Daouda David

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I'm here to...
exhort and encourage many brethren in the LORD
I live for God and my only reason to live is to praise and raise a standard for the Lord.I look forward to see God be lifted in the land of the living.By His garce i am an Evangelist and a missionary,i am passionate of taking the gospel all around the globe.
I'm passionate about...
what can i say?I'm really passionate about the lost and my desire is to see the Lord lifted and that many should access the saving knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus christ.
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My story with God
Actually,i will just tell you that i was once a great sinner and He saved me.As a matter of fact i come from a typical Islamic family but at the appointed time in the prime of my life Jesus extend His love towards me and deliver me from religion to relationship with God through the Power of the Holy Ghost.
Other stuff about me:
By His grace i'm the visionaire of WATCHMAN CITADEL CHURCH a non-denominational movement aim at raising an alter of intercession for the body of Christ and for the end time revival.I believe that in this dispensation there will be an out pouring of the power of the Holy Spirit for the end time harvest,and my mission by His grace is to raise an alter of prayer and equip the saints for this awaited awesome move of GOD.Remember the Apostles were in the upper room interceeding and the Holy Ghost poured out into this world.You can equally be part of this.You are welcome and God bless you

Comment Wall:

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Harrin

    Give the glory to the Lord! For He so loved us!
  • Tessa

    From my heart to you Lord

    Lord you are so mighty, everything we are belongs to you Father.
    You are so gentle and kind; Father what are our lives without you, to know you to love you to serve you with all our hearts, what an honor Lord.

    Lord we are saved by Grace, the Grace you have shown Lord, Jesus what a wonderful name everyday you are the same, I close my eyes and see you have been with me my whole life, you loved me first, is there any greater love than yours

    I ask you Lord show me you’re Love, true Love Father that flows through your Son Jesus Christ. Oh how my heart longs to serve you Lord, everyday I sit here wasting, wondering when you will show me my calling Lord, your will for my life.

    You said I am the apple of your eye Father and I say thank you I know I am, and you are my Savior, my Father, My King, My God, My everything.

    I love you Lord, can I Love you as much as you Love me, can I give you back what you have done for me, You take each one of us and nurture us one by one and never put us down from the palms of your hand.

    You are almighty
    I Love and Worship and Honor you with all my heart, my mind and Soul it is yours Father in Jesus Name.

    Father when we ask for forgiveness, you look at us through Jesus your Son and say my child you are forgiven because Jesus you were blameless and are holy.

    Thank you Father you are my best friend
  • Angeline

    hello,thanks for the message!yes of course i want to join your prayer group,because prayer is our power.i am really blessed to all the people here.God really moves in mysterious ways.He send us here at allaboutgod.net for us to be united for Him in order to spread his word.And also to share God's works to us...God loves us so much...we are brothers and sisters in Christ.please include me also on your prayers to grow more spiritually...thanks again brother!

    take care always...
    God Bless!

  • zenith makwan

    hi bro. how are you? first of all thanks for the message and thanks for the invitatiln for join in your prayer group. i love your page and i love your blog. good to see your picture.. god bless!
  • Angeline

    heloo...thank you for encouraging me and for your prayers!thanks for being a blessing for me.let us continue serving God as He always bless each one of us...
  • Tessa

    Daouda David,
    I read your pray for and when you said to Jack Here I am I sense that God wants you to say to him Here I am, and God said I will hear your from Heaven and from your heart I will answer when you call.
  • Chy-Chy

    Thanks Mr. Dave. My pleasure also. In HIS presence we shall all have everlasting joy and breakthrough. Thank you immensely.
  • Chy-Chy

    Lest I forget, Amen, Amen and Amen.

    You shall witness His LOVE and KINDNESS always. Bless you.
  • Angeline

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Tessa

    Daouda David,
    Just popping in to say hi, I have been so blessed with this Net, and I can confidentialy say, I am part of this family, we are one in Christ.
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    In Jesus Name
  • Tessa

    Daouda David,
    Thank you I will definately join your group, I beleive pray is the answer. I also beleive God is waiting for us to pray and talk to him, that is one way he can manifest himself to us, through our hearts in prayer and communication.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Daouda David

  • Pastor Bob B