
47, Male



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I'm here to...
to tell people about christ and make friends
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My story with God
I love to annouce the good news of christ, the orphans here are on my heart.I am sometimes over zealous for living the truth and helping others to know there is a Saviour Jesus who died on the cross for your sins and mine. I live in Togo and would love to be fill with the power of GOD always and come closer to him to further the gospel in my country. I am concerned for those who are unaware of the great destiny God has prepared. He will not cast out any who come to Him. I would like to do the same. Being a Christian is a high calling, to become more like Jesus. We can only give our best. God is still working on me.only the truth that can set us free
Other stuff about me:
IAM BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN and i love evangelism

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  • Yoel charan
    MyHotComments Hello OnlyJesus, God bless you. yoel charan
  • Videoguy

    Thank you for your warm welcome. May God richly bless you in Togo! My wife and I will go to Zimbabwe and Kenya in Oct-Nov. As you know, it is very challenging in Zimbabwe right now. We need prayers for protection, but pray also for Pres. Robert Mugabe, that his heart be softened so he may feel God's love. Thank you!
  • Mary Yu

    Hello friend, thanks a lot for the message. Although I want the Holy Spirit to control my life and my soul and my heart, sometimes I feel I'm still worrying and still in depression or feel isolated because we don't have many Christians in this country I can go to meet and talk with openly. Sometimes I do hope God will bring me to the United States, like many of my friends already live there and enjoyed very good Christian life.
  • Mary Yu

    Thanks for your praying for me. The reason I'd like to be in the States is firstly I have heard so many of my friends there being baptised and do enjoy peaceful life with God grace, and secondly I speak their language. Go go Africa, I've never been there yet, maybe will go to travel there sometimes next year. God bless you!
  • REW

    Yes dear heart,

    You are welcomed to write, and I would love to share the word with you. I am a believer and have been so for nearly 30 years. Are you in Africa?? What am I saying...I must make it a point to read your profile. I hope you will take the time to read mine.
    TTFN ( Ta, Ta For Now) Rew
  • ~*Heather*~

    Thanks and God Bless you also. Yes, we can be friends.
  • Brooke

    I will be on your continent soon. The Lord has told me and my husband to go to South Africa. We will be going to Kenya and Zimbabwe. Do you have any suggestions for us? What is the weather like right now?
  • Brooke

    Thank you very much my friend in Christ!
  • REW

    Powerful msg. As I was reading it I was praying for you father, and I hope is that he will not await death to recieve Yeshua as his savior.
    You have quite a gifting to preach the word, and my hope is that you will also take the time to share more about the child of GOD behind the man of GOD. Like for example, "How many siblings do you have?? "Are you a stuent, or a career person?" How often do you speak congregationally or do you only street Evangilize?" " Will you post a few Pics showing yourself smiling?" The photo you have is nice; but its good to show different emotions in photographs, this way people have a growing intrest into your character.
    O' by the way if you didn't know , I am a photographer; so your getting expert advice here"Kiddo".
    Write back, I look forward to our chat. To "IM" you is not poosible at this moment; but I am working on it.

  • Pastor Bob B

  • melanny manuputty

    Christian MySpace Graphics JESUS BLESS YOU
  • Blessed Highly Favored Woman of God!

    Greetings to you and your family my brother in christ. May the Universal God continue to bless and lead you in your ministry. In the Blood of Jesus!
  • Alan

    hey what has happened with your tent for the meeting
  • Alan

    who do you fellowship with? and where are you all located what is the name of your town or village
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Only Jesus,
    I'm so sorry to hear about the flood taking away your tent! Don't give up my brother! God still loves you & your people and He still has a plan. I will continue to pray.
  • Belle

    Please pray for my friends little boy Scottie he is 7 and has severe allergies. He went into Denton Regional on Sunday after noon but now was transferred to Cooks Childrens hospital in Fort worth. His breathing is not good he is up and down on the oxygen levels and cannot breathe on his own yet so please pray for him to be able to have his lungs fully healed by the LORD and that he will be able to be released soon. They don’t have medical insurance so they are applying for CHIP so please pray that the LORD also bless them with that to help with all the medical bills. Please pray also that they will be able to find out what causes such severe allergies in him so that he can be healed of that as well. Thank you so much. I know the parents are stressed out, they know the LORD but its still hard having your child in the hospital.
    God Bless you
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear Brother Onlyjesus
    Thank you for coming to my life and becoming my friend. Take Care. God bless you always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • REW

    Hello little brother,

    How are you? You have been quite these past few day's..are you well?
    I would like to share some info with you regarding that invite to your country. Will we be able to speak via "IM"?
    Hope to hear from you soon, you are in my prayers.

