
45, Female

Amsterdam, Ohio

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
I'm here to...
Grow in my faith, to learn to give God control of my life, to meet others who share in their love for God.
God, The Bible, Reading, Writing, Camping, Hiking, anything outdoors, taking care of my children.
I'm passionate about...
My faith, my children.

My story with God
For a long time I turned away from God. I felt abandoned by him and I slowly became more lost. I've reconnected with him now and I'm learning that with God there is so much more to life. I will never turn my back again.
Other stuff about me:
I'm a 29 year old mother of one little boy. I do play "second mommy" to my boyfriends young daughter. I want to grow in my faith and feel closer to God. I want to help others who are where I have been find God.

Comment Wall:

  • Carla

    Greetings in the Lord!

    Hi Chrissie,

    This is Carla, one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome to the Wonderful Family of Jesus Followers! We're glad you are here!

    Please be sure to fill out your profile as completely as you can so that we can get to know you better. I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.
    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
    Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.

    In Christ, Carla/NET Moderator
  • Nienie

    Welcome Chrissie
  • Belle

    I see you love to too! What do you write, poetry? I would like to see some of your writings if you would like to share with me one day.
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    So would I, like to see some of your writings. I like poetry too. Your little boy is adorable! You must be very proud of him. How's the weather in Ohio? It's so hot here. Be blessed sister!
  • kathleen aldea

    If you woke up this morning
    with more health than illness,
    you are more blessed than the
    million who won't survive the week.

    If you have never experienced
    the danger of battle,
    the loneliness of imprisonment,
    the agony of torture or
    the pangs of starvation,
    you are ahead of 20 million people
    around the world.

    If you can attend a church meeting
    without fear of harassment,
    arrest, torture, or death,
    you are more blessed than almost
    three billion people in the world.

    If you have food in your refrigerator,
    clothes on your back, a roof over
    your head and a place to sleep,
    you are richer than 75% of this world.

    If you have money in the bank,
    in your wallet, and spare change
    in a dish someplace, you are among
    the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

    If your parents are still married and alive,
    you are very rare, especially in this World

    If you hold up your head with a smile
    on your face and are truly thankful,
    you are blessed because the majority can,
    but most do not.

    If you can hold someone's hand, hug them
    or even touch them on the shoulder,
    you are blessed because you can
    offer God's healing touch.

    If you can read this message,
    you are more blessed than over
    two billion people in the world
    that cannot read anything at all.

    You are so blessed in ways
    you may never even know.

  • Belle

    Just wanted to say thank you to any and all who have joined with us in prayer for my son, he is doing much much better nwo so thank you so much for all your prayers it is much appreciated
    hope your having a great weekend. be blessed
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    How are you ChrissieStarr?
    What is the Lord doing in your life lately? Our hot weather has cooled down a bit here in California. How is it where you are? Be blessed!
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    How are you Chrissy dear? How's that darling little blond boy of yours?
  • lynne

    hi chrissie, hope all is well in your life. Just wanted to say i am here if you need to talk, none of us need to feel alone in Jesus. love lynne.
  • Sylvia Africa

    Hello Chrissie, Its Sylvia here from South Africa, just want to give you a Jesus Hug and smile. I see your son, so cute, give him a hug and kiss too, they are all Gods children.
    God bless you
  • onlyjesus

  • Carla

    How are you my dear? I hope you are doing well. Continue to listen to that voice of truth....Still, Small and Beautiful, filled with Peace and Love.

    Love in Christ, Carla
  • Belle

    Please pray for my friends little boy Scottie he is 7 and has severe allergies. He went into Denton Regional on Sunday after noon but now was transferred to Cooks Childrens hospital in Fort worth. His breathing is not good he is up and down on the oxygen levels and cannot breathe on his own yet so please pray for him to be able to have his lungs fully healed by the LORD and that he will be able to be released soon. They don’t have medical insurance so they are applying for CHIP so please pray that the LORD also bless them with that to help with all the medical bills. Please pray also that they will be able to find out what causes such severe allergies in him so that he can be healed of that as well. Thank you so much. I know the parents are stressed out, they know the LORD but its still hard having your child in the hospital.
    God Bless you
  • Sylvia Africa

    My dear sister in Christ.
    A Jesus hug and smile from me to you.
    God bless
  • Grace4u2receive

    Hello and welcome to, "Be Ye Transformed". Thank you so much for sharing your story! I hope to get to know you better. God Bless you, Grace