
61, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Truck driver
I'm here to...
see whats up
a few
I'm passionate about...
Good things
My story with God
saved 30 years
Other stuff about me:
Family man sons,grand kids,

Comment Wall:

  • swtswan

    Hi santa!
    I'm reallt trying to be good this year especially, can I have a nice present this year? I want world Peace. I hope its not too big a present. = )
  • swtswan

    P.S. I promise to leave cookies too! = )
  • swtswan

    Yes, I know; but thought I'd ask anyway. =)
  • swtswan

    Sorry brother Fred; I just feel giddy in the Lord today! He is giving me more peace these days, lately. sort of like being on a great vacation. Take care & see you soon dear Fred/Shhh..(Santa!)
    and hopefully share more about our Lord with you dear brother. = )
  • Nienie

    Welcome Fred
    Glad you joined our wonderful internet family, sharing the love of Christ, learning and growing in your spiritual life.And as a bonus making wonderful friends.

    May you experience a wonderful fellowship and growth with all the others by joining in the groups and forums and share the love of Christ.
    Blessings Nienie
  • Leonard T

    Welcome to AAG. We want your experience here to be positive and uplifting. There are a couple of things that can help you maximize your experience.

    Forums and Blogs: Forums are for asking questions and for sharing a response to a question someone has posted. This is a great opportunity for “iron to sharpen iron.” Blogs are for posting an opinion, view or specific message regarding a subject.

    Making New Friends: You will make many new friends here on AAG. Some will send a friend invite to you. You have the choice to accept or decline. When an invite has been sent to you the “My Friends” the upper right box on your home page will be followed by the word “New”.” Simply click on the icon and make your choice. To invite someone to be your friend you simply need to go to their home page and click on “add as friend” under their personal photo. Once someone is your friend you will be able to email each of your friends on AAG. You can also leave a message on someone personal page, but note that everyone will be able to read what you leave there.

    IMs: You can IM anyone who is on line by clicking on their picture located at the upper right part of the page.

    Chat Room: There is a chat room located near the top of the AAG main page. It is a great place to get to know people better.

    Videos: You can also upload Christian videos on the AAG main page or watch them. They are located down the left side of the main page.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask. We are here to serve you to the best of our abilities.

    We are glad you are here,
    Volunteer Forums Moderator


    Your post here in the forums appears to be better suited for posting as a blog. Forums are for asking questions and for sharing a response to a question someone has posted. This is a great opportunity for “iron to sharpen iron.” Blogs are for posting an opinion, view or specific message regarding a subject. Please consider moving your post over to the blogs,

    Volunteer Forums Moderator
  • kathleen aldea

    I asked God....what is the most important thing to give someone.....

    God answered...

    "TIME my child..."

    Why TIME and not LOVE? can give that,

    you can have that,

    you can share that w/ anybody...

    But TIME....

    you can't stop it,

    you can't control it....

    Because you can never bring back the TIME that has passed by.So spend your TIME wisely and cherish it while you still have it.Spend TIME with people most important to you.For when TIME is lost,you can never bring it back and you will have to live w/ regret the rest of your life..
  • swtswan

    Hi Fred!~; I dont mean to bother you; but had to check out your new picture. Its a wonderful tribute to the fiemen & 911. My Dad was a fire chief for over 35 years, and I respect him very much. He was so strong, that he could hold his body straight out horizontally holding onto a flag poe; I asked him to do it when he was 57 yrs. old. He did it! = )
  • kathleen aldea

    enjoy this video my friend..this is the reason why we are here doing ministry ...for WE ARE THE REASON.....

    God bless u....
  • swtswan

    Shah! Bless you, and your whole family dear. I understand,it must be hard with all thats gone on in the world. I'm just thankfull we have such a great Father in heaven who LOVES us so much. I will add all my friends to my prayer list daily; it seems we all have something needing prayers for. Take care dear Fred. You all are in my prayers. <+++>
  • swtswan

    Dear Fred; I dont know how you knew this, and dont remember telling you about these things; i didnt want to scare you away, it's heavy stuff; but feel as you described it; sort of like a hovering; the closer I get to God the more often the attacks, but am not backing down any more. I'm very grateful for your prayers, and arming myself as well in His word, for these onslaughts. Of course I will pray for you and yours my dear friend, and Gladly so. I know His Angels are around as well; because I feel @ peace mostly & see clearly whats happening. <+>
  • swtswan

    Hello dear brother; Thank you for the words of encouragement; as they are so true! Gods promises are our weapons to fight the good fight and win. Take care dear Fred; and I bet you cant wait till Christmas ; )
  • swtswan

    Oh shah! i just saw your little football players picture! he looks like a ham; but in a manly tough guy way.(wink!) Thats ok; cause I can wait till heaven; we'll all have a big reunion then! You have a blessed week dear, and know your sister has you & your family in thoughts and prayers! Take care dear Brother in Christ ! <+++>
  • onlyjesus

    Reaching the Lost

    A. Jesus reached the lost and chose His disciples. Lk. 6:12-16

    1. Jesus met them each and called them to Himself.

    2. He then called them into service.

    3. There are steps between be called and serving effectively.

    a. These are illustrated for us in Matthew 8-10 .