  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    How are you my friend? Are you still in the middle of hard trials? I am concerned for your welfare. Are you hanging onto only Jesus? He must be your source of strength at this time. Satan would tempt you to give up or seek comfort in the old ways, instead of our Savior. Don't fall for it! May God comfort & guide you!
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Only Jesus,
    Life is fine for us. Today my huband was given some work to do. He's been without work for quite a while. I'm praying for my children, ages 31, 27 & 28 yrs. That they would follow Jesus with their whole hearts & that the Lord would send them good mates to help them. My daughter has 4 children & lives were there are hurricanes & bad weather right now. I pray for their safty. I know that your life is very difficult. I pray for you also. May God bless & guide you tooday!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Johnny

    My Brother Derrick. Thank you for your Love and Kindness. Your faith and commitment truley humble and inspire me. You are a true friend. God bless. I will remember you and your ministry in my prayers.

    “Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”- Matthew 28:18-20
  • Belle

    My friedn i went to the BBC site as you shared with me yesterday and read the article. That is very sad. I will continue to pray for you and all your family and friends. May God restore your land and bring healing and dry up the waters and bring supplies and food and homes. Take care and rest in the LORD.
  • mia_indonesia

  • Sylvia Africa

  • onlyjesus

    my FRIEND CALLED Lucy sent this message to me:i hope you may love it;
    My take on money
    By Lucy Parker

    All that I have is Gods'.

    I am to be content with food and raiment.

    God sees, and knows that we must hold down a job ,or own a business if we are to look after our family.

    In society, we are required to live in a house approved in standard by the government.

    I rent and have clothes, phone, computer, furniture, cutlery and transport.

    These are basic functioning tools for this society.

    I believe Abraham was onto something, 10% to Melchizedec.

    This does not mean to limit it to this amount only, nor to only give it in your local church.

    Gods kingdom needs building everywhere.

    I have often added up my money, and found after tithes and bills-I will not have money for food.

    I have then still paid tithes and bills, and food is always there in some unexpected way.

    I believe that a Christian will not be found begging for food.

    I am accountable to God for how many truck loads of material I have gone through in my life,
    and as to the fruitfulness of each thing that has passed through my hands.

    God measures everything all the time including heart thoughts at the time of giving and receiving.

    He says giving is more blessed...and give hoping not to receive...

    Why it is being taught often of late in and about churchianity that give and you will get?
    Astounds me. The audacity and greed that such a teaching produces, and frailty of faith.

    Yes, we will see blessing when we see what our giving has produced. This is a higher receiving.

    We can give because He gave. It is accepted according to what we have.

    So 10% at least to somewhere fruitful for the kingdom.

    If more to spare that can be given to the poor along with the gospel.

    Everything belongs to the Lord.

    Thank you God that you created the heavens and earth for your pleasure and it pleases you to share your creation and kingdom with us.

    We worship you in spirit and in truth. You have truly paid the price to own us.

    If I were ever given any finances for praying for someone after they got out of a wheelchair, I have resolved that it is not mine to receive. It was not me that healed them, it was Jesus. So 100% of those finances would be invested in the kingdom.
  • onlyjesus

    We are the salt of the earth

    Matt.5:13.You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses it saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.

    This verse is telling us that anyone that belongs to Christ is “salt” but if we give up our hope in Christ then we are nothing before men.

    We need to persevere so that we will not lose our taste in Christ Jesus. for instead, if one surrender to Christ and he return to the world again., his life becomes worse than ever. If you tell him about Jesus all that he will tell you is that, I was once a Christ and I know everything about the bible. He or she need a lot of prayer before he be salty again.

    We are the salt to corrupted earth. “Salt” by nature is an element that kills and eliminates the germs of corruption. To the corrupt earth, the people of the kingdom of God are such elements, keeping the earth from being fully corrupted. Just as I said above, for the kingdom people to become tasteless meaning we have lost our salty function, we have became the same us earthly people. With no distinction from the unbelievers.

    To be cast out is to be cast out from the kingdom of heaven.(Luke 14:35). And to be trampled under foot by men, is to be treated as useless dust. All that Jesus was saying is that we are precious to him and we must make sure that we maintain our sweetness.

    Just to avoid been cast away. God loves us and he does not want us to be trampled by men or cast away.

