Deborah Sue Schenfeld


Victorville, CA

United States

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I'm here to...
check it out
Singing, writing, reading, exercise, embrodery, cooking & baking, organizing stuff.
I'm passionate about...
Jesus & serving people as unto Him!
My story with God
My father died when i was very young. I felt very lonely & afraid. My mother became an alcoholic. I didn't make friends easily. I met one christian girl in 6th grade. (She ended up being my friend for life!) Her parents took me to church, where I asked Jesus to come into my heart & be my Lord & Savior!He has been with me, healed me when I got kicked in the head by a horse & was in a comma for 9 days.Gave me a wonderful Christian husband. We have been married for 34 yrs. this August. We have 3 grown children, 4 grandchildren & a great church family. I'm so very blessed to be a part of the Body of Christ!
Other stuff about me:
Not much to tell. I have a heart for the poor and expect the Lord to be making us able to do something with that desire He gave me to help, very soon!

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  • jolly

    hi deborah
    praise the lord!
    i like to sing songs of high notes. but i can sing ne type of song.
    its just like a passion u know. i just wanna sing 4 Jesus. thats all i want. i want to give all the glory nd praise to Lord Jesus.
    da pray 4 me as i'll be having exams next month nd i've started worrng from now as i've pressure of my teachers nd parents
    although i want to give my best in studz but somehow its not possible.
    please remember
    me in your prayers...........
  • Joyelle

    Hi ,
    Thank you so much for your kind words. I am blessed to have already emailed a few people who were once total strangers. I guess no one is a stranger in Christ --- what a bond we all share. Yes, I teach Grade 3's and feel God has given me that gift. Though this term has been a struggle to get started--due to wanting to get out of it due to my age---but God keeps letting me feel that this is HIS will not mine and that He will help me through it all. Right?? God bless you!
  • AAG Netguy

    It kinda sounds like Bonanza doesn't it? Actually it's from the movie, "The Magnificent Seven". Same genre. :-)

    No problem with the Miracle Grow group. It is there when you need it! Take care!
  • Wendy Harris

    Hi Deborah

    I have had some difficulty in sending messages to you so I contacted Greg the Co-ordinator. So I will try again. Job lasted all of three days - who in their right mind puts 1000 products on a database in no order whatsoever! I was so stressed in the end it relyy wasn't worth it. We have just spent a few days hill walking in a place called Lynton in the County of Deveon. Its known as little Switzaland - very steneous walking - I didn't do as well as last year - but one walk was 15km with only 2km of flat and that on rock. Beautiful area, breathtaking views, I will post on some photos for you. I am helping at the hoiday Bible this week - we expect over 40 children and I'm on lunches and crafts. End of the week I work now as a volunteer at a local neighbourhood help centre. The Lord has really blessed me, both I am my husband understand I really do have limitations now and that for me working is not the best option. I would love to have a dog though! It might get me out and make life less lonely through the week when Simon's at work. We have a very old cat who's deaf and now screaches her demands! She's not a lap cat and a bit daft as well. You are such a blessing as is this site. I will let you know when the August Sermons are placed on our Churches web site so you can hear Simon preaching you prayed so faithfully about.

    God Bless - Wendy
  • Wendy Harris

  • Wendy Harris

  • Wendy Harris

  • Wendy Harris

  • Wendy Harris

    Dear Deborah

    On looking again at the spectacular place only 2 hours from where we live - I have an overwhelming sence of joy and of how blessed we are to have a God who created such beauty. He is truely wonderful.
    Enjoy the photos - and may Jesus ever be your guide this day and forever.

  • ~*Heather*~

    Yes they are. The older two don't really get into sports or anything too much. You know how teenagers are lol. But the 2 little ones like sports. Hannah is doing softball and James is in Karate and Cub Scouts. Thanks for the comment!
  • Joyelle

    What a beautiful family you have now! God has restored some of what was taken from you I see. Yes, I am very busy getting ready for school now and won't have time to write now. School starts tomorrow and I will be working very hard as usual. Pray for God's grace on my life as I work with these young children and for His healing touch on my body as well. God bless you and your family and thanks for your kind words.
  • myfathersdaughter

    Hi Deborah, it's nice to meet you, yes Ar. is right next to MO, I have 4 kids ranging from 2-20 lol yea I know big gaps in between, God just kept blessing me. well hope to hear from you soon.
  • ~*Heather*~

    Yea, I know they do. Tell your son congratulations! God Bless!
  • brateng

    Hi Debbie,

    Bless you my friend! I was surprised to see you drop by my page under the name of "ALAN". I am happy to know that he is your husband. How beautiful is it to have two serving Christ as one like you do. Indeed, he makes twain the glory of his name.

