
40, Female

bronx, ny

United States

Profile Information:

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united states
I'm here to...
i need fellowship to help strengthen me in my walk
music and singing...

I'm passionate about...
my kids, my mother, life, God's word and love...
My story with God
My mother tried to keep me in church, But i wanted to be a "normal teen"... I gave myself to God and then turned my back on him. I wanted to party and have fun... I still tried to keep a relationship with him, I still prayed. But ive realized that my soul needs more and so i begin my walk to righteousness...

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Other stuff about me:
I was about to persue my music career so many times and things just always seemed to get in the way or i lost my passion and motivation... I see now that it was probably because it was the wrong type of music. when i sing to edify God its so heartfelt, this gift wasnt meant to satisfy the world. It was given to me to glorify his name. Im currently working on converting my music into gospel. I've always been able to be ministered through song, its my turn..

I am sooo not perfect, nor am i trying to be... I have a lot to learn and change, im just trying to grow...

I love this skit... I encourage everyone to watch this video, i noticed that it has an effect on whoever watches it, christian or not... it touched me and it opened my eyes to the way we live and how it makes God feel and where we need to be... nevertheless whatever u may take from it, it is still a beautiful skit so enjoy!

Comment Wall:

  • Charlene

    A testament to the fact that God is guiding your footsteps...welcome :)
  • Charlene

    Loving your page sis, Hope this message finds you Blessed and extremely favored, love you call me later
  • Charlene

    goood, Praise God!! i knew you would feel at home here and how could you not surrounded by so much unconditional love, the worlds love is so conditional, they love you as long as your hair looks good, you got some stylish threads on, maybe kno the latest gossip and a whole bunch of other conditional terms, that they pick and choose at random, But the Lord, Father God, His love is unconditional, He loves us all just alike and guess what in His kingdom those who are last shall be first and those who are first shall be last, just food for thought, i love you babes, pray for me i am going thru it this afternoon, i kno its only a trick of you kno who to steal my joy but my joy is in Christ Jesus and He cant take that from me :D
  • Charlene

  • Montez Cardwell

    Hello blessed, hope you are having a blessed day, be blessed !
  • aleenah

    thank you for adding me. God bless you.

    love you in Christ
  • Pastor.K.Syam Sundar.

    Dear Beloved friend in Christ.
    Warm greetings to you in the most precious name of our lord and saviuor Jesus Christ. I am very glad to meet you by through this website. Please remember our orphan ministry in your valuable prayers. For more details Please visit our website: -

    We need your precious love and prayers and encouragements. We are continuously pray for you and for your blessed family. Convey our lovely and best wishes to your friends and to your blessed church congregation. Close with lots of love and prayers and wait for your gracious and prayerful reply.
    Thanking you.
    Your Beloved friend in Christ.
    Pastor.K.Syam Sundar.
    Blessi Orphanage Home
  • nardinerene

  • Nienie

    Hello BLessed
    Warm greetings in the Lord! This is Nienie one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.

    Here we have fellowship,grow with each other and share the love of Christ.

    Please feel free to join in with the groups and the forums and let us know if you have any questions we can help you with

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Many blessings
  • Charlene

    heyyy, Hope this message finds you extremely blessed, BLESSED lol i love you sister, and I am praying for you always!!! Did you guys make it to this sunday?
  • littlesheep88

    lol Its nice to meet ppl going through the same thing I am. It's hard to get serious about God when everyone else around me is coasting by like I used to be. I think God calls ppl aside at different times and I guess its my time. Its nice to meet you girl!
  • nardinerene

    Thank you honey, Blessed in did, and yes His countenance is upon me. I thank Him for is love daily and give Him praise. Every day I'm realizing more and more about his glory, and one day I know I will meet Him and I can say that with no doubt. Keep the peace and be BLESS, an ArisingChild of God
  • littlesheep88

    My weekend was boring, nothing reallly happened. I guess nothing is better then something bad happening though. I would usually be at a party or something, but I dont do that anymore. What happened so bad on our weekend? The devil is trying his hardest with me too but THIS TOO SHALL PASS!! lol Oh and Take 6 is a a capella vocal singing group. Im into singing in such so I reconized good harmony when I hear it..
  • littlesheep88

    I know how that goes..I dont have kids, but my sisters do and they go through the arguments and the frustration ( kind of the reason why Im waiting lol) and it drains me! Seeing what they go through is enough to make me think it over lol. But I definitely wanna have kids.. Just trust in the Lord, listen to inspirational gospel music, attend church and read the Bible. It seems to be working for me. I hope this coming weekend is better for both of us! lol Have a blessed one! (I got take 6 on my playlist too, off the hook right lol)
  • Charlene

    helllo, i see your online and i just wanted to peep in and say BOO lol, I love you and i will talk to ya manana May God bless you with beautiful dreams of increase and keep that praise music going

    Keep the fire for Christ burning!!!
  • Charlene

    awww t hank you for your comment, we are all sisters in this struggle to press onward towards the kingdom and we need to support and love eachother, the opponent is always watching for weakness and waiting to step in and claim the victory but he wont find it here, here is the VICTORY OF THE LORD!!! I love you too sis and thank you for YOU always being there for me too, you guys are truly my armor barrers and i Praise God for bringing you into my life
  • littlesheep88

    Im inspired by your attitude in the difficult time that you had. Going to court, having your windows busted, and the court ruling, guilty? Girl...I would of said a couple of things in this early stage, but Im impressed at your faith and endurance (Im around ppl that make a fuss of everything, its draining lol). I'm glad that you had a great weekend. This weekend was okay for me aswell, I went shopping lol. I didnt make it to church because I woke up late (Ooops), but I still read the Word and am definitely going to make it this week.
    Thank you for the Thankgiving Blessing I pray you do the same and eat up! I sure will lol
  • Charlene

    and Z is good, still a fever but no more throwin up and just a bit of light diarrhea, but i kno God is workin it on out of her
  • littlesheep88

    My Thanksgiving was great! I ate, ate some more and ate again! lol My mom and sisters along with myself helped cook. I'm not sure how much we had but it was gone by the next day! Then we stopped by a relative's house. I'm glad your Thanksgiving was blessed. Cookin all that in half the time is great. We was in the kitchen since 8:00am
  • Charlene

  • kathleen aldea

    the world 2
  • Charlene

  • Charlene

  • Charlene

  • empress

    hello iam yolanda iam from brooklyn I like your page!!
  • Lucas Barrows

    To you all my Family in Christ,

    I’m here to say to you all have a safe and Christ filled holidays.
    Lot of Christian Love.
    God bless.
    Lucas Barrows HPA- Hoxton Park Anglican.
  • Lucas Barrows

    Dear All,

    I Lucas Barrows fellow AAG.NETworker would love to say, God bless you all for 2009 and I pray that all of your Ministries and Missions go off well in the eyes of our Great King Jesus.

    I love you all my family in Christ
    God bless.
    Lucas Barrows HPA – Hoxton Park Anglican.

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