    Apostle Paul new this and he said nothing can separate him and his God. He does not

    Want to be cast out or trample by men or to be treated like dust.

    We must see him as example to follow. If we read our bible very well, Paul suffered but he never give up. I believe that he does not want to lose his saltiness.

    A s a believer we must have salt in our lives so that we may be purify not only from sin but also from any division factors, as the impetuous had in forbidding a differing brother and arguing for greatness. In other that they could be at peace with each one another.

    We must be at peace with all brethren in the Lord.

    We must set a good example for the worldly people to come to Christ. I said in the beginning that salt is something that kills germs or stop them from multiplying, where ever salt is. We as the salt of the earth we must make sure that every contaminated mind must be wash by us through the spirit. People have to say good things about us and through that they will know that we are the salt of the earth and they too want to be like us.

    Believers in Christ are the salt of the earth used by God to killed earthly corruption .Our taste depend on our renouncing of earthly things .The more we do away with earthly things the more powerful will be our taste
  • journeyman

    Hello onlyjesus,
    Thanks for being my friend. What an honor! I Love our Father more every minute of my life! He is ...amazing my brother.
  • mary jamieson

  • Tara

    Thank you for writing back, I am still having a little problem moving around on this site, I keep trying. I am also hitting the books hard so I don't have a lot of time but praise God I am here today. You asked about my gifts, I speak in the spirit, and my heart SINGS WHEN I LAY HANDS ON OTHERS AND PRAY FOR THEM. Not sure if that's a gift but I feel as if I am floating when I do it. I don't go around asking people if I can pray, but if I am talking to someone and they express they are having problems I ask them if they want me to pray. I then lay hands on them and pray. I have such a need to help people, I feel in my spirit I am to do something but I don't know what it is yet. I will continue to do my school work and wait for God. Ok my friend may God bless you real good. Your sister Tara
  • Belle

    Hello my friend, i wanted to come by your page and say hello. I haven't been on here lately and i hadn't heard from you so i wanted to make sure you are doing well. How is your mum doing, have you gotten to see her yet? I hope you have a blessed week ahead, stay safe, and continue to do the great work you do in Christ name. God bless you my friend
  • mary jamieson

    powerfull while trying to help drunkards and drug addicts i got caught in but praise god i could witness to them and the hold eas not strong my nick name was gangsters moll or nun on the run i had led rather a sheltered life until then and i eas aloud to mgo amounst them like jesus did without any harm until the holyspireit told me to leave and let go of one certain person whos main aim wasdrugs and reason for doing thin was worldly i have with fiends started up church with pastor and friends for those who need too come out of the darkness and have access to rehab i will not try to help these people as a one women band again thank the lird for his safe keeping
  • mary jamieson

    sorry for mixed typing my laptop is not working prop and the on right hand side,, thanks for those powerful words and for showing the love and courage you have for the lords work
  • REW

    Hey lil' brother,

    How are you? It has been a while.. what has been happening in your end of the world?? I see alot of people are enquire-ing of you.

    Please be well...Yeshua's love to you and your family

  • Yoel charan

  • REW

    Hey, hey...

    Yes my friend is going to Africa; and yes, I have reminded him about you, and no he has not respond to me an intrest to go to Togo.

    But , this doesn't mean that God does not have a will for him to be there. Only thing I can suggest is prayer, and He will give you the desire of your heart.