    Thank you for taking time to remember me. Proves that you are such a dependable friends. See what he has made? We have friends in every corner of the globe simply because He first brought us all together. What a wonderful name JESUS is!

    In Christ Jesus-Pastor Bernhard C.
  • avoiceforothers

    Hi Deb...I'm testing my page...would you post a message there for me please??? God bless, Linda
  • avoiceforothers

    Thanks Deb/Sue...both of tyour messsages are in place..God bless you...Now pray for mypage on GodRev...I had a difficulty there, signed off and went back on with another email because I like the access to information...but I've had no response from anyone yet...rare. It's a rather involved story...any huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I hope by tomorrow it will be fine, I will go by and rebuke it also...I understand your attachment to Africa and it's people after your haing been's natural...I have the same feeling in particular for Latinos. Love Linda
    Since I'm mission oriented most of my friends are from far away places...not from the States. You understand, right?
  • Ron Payne

    Well now,
    Giving away secrets hey! Fifty two WOWIE...!
    Just kidding! But must admit, if I lived in your area, Alan would have me up for assault, cause I love pulling your leg.
    Soentjies - Ron.
  • Belle

    Just wanted to stop by and say have a truly blessed day full of joy, love, peace and hope! I am so glad i got to meet you and now have a new, special friend in my life! Have a great day at church and may we be attentive to what our heavenly Father speaks to us. God bless you Debbie, love ya xoxox
  • Belle

    Please pray for my friends little boy Scottie he is 7 and has severe allergies. He went into Denton Regional on Sunday after noon but now was transferred to Cooks Childrens hospital in Fort worth. His breathing is not good he is up and down on the oxygen levels and cannot breathe on his own yet so please pray for him to be able to have his lungs fully healed by the LORD and that he will be able to be released soon. They don’t have medical insurance so they are applying for CHIP so please pray that the LORD also bless them with that to help with all the medical bills. Please pray also that they will be able to find out what causes such severe allergies in him so that he can be healed of that as well. Thank you so much. I know the parents are stressed out, they know the LORD but its still hard having your child in the hospital.
    God Bless you
  • onlyjesus

  • Pastor Bob B

    Thanks for checking out my blog. This message spoke to me I think more than any one. I love the story Ramona sent me also. She really is the bomb isn't she? What a great time we live in that I can share with a group of men something sent to me from a a wonderful sister like her from South Africa. This Net is so special and people like yourself make it special.
    this is the video we worshipped with that goes along with the message.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • melanny manuputty

    Hi Deborah thank's for the respons about the key
    It's really help me
    Jesus lovesyou & your family
    Christian Glitter by


    thank u. so nice to read name means "i have cause to rejoice.
    i am so happy to be a part of this site you know.
  • Sylvia Africa

  • Ramona P. Jacobsz

    Dearest Deborah Sue
    Forget the spelling... Mari says it will soon be nul and void because the kids are into sms language which is developing faster than lightning...

    I am praying for you regarding your darling son and know that God will give guidance... See my recent comment on FAITH...

    Be blessed and know that I truly love you in Jesus
    You are beautiful and upright and that is what I adore about you.
    Fondest love and hugs from SA
    Ramona P.
  • Wendy Harris

    Hi Deborah

    Wishing you and your family Gods Blessing for today Sunday 14th September.

