
, Female


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Retired from regular work, Working for my King!
I'm here to...
Share with and encourage other Christ followers
Spending time with God, studying HIS Word, singing, praying, worshipping, spending time with family, cooking & eating, gardening, scrapbooking, reading Christian books.
I'm passionate about...
My daily walk with Jesus, and discovering more and more about the pure and holy nature of God.
My story with God
My background is Roman Catholic. I never knew growing up that I could have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I was living for myself, doing whatever I pleased, gambling, drinking, partying, telling off-colour stories, dabbling in the occult, yet still going to church on Sundays.
The first time I read the Bible was in 1979. For six months, I was travelling by train four hours a day to get to my job in another city. During this time, I read the New Testament over and over, and really enjoyed reading about Jesus. I found the stories amazing. Even though I was reading the Bible, the revelation of God's truth did not yet get through to me.
Then in 1997 I had another nudge, while exercising. I distinctly heard a voice say: 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God.' It was so bizarre, that I looked around to see who was talking. No one was in the house. I made a note in my journal, of what I heard that day.
Then in 2003, on April 12th, I was attending an Alpha Course where we could ask all the hard questions. We were discussing 'Who is Jesus?' and 'Why did He die?' I realized that I needed to make a choice. The facilitator said that I could be sure of where I would go when I died, and I wanted to be sure. I was at home all by myself, when I invited Jesus into my heart. He came in so lovingly and I experienced real forgiveness for the first time in my life. I was exhilarated and joyful, and I still am.
My husband, Tony did the Alpha Course with me, and said the sinners prayer the following week, but he did not have the experience of being saved until later. It happened on January 6, 2005, while he was listening to a taped message by Jack Frost, 'Hindrances to Receiving the Father's Love'. He then had the awareness: 'It's not about me, it's about Jesus'. What an amazing revelation. Now God had his attention, and his heart. You really know when God has a hold of you. We are both so thankful that we can serve our King together. We are growing in His love and knowledge. God is so Good!
The two most exciting things in my life were when my daughter, Carla, gave her heart to Jesus on October 1, 2006, after I prayed with her, and God delivered her from anxiety. My son Rob gave his heart to the Lord on July 1, 2007 while while we were visiting him. We drove 8,000 km on that journey, and it was a pleasure. All the stories are amazing. These precious ones are all on fire to spread the love of God to others. Thank You, Jesus! You are the One who saves us all. Now we are praying for household salvation. There are still a few more to come.
Other stuff about me:
My husband and I both have a heart for mission work. Last winter we built a home in Jequetepeque, Peru. Hopefully it can be used as a respite for missionaries in need of a rest. We plan to serve God, wherever we are, here in Canada, or at our home away from home in Perú. God is great! HE is good all the time!

I choose to serve God, and day-by-day am learning to live in His will, and to trust and obey HIM. HE is my King!. I do not lose sight of the fact that I am a sinner saved by HIS grace. I am a grateful daughter and I know what I've been saved from. I plan to live in blessings from now on, and to occupy until He comes for me, or until I go to be with Him.

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  • MaryAnn

    Hi there. My husband and I are getting away for a couple of days. Please be blessed and we'll catch up when we get back.

    Blessings from Almighty God!
  • Pastor Bob B

    You have a wonderful time at your cottage. I pray that you will have a lot of sunshine. We are being soaked in the natural as well in the spiritual here in Vermont. Keep my friend Jacob the 13 year old who wrote that awesome song. I have sent it around the world today. Hopefully they will put it on You tube so we can share it.
    In the love ofChrist.
  • Carla

    yeah so cool....Now I can leave you a message here if I need to.

    Have a great time. Remember to say hi for me to everyone.

    Lots of Love, Carla
  • Nienie

    see you are going away for a couple of days, enjoy every minute!!!will miss you but wants you to enjoy!
    BLessings Nienie
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Mary Ann,
    Just wanted to tell you that 'moomins' changed her profile to Firefox. I don't know if she had a problem or maybe was just getting to many responces to her pretty face! Ha, ha!
    Be blessed my dear sister.
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    I decided photos really help. It isn't the most flattering I've ever took, but it's real people. Glad you had an enjoyable getaway! Every one should now & then.
    I went bowling with my friend Jeanie, (Jeanette, she's on here) for her birthday. Today, my body feels as if it will never be the same! Laugh! We both won a game & the hubbys are NOT going to get a rematch! Have a blessed day! Deborah
  • Nienie

  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi MaryAnn, I place what you wrote in the wise sayings group because it was so good. Yesterday God dropped into my Spirit a message a scripture in Joel, that talks about multitudes in the valley of discussion, I found a on line book
    From Vapors To Floods by Jack Hyles. He had a chapter about 7 different valleys in Bible times and tied them into Joel 3:14. It seems like God always gives me a message like this when He is going to give me a chance to preach. I then when approached know it is something God wants me to do.
    I hate surprises and god known it so I love him for caring about the details of our lives.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

    No I haven't heard of Gram Cook but will look him up. I spent last night watching Battle ground with Ron Luce. on GodTV. It was unbeleavible. At the alter call he had those who wanted to be saved to stand up and shout,I choose the cross! It was wonderful seeing hundreds jump to there feet and scream out I choose the cross and come to the alter.
    You might be able to see it ondemand.
    I found a new song today which is going to become my newest motto to live by.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Hi Mary Ann,
    Thank you for your kind comment. So how are you doing Mighty Woman of God? I know Graham Cooke! Did he come to your neck of the woods? Bless ya sister!
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi sister, I just get such a sense of joy in what God is about to do in our churches and in our personal lives. I have been studying this morning on the topic of,
    How we live our live tells what we believe about eternity.

