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  • veronica

    hello dear ones
    praise the LORD
  • Henry

    Hi Veronica,are you there now?If you are pliz communicate to me on my personal email address which is,i think as iron sharpeneth iron so shall we sharpen each other
  • brateng

    Hello sister Vero!

    Care to turn your uploaded pic right-side-up? I am glad to see a sister from the same country in this wonderful site. Be kind enough to spread the word around so that many Kenyans can come forward to uplift and encourage each other , especially now that we are just coming out of the throes of battle!

    Be blessed dada yangu na karibu katika upendo wa Mungu. Pst. Bernhard
  • Carla

    Hi Veronica,

    Greetings and Blessings! This is Carla, one of TheNET moderators here. Welcome to this wonderful family of Jesus followers! We're glad you are here.

    It is wonderful for me to 'meet' Christians from all over the world. It is a blessing to have you here. I am from Canada..from the province of Ontario.

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Please let me know what questions you have. Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and continue to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord!

    God Bless! Carla/NET moderator
  • AAG Netguy


    Hello, this is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Thank you so much for joining our network. I hope you enjoy your time here.

    I want you to know I left you a message. You can find your messages in your Ning inbox. Just go to the very top left corner of this page and you will see an envelope icon. Click that icon and you will see all your messages.

    Once again, welcome to TheNET and have a great day in the Lord Jesus.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Veronica!!!!
    God Bless you!!! Its a real blessing to have you join us here as we fellowship together in the Lord. Im Paige, another moderator here on TheNet, and I just wanted to stop in and say hello.
    Check out all the fantastic groups we have available for you to join in on or the questions you can reply to. You can even post your own. Its neat, Ive posted a few and got a great response. It really helps to get a variety of views on certain subjects and even draws you closer to people to establish relationships.
    I see that you sing. That is quite a gift. I love music, but I have no voice for singing. I was on a worship team once, but I played the drums and kept my voice real quiet. Ha Ha. I just dont have that gift like you, and so many other wonderful people have here on TheNet. Maybe youll become good freinds with them here?
    Anyway, God Bless you my friend. If I can help you in any way, Im here. You can visit me on my page too and leave a message.
    In Christ,
  • brateng

    Sister veronica,

    I am afraid to say that you are beginning to tread dangerous ground if all you say-and I quote-is true: "...MY FAITH HAS GONE LOW AND I NEED REVIVAL, I cant remember when I last openned my Bible..." For shame, sister!!

    Veronica, allow me to be truthful with you: revival is never something we can WISH back. We have to work to have it back and we have to do this 'ON OUR KNEES!' Nothing precious comes for free...and I cannot think of anything more precious than 'being revived' which actually means to allow God to infuse and infill us!To bring us back to life SPIRITUALLY.

    There are sadly no shot-cuts about this, my sister. Let me allow the WORD 'Himself' speak to you through the apostle James: James 4:8 " DRAW NEAR TO GOD and HE WILL DRAW NEAR TO YOU. Cleanse your hands you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded" Any of these sounds familiar why you are where you are?

    Can you now honestly see where the rain started beating you Veronica? You have the answer with you, dear. Take the first step to draw back to God...for you have the key. And just how do you do that. you may be wondering? Prayerfully read His word-that Bible the devil has been making you ignore...then mend your ways and will have God back in your living-room, halellujah!