    Have you had your computer fixed yet? Dearest Christian friends so many miles away, I thought I would send my latest news. I have spent a few hours over the past couple of weeks volunteering at a local community centre in a very deprived area of Gloucester - one of many. I and they had fun trying to teach me to use a till, once mastered it broke! then I tried to master a new one and left that day feeling defeated, then last Friday I arrived and a replacement had been installed the same as the first till! I was on duty with a very efficient member of staff, when I saw how quick she was, I thought I'll never do this - but within an hour she had completely retrained me in a different way and I cracked it - I was elated and felt prayers had been answered. Before I left I was asked if I would like to volunteer to work in the office at the day centre where local Mental Health and Learning disabled people attended, of course I said "yes" - especially as I was told that they had no administrative help at all and hadn't had for some weeks and things were in a bit of a mess. I met Loucille and Hugo who run the centre between them and some of their clients, in the afternoon last Friday and once in the office could see how much work needed to be done, I start on Monday 9 - 2 Thursday 9 - 2 this week I am free to join in on a cannal boat outing, and I have offered to do Friday 9 - 2 also except this week I have arranged to visit my neice and will stay overnight. So I am going to offer Wednesday if they'll have me. It will give me a chance to see if I can cope with the hours. I get so fatigued all the time, I have a problem with m y foot and my blood pressure at the moment, I'm told its to do with my long term kidney problem - I have been on tablets so far for 28 years and I am now feeling the side effects. But, sitting in a chair feeling low and sorry for myself is not good and I would think certainly not how God would agree with for too long as he has only us few to reap his harvest.
    My husband Simon is preaching again tonight at St.Mary's a small church in the inner city area of Gloucester, so he is very studious this afternoon. We went for a walk yesterday afternoon as its been the first afternoon for weeks where we have seen blue sky and no clouds and it was not raining, we woke up to thick fog this morning which has left us a warm dull humid day - at least we do have weather changes a plenty here so no wonder we are always moaning about it. The farmers are worried about harvesting the corps as the rain has been so heavy and its costing too much deisel to dry them out so it would seem we will have to import again this year more than planned.
    Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  • Belle

    Hi my friend! Just wanted to wish you a very pleasant, love filled, joy filled happy week ahead. How are you today? I know you are probably still sleeping since i am ahead of you. Well my friend love ya! Hope to talk to you soon
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    The same wonderful wishes right back at cha, darlin'! I wish my computer was fixed! I need to be patient, since the guy is doing me a favor. My daughter said the hurricane winds came to their door in Ark, but they are OK. Did you get much of that? I miss our chats, but everytime I tell Alan I'll just be 15 mins., it ends up an hour! God bless you guys! Debbie
  • Kim Dupee

    hey thanks for the add. may god bless you and your family
  • Kim Dupee

    thank you that really means alot to me. God bless you and your family.
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz

  • Ramona P. Jacobsz


  • MaryAnn

    Hi Debbie, I am doing fine. Today I spent most of the day gardening, trimming trees, etc. We have a small group at church tonight and pot luck...something new we are trying. Also our pastor is attending the Signs & Wonders Conference in Toronto at TCAF next week. Lots of exciting things. How about you. What's new?

  • Belle

    I am so happy to hear that my friend, God is so good! I am sorry i missed you. I was sewing stockings for my church we decorate them after they are sewed and fill them with goodies, for the Dallas Dream Center for children who don't receive anything whose parents are maybe in prison, etc. so i was busy with that. Darn...i so would hav eliked to talk to you too, i hope to see you again soon. Have a super blessed day. Love ya
  • kathleen aldea

    The storms of our life
    Prove the strength of our anchor…..

    "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine
    and puts them into practice is like a wise man
    who built his house on the rock.- Matt.7:24

    Living for the Lord,serving Him each day,
    Best prepares the soul for the stormy way;
    Then as trials come,tempting to despair,
    We can rest secure,safe within His care.

    God bless u my dear friend....
  • Janice K. Min

    Hi Deborah Sue. Thanks for not forgetting me. I do hope all is well with you & yours. I had an appt. to see the Neurogurgeon on Sept. 17th. Although I had known him before, he just seemed uninterested in what I am going through right now. At first my feelings were hurt, then I got angry, then I took it to God which I should have done in the first place. Anyway, I expressed my feelings to my Ortho Dr who has referred me to another Surgeon on Sept. the 24th. Please pray that I will have more favorable results. Thanks, I know you will. That's about it for Drs. My back has been hurting worse the past several days - I'm really ready to get some relief.

    Little Jessie remains spoiled rotten. Now she tell me when she is ready to get in bed (she sleeps between my legs in the recliner). I haven't been able to sleep in a bed in over 6mos due to my back & hips. But I get fairly good sleep in the recliner unless I have to readjust Jessie. Do you have any pets? What Kind?