    I feel the greatest tragedy there is, is when some one really thinks they know the the Lord and don't.
    I have known many people that I thought were Christians and were not.

    I want to really grasp for myself the identity of a true follower of Christ. I know the scripture of the tares and the wheat, so I know that there will always be tares among the wheat until the end of the age. As an evangelist I have a passion to reach lost people. The hardest thing to do in evangelism is to help the person to acknowledge that they are lost and do not know the Lord. This is absolutely the work of the Holy Spirit working in the person's life.

    The whole thought of our perception of eternity changing the way we live our lives here on Earth is powerful. This is why the Word of God is so important in our live, it is the truth that will set us free from the entanglements of the world.

    We find our worth in Jesus and we need to live our lives for the Lord.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Mary Ann, So glad to hear from you, always!
    I'd love to hear Graham Cooke again. He is lovable & effective, isn't he?! Just like a big, heacen-sent Teddy-Bear! His Word arrows pierce your heart with a chuckle & a sigh. Aww, good stuff! Man, I've got several friends on here now, that I would like to be able to 'teleport' into their church services & fellowship with! Did you ever see the British show, "Dr. Who"? Just get in that Tardis booth & be there. Ha, ha! Have a very blessed day, dear lady!
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Mary Ann'
    'Dr. Who' was a silly British time-travel series. We used to get reruns on channel 28. It was a real low-budget production, but had quite a following.
    I just thought you might have seen it, because of British influence in your country. I am so ignorant of anything concerning Canada! Our schools when I was growing up taugh as much about Canada as if it was a barren waste! Sad, I know. I'm sure some of us have thought of Canada as little more than an English protectorate with a lot of French thrown in! I'm so excited about the things you shared, (re: unity) that are happening there! It makes my heart burn & my spirits soar! Keep us informed, please! Love, D.
  • george

    Marry Anne,
    Hello! i've been so thankful for your msges you're sending me. Though i've been out of this site for a long time becoz of missions from far flang mountainous areas, am happy hearing from you all my brothers and sisters in Christ here at AAG. May our gracious God continue to reveal to you his puspose of your life and His calling to both of your husband. I will continue on praying for God not only to grant what your heart desires but more than to that.....God's desires for you and your husband. Keep up the good work in the Lord for it will not be in vain. (1Cor. 15:58). God bless you! Christ servant, Pastor George H. Manalang
  • AAG Netguy

    Glad you like my updated page. My wife took this picture and the banner picture. She's a good photographer as is my youngest daughter, aged 13. Hope you were able to get your email situation straightened out.
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Mary Ann,
    How are you doing dear lady? What's been happening with you?
  • Pastor Bob B

    I do not know if you have heard this, I have sent it to many friends. It is so powerful.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Saturday 8-16-08 at 10am to 10 pm

  • Yoel charan

  • Pastor Bob B

    Yes it was Graham Cook's voice! in the video. I am so glad that you pointed him out to me. Also the Call this saturday is very important to the US. My Church is going to be having a live feed at the church from 10am to 10pm, I am planning going to seek the Lord for my nation, we have invited the area churches to join with us, so i hope we have a good turn out. Please keep me in your prayers for I have to go into the hospital over night for a sleep study. I have sleep acmea and a enlarged heart on the right side. I had my prayer group lay hands on me last night and I am believing for healing.
    God bless you and your family.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

    thank you for asking about my sleep study. No i have not heard any thing yet. there are over a thousand pages from the study, so it takes a few days to go through it.
    Please remember my sister in your prayers, she is in the hospital, 2 of my friends and myself went to pray for her after church today. She is only a couple weeks old in the Lord and she was overcome by the presence of the Lord as we were. I had such peace after we went. It is hard to get use to Joyce and my brother Bo both Christians now. I almost start crying when my brother tells me he will keep me in his prayers. I cant't wait for his wife gets saved also.
    thank you again for your prayers and your love.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thank you for your prayer and your love. God is so faithful and kind to us every day. May our hearts be filled with his praises every day. I got a confermation in your prayer that my brother's wife Susan is going to be saved very soon. I just broke out in tears as I am writing this with the confermation of the Spirit. Thank you for your heart for the Lord and for his people.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Patch

    Mary Ann,thank you for your message about Joy & Negativity,i pray every day ,waiting with humility for jesus to give his pan for me. God bless Patch
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thanks for the reminder that the joy of the Lord is our strength.
    I find that the joy of the Lord is always present if we will allow it to be the motivating factor in our lives. Joy is our most attractive quality as Christians. I love to just let the joy explode in worship with the brethren. Nothing like it in the world.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Leonard T

    Just a note to let you know that you were prayed for today.