    II. Healing the Hurting. Matthew 8

    A. In order to be healed, made whole, we must learn to surrender to Jesus. This surrender must take place in various areas of our life.

    1. We must surrender our health. Mat. 8:1-17

    a. This deals with our physical health.

    1) Leper, paralytic, and fever

    b. This also deals with our spiritual health.

    1) Demon possessed

    2. We must surrender our possessions. Mat. 8:18-20

    a. What we have cannot dictate our life.

    b. Too much effort within the church body is given to maintaining that which we cannot keep or take with us.

    3. We must surrender our family. Mat. 8:21-22

    a. New family and new order.

    b. We do not discard the old (biological) family, but we cannot let them hold us back or derail our mission for Christ.

    4. We must surrender our circumstances. Mat. 8:23-27

    a. If we are walking with Jesus and obeying His will we have nothing to fear.

    5. We must surrender our spiritual battles to Jesus. Mat. 8:28-34

    a. Spiritual warfare is won through Jesus in His name as we are covered by the blood and empowered by His Word and the Holy Spirit.

    III. Equipping the Healed. Matthew 9

    A. In order to be equipped, one must be saved and healed.

    B. This equipping deals with living our life in Christ as He would live through us.

    1. We are to experience, teach and offer forgiveness through Jesus. Mat. 9:1-8

    a. Jesus has made the sacrifice and has the authority to forgive sins.

    b. We are an instrument of that forgiveness, but it is in Him alone that the forgiveness comes.

    2. We are to engage the lost where they are. Mat. 8:9-13

    a. Jesus went to Matthew’s home and ate with sinners.

    b. Do we reach out to the lost or only gather in “holy huddles?”

    c. When you engage the lost where they are you will be criticized.

    3. We are to experience intimacy with Jesus. Mat. 9:14-17

    a. They did not need to fast, for they were walking with Jesus.

    b. We need to take time to spend quietly at His feet.

    1) Your ministry flow depends on this.

    2) Jesus set the example by withdrawing frequently.

    4. We must be ready to help others. Mat. 9:18-31

    a. We must be willing to alter our course to meet the needs that come before us as Jesus directs us.

    b. Sometimes this means stopping along the way to meet a need as it arises.

    5. We must be willing to battle the forces of darkness. Mat. 9:32-34

    a. Jesus is the source of victory and He has given us authority to win the battles against darkness.

    b. When you engage in spiritual warfare you will be criticized and viewed as a bit odd.

    6. Jesus establishes the method, mission and reason. Mat. 9:35-38

    a. Preaching the good news – reaching the lost.

    b. Healing the sick – Healing the hurting.

    c. Equipping workers.

    d. Sending the equipped.

    IV. Sending the Equipped. Matthew 10

    A. In order to be sent prepared, one must be saved, healed and equipped.

    1. Jesus gives the disciples, those who have been saved, healed and equipped, authority over physical elements and spiritual beings. Mat. 10:1

    a. Note that He did not send them at the end of chapter 7.

    2. Jesus identifies the one’s He is empowering. Mat. 10:2-3

    a. They represent the church and more specifically the ones who are ready to engage in serious warfare.

    b. This battle is not for the faint or unprepared.

    3. Jesus gives them specific instructions. Mat. 10: 5-10

    a. He instructs them regarding where to go and to whom they are to be trying to reach.

    b. He instructs them regarding what they are to do and say.

    c. He instructs them to trust Him for the journey.

    4. Jesus instructs them regarding the expenditure of their efforts. Mat. 10:11-16

    a. Work only where you are being received.

    b. Do not waste effort on those who outright reject you.

    5. Jesus warns them that they will experience persecution. Mat. 10:17-25

    a. This persecution will come from family as well as strangers.

    6. Jesus instructs them to not be afraid. Mat. 10:26-32

    a. All a matter of perception – Temporal vs. Eternal.

    7. Jesus reminds them to keep their focus clear. Mat. 10:34-40

    a. Read Matthew 10:38-39
  • swtswan

    I am so glad for you dear Fred! <+> yes, today was a beautiful day ; I got to work/preparing my garden for winter etc; Mass does make you feel nourished. I am keeping you and yours in my daily prayers my brother. I am so happy for you dear. Enjoy your babies while they are still little & home; I cant squish mine down anymore; they just dont seem to appreciate it too much, now that their 14,& 16 yrs old. ; ) I am grateful for everything the Lord has given to me good & even the not so good; because it reminds me that I need Him even more, and keeps drawing me closer to Him.<+> = )
  • swtswan

    Hello dear Fred!~ Just thought I'd send you a pic to have a good dy/& weekend. = )
  • kathleen aldea

  • swtswan

  • swtswan

    Hello Dear Fred!~; Just wanted you to stop and enjoy the leaves for when your too busy to go outside and see His beauty. Thinking of you my brother. Wishing you and your family a very Blessed Thanksgivng!! = ) Heres one of the country.