

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
house wife
I'm here to...
get stronger in the Lord
Learning, growing, helping others, yet not forgetting that I too need help.
I'm passionate about...
life in general
My story with God
I went to church off and on for many years..more off than on. Then when I was 37 I knew I needed help that only Jesus could give me. After He came into my life I told others about the Lord, especially my family.
Other stuff about me:
I like everything about being near a river or lake, from fishing to just looking at the water and the reflections that can be seen there.
I love taking pictures of sunsets too.

Comment Wall:

  • Nienie

    Hello Darlene
    Warm greetings in the Lord! This is Nienie one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.

    Here we have fellowship,grow with each other and share the love of Christ.

    Please feel free to join in with the groups and the forums and let us know if you have any questions we can help you with

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Many blessings
  • Leonard T

    Welcome to AAG. We want your experience here to be positive and uplifting. There are a couple of things that can help you maximize your experience.

    Forums and Blogs: Forums are for asking questions and for sharing a response to a question someone has posted. This is a great opportunity for “iron to sharpen iron.” Blogs are for posting an opinion, view or specific message regarding a subject.

    Making New Friends: You will make many new friends here on AAG. Some will send a friend invite to you. You have the choice to accept or decline. When an invite has been sent to you the “My Friends” the upper right box on your home page will be followed by the word “New”.” Simply click on the icon and make your choice. To invite someone to be your friend you simply need to go to their home page and click on “add as friend” under their personal photo. Once someone is your friend you will be able to email each of your friends on AAG. You can also leave a message on someone personal page, but note that everyone will be able to read what you leave there.

    IMs: You can IM anyone who is on line by clicking on their picture located at the upper right part of the page.

    Chat Room: There is a chat room located near the top of the AAG main page. It is a great place to get to know people better.

    Videos: You can also upload Christian videos on the AAG main page or watch them. They are located down the left side of the main page.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask. We are here to serve you to the best of our abilities.

    We are glad you are here,
    Volunteer Forums Moderator
  • bettyr5

    Living with depression is difficult. I know personally I go from mad, to sad, to very angry, to happy very quickly. I get annoyed easily. I go through periods even now where I do not want to do anything but lay around my house or play on the internet. I fail to do my chores a lot. My husband (luckily) is very laid back and understanding. He has to put up with a lot and without his love, I don't think I'd make it through each day sanely. God has truly blessed me in that area! I have learned to turn to silent prayer when I feel that urge to explode building up, and God silences that urge and comforts me. He brings me peace inside of myself. Always be sure to turn to God when you need Him. And, if you ever need to talk or need a friend, I'm here for support. I know how living with this demon feels and I have also learned how to get through it day by day, one day at a time. I will pray for you and if you need someone to help you through, you have a friend. Betty
  • Pastor.K.Syam Sundar.

    Dear Beloved friend in Christ.
    Warm greetings to you in the most precious name of our lord and saviuor Jesus Christ. I am very glad to meet you by through this website. Please remember our orphan ministry in your valuable prayers. For more details Please visit our website: - http://www.unityinchrist.com/evangelism/sisterchurches/BlessiOrphanHome.htm.

    We need your precious love and prayers and encouragements. We are continuously pray for you and for your blessed family. Convey our lovely and best wishes to your friends and to your blessed church congregation. Close with lots of love and prayers and wait for your gracious and prayerful reply.
    Thanking you.
    Your Beloved friend in Christ.
    Pastor.K.Syam Sundar.
    Blessi Orphanage Home
  • Nienie

    Ah dont believe that slow reading and navigation!! PRobably a lack of time to read everything hey!!
    Glad you are here!!!And looking forward knowing you better and read your contributions here!
    Have blessed week!BLessing
  • Yoel charan

  • Tiffany Kellison

    Thanks for the welcome! have a blessed day!
  • Tiffany Kellison

    Thank-you for your friendship! I Have been married for 12 years,have 4 girls and 1 grandbaby!
  • Tiffany Kellison

    I'm still learning the site! I have social problems,I'm very shy. I tried the 232 plan this morning! It made me feel a little closer. Thank-you for asking!
  • Tiffany Kellison

    I'm blessed to be here,That is a cool picture! I have never been to oregon.My pic is of me,my husband,and our 2 youngest.They keep me on my toes.I will definetly keep in touch with you.Have a blessed day! GB
  • diana

    i have 3sister and 2 brothers,we dont talk at all to each other,they are still living in the past{my past},they cant forgive me for all i done.god forgave me maybe oneday they will too.
    all together i have 8 children,5 grandchildren who i love very much they are grown and left the house,i dont see them much for they have thier lives too live,and they think im too church happy,{if u know what i mean}they think mom doesnt mean this time but i will prove them wrong.they are my trials right now,some of them are on drugs and yes i once was on drugs alone with them,but i told them i found god and he saved me,but they laught in my face.its very hard struggling with this knowing i dont get support from my children and they keep saying im going to fail.im trying my best here and god only knows im worth it.
    my mom/dad are still alive they live in ct,we dont see eye to eye.,and i havent talk to them in 14yrs now,but i did call them on thanksgiving and wish them a happy holiday,and told them i recieve the lord in my life,they hung up on me.so there u go im struggleing with everything and only my friends here help me alot,i thank you all god bless for bringing u all to me.love diana
  • diana

    darlene,once again you brought hope in my life,i will pray for my family,and hoping they will come to know christ as i did.the only scripture that keepscoming to me is john3:16,and i say that scripture everyday,it brings me comfort and hope.thank you darlene for being there for me.diana
  • diana

    i go once a week to my meetings and it brings me hope,and i know the lord is with me,i read the book also on the 12 steps.just knowing that everyone loves me is a miracle to me and i know the lord is testing me right now.but i will keep my ears open forhim and listen.one day at a time is all i got right now.diana
  • diana

    thank you darlene i will add u as a friend,they are to come by,and i do enjoy your visist to me and our talks.youve been a god blessed sent to me,and i love everything about the word of god ,.my day is going slow today,i was thinking about my children and i prayed for them to come to know christ.miss talking to you.diana
  • diana

    i did the first three,woul like for u too send me the rest,i do apprecaeall your doing for me.god bless u my friend.
  • kathleen aldea

    the world 2
  • kathleen aldea

    hello,my friend.. yes indeed we r so blessed in many ways... as we grow in spirituality... all bad things,even trials en tribulations can turn as big blessings..in Romans 8:28.. all things work together for good,for those who loved Him,accdg. to His purposes...
    keep n touch en God bless you..
  • Charlene

  • diana

    hello my friend?
    ive been good these days,and shakey at times.but i know the lord is with me and my friends are too.ill look these up so i can read them and put my own thoughts down in my journal.ive decided to start a journal,and try to keep my steps with the lord.u are a godsend angel to me,and i thank you everyday in my heartand my prayers
  • Charlene

    oh you are brilliant where it matters and that is the areas of life!!! you will figure it out in no time i almost certain of it :) no we chatted in the womens only group, I am still learning my way around also so dont feel bad, it just takes time :) i am so happy to have made such a cool new friend and with such a similiar name:) truly a divine appointment our meeting was!!