    Lord Bless,
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Carla

    Hi Mom,

    I hope you had a great prayer meeting, I am excited to hear about it.

    Also, I have more milk bags for you...

    Lots of love, Carla
  • Christy Gabriel

    Please pray for me sister Mary Ann
  • Carla

    Amen! Praise God! Thank you for your encouragement Mom. God is way bigger than all of this!

    Lots of Love, Carla
  • Christy Gabriel

  • onlyjesus

  • Patch

    Mary Ann,I't so nice to read your story & view your pictures.I feel so inspired ,your messages are always helpful,I try to stay focused and most of all to me is being humble as our lord ! Patch
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi maryAnn, I want to encourage you today to take some time today to worship the Lord. Just take any cares you might have and place them on the shelf for a while and allow the Lord to renew your strengh. I will leave you a few videos.
    In the the great love of Jesus.
  • Patch

    Maryann, I will continue on this road,if I has any ? as I study I will give you a shout,thanks for the support .......Patch
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi MaryAnn, There is nothing like going on a mission trip to build a life time bond with some one. God is so good to let them be your neighbors. You know this is what god wants is to have these kinds of friendships. Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.
    Malachi 3:16. God must have written down that joyful conversation.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Patch

    MaryAnn,thank you for including me in your prayers this morning,I suffer from panic attacks & tremors,&I have a hard time in the morning because of the medications,& my hands shake well this morning I woke with a good feeling in my heart so I started to check my messages which I do normally do at night & there was this message from you......God Bless,Sister MaryAnn
  • Ratan

    Thank you so much for your precious prayes towards me. I really needed it . I will definitely keep you in m y prayers. Just want to let you know that on saturday and sunday we have two days of gospel meeting in which 30 were saved and added to our church. I praise God and all Glory to Him. Continue to pray for my ministry.
  • Patch

    Thanks, MaryAnn for the response,I realized at first I was sending messages the wrong way. Great Blessing......Patch
  • Pastor Bob B

    Dear MaryAnn, thank you for sharing, may we always remember to live our lives well for the Lord each day, so our tomorrows will be brighter and we won't have to clean up our messes from yesterday as much. Thank God we have the Holy Spirit helping us day by day.
    In the love of Christ.
  • Patch

    Hi MaryAnn,May I add,Am I brave enough to renew my intentions & god resolutions each day, & to make an honest effort to follow them? Gods help will not fail me. My old faults will slowly disappear as I advance in the practice of the opposite virtues. thus, if I have a fault of laziness, I can best conquer it by seeking more opportunities to perform good deeds . And so will it be with my other faults.
  • Patch

    MARYNN, That the Greatest gift I could receive! I humbly thank you, God bless My Sister......Patch
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Maryann, I have been seaching for a video all morning to support my message that I will minister at a mens breakfast Saturday.
    I found this video that is awesome called his Unfailing love.
    It has that special anointing on it that I pray will touch the men's hearts that come Saturday.
    My message is called; We are never alone in the valley.
    I thank God that we are never out of His loving care.
    When our children were small, we had to constantly keep them in our care, and I think it is like that with our heavenly Father, we are never out of his care even in the valleys.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. You know I am realising that if we will just key in on those issues that God is speaking to us and take some time and allow the Holy Spirit to do his work instead of going on to something else, The word of God will do its work in us.
    Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi MaryAnn, You will most likely recognise Turner...
    Check him out
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    How are you dear lady? I haven't heard from you for awhile. I guess we have just been responding to different posts. My computer is still in the fixit shop. My hubby's laptop is hard to read. How i your family doing? Be blessed!
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dearest Sister MaryAnn
    How are you dear? Pray everything is well with you all there. Just miss you. God bless you always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • kathleen aldea

    The storms of our life
    Prove the strength of our anchor…..

    "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine
    and puts them into practice is like a wise man
    who built his house on the rock.- Matt.7:24

    Living for the Lord,serving Him each day,
    Best prepares the soul for the stormy way;
    Then as trials come,tempting to despair,
    We can rest secure,safe within His care.

    God bless u my dear friend....
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Ohhh, a sign & wonders conferance in Toronto! That sounds wonderful! Tomorow I'm going to an 'Invasion' conferance in Oceanside! May we be simutaneously 'blased' by the powerful Presence of God, eh?! Great blessing to you & yours dear lady!
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Oh, I remembered what I wanted to ask you! Have you heard any more about about the woman you were calling the Canadian 'Joan of Arc'? Also, what do you think of Sarah Palin?
  • The Mission

    Time is free, but it's priceless.
    You can't own it, but you can use it.
    You can't keep it, but you can send it.
    Once you've lost it, you can never get it back.