for nothing. But stilll, wow!!!
    Anyway, my name is Paige, and Im a moderator here on theNet and its always fun to meet other Christians form all over the world come join us for fellowship and to grow in the wisdom and love of our Lord. So, Im glad you are here, and i know you will be too.
    Please be sure to check out The Genesis Group for a good basic bible study and The Links For Growth where you can get helpful tips on how to grow In Christ . There are soo many groups and discussions to get involved in and respond to. You can also post your own discussions or questions to where the other members can give thier oppinion and help with. I posted a few and got a great response from members all around the world. Its soo cool.
    Also I wan tto invite you to the Womend Group where women of all ages congregate together to fellowship and recieve the encouragement that women soo desperately need now a days. No matter what stage of life you are in, you need someone there to help you, support you and pray for you. Well we are there to do that. So, come on over!!!
    Well, Ashley, Im glad to have met you, and Im sorry, you look just like my step daughter!!! Its great! I hope to get to know you a more. May God richly bless you and your precious little one. I have a 3 year old too. Love you sis
    TheNet Moderator
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again,
    I am trying to be a better wife and mother too.Since I came to Christ in 2002, i want to make a difference and break off the generational curse of addiction off and start a new generation for Christ. I have a 3 year old and a 8 month old. Doctors said I could never get pregnant, well, 2 babies later....Hmmmm.
    So anyway, we will learn how to do this together the healthy way in Christ! The womens Group always has some great discussionds for mothers, or get to know other moms here. I know a bunch and they are all older than me do they have "been there and done that". Get around those kind of Christian women, and you will be doin good!!!!!
  • Carla

    Hi Ashley,

    Greetings and Blessings! This is Carla, one of TheNET moderators here. Welcome to this wonderful family of Jesus followers! We're glad you are here. I have given you some links to help you navigate around the site, I hope you find them helpful!

    Your son is soooooo cute! He looks like my son...I'm not kidding you..go to my page and lood at my pics! I have 2 boys..4 and 8! He looks like my 4 year old!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Please let me know what questions you have. Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and continue to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord!

    God Bless! Carla/NET moderator
  • Charla

    Love the picture! Talk to you soon. When are we taking the kids to the park again? I hope that you had an awsome monday.
    Luv ya
    Charla and family
  • Bill

    welcom to our family I to am a new member.
    Blessing's and peace of the Lord to you and your family

    I welcome you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord of Host, whose powers know no limit, and his loving kindness is everlasting; who also astonishes us with his wonders and whose footsteps can never be fathomed.

    Father to the Fatherless, parents to the Orphans, husband to the widow, hope to the hopeless, to the maimed and the down-trodden

    Wonderful, councelor, the great Iam; the greatest provider the world has ever know, at his presence the world melted, at his presence the foundation of the whole Earth were discoverd.

    . What ever you want that is what he is!!!!!!!!!
  • Charla

    I am sorry, but I have to work. I may take Tori and Ashton on Friday if it is nice. Yes please pray for me it helps and I need all the help that I can get. I pray that you are having a blessed day.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Ashley!!
    How are you doing?
    I just thought Id check in with you. Remember me? I commented on how you look just like my step daughter! You two are twins! I swear! You have a clone out there!!!
    Anyway, I saw that u were on line. How do you like it here? I love it and I find it very encouraging being that Im a stay at home mom, with 2 small children,and a business dealing with art,design,illustration and murals. Its a blessing, but time is limited. This is a great place to go to meet new friends too. I see that you have a 3 year old named Dominic. That is soo cool. I have a 3 year old named Chase. Are you going to have any more children in the future?
    Well, sister, I love you and I love it that you are here with us all!!!
    Take Care sister

