
61, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Housewife and mother
I'm here to...
Check things out talk to people about my problems and how to cope with them.
Adopted birds, Fire police volunteer, swimming, fishing
I'm passionate about...
Birds, Swimming, My daughter who is 10 and my husband.
My story with God
I was saved when I was 12 years old. I have back sliding quit a few times since then, more recently I have been holding a huge grudge against a Church that refused to let my daughter attend without me after I had an operation on my foot and I sent her and my daughter with a responsible adult. The preacher himself called me and said that the congregation requested that they no longer attended church without me or my oldest daughter that had her child attending there. My grandson was also killed about 2 years ago and he was only 18 months old, I hold a deep grudge about that and find it very hard to pray. My daughter who lost this baby had three miscarriages trying for another one. She is now pregnant again and with her luck she will probably loose this one as well. Through all his I still have a little bit of hope that there is a kind God out there who may help my family out if he feels lie it.
Other stuff about me:
I raise all types of birds. I adopt them and rescue them try to bring them back to good health if they are sick. I have a 10 year old daughter still living at home who has a hole in her heart and is ADHD. My husbandand I are volunteer Fire police in the community tht we live in. We answer calls day and night weather it be hot or freezing. Clear or raining. We try to help out when we can. I like to paint pictures on rocks. I love the water so much. My husband tries to build me a waterfalls at whatever house we move to.

Comment Wall:

  • Carla

    Hi There. My name is Carla. I am also one of the net moderators here. As i was reading your story, my heart went out to you.

    My prayer for you right now, is that you will stay with us to talk.
    Here is a bible verse I'd like to share with you.
    John 1:3-5 NLT Life application study bible.

    God created everything through Him.
    The word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinquish it.

    Do you ever feel that your life is to complex for God to understand? Remember, God created the entire universe, and nothing is to difficult for Him. God created you; He is alive today, and His love is bigger than any problem you may face.

    I cannot begin to understand your trials. But i believe with all my heart that Jesus is there whenever we call on Him.

    John 5:17 "My Father is always working, and so am I."

    I am very pleased to see you here. It is a blessing to have you here.
  • Carla

    God Bless you Wendy! Have a wonderful have 2 other friends by the name of Wendy. You are my first 'Wendy friend' here on this site!
  • Barbara

  • Pastor Gill

    Hi and welcome. I am glad you joined and hope you settle in well and make some good friends. I am so sorry to hear of your experiences at that Church.

    May I on behalf of the Body of Christ as a Pastor apologise to you for that preachers behaviour, as you were treated with such a lack of love. I am so very sorry.

    I have known heart ache and been let down but God is never to blame when we get it wrong.

    ( preacher is right - he or she would not be a Pastor in the biblical sense of the word - Pastors take care of and nurture beleivers - they do not abuse or mistreat them in the way this preacher did to you)

    I long to see you happy and restored in a relationship with your Heavely Father who so loves you.
    He is not to blame for the things that have happened to you - the devil is.

    He came for you to know healing and be set free from the curse of sickness and sin. That is why He went to the Cross.
    Those miscsarriages are a result of the curse of sin and God is not to blame. He wept at the heart ache that would have caused.
    Come back to Jesus, be forgiven and find life again and love.
    Do not hold onto a grudge as that will hurt you more. Let go and find healing and joy in a realationship with God to bring you peace and so you can walk in the best life God has for you.
    I hope you come to know Jesus and His love more deeply than ever before.
    My love and prayers for you, Gill xxx
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  • Barbara

    Free Myspace Layouts

    wishing you a blessed day and i pray your prayers are being answered and you are growing closer to your walk with our Lord..Im always here for encouragement to each other.... love barb
  • Pastor Gill

    Hi and thank you for adding me as a friend. The photos of the birds are lovely. I love waterfalls too but it has been some years since I went swimming. I hope your day has gone well. Love Gill xxx
  • Pastor Gill

    Hi and thankyou for stopping by my page. I'm sorry going to Church did not work out but you're right you can talk to God with christian friends and also now you're on here you can have fellowship.Growing to love and trust God is more important than going to Church. I did not go to Church for some time but still grew and enjoyed being with Jesus and God connected me with beleivers who I now work with in ministry.

    If the Church is not the right place then it is best not to go as you will be unhappy. Wait on the Lord and let Him guide you each day.
    Love and blessings, Gill xxx
  • Barbara

    Myspace layouts

    hello my friend you know you think you have it so bad and your problems are great until you read some one elses life .. keep the faith and continue leaning on god.. i must say it is very easy to tell another one this but hard to do yourself isnt it.. love you and if u need to chat let me know ... love barb xx
  • Barbara