    Thanks for asking about me. I have thought about you too but it seems that every time in the recent past when I have gotten on this forum I am getting music so loud I can't think straight. Ever had this problem?
  • MaryAnn

    Hey there Debbie, I have not been on-line much…been occupied with other things. Faytene Kryskow whom I referred to as the Canadian Joan of Arc is spear-heading 5 CRY's in Canada this year. Carla and I are going to the one in Toronto on October 31st. Also on November first back-to-back to ‘the Cry’ is ‘Heaven’s Rehearsal’at the Roger's Centre, with seating for 50,000. Word of mouth advertising, speakers, lots of dancing and amazing, banners, palm branches, white robes, crowns, all of us worshipping and praising Jesus, the LORD of Lords, and KING of Kings, the Reading of His Word. Last year was amazing.

    Faytene is also going to All Nations Convocation in Jerusalem Sep 29- Oct 13, and is in the process of writing her 2nd book. Her first book is entitled ‘Stand On Guard’.

    Tomorrow evening and Saturday I am going to a Prophetic Conference in Kitchener. Looking forward to all God has in store for me there. It is our pastor who is taking in the Signs & Wonders Conference, but if I can get a ride down next Friday, I would love to go and learn from Heidi Baker, who is the speaker.

    Take care, Hugs,
    Have an amazing time at your conference.
  • The Mission

    Time is free, but it's priceless.
    You can't own it, but you can use it.
    You can't keep it, but you can send it.
    Once you've lost it, you can never get it back.
  • Yoel charan

  • JEN

    Just wanted to say hi. How are you? I know I haven't been very active. I just wanted to say hello.

    Christian Myspace Layouts
  • Ron Payne

    Good day Sweetheart,
    I have not been on leave, but popped in every now and then to make sure that you and Alan were behaving yourselves.
    I take a "Sabbatical" every now and then simply to
    get away from"it all" otherwise I find that I can quickly go stale on my enthusiasm in writing daily
    blogs. BUT! It is people like you, Alan and many other beautiful people, that keep me coming back to AAG for more Christian love and banter.
    In the words of so many singers, especially tenors,
    "You are my hearts delight".
    Also I have the advantage of being an "Old man".
    When I say or write something, people comment back with: "Ya gotta excuse him, he's just an old Fuddy duddy"..... So! Like an ageing politician, It's the only way I can get away with some outrageous statements.
    LOVE you both - The Lord continue smiling on you and Alan.
  • Janice K. Min

    Hi Deborah Sue? And how are you and your family doing? All well I hope. As for me, I feel a little better after seeing the Neuro surgeon yesterday. His decision is back surgery which is good & bad but he says he is sure it will help. My surgery date is October 7th; that's not far away. Please keep me in your prayers which I know you do anyway. Thank you.

    Let me know what's up with you.
  • Janice K. Min

    Thank you, that means alot to me.
  • Angie Gibson

    I am hanging in. I'm just so sick and tired of all the games and his being so selfish. I just want God to get through to him so my children will have their dad back.
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    That'sunderstandable Angie, but as an outsider looking in, I still think counselling would be good. Your girls need you healed & whole. No matter how this turns out you have stuff you need help in dealing with. Even if he moved back in today, things would not be the same as before. You & the girls need to grow stronger in Jesus. You need wisdom, strength, support & to learn to 'war' in the Spirit, not just pray out of a bitter spirit. Don't think I am faulting you in any way. God made the Body of Christ to need one another's help. I'm praying.
  • Angie Gibson

    I agree that we do need counseling, but I can't seem to find one that agrees with my Biblical views. I do not like the one at my church and haven't been able to find another one I feel comfortable with. If he comes home, it will be a non-issue; we will go. I just want to find the right one.
  • Kim Dupee

    i can not find that song you told me about. could you help me find it.
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    I found it again! Go to 'Forum'. scroll down to 'Dealing with sin', click on that, then go to the disscussion on 'Needing encouragement'. The music video is down a ways on the page. It's posted by Carla. It's so cool. I love to listen to it! Let me know what you think of it, K?
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Kim, No, no, it's not that one. It's the one on the next page from that. Go all the way down till you see the 1 & 2, click on 2. Sorry. Let me know if you get it. Maybe i can explain it a better way.
  • mark

    Hello Deborah, I'm Mark new to the site. Just thought I would wish you and your family a BLESSED DAY. May your walk with God be fruitful and fullfilling. Through Christ anything can be done. Just look at your life story Your brother in Christ Mark