  • Ashley Smith

    Hi Paige,
    Thanks for touching bases! I was downloading pics today, in between cleaning, job hunting, and chasing my son and our 9 week old Yellow lab puppy! Things are crazy and I haven't even had time to finish setting up my page for this yet. I like this, but I am looking forward to a chance to browse a bit more. Things are crazy for me right you definitely can understand with two small kids and a business at home!
    I have been a working mom since my son was 10 weeks old, until January when I got laid off. I have never not had a job, so this has been a wonderful time with my son, but emotionally I have struggled with not earning money and feeling like I am being lazy. I actually have not had a chance to watch TV, or just "hang out" with friends since being laid off. My house is organzied, cleaned out of all clutter and I have had some amazing time with the Lord and in the Word. What a blessing! On the other hand, financially, barring a miracle from God, finacial disaster is looming.
    The economy is tough, jobs are scarce, and I am uncertain of God's specific plan. He may be re-routing my whole direction in life...something I want if that's where He wants me. This just wasn't my plan. Isn't that most often how He works? "My ways are not your ways and My thoughts are not your thoughts." I am praying that I will learn what it is He wants to teach me in this. I DO NOT want to miss His point and have things get any worse or have to go through this any longer than is neccessary to accomplish HIS goal for my life!
    God is so patient and compassionate, but He is not a permissive God, who lets us just "do our own thing" after we've committed to a life of total surrender to His will. We are all works in progress, but I have been particularly hard-headed. And through it all, God has been faithful when I haven't been. He has been immediately forgiven and completely restored my relationship with Him, when I have repented. He is so generous in His provision for me in His Word, giving me just what my spirit craves and more than I even knew to ask Him for! I have come to LOVE Him in a way I didn't think was possible until Heaven, when I could see Him, touch Him, hear His voice out loud. I prayed many years ago, that God would help me to love Him passionately,because I need to love like that in order to live in total surrender...I am not a naturally disciplined person. I told God that I would never be able to "walk the walk" out of sheer dedication. If I really love someone passionately, I would stand in front of a train for them without a would be instinctive. I wanted to love God like that! God has allowed my choices and circumstances in life to cause me to suffer so intensely, that when he rescued me from myself, I have been on my face, humbled--grateful and "in love" with Him, because He has loved me so intensely even when I had done nothing to deserve it! I recently realized He has answered that prayer from so many years ago, that for a long time I had forgotten I prayed. He never fails to answer prayers that are what He wants for us...even if it takes longer than we would want, it's always at the perfect time!
    Sorry for the long disertation. I'm sure you got more than you were looking to get from me...:0). I will not usually have time to share my heart...but I don't want to miss an opportunity to proclaim how awesome God has been in my life!
    To answer one of the questions you asked, I would love to have another child in the future, but my husband feels really strongly that He wants only one. I used to be bitter about that, but God has reminded me how blessed I am to just have Dominic. If it is God's plan, I pray that God will change my husband's heart. But for now, I won't even bring it up anymore. God knows the desires of my heart and He also knows what is best for my husband and for me. I will keep praying, but I will keep my mouth shut about it with my husband. :0) I am a very passionate and verbal person...I know you must be shocked...(ha, ha), and I usually say whatever is on my mind before I have had a chance to consider the consequences. God is working on that too!
    I love your son's name...Chase. It was one of the names I considered for Dominic.
    Love you sister...
    Be sure to write to me about you...we've got to keep this balanced you know! :o)
  • Theresa

    I love you Ashley! I pray God will speak to your heart at the conference this weekend. You are an awesome woman of God!! Remember to take time to just listen..He wants to tell you sooo much!! Love, Theresa
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by

    Hello Ashley!!
    Wow! I love the vidoe you have added. You are blessed to have such a beautiful boy!!! Oh, and that dog you got is sooo cute! Is he a lab or retriever? He is gorgeous!!! You and your whole family are gorgeous!! If there was a Christian Vogue magazine, you all would be on the cover!! Ha Ha!!
    My son is 3 too. When was Domonic born? Chase was born in December, right before my birthday in the worst possible snowstorm EVER!!! and what is funny is that I was too back in 1972. Yes, I am old. Im 35 and I feel 80 yrs old sometimes. Especially after painting all day. Ouch.
    Anyway, thought I would drop by again.
    Have a blessed weekend! God loves you and so do we!!
  • Theresa

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Ashley!!
    Im just checking in to say hello! I pray that all is well with you and all your lovely family! I am blessed to have you with us and to share the love of God you have with us all.
    I hope to get to know you better. Sometimes it is hard to get me because I have me 2 babies, plus Im a painter/artist so Im always out and about. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
    God Bless you and all yours
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Ashley!!!
    It has been a while since we last connected. I have been gone a while to take care of some things in my life, but now Im back and ready to roll!!! I remember you and always wonder what you are up to. I hope all is well for you and your family. I pray that the Lor dis keeping you safe,and full of joy as you walk with Him. Please keep in touch and let me know how things are going!
    God Bless you!!