    Free Myspace Layouts

    hope you have a tweet blessed day... i checked out your website.. i love those adopted babies.,, they r preciious...
  • Barbara

    saw you were on thought id drop by and say hi and wish you a blessed day... god bless...
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello friend,
    Just stopping in to say hello!
    I hope all is well. Especially the birds!!! They are soo precious. Your household is soo blessed to have you there. How is your daughter?
    Lord, bless her womb with a happy and healthy child Lord. You form these children in utter seclusion and know every hair on thier head. Please let it be that this one will be brought in to the world to love and be loved by her family. May by your will, be brought to the arms of her mother to be cared for and to accomplish what you want her to accomplish. PPlease Jesus! Show us all your power! SHow us your glory! Lord we want to see you hand in this miracle of life! I as this in Jesusname, amen.
    Im there for you . Did you get all my messages? I hope I can help
  • Paige Robertson

    Glad to hear back from you. Im just a sister nthat is concerned. Congrats on all the babies!!!! I want one!!!
    Good luck! Just get back to me when you can.
    Say a prayer for me too. Im struggling in some areas too.
  • Pastor Bob B

    I hope that you will find that this net will be a blessing to you as it has to me. I have started a group recently where believe you would be an asset to you, dealing with anger in the Christian life, I invite you to join and with the help of everybody maybe we can all find victory in dealing with it. God bless for now.
  • Barbara

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello friend!
    Just checking in again. Did you sell all the babies?
    I think your birds are amazing creatures. Id get another one if I could, but my babies keep me hoppin most of the time. How is your daughter? Im still sorry about what happened at that church with her. That is very unfortuneate and very un Christ like. Christ is no respector of persons and wants all of us to come to him. Big or small. Whenever, however.
    There is a God sweetie. A God who loves us. He did not "do" these awful things to you. He isnt punishing you. He isnt testing you or anything. He is drawing you closer, not pushing you away. (I know easier said than done) I have had things happen in my life that really upset me and made me mad at God, but I always HAD to grab on to Him again. He always humbles me at some point, because I tend to get all caught up with friends,family,church,ministry,works, more than Him.
    "Those who wait on the Lord renew thier strength."- Isaiah 40:31
    "Save your servant who trusts in you!"-Psalm 86:2
    "Heaven and earth may pass away, but my words will by no means pass away."-Mark 13:31
    I hope I help friend. I love you and miss you. Hope u r ok and doing well. Hope to see u soon?
  • Pastor Bob B

    God is so faithful my sister through our many sruggles we can rest in his faithfullness.
  • Barbara

  • Jenlynn

    HI Lady, thanks for adding me as you friend. I am new at this site and still learning my way around. Just wanted to say "HELLO" and have a blessed day!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Paige Robertson

    I have missed you dearly!!!! I have been wondering how your daughter is doing. Is she good? How far along is she? I cant wait to hear from you. I love to stop by and look at your pictures. They are soo cool. I want the type of family you have. Despite all the crap you have been through, you still have such a love for one another and the Lord. Thank you for your encouragment! I miss you and hope you, your hubby,daughters, and all those beautiful birds are doing good. You are blessed! I would be blessed to hear back form you!!!
  • Jenlynn

  • kathleen aldea

    If you woke up this morning
    with more health than illness,
    you are more blessed than the
    million who won't survive the week.

    If you have never experienced
    the danger of battle,
    the loneliness of imprisonment,
    the agony of torture or
    the pangs of starvation,
    you are ahead of 20 million people
    around the world.

    If you can attend a church meeting
    without fear of harassment,
    arrest, torture, or death,
    you are more blessed than almost
    three billion people in the world.

    If you have food in your refrigerator,
    clothes on your back, a roof over
    your head and a place to sleep,
    you are richer than 75% of this world.

    If you have money in the bank,
    in your wallet, and spare change
    in a dish someplace, you are among
    the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

    If your parents are still married and alive,
    you are very rare, especially in this World

    If you hold up your head with a smile
    on your face and are truly thankful,
    you are blessed because the majority can,
    but most do not.

    If you can hold someone's hand, hug them
    or even touch them on the shoulder,
    you are blessed because you can
    offer God's healing touch.

    If you can read this message,
    you are more blessed than over
    two billion people in the world
    that cannot read anything at all.

    You are so blessed in ways
    you may never even know.
  • Chiranjib Chatterjee

    This is Mr. Chiranjib Chatterjee from India.I am willing to be your friend for exchange of ideas, views and prayer requests. I am a full time Lord's worker in Campus Crusade for Christ. Hope to get your quick reply.
    Ending with love and prayer.
    Yours in Him
  • Paige Robertson myspace graphic comments
    Myspace Weekend Comments
    Hello stranger!!!
    God Bless you today and everyday!!! You are loved and missed.
    I left for a while due to my computer crashing. I think it was all God ordained because I was able to concentrate on other things that needed to get done. Anyway, IM BACK!!! Praise the Lord! and Im moderating again. So watch out! Ill be watching you! Hee Hee. So, my friend, what have you been up to? Tell me what the Lord has done in your life the last few months. Can you believe its already fall??? Crazy, yet I love the fall. It is wonderful. Beautiful. How are all the kids?(birds) I love em'. Anyway, please keep in touch. Ill give you my email address in your messages if you rather communicate that way.
    God Bless!!!!!