Jamie Caton

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Working at mcdonalds
I'm here to...
Fellowship and make frineds and grow deeper in the Lord
Writing, reading.. spending time with my pets and Daughter Jessica. She is 12 years and living with Father and grandmother.
I'm passionate about...
My story with God
I was saved on June 22, 2003. I use to be into the occult but Jesus set me free from all that. Praise God!!!! I still sin.. yet I am saved by grace!
I still struggle with things but don't we all??

Jesus is there to pick me up as we are for each other...Brothers and Sisters in Jesus.
Other stuff about me:
I like christian, praise music and teaching kids about Jesus and how bad the occult is.

Comment Wall:

  • Jamie Caton

    I am looking for friends in Christ. I came to Jesus almost 6 years ago.. I am happy to be in Jesus.. I love him so much.. I would like to hear other testimonys as well.. IT is good to see all beleivers bond together and get along.. GOd bless you sister Jamie
  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here! I'm praising God he has saved you out to the occult and is using you to help others find freedom from that as well.

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • natasha

    thanks for requesting me!!
    God Bless,
  • Mandy

    Dear Jamie; Thank the Lord for bringing the Holy Spirit to you. I have always attended church as a child; however it was only for "show" on my mother and stepfathers part. It wasn't until the last few years as I started really feeling the presence of the Lord, even through adverse times and good times, I knew he was with me. Sometimes I wish I could go on the highest mountain and shout up to him, Thank you dear Lord for Loving me so much. He is so pleased and thrilled when one of his lost has turned back and found him. I am working on teaching my daughters the importance of having Christ in their lives. One is in 6th grade and that is challenging. the other is in 4th. I wish I had started early, teaching them about our wonderful God who Loves us, but they are learning, and they believe; but when they are at school, they sometimes forget. Your friend in Christ Love Mandy
  • AAG Netguy

    Jamie, thanks for your message. I hope TheNET will be a constant source of encouragement to you to help you grow in faith, knowledge and love of the Lord Jesus.
  • Nica

    Hi Jamie! I just want to dropped by and say hello! Is that a kitten? Wow...its so cute!!! Do you love cats? Coz i love cats so much! I have 4 cats, they are gifts from God, i have pics of them in my page..you could take a look if you like.. I think we have a lot in common,coz i love to teach the kids too..that's why i volunteered to be a Sunday School teacher in our church..and I write too.. I know, you're my long lost sister!hahaha..

    Have a blessed day sis! God bless you!
  • Carla Starks

    Hi, Jamie!
    My thoughts and prayers will be with this man. Thank you for letting us know. God Bless You.
    Carla Starks
  • Pastor Bob B

    I will pray. God bless you
  • brateng

    Jamie-Greetings in christ! Glad to know you at long last after the unpleasant brush we had with Janet. I hope the poor soul is fine really. Well, I am pretty sure that the God we serve is going to heal Mr. De Hart because His spirit tells me this is the only way God is going to show His might to Janet...to help free her from the occult...where she still lays her hope...unfortunately. Our prayers are definately with you all and...THERE'S POWER IN PRAYERS and UNQUANTIFIABLE POWER IN THE WONDERFUL BLOOD OF JESUS!! God bless you-Pst. Bernhard
  • AAG Netguy

    Thanks for letting me know, Jamie. Please let Janet know I prayed for her dad just a bit ago.
  • Paige Robertson

    JAMIE!!!!!href="http://www.spiritualgraphics.com">Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    SpiritualGraphics.com How are you?
    I didnt even know that you were back!
    Its good to "see" you. How are you doing?
    How is my dear friend Janet doing? I miss her greatly. I know that she is dealing with alot, including her father. Oh, bless her heart. this has been a real hard year for her. I just feel bad for her, but I also know that she is a very strong person. I admire her perseverance through anything that happens in her life. She is a great positive influence in my life. Tell her hello.
    I lost your number. PLEASE let me know what it is and I will call her.
    God Bless!!
  • Grace4u2receive

    Hello Jamie,

    I'd like to invite you to a group I started, called "Pagan/Wiccan's Transformed by Christ." I'd like to get people who where involved in the occult as well was have it a learning place for those who are still involved in it. I'd love to have you there and learn more about you!
  • Yoel charan

    Christian Myspace Comments

  • Grace4u2receive


    Thanks for your reply! I've changed the group name to, "Be Ye Transformed." So you can go to my page and look under my groups, or you can go to the list of groups on the home page. When you go into the group, it will show join this group near the top of the page. Let me know if you need more help! God Bless you, I'll keep you in prayer! Grace
  • kathleen aldea

  • Carla

    Praise Him even in the Storms of life!

    Hi Jamie,

    I'm sorry to hear of your loss. May God give you His peace which surpasses all understanding. I am glad that you have made it back to us here. It is good to see you.

    Love, Your sister in Christ, Carla
  • christopher lingk

    Hey jamie,
    It's awesome to see God work in people's lives. I'm so glad He delivered you out of bondage to the occult. Isn't serving God sooooo much more fun ?!? Proud of you. May God continue to bless your life to the fullest. Take care.
  • Carla

    Hi Jamie. I hope this message finds you well, and standing in God's Truth...

    Love in Christ, Carla