    I hope this will help. I will pray for you as well and may God cover you with His love! Your friend-Pst. Bernhard
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Veronica!!!
    Thanks for the message! Its great to have you as a friend. You will have to tell me more about yourself. How long have you been a nurse and where? Are you able to tell your patients about Jesus? and pray with them? I know around here that if you talk about God or Jesus in the school system, or some hospitals, you could get sued. I tell you its crazy. They took the 10 commandments and the pledge of allegiance out of all public schools now. Isnt ithat crazy!!
    Anyway, I also would like to hear your voice!! I bet its lovely!! I cannot sing. I am strictly and artist. That is for sure.
    Anyway, I hope you had a blessed day in the Lord, and i hope to hear from you some more soon,
    GoD Bless
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my gifted friend!!!
    How is the singing going?and your nurse job?
    Have you ever had anyone come to Christ as you help them in the hospital? It would be soo awesome to experience that.
    So what has the Lord done in your life lately? God has been good in giving me another painting job painting a stage set for a play at a local church here in Utah. Calvary Chapel. R u familiar with Calvary Chapel? Great church. But anyway, Im excited. God always has been faithful to provide and it is when I least expect it.
    That is just God for you. Ha Ha.
    Anyway, I hope all is well. I love yousis
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Dear sis!!! How is everything?
    I know, it hasnr been that long since I talked with you, but you have been on my heart. How are you doing? Is ther anything you want to pray about together? Hows the baby? My babies got really sick. I almost had to take my daughter to the hospital due to a high fever, but I tried to just treat it myself the best i could. Doctors are expensive!! So buying the book to read to help your child is alot less expensive!! Its sad though to see little kids sick especially babies and you definately know what that is like. You have to treat people all the time. Well, again, Praise God for you, because I could never do what you do. You have a gift!!! Thank God for that!
    Well I'll let you go, I gotta run, but it was nice talkin with you again.
    Have a good weekend!!!
    Net Moderator
    Ps. This picture I did a few years ago, its called "High on Wings Of Eagles" by: Paige Robertson
  • Milena

    Hello Veronica and a blessing to have you as a sister also. How are things in Kenya, I live in Somers Point, NJ which is about 10 minutes from Atlantic City. How is that beautiful baby that is on the stroller on your picture doing. God has helped me out so much since I committed to him even more about 2 months ago now. Going through a separation from my spouse has been hard on me, but our lord has been beside me when I have my crying moments. All I keep saying to myself is that is in his hands and he will decide about my marriage. God Bless you and please keep in touch.


  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Veronica!! myspace graphic comments
    Myspace Sunday Graphics
    How are you my dear sister?
    I havent heard from you in a long time it seems. I havent forgotten about you, I guess time just flies by when you get busy.
    So let me know how you are and what you have been up to? How is the baby?and your job?
    Im doing good. The weather is looking a little better so Im happy for that. It gets soo yucky and cold here in Utah during the winter months
    I feel soo much better when the sun beats down upon my face.
    You have a blessed day and week my friend. I miss you!
  • brateng

    Bwana asifiwe dada yangu!

    How comes you jus went missing all of a sudden? I hope things are okay in japan for you. Back home, the country is moving slowly back to where we ought to have been. Continue praying for stability even as we pray for our brothers in Zimbabwe.

    Stay focussed in Christ and enjoy His love-Pst. Bernhard
  • brateng

    Veronica- I am so glad to eventually hear from you. We did not know that your son was sick...please take heart for God will heal him.

    Be blessed and keep in touch with all your friends. Whe he is eventually well, strive to obey Proverbs 22:6 because you stay in Japan...a strange land with strange beliefs. Don't let them influence your baby. Home is good...and a little stable now that we have a new cabinet. In Christ Jesus-Pst. Bernhard
  • Donald James Parker

    Blessings upon you as well.
  • Henry

    Hi Veronica how is the going over there and how is everything working out for you?I hope you are getting on pretty fine and everything is working out for you God's way.Where do you stay Veronica and is it possible to have your personal email address please?I will be waiting to hear from you and may the good Lord continue to keep you in his hands because there you can be fully safe.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi I would like to invite you to join a group; Building a sure foundation for Christian growth. I desire to help believers grow in their relationship with the Lord.
    God Bless You Veronica

    how are you doing veronica
    stay bless

    how are you doing veronica
    stay bless

    Hey sister,i am doing very fine,i am so happy that the LORD has seen me through this far,by the way it is my birthday today,i am so excited and ..............
    how is your son doing ,are you all fine,
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B


    hello big siz,
    it is ok,you do not have to mind that,the greatest thing is that i really had a goodtime and that i am fine,it has been long,are you guys fine,how is baby Gerry?

    hello veronica , hope all is well,
    stay bless and live bless