    Be, Blessed

  • maad alassaf

    Dear brother in christ,thank u 4 ur comment,
    First of all my bible is the same ur bible,second all the main churches which represnts 99% of Christians (evangelical and its branches,catholics ,orthodox) have the same faith in jesus Christ and still all of it baptizing in the name of jesus, may be u’ll say look to these old churches,they are giving a lot of importance for saints,and am telling u that they are not worshiping saints ,they still worship jesus all the glory for him,which is the wright faith,they give this importance for saints because these old churches were exposed to persecusion during its long history, these men were filled with the holy spirit helped to save our faith,so these churches still have the absolute faith in the only way for salvage,jesus Christ,but still they respect these men guided by our god the holy spirit,they respect them and not worship them,anyway for me I am still praying the source jesus Christ,in the same time I find my brothers in these churches real Christians,they worship jesus all the glory for him,and give respect for these great people chosen from our god to spread his word and to lead the church during its darkest periods of persecutions, may be we love our lord by words,but they loved him in words and actions,the problems began in the church when every branch did not take the opinion of other churches,and find themselves wright and the others are wrong,and abductions began,they did not look for main things,they found trivial unimportant thing to make debates and forgot that all of Christians know that they are called Christians because of their faith in Christ,and believe me the faith in jesus Christ is very simple and does not need quarrels and abdictions,so am insisting on that we are Christians are in sects but have only same faith and creed,when I want to talk to my father god simply I go to the evangelical church,when I want to exalt my almighty god I go and attend the grandiose orthodox church,when I want to see the mercifull god I work in a volunteer doctor in a catholic dispensary,these are the multiple juicy nourishing multiple branches of the church of jesus Christ,the faith in him unites us which is the corner stone in the life of every christian,we’ll not go to small trivial things to say hey we are wright and the other 70% are wrong,even though,through my long attendance to these multiple churches,I find that all of them are giving the faith in jesus Christ is the most important thing in our life,finally I think meeting with believers and talking and discussing with them is the wright thing and not to consider the small unimportant things as different doctrines,talking with the others and correcting these small differences is the solution ,have a nice weekend dear onlyjesus brother and please pray with me for the unity of the church of the christ,I may not be able to communicate with u during weekdays because am very busy,I’ll be happy to do so in Saturdays and Sundays,god bless,maad
  • mary jamieson

    hi i hope you are ok i have been sent to look after my grandson he is 18 in november and very much on his own in the world so if i am not on site i hope you will excuse me he vis a young christian and need alot of help mas he is growing mary love in our lord jesus
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    How are you my friend? How are the people of your church? Were you able to recover the tent, or was it just gone? It was so sad that happened, but I know God still loves you all so much & He still answers prayers. May the Lord bless you, give you peace & wisdom & help you to rebuild lives.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    I'm so glad to see that you are rebuilding your tent in the village! Thank you for sharing this. It is an answer to our prayers for you.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Psalm 28:8 The LORD is their strength, And He is a saving defense to His anointed.

    Psalm 20:6 Now I know that the LORD saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven With the saving strength of His right hand.

    Psalm 27:1 A Psalm of David. The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?

    Psalm 89:17 For You are the glory of their strength, And by Your favor our horn is exalted.

    Psalm 140:7 "O GOD the Lord, the strength of my salvation, You have covered my head in the day of battle.

    Father thankyou for your promices to your children in your Word, I praise you that today we will all find your grace and help in what ever situation we find ourselves in and be quick to give you praise for all the great things you are doing in and through our lives.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • mia_indonesia

  • Sharone

    GOD bless you
  • Pastor Bob B

    but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.
    Father God help us to understand that our faith must be tested and refined that it may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

    So help us to perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life; that each man's work will become evident.

    Thank you Father that the testing of our faith produces endurance.

    Therefore we prepare our minds for action, by keeping sober in spirit, by fixing our hope completely on the grace to be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

    To the degree that we share the sufferings of Christ, help us to keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.

    Father thank you for the grace that is given to us through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can respond to the testings and trials that come our way so that Jesus might be glorified by the way we respond to these trials. In the name of Jesus.
  • Ian

    Hello Brother,
    You are a wonderful encouragement; Blessings to you and thank you for posting about my friend the Holy Spirit.
    I will write more given some more time.
    In Christ> Ian
  • Sharone

    Hi, thank you for accepting my invite. I am encouraged by the passion that you have for Christ. I am looking forward to having fellowship with you. We in the west usually take our christianity forgranted. I am on a mission to have God really live in me, work in me , change me and shine through me for the world to see; so that others would be drawn to the glory and goodness of God and seek to have a personal relationship with Him. He has been conducting surgery on me this past few weeks. Heart surgery. Replacing a cold dead heart with one that is filled with His love.I have been fasting and praying....I feel an extraordinary need to get to know Him better. To be filled with Him to overflowing. I am so hungry . I love Jesus more than anything and I want to remain so ...only getting deeper and deeper in Him.
  • Josebel Marinog

    Thanks for adding. God Bless you.Nice to meet people here those who are Christians.
  • Pastor Bob B

    "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 6:33

    "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. John 14:27

    But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37

    But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14

    "And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death. Revelation 12:11

    You are My Hope
  • Pastor Bob B

    Dear brother, I am glad to hear from you. Your picture show that your church is coming along very well in getting rebuilt. No i never heard of the ministry you mentioned. I am glad that God is sending wonderful ministries to help you. I will leave you a picture of my church. It is an old brick Church built in the 1800s, We built a fellowship hall in the back a few years ago. I will chat with you soon.
    In the love of Jesus.